ReSharper 2017.1 Help

Go to Recent Edits

ReSharper | Navigate | Recent Edits…

This command is similar to Recent Files, but it allows you to navigate to symbols or files that you have recently modified in the current solution.

The list of recent edits is saved separately for each solution you open and it is not cleared when you close the solution. This means that you can invoke this command as soon as you open a solution to get the list of the items you modified during previous working sessions.

You can define whether to show recent edits in the same method as a single entry or as separate entries using the Merge locations in recent edits check box on the Environment | Search & Navigation page of ReSharper options. By default, each edit in the method is shown as separate entry. If this option is enabled, recent edits in the same method will be shown as a single entry, displaying the most recent edit. Recent edits in different methods are always shown as separate entries.

To navigate to a recent edit location

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Backspace or choose ReSharper | Navigate | Recent Edits… in the main menu.
  2. Select an item in the Recent Edits list and click on it or press Enter.
Navigating to recently modified items
Last modified: 12 October 2017

See Also