PhpStorm 2020.3 Help

Code Inspections in CoffeeScript

This topic lists all PhpStorm code inspections available in CoffeeScript.

You can toggle specific inspections or change their severity level on the Editor | Inspections page of the Settings/Preferences Ctrl+Alt+S.

Probable bugs

InspectionDescriptionDefault Severity
'switch' statement with no default branch

Reports any switch statements in CoffeeScript content which lack default branches. Such statements may result in difficult bugs, if unexpected cases are silently ignored.

Warning Warning
Arguments object outside function

Checks if arguments object used outside function

Warning Warning
Infinite loop statement

Reports any instances of for, while, or do statements which can only exit by throwing an exception. While such statements may be correct, they are often a symptom of coding errors.

Warning Warning
Literal is not a function

Reports when literal expression used as function call.

Error Error
Missing import statement

Checks that all modules are referenced through import statements.

Suggests inserting the import statement.

Weak Warning Weak warning
Variable is assigned to itself

Reports any assignments of the form x = x in CoffeeScript content. These are pointless, and usually indicate programmer error.

Warning Warning


InspectionDescriptionDefault Severity
Signature mismatch

Checks CoffeeScript called function arguments

Weak Warning Weak warning
Unused local symbols

Checks CoffeeScript parameter, local variable, function, classes and private member declarations to be used in given file scope.

Warning Warning
Last modified: 08 March 2021