PhpStorm 2018.3 Help

Reporting Issues and Sharing Your Feedback

PhpStorm provides various means to report problems and seek for assistance. In this section:

Locate PhpStorm log

On certain occasions, you will be required to attach the PhpStorm log to an email to the support service. You can easily locate the log file as described below.

  • On the main menu, choose Help | Show Log in ....

Report an issue in Youtrack

  1. Log in to your https://youtrack.jetbrains .com/ account.

    If you are not yet registered, do it.

  2. Click Create issue.

  3. On the page that opens, choose PhpStorm from the Project drop-down list.

  4. Describe your problem and provide a brief summary in the Description and Summary fields respectively.

  5. If it is possible, attach a screenshot that illustrates your problem.

  6. Click Create issue.

Configure PhpStorm log settings

To avoid editing the log.xml file itself, PhpStorm suggests a handy dialog box to change logging level for a category. This file resides under the bin directory of PhpStorm installation.

  1. Click Help | Debug Log Settings.

  2. In the Custom Debug Log Configuration dialog, type the log categories names, separated with new lines.

Sharing feedback

Seeking assistance

To find assistance, do one of the following:

  • Apply to the JetBrains Support

  • Write to the support service. Use the following address:


    If necessary, attach the source code and the PhpStorm log.

    If necessary, attach the summary of PhpStorm settings related to your problem:

    1. On the main menu, choose Help | Settings Summary. The Settings Summary dialog box opens.

    2. From the Issue Type drop-down list, choose the subsystem in which you encountered a problem, the available options are:
      • Web Debug
      • CLI Debug
      • Deployment to view the settings that affect interaction with remote hosts.

      • PHPUnit to view the settings that affect unit testing.

      Depending on your choice, PhpStorm displays all the settings that are related to or may affect the activities in the chosen area.
    3. To save the summary to clipboard, click Copy.

  • Ask the PhpStorm community.

Last modified: 18 March 2019