Qodana 2023.1 Help

GitLab CI/CD

GitLab CI/CD is a tool for software development that uses various CI/CD methodologies. This section explains how you can run Qodana Docker images within GitLab CI/CD pipelines and covers the following cases:

  • Inspecting specific branches and merge requests

  • Forwarding inspection reports to Qodana Cloud

  • Exposing Qodana reports in the GitLab CI/CD user interface

Prepare your project

Make sure that your project repository is accessible by GitLab CI/CD.

In the root directory of your project, save the .gitlab-ci.yml file. This file will contain the pipeline configuration that will be used by GitLab CI/CD.

Basic configuration

This is the basic pipeline configuration.

qodana: image: name: jetbrains/qodana-<linter> entrypoint: [""] cache: - key: qodana-2023.1-$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG fallback_keys: - qodana-2023.1-$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH- - qodana-2023.1- paths: - .qodana/cache script: - qodana --cache-dir=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.qodana/cache

In this configuration, the image:name keyword pulls the Qodana Docker image of your choice.

The cache keyword configures GitLab caches to store the Qodana cache, so subsequent runs will be faster.

The script keyword runs the qodana command and enumerates the Qodana configuration options described in the Shell commands section.

Finally, artifacts configures job artifacts that are uploaded, can be skipped if Qodana Cloud is used (described in the next steps).

Inspect specific branches

Using the only keyword, you can tell Qodana which branches to inspect. To inspect only the main branch and incoming merge requests, you can use this configuration:

qodana: only: - main - merge_requests image: name: jetbrains/qodana-<linter> entrypoint: [""] cache: - key: qodana-2023.1-$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG fallback_keys: - qodana-2023.1-$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH- - qodana-2023.1- paths: - .qodana/cache script: - qodana --results-dir=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.qodana/results --cache-dir=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.qodana/cache

Forward reports to Qodana Cloud

Once the inspection step is complete, inspection reports can be forwarded to Qodana Cloud.

This configuration defines the QODANA_TOKEN variable referring to the Qodana Cloud project token:

qodana: image: name: jetbrains/qodana-<linter> entrypoint: [""] cache: - key: qodana-2023.1-$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG fallback_keys: - qodana-2023.1-$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH- - qodana-2023.1- paths: - .qodana/cache variables: QODANA_TOKEN: $qodana_token script: - qodana --cache-dir=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.qodana/cache

Expose Qodana reports

To make a report available in any given merge request without connecting to Qodana Cloud, you can use the artifacts expose_as keywords and change the path to the artifacts:

qodana: image: name: jetbrains/qodana-<linter> entrypoint: [""] cache: - key: qodana-2023.1-$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG fallback_keys: - qodana-2023.1-$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH- - qodana-2023.1- paths: - .qodana/cache script: - qodana --save-report --results-dir=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.qodana/results --cache-dir=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.qodana/cache artifacts: paths: - qodana/report/ expose_as: 'Qodana report'

Assuming that you have configured your pipeline in a similar manner, this is what it may look like:

  1. Qodana report affiliated with a pipeline in a merge request

    Qodana report affiliated with a pipeline in a merge request

  2. Available actions for a given exposed Qodana artifact

    Available actions for a given exposed Qodana artifact

Combined configuration

This configuration combines all approaches mentioned in this section.

qodana: only: - main - merge_requests image: name: jetbrains/qodana-<linter> entrypoint: [""] variables: QODANA_TOKEN: <your-project-token> cache: - key: qodana-2023.1-$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG fallback_keys: - qodana-2023.1-$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH- - qodana-2023.1- paths: - .qodana/cache script: - qodana --cache-dir=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.qodana/cache
Last modified: 05 July 2023