PhpStorm 2017.1 Help

Adding, Editing and Removing Watches

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If you want to evaluate a number of variables or expressions in the context of the current frame, and view all of them simultaneously, you can create watches for them. The values of the expressions are updated with each step through the application, but are only visible when the application is suspended. Unlike the Expression Evaluation feature, these expressions are persisted as the part of your project.

This section describes how to add items to watches, change and remove watches.

Accessing the Watches pane

By default, the Watches pane is hidden and the watches are shown in the Variables pane.

  • To have the Watches pane displayed separately and view the configured watches in it, release the Show watches in Variables tab toggle button /help/img/idea/2017.1/show-watches.png on the toolbar of the Variables pane. By default, the button is pressed.
  • To hide the Watches pane and view the watches in the Variables pane, press the /help/img/idea/2017.1/show-watches.png toggle-button on the toolbar of the Watches pane.

Creating watches

To add an item to a watch

Do one of the following:

  • In the Watches pane, click /help/img/idea/2017.1/new.png, or just press Insert.
  • On the Variables pane, in the Inspection window, or in the Evaluate Expression dialog box, right-click the desired item and choose Add to Watches on the context menu.
  • Select the desired item in the Variables pane and drag it to the Watches pane.
  • Select item in the editor, right-click it and select Add to Watches on the context menu.

Editing watches

To edit a watch

  • To change the expression represented by a watch, right-click the desired watch and select Edit on the context menu.

Deleting watches

To remove a watch

  1. In the Watches pane, select a watch to be deleted.
  2. On the context menu, choose Remove Watch, or press Alt+Delete.

See Also

Last modified: 19 July 2017