PhpStorm 2020.2 Help

Code Editing

Use the Code Editing page of the Settings/Preferences dialog to configure the general code editing options.

Highlight on Caret Movement
Matched braceSelect this checkbox to have PhpStorm highlight pairs of opening/closing braces when you position the caret right before the opening or right after the closing one. It also works for HTML and XML tags.
Current scopeSelect this checkbox to have PhpStorm highlight the available scope for the code typed in the current caret location.
Usages of element at caret Select this checkbox to have PhpStorm highlight all usages of the element at which the caret is currently positioned.

In the PHP context, PhpStorm automatically highlights extended and implemented methods, import statements, exit points, the places where exceptions are thrown, and loop statements. Highlighting is invoked when you place the caret at an extends, implements, use, use trait, return, try, catch, @throws, break, or continue keyword.

Symbols' usages are highlighted with regard to their scope. For example, highlighting for @throws is not applied inside nested classes and functions.

Specify refactoring options
  • In the editor: select this option to enable the in-place refactoring mode for PHP.

    In the in-place mode, you specify all or most of the information necessary for the refactoring just by typing it, right in the editor. All the affected code fragments are highlighted and change as you type. If appropriate, additional refactoring options are selected in corresponding option boxes.

    The in-place refactoring mode is available for the following refactorings:

  • In the modal dialogs: select this option if you want to use the refactoring dialogs when you refactor your code.

Preselect current symbol name for Rename refactoring

If this checkbox is selected, the old name of a symbol is selected in the editor or in the Rename dialog when the Rename refactoring is invoked for that symbol.


If the checkbox is cleared, the symbol to be renamed is not selected.

Show inline dialog for local variables Select this checkbox if you want to display a confirmation dialog for the "Inline local variable" refactoring.
Error Highlighting
Error stripe mark min height (pixels)In this field, specify the minimum size of the error and warning stripes.
Autoreparse delay (ms)In this field, specify the time period after which PhpStorm starts reparsing the entered text.
The 'Next Error' action goes through
  • The problems with the highest priority: select this option to have PhpStorm pass through the highest priority problems only (for example, errors), when executing Navigate | Next/Previous Highlighted Error command F2/Shift+F2.

  • All problems: select this opiton to have PhpStorm pass through all the existing problems (for example, errors and warnings) sequentially.

Quick Documentation
Show quick documentation on mouse moveSelect this checkbox to show quick documentation for the symbol when you move the mouse pointer over it. The quick documentation popup appears after the delay time specified in the Tooltip delay field.
Editor tooltips
Tooltip delayUse this option to specify the delay for a tooltip appearance.
Last modified: 23 September 2020