PhpStorm 2020.2 Help

Class Diagram Toolbar, Context Menu and Legend

For information on how to use the UML class diagram, refer to Working with Diagrams .


FieldsClick this button to show fields in the class nodes.
Constructors the Constructors buttonClick this button to show constructors in the class nodes.
MethodsClick this button to show methods in the class nodes.
the Edge Creation mode buttonClick this button to enable creating extends or implements links between node elements. If this button is not pressed, links cannot be drawn.
Zoom InClick this button to increase the scale of the diagram, or press NumPad+.
Zoom OutClick this button to decrease the scale of the diagram, or press NumPad-.
Actual SizeClick this button to restore the actual size of the diagram.
Fit ContentClick this button to make the contents fit into the current diagram size.
Apply Current LayoutClick this button to apply the current layout, selected from the context menu of the diagram, or press F5.
Save diagramClick this button to save the current diagram as a UML file.
Export to fileClick this button to save the diagram in an image file.
PrintClick this button to print the diagram.

This section describes only those context menu commands that are not available from the toolbar.

Add class to diagramSpaceChoose this command to add existing class to the diagram background.
Collapse nodesCChoose this command to show the containing package of the selected node.
Expand nodesEChoose this command to show class diagram of the selected package.
NewAlt+InsertChoose this command to create a new node element or member.
RefactorPoint to this node to select one of the refactoring commands available in this context.
Jump to SourceF4Choose this command to open the selected diagram node element in the editor.
Find UsagesAlt+F7Choose this command to search for usages of the selected node element.
LayoutSelect the desired diagram layout from the submenu.
Show Edge LabelsCheck this command to show multiplicities in diagram.

Legend of the Class Diagram

PhpStorm follows the UML conventions in showing relationships between the classes.

Besides that, PhpStorm supports the following colors and arrows:

The green arrow corresponds to the implements clause in a class declaration.
The blue arrow corresponds to the extends clause in a class declaration.
Last modified: 11 November 2020