ReSharper 2017.1 Help

External Sources

ReSharper | Options | Tools | External Sources

In this page of ReSharper options, you can define the way ReSharper navigates to external sources.

Default Visual Studio navigation Click this radio button to use Visual Studio navigation. ReSharper navigation to external sources is disabled.
Navigation to Object Browser Click this radio button to navigate to Object Browser by default.
Navigation to Assembly Explorer Click this radio button to make Assembly Explorer window the default target when navigating to compiled code.
Navigation to Sources

Click this radio button to enable navigation to external sources by default. ReSharper navigates to Metadata View or decompiled code, or sources from symbol files depending on the settings defined below. Regardless of the chosen settings, ReSharper can navigate to any of those destinations, when you specify the navigation destination explicitly.

Use sources from symbol files when available Select this check box to use debug information (PDB files) to find appropriate source files and use them to display and navigate the code.
If this check box is selected and the source files are available via the debug information, ReSharper displays and navigates to the original source code.
If this check box is cleared or if source files are not available, ReSharper decompiles the code.
Allow downloading from remote locations Select this check box to enable downloading sources from Symbol Server or other remote locations. If symbol files are available both locally and remotely, ReSharper will display local symbol files.
Decompile methods Select this check box to decompile method bodies to C# code. If this check box is not selected, a metadata view with method signatures will be shown.
Show XML documentation comments Select this check box to include XML comments in the decompiled code.
Reorder members as specified in code style settings Select this check box to apply member reordering according to settings configurable on the Code Editing | C# | File Layout page of ReSharper options.
Advanced Opens the Advanced symbols options dialog to create or edit folder substitution rules.
If an external library was compiled with another computer, then paths inside PDB files may be relative to that computer, and therefore these paths could not be resolved automatically.
To fix this, you need to add folder substitutions rules for each path. Each folder substitution rule contains two paths:
  • Source Folder - a folder specified in the PDB files.
  • Target Folder - a folder with relevant source files on your computer or a corresponding URL of a remote server.
Use Assembly Explorer instead of Object Browser by default Tick this check box if you want to open compiled assemblies in the Assembly Explorer window instead of the Object Browser when you double-click on a reference in the Solution Explorer. Regardless of this preference, you can right-click on the reference and choose where to open it.
Show support information Click the link to show technical details on current external sources configuration.
Last modified: 12 October 2017

See Also