PhpStorm 2018.3 Help

Resolving Commit Errors

In this section you can find examples of CVS-specific error messages and suggestions on resolving conflicts that may occur when you commit your changes.

If any error occurs when trying to commit, PhpStorm displays an error message. For example:

  • If you have a modified file, which has been already changed on the server by someone else, since your last synchronization, you will get the following error:
    Error: cvs server: Up-to-date check failed for 'source/com/...'

    In this case you would need to merge your local copy with the current revision in the repository. When the copies are merged, and all possible conflicts are resolved, so that the file is assigned the merged status, you can safely commit it to the repository.

  • If you try to commit a file marked with a sticky tag, or sticky date, the CVS server will detect an attempt to change the past, and the error looks as follows:
    Error: cvs server: sticky tag '1.1' for file 'source/com/impl/ is not a branch

    To solve the problem, you need to update with resetting sticky data; in this case your changes will be merged with the most recent revision of the file. After resolving possible conflicts (by calling the Merge command) you will be able to commit the files.

Last modified: 18 March 2019

See Also