PyCharm 2017.3 Help

JavaScript Documentation Look-Up

This feature is only supported in the Professional edition.

PyCharm lets you get reference for standard JavaScript APIs, for symbols from your project and from its dependencies, as well as for symbols defined in external libraries. The documentation is shown in a Documentation pop-up window that helps navigate to the related symbols via hyperlinks, and provides a toolbar for moving back and forth through the already navigated pages.

To view documentation for a symbol at caret
Press Ctrl+Q or choose View | Quick Documentation Lookup on the main menu. The reference for the symbol is shown in the Documentation pop-up window.

  • For a project symbol or for a symbol from the project dependencies, PyCharm generates the documentation from the corresponding JSDoc comment.
  • For a standard JavaScript object or method, PyCharm shows the corresponding JSDoc comment from the built-in TypeScript definition files (d.ts). These files are bundled with PyCharm and updated on a regular basis.
  • If no comment is found in the d.ts files, PyCharm shows a summary from the corresponding MDN article.

To view the MDN documentation for a symbol at caret

  • In the Documentation window (Ctrl+Q), click arrowUp.
  • Alternatively
    Press Shift+F1 or choose View | External Documentation on the main menu.

To view documentation for a third-party JavaScript library

  1. Download the required library or framework, configure it as an external JavaScript library, and specify the link to its external documentation, see Configuring a custom third-party JavaScript library for details.
  2. Position the cursor at the symbol in question and press Shift+F1 or choose View | External Documentation on the main menu.

To view reference in a tool window
Pin the Documentation pop-up window. It turns into the Documentation tool window, with the corresponding sidebar icon and more controls.

To show documentation automatically

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), click General under Editor, then click Code Completion. The Code Completion page opens.
  2. Select the Auto-display documentation checkbox and specify the elapsed time.

To change the font size of quick documentation

  • Click show slider in the upper-right corner of the quick documentation window, and move the slider.
  • Alternatively
    In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), click General under Editor and select the Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel checkbox.

Last modified: 28 March 2018

See Also