PhpStorm 2018.1 Help

Step Filters

File | Settings | PHP | Debug | Step Filters for Windows and Linux
PhpStorm | Preferences | PHP | Debug | Step Filters for macOS

The page and all the pages under this node are available only when the PHP plugin is enabled. The plugin is activated by default. If the plugin is disabled, enable it on the Plugins settings page as described in Enabling and Disabling Plugins.

On this page, specify the PHP methods and functions which you want the debugger to skip in addition to the common list of items to be skipped which is defined on the Debugger. Stepping page.

Skip magic methodsSelect this checkbox to suppress stepping into PHP magic methods and any other methods or functions with names starting with a double underscore __.
Skip constructorsSelect this checkbox to suppress stepping into constructors.
Skipped Methods In this area, create a list of specific methods that you do not want PhpStorm to step into.

To add a method to the list
Click new and in the Add Method dialog box that opens type the name of the required function or the fully qualified name of the required method in the format:

  • \Namespace\Class->Method for non-static methods.
  • \Namespace\Class::staticMethod for static methods.

To remove a method from the list
Select the method to allow stepping into and click delete.

Skipped Files In this area, create a list of specific files that you do not want PhpStorm to step into. This is helpful when you are using a framework with numerous core files stepping into which is not necessary and only wastes your time.

To add a file to the list
Click new, then click browseButton in the newly added line, and then select the file to skip in the dialog box that opens.

To remove a file from the list
Select the file to allow stepping into and click delete.

Last modified: 27 July 2018

See Also