ReSharper 2017.1 Help

Errors/Warnings in Solution window

ReSharper | Windows | Solution Errors

The Errors/Warnings in Solution window displays the list of solution-wide errors that were discovered during solution-wide analysis.


Toolbar Controls

/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.SolutionAnalysis.Screen.[Gray].png Analyze Errors in Solution Toggles solution-wide analysis on/off. For more information, see Enabling Solution-Wide Analysis
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.SolutionAnalysisPause.Screen.[Gray].png Pause Analysis Puts the analysis process on hold until you click Continue Analysis /help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.SolutionAnalysisContinue.Screen.[Gray].png. For more information, see Configuring Solution-Wide Analysis.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.SolutionAnalysisContinue.Screen.[Gray].png Continue Analysis Resumes analysis after it was put on hold by pressing Pause Analysis /help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.SolutionAnalysisPause.Screen.[Gray].png. For more information, see Configuring Solution-Wide Analysis.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.Warning.Screen.[Gray].png Include/Exclude Warnings

Use this button to enable/disable warnings in solution-wide analysis.

By default, solution-wide analysis monitors errors and warnings in your solution: as long as there are errors in the solution, only errors will be displayed; unresolved warnings will appear when the last error is fixed. If you only want to monitor errors, you can disable warnings; in this case, the status bar indicator will turn green as soon as the last error is fixed.

/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.IgnoreErrors.Screen.[Gray].png Ignore Errors Excludes selected errors (or all errors in a selected file) from the list of found errors (or strikes them through if Show Ignored Errors is switched on). For more information, see Ignoring Errors/Warnings in Solution.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.UnignoreErrors.Screen.[Gray].png Stop Ignoring Errors Shows or previously ignored errors (or removes strikethrough if Show Ignored Errors is switched on). For more information, see Ignoring Errors/Warnings in Solution.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.ShowIgnoredErrors.Screen.[Gray].png Show Ignored Errors Makes ignored errors visible but strikes them through.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.ReanalyzeFilesWithErrors.Screen.[Gray].png Reanalyze Files with Errors Launches the process of reanalyzing files where errors were previously found.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.Export.Screen.[Gray].png Export Click this button to export the data currently displayed in the window in text format, or use the drop-down selector to export the data in XML or HTML format. The Export Data dialog that appears, will help you to save the data to a file or copy it to the clipboard.
Last modified: 12 October 2017

See Also