PhpStorm 2018.1 Help

Live Template Variables

When a live template abbreviation is expanded, variables are replaced by predefined values (default or calculated using functions) and appear as input fields that the user can modify.

Variables within templates are declared in the following format:


Each variable is defined by an expression, and can accept some default value for cases when the expression fails to evaluate.

This expression may contain constructs of the following basic types:

  • String constants in double quotes.
  • The name of another variable defined in a live template.
  • Predefined functions with possible arguments.

Template variables can be configured in the Edit Template Variables Dialog.

To configure template variables:

  1. On the Live Templates page of the Settings / Preferences Dialog, select the template (or create a new one) for which you want to configure variables.
  2. Enter the variables in the correct places in template text and click Edit variables
  3. In the Edit Template Variables dialog, you can do the following for each variable:
    • Change its name.
    • Define the expression using predefined functions.
    • Specify the default value for cases when the expression fails to evaluate.
    • Specify whether you want to skip the variable when prompting the user for input if the variable was defined using its expression.

Predefined template variables

PhpStorm supports the following predefined live template variables that cannot be modified:

  • $END$ indicates the position of the cursor after the template is expanded. For example, the template return $END$; will be expanded into return ; with the cursor positioned right before the semicolon.
  • $SELECTION$ is used in surround templates and denotes the code fragment to be wrapped. After the template is expanded, the selected text is wrapped as specified in the template. For example, if you select EXAMPLE in your code and invoke the "$SELECTION$" template via the assigned abbreviation or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T and selecting the desired template from the list, PhpStorm will wrap the selection in double quotes as follows: "EXAMPLE".

Predefined functions used in live template variables

The following functions can be used to define live template variables:

camelCase(String) Converts a string into camelCase. For example, camelCase(my-text-file), camelCase(my text file), and camelCase(my_text_file) all return myTextFile.
capitalize(String)Capitalizes the first letter of the parameter.
capitalizeAndUnderscore(sCamelCaseName) Capitalizes all the letters of a CamelCase name passed as the parameter, and inserts an underscore between the parts. For example, capitalizeAndUnderscore(FooBar) returns FOO_BAR.
classNameComplete()This expression substitutes for the class name completion at the variable position.
clipboard()Returns the contents of the system clipboard.
complete()Invokes code completion at the position of the variable.
completeSmart()Invokes smart type completion at the position of the variable.

Returns the current system date in the specified format.

Without a parameter, the current date is returned in the default system format.

decapitalize(sName)Replaces the first letter of the parameter with the corresponding lowercase letter.
enum(sCompletionString1,sCompletionString2,...)Returns a list of comma-separated strings suggested for completion when the template is expanded.
escapeString(sEscapeString)Escapes the string specified as the parameter.
expectedType()Returns the expected type of the expression into which the template expands. Makes sense if the template expands in the right part of an assignment, after return, etc.
fileName()Returns the name of the current file with its extension.
fileNameWithoutExtension()Returns the name of the current file without its extension.
firstWord(sFirstWord)Returns the first word of the string passed as the parameter.
JsArrayVariable() Returns the name of the current JavaScript array.
jsClassName()Returns the name of the current JavaScript class.
jsComponentType() Returns the type of the current JavaScript component.
jsMethodName()Returns the name of the current JavaScript method.
jsQualifiedClassName() Returns the complete name of the current JavaScript class.
jsSuggestIndexName() Returns a suggested name for an index.
jsSuggestVariableName() Returns the suggested name for a variable.
lineNumber()Returns the current line number.
lowercaseAndDash(String) Converts a camelCase string into lower case and inserts n-dashes as separators. For example, lowercaseAndDash(MyExampleName) returns my-example-name.
snakeCase(String) Converts a string into snake_case. For example, snakeCase(fooBar) returns foo_bar.
spaceSeparated(String) Converts a string into lowercase and inserts spaces as separators. For example, spaceSeparated(fooBar) returns foo bar.
substringBefore(String,Delimiter) Removes the extension after the specified delimiter and returns only the file name. This is helpful for test file names (for example, substringBefore($FileName$,",") returns component-test in component-test.js).
time(sSystemTime)Returns the current system time in the specified format.
timestamp() Returns the current time in milliseconds calculated from the January 1, 1970. Refer to the article Unix time.
underscoresToCamelCase(String) Replaces underscores with camelCase letters in the string passed as the parameter. For example, underscoresToCamelCase(foo_bar) returns fooBar.
underscoresToSpaces(sParameterWithSpaces) Replaces underscores with spaces in the string passed as the parameter. For example, underscoresToSpaces(foo_bar) returns foo bar.
user()Returns the name of the current user.
Last modified: 27 July 2018