PhpStorm 2019.1 Help

Server Certificates

File | Settings | Tools | Server Certificates for Windows and Linux
PhpStorm | Preferences | Tools | Server Certificates for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S the Settings/Preferences icon

PhpStorm provides its own storage for trusted certificates. Use this page to manage this storage.




Accept non-trusted certificates automatically

Select this option if you want non-trusted certificates (that is the certificates that are not added to the list) to be accepted automatically, without sending a request to the server.

AddAlt+InsertAdd a trusted server certificate to the list. Select the certificate file in the dialog that opens.

The certificate file should have an extension .crt, .cer or .pem.

For a trusted certificate, the certificate information is shown in the lower part of the page.


Remove the selected trusted certificate from the list.

Last modified: 26 July 2019

See Also