PyCharm Edu 2019.1 Help

Gutter Icons

File | Settings | Editor | General | Gutter Icons for Windows and Linux
PyCharm Edu | Preferences | Editor | General | Gutter Icons for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S the Settings/Preferences icon

Use this page to hide or show the icons in the gutter area that invoke actions related to the basic, PyCharm Edu-wide features or to framework- and technology-specific features for all the newly created editors.

The right-hand pane shows all the gutter icons available in PyCharm Edu. The basic, PyCharm Edu-wide features, such as the Run button, are displayed at the top of the list under the Common title. Other features are grouped by the frameworks and technologies to which they are related.

Note that a group of technology-related features is displayed only if the corresponding plugin is installed and activated, see Managing plugins for details.

  • To have an icon displayed in the gutter area, find the icon or the corresponding action in the list and then select the checkbox next to it.

  • To have an icon hidden, clear the checkbox next to it.

Last modified: 29 June 2019