PhpStorm 2018.1 Help

Debugger. Stepping

File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Stepping for Windows and Linux
PhpStorm | Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Stepping for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S settings

Use this page to improve the debug stepping speed and specify the elements to be skipped while stepping.

Do not step into library scriptsSelect this checkbox to suppress stepping into library scripts while debugging.
Do not step into scriptsSelect this checkbox to suppress stepping into certain scripts while debugging. Use the toolbar buttons to manage the list of scripts to be skipped.
newAlt+InsertClick this button to add a new script filter.
deleteAlt+DeleteClick this button to delete the selected filter from the list.
edit1EnterClick this button to edit the selected filter.
arrowUp/arrowDownUse these buttons to arrange filters as required.
copy iconClick this button to create a copy of the selected filter.
Last modified: 27 July 2018

See Also