PyCharm 2019.2 Help

External Diff Tools

File | Settings | Tools | Diff & Merge | External Diff Tools for Windows and Linux
PyCharm | Preferences | Tools | Diff & Merge | External Diff Tools for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S the Settings/Preferences icon

If necessary, specify external tools for comparing files and folders, and associated settings.



Use external diff tool

Select this checkbox to have PyCharm use an external tool for comparing files or folders.

Path to executable

In this field, specify the path to the executable file of the desired external diff tool. Use Browse Browse button, if necessary.
This field is only available, when Use external diff tool checkbox is selected.

Use by default

Select this checkbox to have PyCharm use the specified external tool for comparing files or folders by default.
If this checkbox is not selected, PyCharm will use the built-in diff tool. To invoke an external tool, click the button External tools on the toolbar of the Differences viewer.

This field is only available, when Use external diff tool checkbox is selected.


Use this field to set the diff tool parameters.

This field is only available, when Use external diff tool checkbox is selected.

Use external merge tool

Select this checkbox to have PyCharm use an external merge tool. In the field below, specify the path to the executable file of the desired external tool. Use the Browse button Browse button, if necessary.

Path to executable

In this field, specify the path to the executable file of the desired external merge tool.
Use Browse Browse button, if necessary.
This field is only available, when Use external merge tool checkbox is selected.


Use this field to set the merge tool parameters.

This field is only available, when Use external merge tool checkbox is selected.

Last modified: 6 November 2019