ReSharper 2017.1 Help

Code Inspections in VB.NET

In VB.NET, ReSharper 2017.1 provides two kinds of code inspections: 244 inspections that detect errors such as broken syntax, unresolved symbols, compiler errors, etc. (you cannot configure or disable any of these inspections), and 241 proprietary code inspections, any of which you can disable or change its severity level.
These code inspections help you detect code issues in design time in all open files, and additionally they allow you to find code issues in specific scope.

Configurable VB.NET inspections are listed below, grouped in the following categories:

Code Notification (1 inspection)

InspectionDefault Severity
Inactive preprocessor branch Warning

Common Practices and Code Improvements (107 inspections)

This category groups inspections that hunt for medium severity issues that mainly affect code readability.
InspectionDefault Severity
Annotation duplicate in hierarchy Warning
Auto-property can be made get-only (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Auto-property can be made get-only (private accessibility) Suggestion
Check for reference equality instead Suggestion
Check for reference equality instead Suggestion
Class can be made sealed(non-inheritable) (non-private accessibility) Disabled
Class can be made sealed(non-inheritable) (private accessibility) Disabled
Container nullability attribute usage with declaration of non-container type Warning
Convert local variable or field to constant (non-private accessibility) Hint
Convert local variable or field to constant (private accessibility) Hint
Convert property to auto-property Suggestion
Convert property to auto-property when possible Hint
Convert property to auto-property with private setter Hint
Field can be made readonly (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Field can be made readonly (private accessibility) Suggestion
Get-only auto-property is never assigned Warning
Member can be made private (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Member can be made private (private accessibility) Suggestion
Member can be made protected (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Member can be made protected (private accessibility) Suggestion
Member can be made static(shared) (non-private accessibility) Hint
Member can be made static(shared) (private accessibility) Hint
Member or type can be made internal(friend) Disabled
Multiple nullable attributes usage Warning
Nullability attribute usage with declaration of void or value type Warning
Parameter can be declared with base type Hint
Parameter type can be IEnumerable<T> (non-private accessibility) Hint
Parameter type can be IEnumerable<T> (private accessibility) Hint
Possible mistaken argument Warning
Possible mistaken call to GetType() Warning
Possible mistaken call to GetType() Warning
Remove ToList() Suggestion
Remove ToList() Suggestion
Replace with FirstOrDefault($args$) Suggestion
Replace with LastOrDefault($args$) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>() (replace with OfType(Of ..)()) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>() (replace with OfType(Of ..)()) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().Any() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Any()) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().Any() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Any(..)) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().Count() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Count()) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().Count() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Count(..)) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().First() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().First()) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().First() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().First(..)) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().FirstOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().FirstOrDefault()) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().FirstOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().FirstOrDefault(..)) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().Last() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Last()) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().Last() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Last(..)) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().LastOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().LastOrDefault()) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().LastOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().LastOrDefault(..)) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().Single() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Single()) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().Single() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Single(..)) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().SingleOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().SingleOrDefault()) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().SingleOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().SingleOrDefault(..)) Suggestion
Replace with OfType<T>().Where() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Where(..)) Suggestion
Replace with single assignment Suggestion
Replace with single assignment Suggestion
Replace with single call to Any(..) Suggestion
Replace with single call to Count(..) Suggestion
Replace with single call to First(..) Suggestion
Replace with single call to FirstOrDefault(..) Suggestion
Replace with single call to Last(..) Suggestion
Replace with single call to LastOrDefault(..) Suggestion
Replace with single call to Single(..) Suggestion
Replace with single call to SingleOrDefault(..) Suggestion
Replace with SingleOrDefault($args$) Suggestion
Return type can be IEnumerable<T> (non-private accessibility) Hint
Return type can be IEnumerable<T> (private accessibility) Hint
Simplify conditional operator Suggestion
Simplify expression Suggestion
Simplify expression Suggestion
Simplify expression Suggestion
Simplify expression Suggestion
Simplify expression Suggestion
Simplify expression Suggestion
Simplify expression Hint
Simplify expression Hint
Simplify expression Hint
Simplify expression Hint
Simplify 'IIf' Suggestion
Specify string comparison explicitly Hint
String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, int, string, int) is culture-specific) Warning
String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, int, string, int, bool) is culture-specific) Warning
String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, int, string, int, bool) is culture-specific) Warning
String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, string) is culture-specific) Warning
String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, string, bool) is culture-specific) Warning
String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, string, bool) is culture-specific) Warning
String.CompareTo is culture-specific Warning
String.EndsWith is culture-specific (string.EndsWith(string) is culture-specific) Disabled
String.IndexOf is culture-specific (string.IndexOf(string) is culture-specific) Warning
String.IndexOf is culture-specific (string.IndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific) Warning
String.IndexOf is culture-specific (string.IndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific) Warning
String.LastIndexOf is culture-specific (string.LastIndexOf(string) is culture-specific) Warning
String.LastIndexOf is culture-specific (string.LastIndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific) Warning
String.LastIndexOf is culture-specific (string.LastIndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific) Warning
String.StartsWith is culture-specific (string.StartsWith(string) is culture-specific) Disabled
try-catch and try-finally statements can be merged Hint
Use array creation expression Suggestion
Use array creation expression Suggestion
Use First() instead Warning
Use method Any() Suggestion
Use method Any() Suggestion
Use method Any() Suggestion
Use method Any() Suggestion
Use method Any() Suggestion
Use method IsInstanceOfType(..) Suggestion
Use 'TypeOf .. Is ..' operator Suggestion
Use 'TypeOf .. Is ..' operator Suggestion

Compiler Warnings (22 inspections)

Inspections in this section detect compiler warnings before you compile.
InspectionDefault Severity
Access of shared member through an instance Warning
Async method lacks 'Await' operators Warning
Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed. Consider applying the 'Await' operator to the result of the call. Warning
Field is never used Warning
Function doesn't return a value on all code paths Warning
Function doesn't return a value on all code paths Warning
Member shadows an overriable member Warning
Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'name' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found Warning
Namespace should be default namespace of this project Warning
Non-accessed field Warning
Non-accessed local variable Warning
Redundant DirectCast to the equals value type Warning
Runtime errors might occur when converting X to Y Warning
Runtime errors might occur when converting X to Y Warning
Syntax error in XML comment Warning
Unassigned field Warning
Unassigned readonly field Warning
Unused local variable Warning
Use obsolete member Warning
Use obsolete member (without message) Warning
Variable is used before it has been assigned a value Warning
XML comment has a tag with a 'cref' attribute that could not be resolved Warning

Constraints Violations (2 inspections)

This category includes code inspections, mostly with the warning severity level, which detect violations related to symbol attributes, including ReSharper's code annotations, and other similar issues.

Language Usage Opportunities (4 inspections)

This category includes code inspections, mostly with the suggestion severity level, which notify you when more advanced language constructs can be used. These inspections detect syntax of outdated language versions and suggest using features from more modern language versions. For most of the supported languages, language version can be detected automatically or set manually.
InspectionDefault Severity
Convert static method invocation to extension method call Suggestion
Loop can be converted into LINQ-expression Hint
Part of loop's body can be converted into LINQ-expression Disabled
Use string interpolation expression Suggestion

Potential Code Quality Issues (60 inspections)

This category includes inspections that detect critical issues (code smells), mostly with Error or Warning level. This category also includes inspections that ensure localization assistance.
InspectionDefault Severity
'?:' expression has identical true and false branches Warning
[ThreadStatic] doesn't work with instance fields Warning
Abstract or virtual(overridable) event is never invoked Suggestion
Access to disposed closure Warning
Access to foreach variable in closure Warning
Access to modified closure Warning
Annotation conflict in hierarchy Warning
Assignment to a property of a readonly field can be useless Warning
Auto-property accessor is never used (non-private accessibility) Warning
Auto-property accessor is never used (private accessibility) Warning
Call to base member with implicit default parameters Warning
Call to 'base.Equals(...)' is reference equality Warning
Cannot resolve property Error
Cannot resolve resource Error
Cannot resolve resource item Error
Cannot resolve symbol in text argument Warning
Class is never instantiated (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Class is never instantiated (private accessibility) Suggestion
Collection is never updated (non-private accessibility) Warning
Collection is never updated (private accessibility) Warning
Collection's content is never queried (non-private accessibility) Warning
Collection's content is never queried (private accessibility) Warning
Element is localizable Warning
Equality comparison of floating point numbers Warning
Event is never subscribed to (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Event is never subscribed to (private accessibility) Suggestion
Event never invoked Warning
Exception rethrow possibly intended Warning
Function never returns Warning
'GC.SuppressFinalize' is invoked for type without destructor Warning
Impure method is called for readonly field of value type Warning
Iterator never returns Warning
Local variable hides member Warning
Non-accessed field (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Non-accessed field (private accessibility) Warning
Non-readonly type member referenced in 'GetHashCode()' Warning
'Object.ReferenceEquals' is always false because it is called with value type Warning
Operator 'is'/'Type Of ... Is ...' can be used Warning
'out' parameter is not assigned upon exit Warning
Overridden GetHashCode calls base 'Object.GetHashCode()' Warning
Parameter hides member Warning
Possible incorrect implementation of Double-Check Locking pattern. Possible multiple write access to checked field Warning
Possible incorrect implementation of Double-Check Locking pattern. Read access to checked field Warning
Possible infinite inheritance Warning
Possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable Warning
Possible write to 'Me' Warning
Return value of pure method is not used Warning
Similar expressions comparison Warning
Static field or auto-property in generic type Warning
Static member initializer refers to static member below or in other part Warning
String formatting method problems Warning
Suspicious type conversion or check Warning
The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' Warning
Thread static field has initializer Warning
Type check and casts can be replaced with try cast Suggestion
Unassigned field (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Unassigned field (private accessibility) Warning
Unassigned readonly field Warning
Use format specifier in format strings Suggestion
'void' method is annotated by [Pure] attribute Warning

Redundancies in Code (22 inspections)

Code inspections in this category look for redundancies and dead code, which affect code readability and style, and could be safely removed. Some code redundancies cannot be fixed automatically, and quick-fixes for them are performed in the interactive mode, requiring the user input. But the majority of the redundancies can be fixed without user interaction, using either fix in scope or code cleanup.
InspectionDefault Severity
Assignment is not used Warning
Explicit 'value' parameter declaration is redundant Hint
Expression is always 'true' or always 'false' Warning
Iterator function without 'Yield' statements Warning
Keyword 'Then' is redundant in multiline 'If' statement Disabled
Parameterless property parentheses are redundant Hint
Parentheses are redundant if attribute has no arguments Hint
Redundant array lower bound specification Warning
Redundant cast Warning
Redundant empty 'Case Else' statement Warning
Redundant explicit size specification in array creation Warning
Redundant 'Me.' qualifier Warning
Redundant 'MyBase.' qualifier Warning
Redundant 'MyClass.' qualifier Warning
Redundant operand in logical conditional expression Warning
Redundant qualifier Warning
Remove redundant parentheses Disabled
Unreachable code Warning
Unused import clause Warning
Use implicit 'ByVal' modifier Hint
Use implicitly typed variable declaration Disabled
Use implicitly typed variable declaration (evident) Hint

Redundancies in Symbol Declarations (23 inspections)

This category includes code inspections, mostly with the warning severity level, which detect empty and unused symbol declarations.
InspectionDefault Severity
Class with virtual(overridable) members never inherited (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Class with virtual(overridable) members never inherited (private accessibility) Suggestion
Local entity is only used to capture it's name Warning
Local function is never used Warning
Local function return value is never used Warning
Method return value is never used (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Method return value is never used (private accessibility) Warning
Non-accessed local variable Warning
Type member is never accessed via base type (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Type member is never accessed via base type (private accessibility) Warning
Type member is only used in overrides (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Type member is only used in overrides (private accessibility) Warning
Type or member is never used (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Type or member is never used (private accessibility) Warning
Unused label Warning
Unused local variable Warning
Unused parameter (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Unused parameter (private accessibility) Warning
Unused parameter in partial method Warning
Unused parameter of local function Warning
Unused type parameter Warning
Virtual(overridable) member is never overridden (non-private accessibility) Suggestion
Virtual(overridable) member is never overridden (private accessibility) Suggestion
Last modified: 12 October 2017