ReSharper 2017.2 Help

Index of EditorConfig properties

This page lists custom EditorConfig properties that you can use for configuring code formatting rules. Note that some properties apply to one language while others apply to several languages at once. However, for each multi-language property, there is a property that can override it for a specific language, for example, align_multiline_parameter and csharp_align_multiline_parameter.

Property nameDescription
accessor_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Accessor declaration (C#)
accessor_owner_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Property declaration (C#)
align_first_arg_by_paren Align Multiline Constructs - First call arguments by '(', available for: C#, C++
align_linq_query Align Multiline Constructs - LINQ query (C#)
align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Call arguments, available for: C#, C++, VB.NET
align_multiline_array_and_object_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array, object and collection initializer (C#)
align_multiline_array_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array initializer (VB.NET)
align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained binary expressions, available for: C#, C++
align_multiline_calls_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained method calls, available for: C#, C++
align_multiline_ctor_init Align multiline construct - Member initializers in member initializer lists (C++)
align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Expression, available for: C#, VB.NET
align_multiline_extends_list Align Multiline Constructs - List of base classes and interfaces, available for: C#, C++
align_multiline_for_stmt Align Multiline Constructs - "for" statement header (C#)
align_multiline_implements_list Align Multiline Constructs - Implements/handles list (VB.NET)
align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
align_multiline_type_argument Align multiline construct - Template arguments (C++)
align_multiline_type_parameter Align multiline construct - Template parameters in template declaration (C++)
align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
align_multline_type_parameter_constrains Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameter constraints (C#)
align_multline_type_parameter_list Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameters list (C#)
align_ternary Align multiline construct - ?: operator, available for: C++, JavaScript
align_union_type_usage Align Multiline Constructs - Union type usage (TypeScript)
allow_comment_after_lbrace Other - Allow comment after '{' (C#)
anonymous_method_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Anonymous method declaration, available for: C#, C++
blank_lines_after_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines - After statements with control transfer (C#)
blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - After imports section (VB.NET)
blank_lines_after_options Blank Lines - After file options section (VB.NET)
blank_lines_after_start_comment Blank Lines - After file header comment (C#)
blank_lines_after_using_list Blank Lines - After "using" list (C#)
blank_lines_around_auto_property Blank Lines - Around auto/abstract property/event (C#)
blank_lines_around_class_definition Blank Lines - Around class/struct/enum definition (C++)
blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines - Around field, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_function_declaration Blank Lines - Around function declarations (C++)
blank_lines_around_function_definition Blank Lines - Around function definitions (C++)
blank_lines_around_global_attribute Blank Lines - After global attribute (VB.NET)
blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines - Around method, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_local_method Blank Lines - Around local function (C#)
blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines - Around namespace, available for: C#, C++, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_other_declaration Blank Lines - Around other definitions and declarations (C++)
blank_lines_around_property Blank Lines - Around property/event (C#)
blank_lines_around_region Blank Lines - Around region, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_single_line_auto_property Blank Lines - Around single line auto/abstract property/event (C#)
blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines - Around single line field, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_single_line_function_definition Blank Lines - Around single line function definitions (C++)
blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines - Around single line method, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_single_line_local_method Blank Lines - Around single line local function (C#)
blank_lines_around_single_line_property Blank Lines - Around single line property/event (C#)
blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines - Around type, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_before_single_line_comment Blank Lines - Before single-line comment (C#)
blank_lines_between_using_groups Blank Lines - Between different "using" groups (C#)
blank_lines_inside_namespace Blank Lines - Inside namespace (C#)
blank_lines_inside_region Blank Lines - Inside region, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_inside_type Blank Lines - Inside type (C#)
brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
break_template_declaration Place on new Line - Break line after the template<...> of a template declaration (C++)
case_block_braces Braces Layout - Block under "case" label, available for: C#, C++
continuous_indent_multiplier Indentation - Continuous line indent multiplier (C#)
continuous_line_indent Indentation - Continuous line indent (C++)
control_statements_braces Braces layout - Control statements (JavaScript)
cpp_align_first_arg_by_paren Align multiline construct - First call argument by '(' (C++)
cpp_align_multiline_argument Align multiline construct - Call arguments (C++)
cpp_align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain Align multiline construct - Chained binary expressions (C++)
cpp_align_multiline_calls_chain Align multiline construct - Chained method calls (C++)
cpp_align_multiline_ctor_init Align multiline construct - Member initializers in member initializer lists (C++)
cpp_align_multiline_extends_list Align multiline construct - Base classes in class base clause (C++)
cpp_align_multiline_parameter Align multiline construct - Function parameters (C++)
cpp_align_multiline_type_argument Align multiline construct - Template arguments (C++)
cpp_align_multiline_type_parameter Align multiline construct - Template parameters in template declaration (C++)
cpp_align_multiple_declaration Align multiline construct - Declarators in declaration (C++)
cpp_align_ternary Align multiline construct - ?: operator (C++)
cpp_anonymous_method_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Anonymous method declaration (C++)
cpp_blank_lines_around_class_definition Blank Lines - Around class/struct/enum definition (C++)
cpp_blank_lines_around_function_declaration Blank Lines - Around function declarations (C++)
cpp_blank_lines_around_function_definition Blank Lines - Around function definitions (C++)
cpp_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines - Around namespaces (C++)
cpp_blank_lines_around_other_declaration Blank Lines - Around other definitions and declarations (C++)
cpp_blank_lines_around_single_line_function_definition Blank Lines - Around single line function definitions (C++)
cpp_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
cpp_break_template_declaration Place on new Line - Break line after the template<...> of a template declaration (C++)
cpp_case_block_braces Braces Layout - Block under "case" label (C++)
cpp_continuous_line_indent Indentation - Continuous line indent (C++)
cpp_empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting (C++)
cpp_expression_braces Braces Layout - Other braces (C++)
cpp_function_declaration_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after member function declaration return type (C++)
cpp_function_definition_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after member function definition return type (C++)
cpp_indent_access_specifiers_from_class Indentation - Indent access specifier from class (C++)
cpp_indent_invocation_pars Indentation - Indent method calls' parentheses (C++)
cpp_indent_method_decl_pars Indentation - Indent function declarations' parentheses (C++)
cpp_indent_preprocessor_directives Indentation - Preprocessor directives indenting (C++)
cpp_indent_statement_pars Indentation - Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parentheses (C++)
cpp_indent_switch_labels Indentation - Indent "case" from "switch" (C++)
cpp_indent_wrapped_function_names Indentation - Indent if a function definition or declaration is wrapped after the type (C++)
cpp_invocable_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Function declaration (C++)
cpp_keep_blank_lines_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in code (C++)
cpp_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in declarations (C++)
cpp_line_break_after_comma_in_member_initializer_lists Place on new Line - Line break after comma in member initializer lists (C++)
cpp_line_break_before_comma_in_member_initializer_lists Place on new Line - Line break before comma in member initializer lists (C++)
cpp_max_line_length Line Wrapping - Right margin (columns) (C++)
cpp_member_initializer_list_style Place on new Line - Break line before member initializer list (C++)
cpp_namespace_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Namespace declaration (C++)
cpp_namespace_indentation Indentation - Indent namespace members (C++)
cpp_new_line_before_catch Place on new Line - Place "catch" on new line after compound statement (C++)
cpp_new_line_before_else Place on new Line - Place "else" on new line after compound statement (C++)
cpp_new_line_before_while Place on new Line - Place "while" on new line after compound statement (C++)
cpp_other_braces Braces Layout - Other statements and blocks (C++)
cpp_place_namespace_definitions_on_same_line Braces Layout - Place namespace definitions on the same line (C++)
cpp_simple_block_style Braces Layout - Keep simple compound statements in one line (C++)
cpp_simple_case_statement_style Place on new Line - Break line in simple "case" statement (C++)
cpp_simple_embedded_statement_style Place on new Line - Break line in single embedded statement (C++)
cpp_space_after_cast In expressions - After parentheses in cast expressions (C++)
cpp_space_after_colon_in_case In control statements - After colon in switch case or label statement (C++)
cpp_space_after_colon_in_inheritance_clause In declarations - After base types list colon (C++)
cpp_space_after_comma Space after comma (generalized)
cpp_space_after_comma_in_base_clause In declarations - After comma in base clause (C++)
cpp_space_after_comma_in_declaration In declarations - After comma in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
cpp_space_after_comma_in_enum In declarations - After comma in enum (C++)
cpp_space_after_comma_in_method In declarations - After comma in function parameters (C++)
cpp_space_after_comma_in_method_call In expressions - After comma in function call and initialization (C++)
cpp_space_after_comma_in_template_args In declarations - After comma in template arguments (C++)
cpp_space_after_comma_in_template_params In declarations - After comma in template parameters (C++)
cpp_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements In control statements - Before parentheses (C++)
cpp_space_after_ptr_in_data_member In declarations - After ptr/ref in declaration of variable (C++)
cpp_space_after_ptr_in_data_members In declarations - After ptr/ref in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
cpp_space_after_ptr_in_method In declarations - After ptr/ref in return type of function (C++)
cpp_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement In control statements - After semicolon in for statement (C++)
cpp_space_after_ternary_colon In expressions - In ternary operator '? :' after ':' (C++)
cpp_space_after_ternary_quest In expressions - In ternary operator '? :' after '?' (C++)
cpp_space_around_alias_eq In declarations - Around '=' in alias declaration and namespace alias (C++)
cpp_space_around_assignment_operator In expressions - Around assignment operator (C++)
cpp_space_around_binary_operator In expressions - Around binary operator (C++)
cpp_space_around_deref_in_trailing_return_type In declarations - Around '->' in trailing return types (C++)
cpp_space_around_dot In expressions - Around dot and '->' (C++)
cpp_space_around_for_colon In control statements - Around ':' in range-based for loop (C++)
cpp_space_around_member_access_operator In expressions - Around dot and '->' (C++)
cpp_space_before_colon_in_case In control statements - Before colon in switch case or label statement (C++)
cpp_space_before_colon_in_inheritance_clause In declarations - Before base types list colon (C++)
cpp_space_before_comma Space before comma (generalized)
cpp_space_before_comma_in_base_clause In declarations - Before comma in base clause (C++)
cpp_space_before_comma_in_declaration In declarations - Before comma in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
cpp_space_before_comma_in_enum In declarations - Before comma in enum (C++)
cpp_space_before_comma_in_method In declarations - Before comma in function parameters (C++)
cpp_space_before_comma_in_method_call In expressions - Before comma in function call and initialization (C++)
cpp_space_before_comma_in_template_args In declarations - Before comma in template arguments (C++)
cpp_space_before_comma_in_template_params In declarations - Before comma in template parameters (C++)
cpp_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses In expressions - Before empty parentheses in function call and initialization (C++)
cpp_space_before_initializer_braces In expressions - Before uniform initialization braces (C++)
cpp_space_before_method_call_parentheses In expressions - Before parentheses in function call and initialization (C++)
cpp_space_before_open_square_brackets In expressions - Before array subscript brackets (C++)
cpp_space_before_ptr_in_data_member In declarations - Before ptr/ref in declaration of variable (C++)
cpp_space_before_ptr_in_data_members In declarations - Before ptr/ref in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
cpp_space_before_ptr_in_method In declarations - Before ptr/ref in return type of function (C++)
cpp_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement In control statements - Before semicolon in for statement (C++)
cpp_space_before_template_args In declarations - Before angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
cpp_space_before_template_params In declarations - Before angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
cpp_space_before_ternary_colon In expressions - In ternary operator '? :' before ':' (C++)
cpp_space_before_ternary_quest In expressions - In ternary operator '? :' before '?' (C++)
cpp_space_between_closing_angle_brackets_in_template_args In declarations - Between closing angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
cpp_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In expressions - Within empty parentheses in function call and initialization (C++)
cpp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
cpp_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses In expressions - Within parentheses in function call and initialization (C++)
cpp_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In declarations - Within empty parentheses in function parameters (C++)
cpp_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis In declarations - Before parentheses in function parameters (C++)
cpp_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses In declarations - Within parentheses in function parameters (C++)
cpp_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements In control statements - Within parentheses (C++)
cpp_space_between_square_brackets In expressions - Within array subscript brackets (C++)
cpp_space_between_typecast_parentheses In expressions - Within parentheses in cast expressions (C++)
cpp_space_within_array_access_brackets In expressions - Within array subscript brackets (C++)
cpp_space_within_empty_initializer_braces In expressions - Within empty uniform initialization braces (C++)
cpp_space_within_empty_template_params In declarations - Within empty angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
cpp_space_within_initializer_braces In expressions - Within uniform initialization braces (C++)
cpp_space_within_parentheses In expressions - Within parentheses (C++)
cpp_space_within_template_args In declarations - Within angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
cpp_space_within_template_params In declarations - Within angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
cpp_toplevel_function_declaration_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after top-level function declaration return type (C++)
cpp_toplevel_function_definition_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after top-level function definition return type (C++)
cpp_type_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Type declaration (C++)
cpp_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration (C++)
cpp_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation (C++)
cpp_wrap_arguments_style Line Wrapping - Wrap invocation arguments (C++)
cpp_wrap_base_clause_style Line Wrapping - Wrap base classes list (C++)
cpp_wrap_before_colon Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before ":" (C++)
cpp_wrap_before_comma Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "," (C++)
cpp_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration (C++)
cpp_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (C++)
cpp_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions (C++)
cpp_wrap_braced_init_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap braced initializer list (C++)
cpp_wrap_ctor_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap constructor initializer (C++)
cpp_wrap_enumeration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap enum definition (C++)
cpp_wrap_parameters_style Line Wrapping - Wrap formal parameters (C++)
cpp_wrap_ternary_expr_style Line Wrapping - Wrap ternary expression (C++)
csharp_accessor_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Accessor declaration (C#)
csharp_accessor_owner_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Property declaration (C#)
csharp_align_first_arg_by_paren Align Multiline Constructs - First call arguments by '(' (C#)
csharp_align_linq_query Align Multiline Constructs - LINQ query (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Call arguments (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_array_and_object_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array, object and collection initializer (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained binary expressions (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_calls_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained method calls (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Expression (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_extends_list Align Multiline Constructs - List of base classes and interfaces (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_for_stmt Align Multiline Constructs - "for" statement header (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (C#)
csharp_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations (C#)
csharp_align_multline_type_parameter_constrains Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameter constraints (C#)
csharp_align_multline_type_parameter_list Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameters list (C#)
csharp_allow_comment_after_lbrace Other - Allow comment after '{' (C#)
csharp_anonymous_method_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Anonymous method declaration (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_after_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines - After statements with control transfer (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_after_start_comment Blank Lines - After file header comment (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_after_using_list Blank Lines - After "using" list (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_auto_property Blank Lines - Around auto/abstract property/event (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines - Around field (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines - Around method (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_local_method Blank Lines - Around local function (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines - Around namespace (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_property Blank Lines - Around property/event (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_region Blank Lines - Around region (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_auto_property Blank Lines - Around single line auto/abstract property/event (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines - Around single line field (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines - Around single line method (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_local_method Blank Lines - Around single line local function (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_property Blank Lines - Around single line property/event (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines - Around type (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_before_single_line_comment Blank Lines - Before single-line comment (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_between_using_groups Blank Lines - Between different "using" groups (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_inside_namespace Blank Lines - Inside namespace (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_inside_region Blank Lines - Inside region (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_inside_type Blank Lines - Inside type (C#)
csharp_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
csharp_case_block_braces Braces Layout - Block under "case" label (C#)
csharp_continuous_indent_multiplier Indentation - Continuous line indent multiplier (C#)
csharp_empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting (C#)
csharp_force_chop_compound_do_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "do" statement (C#)
csharp_force_chop_compound_if_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "if" statement (C#)
csharp_force_chop_compound_while_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "while" statement (C#)
csharp_indent_anonymous_method_block Align Multiline Constructs - Anonymous method body (C#)
csharp_indent_invocation_pars Indentation - Indent method calls' parenthesis (C#)
csharp_indent_method_decl_pars Indentation - Indent method declarations' parenthesis (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_fixed_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "fixed" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_for_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "for" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_foreach_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "foreach" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_lock_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "lock" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_usings_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "using" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_while_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "while" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_pars Indentation - Indent other parenthesis and brackets (C#)
csharp_indent_statement_pars Indentation - Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parenthesis (C#)
csharp_indent_switch_labels Indentation - Indent "case" from "switch" (C#)
csharp_indent_type_constraints Indentation - Indent type constraints (C#)
csharp_indent_typearg_angles Indentation - Indent type argument's angles (C#)
csharp_indent_typeparam_angles Indentation - Indent type parameter's angles (C#)
csharp_initializer_braces Braces Layout - Array and object initializer (C#)
csharp_insert_final_newline Other - Line feed at end of file (C#)
csharp_invocable_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Method declaration (C#)
csharp_keep_blank_lines_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in code (C#)
csharp_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in declarations (C#)
csharp_keep_user_linebreaks Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep existing line breaks (C#)
csharp_max_line_length Line Wrapping - Right margin (columns) (C#)
csharp_new_line_before_catch Place on New Line - Place "catch" on new line (C#)
csharp_new_line_before_else Place on New Line - Place "else" on new line (C#)
csharp_new_line_before_finally Place on New Line - Place "finally" on new line (C#)
csharp_new_line_before_while Place on New Line - Place "while" on new line (C#)
csharp_old_engine Other - Revert to old formatting engine (C#)
csharp_other_braces Braces Layout - Other (C#)
csharp_place_abstract_accessorholder_on_single_line Other - Place abstract/auto property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
csharp_place_accessor_with_attrs_holder_on_single_line Other - Place it on single line even when it has attributes on accessors (C#)
csharp_place_accessorholder_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place property/indexer/event attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_complex_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place multiline accessor attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_constructor_initializer_on_same_line Other - Place constructor initializer on same line (C#)
csharp_place_field_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place field attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_method_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place method attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place singleline accessor attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_accessor_on_single_line Other - Place simple accessor on single line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_accessorholder_on_single_line Other - Place simple property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_anonymousmethod_on_single_line Other - Place simple anonymous method on single line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line Place simple blocks on single line (generalized)
csharp_place_simple_initializer_on_single_line Other - Place simple array, object and collection on single line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_method_on_single_line Other - Place simple method on single line (C#)
csharp_place_type_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place type attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_type_constraints_on_same_line Other - Place type constraints on same line (C#)
csharp_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in code (C#)
csharp_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in declarations (C#)
csharp_simple_case_statement_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in single "case" statement (C#)
csharp_simple_embedded_block_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in a block with a single statement (C#)
csharp_simple_embedded_statement_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in single embedded statement (C#)
csharp_space_after_ampersand_op After unary operators - Unsafe addressof operator (&) (C#)
csharp_space_after_asterik_op After unary operators - Unsafe asterisk operator (*) (C#)
csharp_space_after_attribute_colon Other - After colon in attribute and named parameter (C#)
csharp_space_after_cast Other - After type cast parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_after_colon_in_inheritance_clause Other - After base types list colon (C#)
csharp_space_after_comma Other - After comma (C#)
csharp_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements Space before parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
csharp_space_after_logical_not_op After unary operators - Logical not operator (!) (C#)
csharp_space_after_operator_keyword Other - After operator keyword (C#)
csharp_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement Other - After "for" semicolon (C#)
csharp_space_after_ternary_colon Ternary Operator - After ':' (C#)
csharp_space_after_ternary_quest Ternary Operator - After '?' (C#)
csharp_space_after_type_parameter_constraint_colon Other - After type parameter constraint colon (C#)
csharp_space_after_unary_minus_op After unary operators - Unary minus operator (-) (C#)
csharp_space_after_unary_plus_op After unary operators - Unary plus operator (+) (C#)
csharp_space_around_additive_op Around Binary Operators - Additive operators (+,-) (C#)
csharp_space_around_alias_eq Other - Around '=' in namespace alias directive (C#)
csharp_space_around_arrow_op Around Binary Operators - Unsafe arrow operator (->) (C#)
csharp_space_around_assignment_op Around Binary Operators - Assignment operators (=,+=,...) (C#)
csharp_space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
csharp_space_around_bitwise_op Around Binary Operators - Bitwise operators (&,|,^) (C#)
csharp_space_around_dot Other - Around dot (C#)
csharp_space_around_equality_op Around Binary Operators - Equality operators (==,!=) (C#)
csharp_space_around_lambda_arrow Other - Around lambda arrow (C#)
csharp_space_around_logical_op Around Binary Operators - Logical operators (&&,||) (C#)
csharp_space_around_member_access_operator Space around member access operators (., ->, ...) (generalized)
csharp_space_around_multiplicative_op Around Binary Operators - Multiplicative operators (*,/,%) (C#)
csharp_space_around_nullcoalescing_op Around Binary Operators - Null coalescing operator (??) (C#)
csharp_space_around_relational_op Around Binary Operators - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=) (C#)
csharp_space_around_shift_op Around Binary Operators - Shift operators (<<,>>) (C#)
csharp_space_before_array_access_brackets Before Parentheses - Array access brackets (C#)
csharp_space_before_array_rank_brackets Other - Before array rank brackets (C#)
csharp_space_before_attribute_colon Other - Before colon in attribute and named parameter (C#)
csharp_space_before_catch_parentheses Before Parentheses - "catch" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_checked_parentheses Before Parentheses - "checked" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_colon_in_case Other - Before colon in "case" statement (C#)
csharp_space_before_colon_in_inheritance_clause Other - Before base types list colon (C#)
csharp_space_before_comma Other - Before comma (C#)
csharp_space_before_default_parentheses Before Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_empty_method_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_fixed_parentheses Before Parentheses - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_for_parentheses Before Parentheses - "for" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_foreach_parentheses Before Parentheses - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_if_parentheses Before Parentheses - "if" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_lock_parentheses Before Parentheses - "lock" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_method_call_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method call parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_method_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_nameof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_nullable_mark Other - Before nullable mark (C#)
csharp_space_before_open_square_brackets Space before brackets (generalized)
csharp_space_before_pointer_asterik_declaration Other - Before unsafe pointer declaration (C#)
csharp_space_before_semicolon Other - Before semicolon (C#)
csharp_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement Other - Before "for" semicolon (C#)
csharp_space_before_singleline_accessorholder Other - Before single line accessors block (C#)
csharp_space_before_sizeof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_switch_parentheses Before Parentheses - "switch" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_ternary_colon Ternary Operator - Before ':' (C#)
csharp_space_before_ternary_quest Ternary Operator - Before '?' (C#)
csharp_space_before_trailing_comment Other - Before end of line comment (C#)
csharp_space_before_type_argument_angle Before Parentheses - Before type argument list angle (C#)
csharp_space_before_type_parameter_angle Before Parentheses - Before type parameter list angle (C#)
csharp_space_before_type_parameter_constraint_colon Other - Before type parameter constraint colon (C#)
csharp_space_before_typeof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_using_parentheses Before Parentheses - "using" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_while_parentheses Before Parentheses - "while" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_between_accessors_in_singleline_property Other - Between accessors in single line property/event (C#)
csharp_space_between_attribute_sections Other - Between attribute sections (C#)
csharp_space_between_empty_square_brackets Other - Within array rank empty brackets (C#)
csharp_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses Within Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
csharp_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses Within Parentheses - Method call parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses Within Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis Space before method declaration parenthesis (generalized)
csharp_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses Within Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements Space within parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
csharp_space_between_square_brackets Space within brackets (generalized)
csharp_space_between_typecast_parentheses Within Parentheses - Type cast parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_in_singleline_accessorholder Other - Within single line accessor (C#)
csharp_space_in_singleline_anonymous_method Other - Within single line anonymous method (C#)
csharp_space_in_singleline_method Other - Within single line method (C#)
csharp_space_near_postfix_and_prefix_op Other - Before/after ++ and -- (C#)
csharp_space_within_array_access_brackets Within Parentheses - Array access brackets (C#)
csharp_space_within_array_rank_brackets Other - Within array rank brackets (C#)
csharp_space_within_array_rank_empty_brackets Other - Within array rank empty brackets (C#)
csharp_space_within_attribute_brackets Other - Within attribute brackets (C#)
csharp_space_within_catch_parentheses Within Parentheses - "catch" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_checked_parentheses Within Parentheses - "checked" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_default_parentheses Within Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_fixed_parentheses Within Parentheses - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_for_parentheses Within Parentheses - "for" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_foreach_parentheses Within Parentheses - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_if_parentheses Within Parentheses - "if" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_lock_parentheses Within Parentheses - "lock" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_nameof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_parentheses Within Parentheses - Parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_single_line_array_initializer_braces Other - Within single-line initializer braces (C#)
csharp_space_within_sizeof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_switch_parentheses Within Parentheses - "switch" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_type_argument_angles Within Parentheses - Type argument angles (C#)
csharp_space_within_type_parameter_angles Within Parentheses - Type parameter angles (C#)
csharp_space_within_typeof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_using_parentheses Within Parentheses - "using" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_while_parentheses Within Parentheses - "while" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_withing_empty_braces Other - Space between empty braces (C#)
csharp_special_else_if_treatment Other - Special "else if" treatment (C#)
csharp_stick_comment Indentation - Don't indent comments started at first column (C#)
csharp_type_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Type and namespace declaration (C#)
csharp_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration (C#)
csharp_wrap_after_dot_in_method_calls Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "." (C#)
csharp_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation (C#)
csharp_wrap_arguments_style Line Wrapping - Wrap invocation arguments (C#)
csharp_wrap_array_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap array initializer (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_arrow_with_expressions Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "=>" followed by expressions (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_binary_opsign Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_comma Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "," (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_extends_colon Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before ":" (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before first constraint (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_type_parameter_langle Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before type parameters opening angle (C#)
csharp_wrap_chained_binary_expressions Line Wrapping - Wrap chained binary expressions (C#)
csharp_wrap_chained_method_calls Line Wrapping - Wrap chained method calls (C#)
csharp_wrap_extends_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap extends/implements list (C#)
csharp_wrap_for_stmt_header_style Line Wrapping - Wrap "for" statement header (C#)
csharp_wrap_linq_expressions Line Wrapping - Wrap LINQ expressions (C#)
csharp_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple declaration (C#)
csharp_wrap_multiple_type_parameer_constraints_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple type parameter constraints (C#)
csharp_wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap object and collection initializer (C#)
csharp_wrap_parameters_style Line Wrapping - Wrap formal parameters (C#)
csharp_wrap_ternary_expr_style Line Wrapping - Wrap ternary expression (C#)
css_brace_style Code layout - Braces (Css)
css_declarations_style Code layout - Declarations (Css)
css_insert_final_newline Other - Line feed at end of file (Css)
css_keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank lines - Max blank lines between declarations (Css)
css_keep_user_linebreaks Blank lines - Keep existing line breaks (Css)
css_media_query_style Code layout - Media query (Css)
css_min_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank lines - Min blank lines between declarations (Css)
css_properties_style Code layout - Properties (Css)
css_selector_style Code layout - Selector (Css)
css_space_after_comma Expression - After comma (Css)
css_space_after_function_comma Function - After comma (Css)
css_space_after_media_colon Media query - After colon (Css)
css_space_after_media_comma Media query - After comma (Css)
css_space_after_property_colon Property - After colon (Css)
css_space_after_property_semicolon Property - After semicolon (Css)
css_space_after_selector_comma Selector - After comma (Css)
css_space_after_separator Expression - After separator (Css)
css_space_around_attribute_match_operator Attribute selector - Around match operator (Css)
css_space_around_operator Expression - Around operator (Css)
css_space_around_selector_operator Selector - Around operator (Css)
css_space_before_comma Expression - Before comma (Css)
css_space_before_function_comma Function - Before comma (Css)
css_space_before_media_colon Media query - Before colon (Css)
css_space_before_media_comma Media query - Before comma (Css)
css_space_before_property_colon Property - Before colon (Css)
css_space_before_property_semicolon Property - Before semicolon (Css)
css_space_before_selector_comma Selector - Before comma (Css)
css_space_before_separator Expression - Before separator (Css)
css_space_within_attribute_match_brackets Attribute selector - Within brackets (Css)
css_space_within_expression_parentheses Expression - Within parentheses (Css)
css_space_within_function_parentheses Function - Within parentheses (Css)
css_space_within_media_block Media query - Within block (Css)
css_space_within_media_parentheses Media query - Within parentheses (Css)
css_space_within_property_block Property - Within block (Css)
declarations_style Code layout - Declarations (Css)
delete_quotes_from_solid_values Quotes - Remove attribute quotes where values do not contain spaces (HTML)
empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
expression_braces Braces Layout - Other braces (C++)
force_chop_compound_do_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "do" statement (C#)
force_chop_compound_if_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "if" statement (C#)
force_chop_compound_while_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "while" statement (C#)
force_control_statements_braces Force braces - Braces in statements (JavaScript)
function_braces Braces layout - Function (JavaScript)
function_declaration_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after member function declaration return type (C++)
function_definition_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after member function definition return type (C++)
function_in_invocation_braces Braces layout - Functions passed as parameters to other function calls (JavaScript)
html_delete_quotes_from_solid_values Quotes - Remove attribute quotes where values do not contain spaces (HTML)
html_normalize_tag_names Other - Normalize tag names (HTML)
html_quote_style Quotes - Quote style (HTML)
indent_access_specifiers_from_class Indentation - Indent access specifier from class (C++)
indent_anonymous_method_block Align Multiline Constructs - Anonymous method body (C#)
indent_case_from_select Other - Indent "case" from "select" (VB.NET)
indent_invocation_pars Indentation - Indent method calls' parenthesis, available for: C#, C++
indent_method_decl_pars Indentation - Indent method declarations' parenthesis, available for: C#, C++
indent_nested_fixed_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "fixed" statements (C#)
indent_nested_for_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "for" statements (C#)
indent_nested_foreach_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "foreach" statements (C#)
indent_nested_lock_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "lock" statements (C#)
indent_nested_usings_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "using" statements (C#)
indent_nested_while_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "while" statements (C#)
indent_pars Indentation - Indent other parenthesis and brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
indent_preprocessor_directives Indentation - Preprocessor directives indenting (C++)
indent_statement_pars Indentation - Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parenthesis, available for: C#, C++
indent_switch_labels Indentation - Indent "case" from "switch", available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
indent_type_constraints Indentation - Indent type constraints (C#)
indent_typearg_angles Indentation - Indent type argument's angles (C#)
indent_typeparam_angles Indentation - Indent type parameter's angles (C#)
indent_wrapped_function_names Indentation - Indent if a function definition or declaration is wrapped after the type (C++)
initializer_braces Braces Layout - Array and object initializer (C#)
insert_final_newline Other - Line feed at end of file, available for: C#, Css, JavaScript
invocable_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Method declaration, available for: C#, C++
js_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (JavaScript)
js_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations (JavaScript)
js_align_ternary Align Multiline Constructs - Align ?: operator (JavaScript)
js_align_union_type_usage Align Multiline Constructs - Union type usage (TypeScript)
js_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
js_control_statements_braces Braces layout - Control statements (JavaScript)
js_empty_block_style Braces layout - Empty braces formatting (JavaScript)
js_force_control_statements_braces Force braces - Braces in statements (JavaScript)
js_function_braces Braces layout - Function (JavaScript)
js_function_in_invocation_braces Braces layout - Functions passed as parameters to other function calls (JavaScript)
js_indent_pars Braces layout - Indent parenthesis, brackets and expression braces (JavaScript)
js_indent_switch_labels Case statement - Indent "case" from "switch" (JavaScript)
js_insert_final_newline Other - Line feed at end of file (JavaScript)
js_keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank lines - Max blank lines between declarations (JavaScript)
js_keep_blank_lines_in_code Blank lines - Max blank lines in code (JavaScript)
js_max_line_length Wrapping and chopping - Right margin (columns) (JavaScript)
js_min_blank_lines_after_imports Blank lines - Min blank lines after imports (JavaScript)
js_min_blank_lines_around_fields Blank lines - Min blank lines around fields and signature declarations (TypeScript)
js_min_blank_lines_around_functions Blank lines - Min blank lines around functions (JavaScript)
js_min_blank_lines_around_types Blank lines - Min blank lines around types and modules (TypeScript)
js_new_line_before_catch Place on a new line - Place "catch" on a new line (JavaScript)
js_new_line_before_else Place on a new line - Place "else" on a new line (JavaScript)
js_new_line_before_finally Place on a new line - Place "finally" on a new line (JavaScript)
js_new_line_before_while Place on a new line - Place "while" on a new line (JavaScript)
js_place_class_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Class decorators on the same line with class (TypeScript)
js_place_each_decorator_on_new_line Place on a new line - Place each decorator on a new line (TypeScript)
js_place_field_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Field decorators on the same line with field (TypeScript)
js_place_method_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Method decorators on the same line with signature (TypeScript)
js_place_property_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Property decorators on the same line with property (TypeScript)
js_place_template_args_on_new_line Place on a new line - Place template literal arguments on a new line (JavaScript)
js_quote_style Quotes - Quote style (JavaScript)
js_simple_embedded_statement_style Line breaks - Simple embedded statement (JavaScript)
js_single_statement_function_style Line breaks - Single-statement function (JavaScript)
js_space_after_arrow Lambdas - After '=>' in lambda expressions (JavaScript)
js_space_after_colon_in_type_annotation Type annotations - After ':' (TypeScript)
js_space_after_comma Comma - After comma (JavaScript)
js_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements In control statements - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_after_property_colon In object expression - After ':' (JavaScript)
js_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement Semicolon - After semicolon in for statement (JavaScript)
js_space_after_ternary_colon In ternary operator '? :' - After ':' (JavaScript)
js_space_after_ternary_quest In ternary operator '? :' - After '?' (JavaScript)
js_space_around_assignment_operator In expressions - Around assignment operator (JavaScript)
js_space_around_binary_operator In expressions - Around binary operator (JavaScript)
js_space_around_dot In expressions - Around dot (JavaScript)
js_space_around_member_access_operator In expressions - Around dot (JavaScript)
js_space_around_pipe_or_amper_in_type_usage Union and Intersection Types - Around '|' or '&' in type usage (TypeScript)
js_space_before_array_access_brackets In index expressions - Before brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_before_arrow Lambdas - Before '=>' (JavaScript)
js_space_before_colon_in_case Case statement - Before colon (JavaScript)
js_space_before_colon_in_type_annotation Type annotations - Before ':' (TypeScript)
js_space_before_comma Comma - Before comma (JavaScript)
js_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses In function invocations - Before empty parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_before_method_call_parentheses In function invocations - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_before_method_parentheses In function declarations - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_before_method_parentheses_anonymous In function declarations - Before parentheses of anonymous method (JavaScript)
js_space_before_open_square_brackets In index expressions - Before brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_before_property_colon In object expression - Before ':' (JavaScript)
js_space_before_semicolon Semicolon - Before semicolon (JavaScript)
js_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement Semicolon - Before semicolon in for statement (JavaScript)
js_space_before_ternary_colon In ternary operator '? :' - Before ':' (JavaScript)
js_space_before_ternary_quest In ternary operator '? :' - In ternary operator '? :' (JavaScript)
js_space_before_type_parameters_brackets Type parameters and arguments - Before brackets (TypeScript)
js_space_between_empty_square_brackets In array literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In function invocations - Within empty parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
js_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses In function invocations - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In function declarations - Within empty parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis Space before method declaration parenthesis (generalized)
js_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses In function declarations - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements In control statements - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_between_square_brackets Space within brackets (generalized)
js_space_within_array_access_brackets In index expressions - Within brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_within_array_literal_brackets In array literals - Within brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_within_empty_array_literal_brackets In array literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_within_empty_object_literal_braces In object expression - Within empty braces (JavaScript)
js_space_within_object_literal_braces In object expression - Within braces (JavaScript)
js_space_within_parentheses In expressions - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_within_template_argument Template literals - Within braces around template argument (JavaScript)
js_space_within_type_parameters_brackets Type parameters and arguments - Within brackets (TypeScript)
js_special_else_if_treatment Line breaks - Special "else if" treatment (JavaScript)
js_stick_comment Other - Don't indent comments started at first column (JavaScript)
js_types_braces Braces layout - Types and modules (TypeScript)
js_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration (JavaScript)
js_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation (JavaScript)
js_wrap_arguments_style Wrapping and chopping - Wrap invocation arguments (JavaScript)
js_wrap_array_literals Wrapping and chopping - Wrap array literals (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_binary_opsign Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_comma Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before comma (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_dot Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before "." (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions (JavaScript)
js_wrap_chained_binary_expressions Wrapping and chopping - Wrap chained binary expressions (JavaScript)
js_wrap_chained_method_calls Wrapping and chopping - Wrap chained method calls (JavaScript)
js_wrap_enum_style Line breaks - Enumerations (TypeScript)
js_wrap_for_stmt_header_style Wrapping and chopping - Wrap "for" statement header (JavaScript)
js_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Wrapping and chopping - Wrap multiple declaration (JavaScript)
js_wrap_object_literals Wrapping and chopping - Wrap object literals (JavaScript)
js_wrap_parameters_style Wrapping and chopping - Wrap formal parameters (JavaScript)
js_wrap_ternary_expr_style Wrapping and chopping - Wrap ternary expression (JavaScript)
js_wrap_union_type_usage Wrapping and chopping - Wrap union type usage (TypeScript)
keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank lines - Max blank lines between declarations, available for: Css, JavaScript
keep_blank_lines_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in code, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in declarations, available for: C#, C++, VB.NET
keep_user_linebreaks Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep existing line breaks, available for: C#, Css, VB.NET
line_break_after_comma_in_member_initializer_lists Place on new Line - Line break after comma in member initializer lists (C++)
line_break_before_comma_in_member_initializer_lists Place on new Line - Line break before comma in member initializer lists (C++)
max_line_length Line Wrapping - Right margin (columns), available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
media_query_style Code layout - Media query (Css)
member_initializer_list_style Place on new Line - Break line before member initializer list (C++)
min_blank_lines_after_imports Blank lines - Min blank lines after imports (JavaScript)
min_blank_lines_around_fields Blank lines - Min blank lines around fields and signature declarations (TypeScript)
min_blank_lines_around_functions Blank lines - Min blank lines around functions (JavaScript)
min_blank_lines_around_types Blank lines - Min blank lines around types and modules (TypeScript)
min_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank lines - Min blank lines between declarations (Css)
namespace_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Namespace declaration (C++)
namespace_indentation Indentation - Indent namespace members (C++)
new_line_before_catch Place on New Line - Place "catch" on new line, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
new_line_before_else Place on New Line - Place "else" on new line, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
new_line_before_finally Place on New Line - Place "finally" on new line, available for: C#, JavaScript
new_line_before_while Place on New Line - Place "while" on new line, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
normalize_tag_names Other - Normalize tag names (HTML)
old_engine Other - Revert to old formatting engine (C#)
other_braces Braces Layout - Other, available for: C#, C++
place_abstract_accessorholder_on_single_line Other - Place abstract/auto property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
place_accessor_with_attrs_holder_on_single_line Other - Place it on single line even when it has attributes on accessors (C#)
place_accessorholder_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place property/indexer/event attribute on same line (C#)
place_class_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Class decorators on the same line with class (TypeScript)
place_complex_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place multiline accessor attribute on same line (C#)
place_constructor_initializer_on_same_line Other - Place constructor initializer on same line (C#)
place_each_decorator_on_new_line Place on a new line - Place each decorator on a new line (TypeScript)
place_event_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place event attribute on same line (VB.NET)
place_field_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place field attribute on same line, available for: C#, VB.NET
place_field_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Field decorators on the same line with field (TypeScript)
place_method_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place method attribute on same line, available for: C#, VB.NET
place_method_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Method decorators on the same line with signature (TypeScript)
place_namespace_definitions_on_same_line Braces Layout - Place namespace definitions on the same line (C++)
place_property_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place property attribute on same line (VB.NET)
place_property_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Property decorators on the same line with property (TypeScript)
place_simple_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place singleline accessor attribute on same line (C#)
place_simple_accessor_on_single_line Other - Place simple accessor on single line (C#)
place_simple_accessorholder_on_single_line Other - Place simple property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
place_simple_anonymousmethod_on_single_line Other - Place simple anonymous method on single line (C#)
place_simple_blocks_on_single_line Place simple blocks on single line (generalized)
place_simple_initializer_on_single_line Other - Place simple array, object and collection on single line (C#)
place_simple_method_on_single_line Other - Place simple method on single line (C#)
place_template_args_on_new_line Place on a new line - Place template literal arguments on a new line (JavaScript)
place_type_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place type attribute on same line, available for: C#, VB.NET
place_type_constraints_on_same_line Other - Place type constraints on same line (C#)
properties_style Code layout - Properties (Css)
quote_style Quotes - Quote style, available for: HTML, JavaScript
remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in code (C#)
remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in declarations (C#)
resharper_accessor_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Accessor declaration (C#)
resharper_accessor_owner_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Property declaration (C#)
resharper_align_first_arg_by_paren Align Multiline Constructs - First call arguments by '(', available for: C#, C++
resharper_align_linq_query Align Multiline Constructs - LINQ query (C#)
resharper_align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Call arguments, available for: C#, C++, VB.NET
resharper_align_multiline_array_and_object_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array, object and collection initializer (C#)
resharper_align_multiline_array_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array initializer (VB.NET)
resharper_align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained binary expressions, available for: C#, C++
resharper_align_multiline_calls_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained method calls, available for: C#, C++
resharper_align_multiline_ctor_init Align multiline construct - Member initializers in member initializer lists (C++)
resharper_align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Expression, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_align_multiline_extends_list Align Multiline Constructs - List of base classes and interfaces, available for: C#, C++
resharper_align_multiline_for_stmt Align Multiline Constructs - "for" statement header (C#)
resharper_align_multiline_implements_list Align Multiline Constructs - Implements/handles list (VB.NET)
resharper_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_align_multiline_type_argument Align multiline construct - Template arguments (C++)
resharper_align_multiline_type_parameter Align multiline construct - Template parameters in template declaration (C++)
resharper_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_align_multline_type_parameter_constrains Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameter constraints (C#)
resharper_align_multline_type_parameter_list Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameters list (C#)
resharper_align_ternary Align multiline construct - ?: operator, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_align_union_type_usage Align Multiline Constructs - Union type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_allow_comment_after_lbrace Other - Allow comment after '{' (C#)
resharper_anonymous_method_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Anonymous method declaration, available for: C#, C++
resharper_blank_lines_after_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines - After statements with control transfer (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - After imports section (VB.NET)
resharper_blank_lines_after_options Blank Lines - After file options section (VB.NET)
resharper_blank_lines_after_start_comment Blank Lines - After file header comment (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_after_using_list Blank Lines - After "using" list (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_auto_property Blank Lines - Around auto/abstract property/event (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_class_definition Blank Lines - Around class/struct/enum definition (C++)
resharper_blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines - Around field, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_function_declaration Blank Lines - Around function declarations (C++)
resharper_blank_lines_around_function_definition Blank Lines - Around function definitions (C++)
resharper_blank_lines_around_global_attribute Blank Lines - After global attribute (VB.NET)
resharper_blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines - Around method, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_local_method Blank Lines - Around local function (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines - Around namespace, available for: C#, C++, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_other_declaration Blank Lines - Around other definitions and declarations (C++)
resharper_blank_lines_around_property Blank Lines - Around property/event (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_region Blank Lines - Around region, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_auto_property Blank Lines - Around single line auto/abstract property/event (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines - Around single line field, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_function_definition Blank Lines - Around single line function definitions (C++)
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines - Around single line method, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_local_method Blank Lines - Around single line local function (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_property Blank Lines - Around single line property/event (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines - Around type, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_before_single_line_comment Blank Lines - Before single-line comment (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_between_using_groups Blank Lines - Between different "using" groups (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_inside_namespace Blank Lines - Inside namespace (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_inside_region Blank Lines - Inside region, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_inside_type Blank Lines - Inside type (C#)
resharper_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
resharper_break_template_declaration Place on new Line - Break line after the template<...> of a template declaration (C++)
resharper_case_block_braces Braces Layout - Block under "case" label, available for: C#, C++
resharper_continuous_indent_multiplier Indentation - Continuous line indent multiplier (C#)
resharper_continuous_line_indent Indentation - Continuous line indent (C++)
resharper_control_statements_braces Braces layout - Control statements (JavaScript)
resharper_cpp_align_first_arg_by_paren Align multiline construct - First call argument by '(' (C++)
resharper_cpp_align_multiline_argument Align multiline construct - Call arguments (C++)
resharper_cpp_align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain Align multiline construct - Chained binary expressions (C++)
resharper_cpp_align_multiline_calls_chain Align multiline construct - Chained method calls (C++)
resharper_cpp_align_multiline_ctor_init Align multiline construct - Member initializers in member initializer lists (C++)
resharper_cpp_align_multiline_extends_list Align multiline construct - Base classes in class base clause (C++)
resharper_cpp_align_multiline_parameter Align multiline construct - Function parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_align_multiline_type_argument Align multiline construct - Template arguments (C++)
resharper_cpp_align_multiline_type_parameter Align multiline construct - Template parameters in template declaration (C++)
resharper_cpp_align_multiple_declaration Align multiline construct - Declarators in declaration (C++)
resharper_cpp_align_ternary Align multiline construct - ?: operator (C++)
resharper_cpp_anonymous_method_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Anonymous method declaration (C++)
resharper_cpp_blank_lines_around_class_definition Blank Lines - Around class/struct/enum definition (C++)
resharper_cpp_blank_lines_around_function_declaration Blank Lines - Around function declarations (C++)
resharper_cpp_blank_lines_around_function_definition Blank Lines - Around function definitions (C++)
resharper_cpp_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines - Around namespaces (C++)
resharper_cpp_blank_lines_around_other_declaration Blank Lines - Around other definitions and declarations (C++)
resharper_cpp_blank_lines_around_single_line_function_definition Blank Lines - Around single line function definitions (C++)
resharper_cpp_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
resharper_cpp_break_template_declaration Place on new Line - Break line after the template<...> of a template declaration (C++)
resharper_cpp_case_block_braces Braces Layout - Block under "case" label (C++)
resharper_cpp_continuous_line_indent Indentation - Continuous line indent (C++)
resharper_cpp_empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting (C++)
resharper_cpp_expression_braces Braces Layout - Other braces (C++)
resharper_cpp_function_declaration_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after member function declaration return type (C++)
resharper_cpp_function_definition_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after member function definition return type (C++)
resharper_cpp_indent_access_specifiers_from_class Indentation - Indent access specifier from class (C++)
resharper_cpp_indent_invocation_pars Indentation - Indent method calls' parentheses (C++)
resharper_cpp_indent_method_decl_pars Indentation - Indent function declarations' parentheses (C++)
resharper_cpp_indent_preprocessor_directives Indentation - Preprocessor directives indenting (C++)
resharper_cpp_indent_statement_pars Indentation - Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parentheses (C++)
resharper_cpp_indent_switch_labels Indentation - Indent "case" from "switch" (C++)
resharper_cpp_indent_wrapped_function_names Indentation - Indent if a function definition or declaration is wrapped after the type (C++)
resharper_cpp_invocable_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Function declaration (C++)
resharper_cpp_keep_blank_lines_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in code (C++)
resharper_cpp_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in declarations (C++)
resharper_cpp_line_break_after_comma_in_member_initializer_lists Place on new Line - Line break after comma in member initializer lists (C++)
resharper_cpp_line_break_before_comma_in_member_initializer_lists Place on new Line - Line break before comma in member initializer lists (C++)
resharper_cpp_member_initializer_list_style Place on new Line - Break line before member initializer list (C++)
resharper_cpp_namespace_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Namespace declaration (C++)
resharper_cpp_namespace_indentation Indentation - Indent namespace members (C++)
resharper_cpp_new_line_before_catch Place on new Line - Place "catch" on new line after compound statement (C++)
resharper_cpp_new_line_before_else Place on new Line - Place "else" on new line after compound statement (C++)
resharper_cpp_new_line_before_while Place on new Line - Place "while" on new line after compound statement (C++)
resharper_cpp_other_braces Braces Layout - Other statements and blocks (C++)
resharper_cpp_place_namespace_definitions_on_same_line Braces Layout - Place namespace definitions on the same line (C++)
resharper_cpp_simple_block_style Braces Layout - Keep simple compound statements in one line (C++)
resharper_cpp_simple_case_statement_style Place on new Line - Break line in simple "case" statement (C++)
resharper_cpp_simple_embedded_statement_style Place on new Line - Break line in single embedded statement (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_cast In expressions - After parentheses in cast expressions (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_colon_in_case In control statements - After colon in switch case or label statement (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_comma Space after comma (generalized)
resharper_cpp_space_after_comma_in_base_clause In declarations - After comma in base clause (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_comma_in_declaration In declarations - After comma in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_comma_in_enum In declarations - After comma in enum (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_comma_in_method In declarations - After comma in function parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_comma_in_method_call In expressions - After comma in function call and initialization (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_comma_in_template_args In declarations - After comma in template arguments (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_comma_in_template_params In declarations - After comma in template parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements In control statements - Before parentheses (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_ptr_in_data_member In declarations - After ptr/ref in declaration of variable (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_ptr_in_data_members In declarations - After ptr/ref in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_ptr_in_method In declarations - After ptr/ref in return type of function (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement In control statements - After semicolon in for statement (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_ternary_colon In expressions - In ternary operator '? :' after ':' (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_after_ternary_quest In expressions - In ternary operator '? :' after '?' (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_around_alias_eq In declarations - Around '=' in alias declaration and namespace alias (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_around_assignment_operator In expressions - Around assignment operator (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_around_binary_operator In expressions - Around binary operator (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_around_deref_in_trailing_return_type In declarations - Around '->' in trailing return types (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_around_dot In expressions - Around dot and '->' (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_around_for_colon In control statements - Around ':' in range-based for loop (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_around_member_access_operator In expressions - Around dot and '->' (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_colon_in_case In control statements - Before colon in switch case or label statement (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_comma Space before comma (generalized)
resharper_cpp_space_before_comma_in_base_clause In declarations - Before comma in base clause (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_comma_in_declaration In declarations - Before comma in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_comma_in_enum In declarations - Before comma in enum (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_comma_in_method In declarations - Before comma in function parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_comma_in_method_call In expressions - Before comma in function call and initialization (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_comma_in_template_args In declarations - Before comma in template arguments (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_comma_in_template_params In declarations - Before comma in template parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses In expressions - Before empty parentheses in function call and initialization (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_initializer_braces In expressions - Before uniform initialization braces (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_method_call_parentheses In expressions - Before parentheses in function call and initialization (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_open_square_brackets In expressions - Before array subscript brackets (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_ptr_in_data_member In declarations - Before ptr/ref in declaration of variable (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_ptr_in_data_members In declarations - Before ptr/ref in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_ptr_in_method In declarations - Before ptr/ref in return type of function (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement In control statements - Before semicolon in for statement (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_template_args In declarations - Before angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_template_params In declarations - Before angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_ternary_colon In expressions - In ternary operator '? :' before ':' (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_before_ternary_quest In expressions - In ternary operator '? :' before '?' (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_between_closing_angle_brackets_in_template_args In declarations - Between closing angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In expressions - Within empty parentheses in function call and initialization (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
resharper_cpp_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses In expressions - Within parentheses in function call and initialization (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In declarations - Within empty parentheses in function parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis In declarations - Before parentheses in function parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses In declarations - Within parentheses in function parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements In control statements - Within parentheses (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_between_square_brackets In expressions - Within array subscript brackets (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_between_typecast_parentheses In expressions - Within parentheses in cast expressions (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_within_array_access_brackets In expressions - Within array subscript brackets (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_within_empty_initializer_braces In expressions - Within empty uniform initialization braces (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_within_empty_template_params In declarations - Within empty angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_within_initializer_braces In expressions - Within uniform initialization braces (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_within_parentheses In expressions - Within parentheses (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_within_template_args In declarations - Within angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
resharper_cpp_space_within_template_params In declarations - Within angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_toplevel_function_declaration_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after top-level function declaration return type (C++)
resharper_cpp_toplevel_function_definition_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after top-level function definition return type (C++)
resharper_cpp_type_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Type declaration (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_arguments_style Line Wrapping - Wrap invocation arguments (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_base_clause_style Line Wrapping - Wrap base classes list (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_before_colon Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before ":" (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_before_comma Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "," (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_braced_init_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap braced initializer list (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_ctor_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap constructor initializer (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_enumeration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap enum definition (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_parameters_style Line Wrapping - Wrap formal parameters (C++)
resharper_cpp_wrap_ternary_expr_style Line Wrapping - Wrap ternary expression (C++)
resharper_csharp_accessor_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Accessor declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_accessor_owner_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Property declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_first_arg_by_paren Align Multiline Constructs - First call arguments by '(' (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_linq_query Align Multiline Constructs - LINQ query (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Call arguments (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_array_and_object_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array, object and collection initializer (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained binary expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_calls_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained method calls (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Expression (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_extends_list Align Multiline Constructs - List of base classes and interfaces (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_for_stmt Align Multiline Constructs - "for" statement header (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multline_type_parameter_constrains Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameter constraints (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multline_type_parameter_list Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameters list (C#)
resharper_csharp_allow_comment_after_lbrace Other - Allow comment after '{' (C#)
resharper_csharp_anonymous_method_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Anonymous method declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_after_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines - After statements with control transfer (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_after_start_comment Blank Lines - After file header comment (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_after_using_list Blank Lines - After "using" list (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_auto_property Blank Lines - Around auto/abstract property/event (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines - Around field (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines - Around method (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_local_method Blank Lines - Around local function (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines - Around namespace (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_property Blank Lines - Around property/event (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_region Blank Lines - Around region (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_auto_property Blank Lines - Around single line auto/abstract property/event (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines - Around single line field (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines - Around single line method (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_local_method Blank Lines - Around single line local function (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_property Blank Lines - Around single line property/event (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines - Around type (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_before_single_line_comment Blank Lines - Before single-line comment (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_between_using_groups Blank Lines - Between different "using" groups (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_inside_namespace Blank Lines - Inside namespace (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_inside_region Blank Lines - Inside region (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_inside_type Blank Lines - Inside type (C#)
resharper_csharp_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
resharper_csharp_case_block_braces Braces Layout - Block under "case" label (C#)
resharper_csharp_continuous_indent_multiplier Indentation - Continuous line indent multiplier (C#)
resharper_csharp_empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting (C#)
resharper_csharp_force_chop_compound_do_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "do" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_force_chop_compound_if_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "if" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_force_chop_compound_while_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "while" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_anonymous_method_block Align Multiline Constructs - Anonymous method body (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_invocation_pars Indentation - Indent method calls' parenthesis (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_method_decl_pars Indentation - Indent method declarations' parenthesis (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_fixed_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "fixed" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_for_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "for" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_foreach_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "foreach" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_lock_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "lock" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_usings_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "using" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_while_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "while" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_pars Indentation - Indent other parenthesis and brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_statement_pars Indentation - Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parenthesis (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_type_constraints Indentation - Indent type constraints (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_typearg_angles Indentation - Indent type argument's angles (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_typeparam_angles Indentation - Indent type parameter's angles (C#)
resharper_csharp_initializer_braces Braces Layout - Array and object initializer (C#)
resharper_csharp_invocable_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Method declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_blank_lines_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in code (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in declarations (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_user_linebreaks Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep existing line breaks (C#)
resharper_csharp_new_line_before_while Place on New Line - Place "while" on new line (C#)
resharper_csharp_old_engine Other - Revert to old formatting engine (C#)
resharper_csharp_other_braces Braces Layout - Other (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_abstract_accessorholder_on_single_line Other - Place abstract/auto property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_accessor_with_attrs_holder_on_single_line Other - Place it on single line even when it has attributes on accessors (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_accessorholder_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place property/indexer/event attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_complex_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place multiline accessor attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_constructor_initializer_on_same_line Other - Place constructor initializer on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_field_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place field attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_method_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place method attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place singleline accessor attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_accessor_on_single_line Other - Place simple accessor on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_accessorholder_on_single_line Other - Place simple property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_anonymousmethod_on_single_line Other - Place simple anonymous method on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line Place simple blocks on single line (generalized)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_initializer_on_single_line Other - Place simple array, object and collection on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_method_on_single_line Other - Place simple method on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_type_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place type attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_type_constraints_on_same_line Other - Place type constraints on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in code (C#)
resharper_csharp_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in declarations (C#)
resharper_csharp_simple_case_statement_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in single "case" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_simple_embedded_block_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in a block with a single statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_simple_embedded_statement_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in single embedded statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_ampersand_op After unary operators - Unsafe addressof operator (&) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_asterik_op After unary operators - Unsafe asterisk operator (*) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_attribute_colon Other - After colon in attribute and named parameter (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_logical_not_op After unary operators - Logical not operator (!) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_operator_keyword Other - After operator keyword (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_ternary_colon Ternary Operator - After ':' (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_ternary_quest Ternary Operator - After '?' (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_type_parameter_constraint_colon Other - After type parameter constraint colon (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_unary_minus_op After unary operators - Unary minus operator (-) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_unary_plus_op After unary operators - Unary plus operator (+) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_additive_op Around Binary Operators - Additive operators (+,-) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_alias_eq Other - Around '=' in namespace alias directive (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_arrow_op Around Binary Operators - Unsafe arrow operator (->) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_assignment_op Around Binary Operators - Assignment operators (=,+=,...) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
resharper_csharp_space_around_bitwise_op Around Binary Operators - Bitwise operators (&,|,^) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_dot Other - Around dot (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_equality_op Around Binary Operators - Equality operators (==,!=) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_lambda_arrow Other - Around lambda arrow (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_logical_op Around Binary Operators - Logical operators (&&,||) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_member_access_operator Space around member access operators (., ->, ...) (generalized)
resharper_csharp_space_around_multiplicative_op Around Binary Operators - Multiplicative operators (*,/,%) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_nullcoalescing_op Around Binary Operators - Null coalescing operator (??) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_relational_op Around Binary Operators - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_shift_op Around Binary Operators - Shift operators (<<,>>) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_array_access_brackets Before Parentheses - Array access brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_array_rank_brackets Other - Before array rank brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_attribute_colon Other - Before colon in attribute and named parameter (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_catch_parentheses Before Parentheses - "catch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_checked_parentheses Before Parentheses - "checked" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_colon_in_case Other - Before colon in "case" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_default_parentheses Before Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_empty_method_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_fixed_parentheses Before Parentheses - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_for_parentheses Before Parentheses - "for" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_foreach_parentheses Before Parentheses - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_if_parentheses Before Parentheses - "if" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_lock_parentheses Before Parentheses - "lock" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_method_call_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method call parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_method_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_nameof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_nullable_mark Other - Before nullable mark (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_pointer_asterik_declaration Other - Before unsafe pointer declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_semicolon Other - Before semicolon (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_singleline_accessorholder Other - Before single line accessors block (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_sizeof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_switch_parentheses Before Parentheses - "switch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_ternary_colon Ternary Operator - Before ':' (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_ternary_quest Ternary Operator - Before '?' (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_trailing_comment Other - Before end of line comment (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_type_argument_angle Before Parentheses - Before type argument list angle (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_type_parameter_angle Before Parentheses - Before type parameter list angle (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_type_parameter_constraint_colon Other - Before type parameter constraint colon (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_typeof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_using_parentheses Before Parentheses - "using" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_while_parentheses Before Parentheses - "while" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_between_accessors_in_singleline_property Other - Between accessors in single line property/event (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_between_attribute_sections Other - Between attribute sections (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements Space within parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
resharper_csharp_space_between_typecast_parentheses Within Parentheses - Type cast parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_in_singleline_accessorholder Other - Within single line accessor (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_in_singleline_anonymous_method Other - Within single line anonymous method (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_in_singleline_method Other - Within single line method (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_near_postfix_and_prefix_op Other - Before/after ++ and -- (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_array_access_brackets Within Parentheses - Array access brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_array_rank_brackets Other - Within array rank brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_array_rank_empty_brackets Other - Within array rank empty brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_attribute_brackets Other - Within attribute brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_catch_parentheses Within Parentheses - "catch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_checked_parentheses Within Parentheses - "checked" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_default_parentheses Within Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_fixed_parentheses Within Parentheses - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_for_parentheses Within Parentheses - "for" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_foreach_parentheses Within Parentheses - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_if_parentheses Within Parentheses - "if" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_lock_parentheses Within Parentheses - "lock" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_nameof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_parentheses Within Parentheses - Parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_single_line_array_initializer_braces Other - Within single-line initializer braces (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_sizeof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_switch_parentheses Within Parentheses - "switch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_type_argument_angles Within Parentheses - Type argument angles (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_type_parameter_angles Within Parentheses - Type parameter angles (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_typeof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_using_parentheses Within Parentheses - "using" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_while_parentheses Within Parentheses - "while" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_withing_empty_braces Other - Space between empty braces (C#)
resharper_csharp_special_else_if_treatment Other - Special "else if" treatment (C#)
resharper_csharp_stick_comment Indentation - Don't indent comments started at first column (C#)
resharper_csharp_type_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Type and namespace declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_after_dot_in_method_calls Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "." (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_arguments_style Line Wrapping - Wrap invocation arguments (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_array_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap array initializer (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_arrow_with_expressions Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "=>" followed by expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_binary_opsign Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_comma Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "," (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_extends_colon Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before ":" (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before first constraint (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_type_parameter_langle Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before type parameters opening angle (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_chained_binary_expressions Line Wrapping - Wrap chained binary expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_chained_method_calls Line Wrapping - Wrap chained method calls (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_extends_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap extends/implements list (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_for_stmt_header_style Line Wrapping - Wrap "for" statement header (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_linq_expressions Line Wrapping - Wrap LINQ expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_multiple_type_parameer_constraints_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple type parameter constraints (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap object and collection initializer (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_parameters_style Line Wrapping - Wrap formal parameters (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_ternary_expr_style Line Wrapping - Wrap ternary expression (C#)
resharper_css_brace_style Code layout - Braces (Css)
resharper_css_declarations_style Code layout - Declarations (Css)
resharper_css_keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank lines - Max blank lines between declarations (Css)
resharper_css_keep_user_linebreaks Blank lines - Keep existing line breaks (Css)
resharper_css_media_query_style Code layout - Media query (Css)
resharper_css_min_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank lines - Min blank lines between declarations (Css)
resharper_css_properties_style Code layout - Properties (Css)
resharper_css_selector_style Code layout - Selector (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_comma Expression - After comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_function_comma Function - After comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_media_colon Media query - After colon (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_media_comma Media query - After comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_property_colon Property - After colon (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_property_semicolon Property - After semicolon (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_selector_comma Selector - After comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_separator Expression - After separator (Css)
resharper_css_space_around_attribute_match_operator Attribute selector - Around match operator (Css)
resharper_css_space_around_operator Expression - Around operator (Css)
resharper_css_space_around_selector_operator Selector - Around operator (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_comma Expression - Before comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_function_comma Function - Before comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_media_colon Media query - Before colon (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_media_comma Media query - Before comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_property_colon Property - Before colon (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_property_semicolon Property - Before semicolon (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_selector_comma Selector - Before comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_separator Expression - Before separator (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_attribute_match_brackets Attribute selector - Within brackets (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_expression_parentheses Expression - Within parentheses (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_function_parentheses Function - Within parentheses (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_media_block Media query - Within block (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_media_parentheses Media query - Within parentheses (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_property_block Property - Within block (Css)
resharper_declarations_style Code layout - Declarations (Css)
resharper_delete_quotes_from_solid_values Quotes - Remove attribute quotes where values do not contain spaces (HTML)
resharper_empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_expression_braces Braces Layout - Other braces (C++)
resharper_force_chop_compound_do_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "do" statement (C#)
resharper_force_chop_compound_if_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "if" statement (C#)
resharper_force_chop_compound_while_expression Line Wrapping - Force chop compound condition in "while" statement (C#)
resharper_force_control_statements_braces Force braces - Braces in statements (JavaScript)
resharper_function_braces Braces layout - Function (JavaScript)
resharper_function_declaration_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after member function declaration return type (C++)
resharper_function_definition_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after member function definition return type (C++)
resharper_function_in_invocation_braces Braces layout - Functions passed as parameters to other function calls (JavaScript)
resharper_html_delete_quotes_from_solid_values Quotes - Remove attribute quotes where values do not contain spaces (HTML)
resharper_html_normalize_tag_names Other - Normalize tag names (HTML)
resharper_html_quote_style Quotes - Quote style (HTML)
resharper_indent_access_specifiers_from_class Indentation - Indent access specifier from class (C++)
resharper_indent_anonymous_method_block Align Multiline Constructs - Anonymous method body (C#)
resharper_indent_case_from_select Other - Indent "case" from "select" (VB.NET)
resharper_indent_invocation_pars Indentation - Indent method calls' parenthesis, available for: C#, C++
resharper_indent_method_decl_pars Indentation - Indent method declarations' parenthesis, available for: C#, C++
resharper_indent_nested_fixed_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "fixed" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_nested_for_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "for" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_nested_foreach_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "foreach" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_nested_lock_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "lock" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_nested_usings_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "using" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_nested_while_stmt Indentation - Indent nested "while" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_pars Indentation - Indent other parenthesis and brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_indent_preprocessor_directives Indentation - Preprocessor directives indenting (C++)
resharper_indent_statement_pars Indentation - Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parenthesis, available for: C#, C++
resharper_indent_switch_labels Indentation - Indent "case" from "switch", available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_indent_type_constraints Indentation - Indent type constraints (C#)
resharper_indent_typearg_angles Indentation - Indent type argument's angles (C#)
resharper_indent_typeparam_angles Indentation - Indent type parameter's angles (C#)
resharper_indent_wrapped_function_names Indentation - Indent if a function definition or declaration is wrapped after the type (C++)
resharper_initializer_braces Braces Layout - Array and object initializer (C#)
resharper_invocable_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Method declaration, available for: C#, C++
resharper_js_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (JavaScript)
resharper_js_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations (JavaScript)
resharper_js_align_ternary Align Multiline Constructs - Align ?: operator (JavaScript)
resharper_js_align_union_type_usage Align Multiline Constructs - Union type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_js_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
resharper_js_control_statements_braces Braces layout - Control statements (JavaScript)
resharper_js_empty_block_style Braces layout - Empty braces formatting (JavaScript)
resharper_js_force_control_statements_braces Force braces - Braces in statements (JavaScript)
resharper_js_function_braces Braces layout - Function (JavaScript)
resharper_js_function_in_invocation_braces Braces layout - Functions passed as parameters to other function calls (JavaScript)
resharper_js_indent_pars Braces layout - Indent parenthesis, brackets and expression braces (JavaScript)
resharper_js_indent_switch_labels Case statement - Indent "case" from "switch" (JavaScript)
resharper_js_keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank lines - Max blank lines between declarations (JavaScript)
resharper_js_keep_blank_lines_in_code Blank lines - Max blank lines in code (JavaScript)
resharper_js_min_blank_lines_after_imports Blank lines - Min blank lines after imports (JavaScript)
resharper_js_min_blank_lines_around_fields Blank lines - Min blank lines around fields and signature declarations (TypeScript)
resharper_js_min_blank_lines_around_functions Blank lines - Min blank lines around functions (JavaScript)
resharper_js_min_blank_lines_around_types Blank lines - Min blank lines around types and modules (TypeScript)
resharper_js_new_line_before_catch Place on a new line - Place "catch" on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_js_new_line_before_else Place on a new line - Place "else" on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_js_new_line_before_finally Place on a new line - Place "finally" on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_js_new_line_before_while Place on a new line - Place "while" on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_js_place_class_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Class decorators on the same line with class (TypeScript)
resharper_js_place_each_decorator_on_new_line Place on a new line - Place each decorator on a new line (TypeScript)
resharper_js_place_field_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Field decorators on the same line with field (TypeScript)
resharper_js_place_method_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Method decorators on the same line with signature (TypeScript)
resharper_js_place_property_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Property decorators on the same line with property (TypeScript)
resharper_js_place_template_args_on_new_line Place on a new line - Place template literal arguments on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_js_quote_style Quotes - Quote style (JavaScript)
resharper_js_simple_embedded_statement_style Line breaks - Simple embedded statement (JavaScript)
resharper_js_single_statement_function_style Line breaks - Single-statement function (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_arrow Lambdas - After '=>' in lambda expressions (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_colon_in_type_annotation Type annotations - After ':' (TypeScript)
resharper_js_space_after_comma Comma - After comma (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements In control statements - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_property_colon In object expression - After ':' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement Semicolon - After semicolon in for statement (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_ternary_colon In ternary operator '? :' - After ':' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_ternary_quest In ternary operator '? :' - After '?' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_around_assignment_operator In expressions - Around assignment operator (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_around_binary_operator In expressions - Around binary operator (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_around_dot In expressions - Around dot (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_around_member_access_operator In expressions - Around dot (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_around_pipe_or_amper_in_type_usage Union and Intersection Types - Around '|' or '&' in type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_js_space_before_array_access_brackets In index expressions - Before brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_arrow Lambdas - Before '=>' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_colon_in_case Case statement - Before colon (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_colon_in_type_annotation Type annotations - Before ':' (TypeScript)
resharper_js_space_before_comma Comma - Before comma (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses In function invocations - Before empty parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_method_call_parentheses In function invocations - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_method_parentheses In function declarations - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_method_parentheses_anonymous In function declarations - Before parentheses of anonymous method (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_open_square_brackets In index expressions - Before brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_property_colon In object expression - Before ':' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_semicolon Semicolon - Before semicolon (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement Semicolon - Before semicolon in for statement (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_ternary_colon In ternary operator '? :' - Before ':' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_ternary_quest In ternary operator '? :' - In ternary operator '? :' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_type_parameters_brackets Type parameters and arguments - Before brackets (TypeScript)
resharper_js_space_between_empty_square_brackets In array literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In function invocations - Within empty parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
resharper_js_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses In function invocations - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In function declarations - Within empty parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis Space before method declaration parenthesis (generalized)
resharper_js_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses In function declarations - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements In control statements - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_square_brackets Space within brackets (generalized)
resharper_js_space_within_array_access_brackets In index expressions - Within brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_array_literal_brackets In array literals - Within brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_empty_array_literal_brackets In array literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_empty_object_literal_braces In object expression - Within empty braces (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_object_literal_braces In object expression - Within braces (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_parentheses In expressions - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_template_argument Template literals - Within braces around template argument (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_type_parameters_brackets Type parameters and arguments - Within brackets (TypeScript)
resharper_js_special_else_if_treatment Line breaks - Special "else if" treatment (JavaScript)
resharper_js_stick_comment Other - Don't indent comments started at first column (JavaScript)
resharper_js_types_braces Braces layout - Types and modules (TypeScript)
resharper_js_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_arguments_style Wrapping and chopping - Wrap invocation arguments (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_array_literals Wrapping and chopping - Wrap array literals (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_binary_opsign Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_comma Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before comma (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_dot Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before "." (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_chained_binary_expressions Wrapping and chopping - Wrap chained binary expressions (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_chained_method_calls Wrapping and chopping - Wrap chained method calls (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_enum_style Line breaks - Enumerations (TypeScript)
resharper_js_wrap_for_stmt_header_style Wrapping and chopping - Wrap "for" statement header (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Wrapping and chopping - Wrap multiple declaration (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_object_literals Wrapping and chopping - Wrap object literals (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_parameters_style Wrapping and chopping - Wrap formal parameters (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_ternary_expr_style Wrapping and chopping - Wrap ternary expression (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_union_type_usage Wrapping and chopping - Wrap union type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank lines - Max blank lines between declarations, available for: Css, JavaScript
resharper_keep_blank_lines_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in code, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in declarations, available for: C#, C++, VB.NET
resharper_keep_user_linebreaks Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep existing line breaks, available for: C#, Css, VB.NET
resharper_line_break_after_comma_in_member_initializer_lists Place on new Line - Line break after comma in member initializer lists (C++)
resharper_line_break_before_comma_in_member_initializer_lists Place on new Line - Line break before comma in member initializer lists (C++)
resharper_media_query_style Code layout - Media query (Css)
resharper_member_initializer_list_style Place on new Line - Break line before member initializer list (C++)
resharper_min_blank_lines_after_imports Blank lines - Min blank lines after imports (JavaScript)
resharper_min_blank_lines_around_fields Blank lines - Min blank lines around fields and signature declarations (TypeScript)
resharper_min_blank_lines_around_functions Blank lines - Min blank lines around functions (JavaScript)
resharper_min_blank_lines_around_types Blank lines - Min blank lines around types and modules (TypeScript)
resharper_min_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank lines - Min blank lines between declarations (Css)
resharper_namespace_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Namespace declaration (C++)
resharper_namespace_indentation Indentation - Indent namespace members (C++)
resharper_new_line_before_catch Place on new Line - Place "catch" on new line after compound statement, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_new_line_before_else Place on new Line - Place "else" on new line after compound statement, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_new_line_before_finally Place on a new line - Place "finally" on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_new_line_before_while Place on New Line - Place "while" on new line, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_normalize_tag_names Other - Normalize tag names (HTML)
resharper_old_engine Other - Revert to old formatting engine (C#)
resharper_other_braces Braces Layout - Other, available for: C#, C++
resharper_place_abstract_accessorholder_on_single_line Other - Place abstract/auto property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
resharper_place_accessor_with_attrs_holder_on_single_line Other - Place it on single line even when it has attributes on accessors (C#)
resharper_place_accessorholder_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place property/indexer/event attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_place_class_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Class decorators on the same line with class (TypeScript)
resharper_place_complex_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place multiline accessor attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_place_constructor_initializer_on_same_line Other - Place constructor initializer on same line (C#)
resharper_place_each_decorator_on_new_line Place on a new line - Place each decorator on a new line (TypeScript)
resharper_place_event_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place event attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_place_field_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place field attribute on same line, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_place_field_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Field decorators on the same line with field (TypeScript)
resharper_place_method_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place method attribute on same line, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_place_method_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Method decorators on the same line with signature (TypeScript)
resharper_place_namespace_definitions_on_same_line Braces Layout - Place namespace definitions on the same line (C++)
resharper_place_property_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place property attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_place_property_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a new line - Property decorators on the same line with property (TypeScript)
resharper_place_simple_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place singleline accessor attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_accessor_on_single_line Other - Place simple accessor on single line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_accessorholder_on_single_line Other - Place simple property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_anonymousmethod_on_single_line Other - Place simple anonymous method on single line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line Place simple blocks on single line (generalized)
resharper_place_simple_initializer_on_single_line Other - Place simple array, object and collection on single line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_method_on_single_line Other - Place simple method on single line (C#)
resharper_place_template_args_on_new_line Place on a new line - Place template literal arguments on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_place_type_attribute_on_same_line Other - Place type attribute on same line, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_place_type_constraints_on_same_line Other - Place type constraints on same line (C#)
resharper_properties_style Code layout - Properties (Css)
resharper_quote_style Quotes - Quote style, available for: HTML, JavaScript
resharper_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in code (C#)
resharper_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in declarations (C#)
resharper_selector_style Code layout - Selector (Css)
resharper_simple_block_style Braces Layout - Keep simple compound statements in one line (C++)
resharper_simple_case_statement_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in single "case" statement, available for: C#, C++
resharper_simple_embedded_block_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in a block with a single statement (C#)
resharper_simple_embedded_statement_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in single embedded statement, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_single_statement_function_style Line breaks - Single-statement function (JavaScript)
resharper_space_after_ampersand_op After unary operators - Unsafe addressof operator (&) (C#)
resharper_space_after_arrow Lambdas - After '=>' in lambda expressions (JavaScript)
resharper_space_after_asterik_op After unary operators - Unsafe asterisk operator (*) (C#)
resharper_space_after_attribute_colon Other - After colon in attribute and named parameter (C#)
resharper_space_after_attribute_target_colon Attributes - After attribute target colon (VB.NET)
resharper_space_after_cast In expressions - After parentheses in cast expressions (C++)
resharper_space_after_colon_in_case In control statements - After colon in switch case or label statement (C++)
resharper_space_after_colon_in_type_annotation Type annotations - After ':' (TypeScript)
resharper_space_after_comma Space after comma (generalized)
resharper_space_after_comma_in_base_clause In declarations - After comma in base clause (C++)
resharper_space_after_comma_in_declaration In declarations - After comma in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
resharper_space_after_comma_in_enum In declarations - After comma in enum (C++)
resharper_space_after_comma_in_method In declarations - After comma in function parameters (C++)
resharper_space_after_comma_in_method_call In expressions - After comma in function call and initialization (C++)
resharper_space_after_comma_in_template_args In declarations - After comma in template arguments (C++)
resharper_space_after_comma_in_template_params In declarations - After comma in template parameters (C++)
resharper_space_after_function_comma Function - After comma (Css)
resharper_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements In control statements - Before parentheses, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_after_logical_not_op After unary operators - Logical not operator (!) (C#)
resharper_space_after_media_colon Media query - After colon (Css)
resharper_space_after_media_comma Media query - After comma (Css)
resharper_space_after_operator_keyword Other - After operator keyword (C#)
resharper_space_after_property_colon Property - After colon, available for: Css, JavaScript
resharper_space_after_property_semicolon Property - After semicolon (Css)
resharper_space_after_ptr_in_data_member In declarations - After ptr/ref in declaration of variable (C++)
resharper_space_after_ptr_in_data_members In declarations - After ptr/ref in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
resharper_space_after_ptr_in_method In declarations - After ptr/ref in return type of function (C++)
resharper_space_after_selector_comma Selector - After comma (Css)
resharper_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement In control statements - After semicolon in for statement, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_after_separator Expression - After separator (Css)
resharper_space_after_ternary_colon Ternary Operator - After ':', available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_after_ternary_quest Ternary Operator - After '?', available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_after_type_parameter_constraint_colon Other - After type parameter constraint colon (C#)
resharper_space_after_unary_minus_op After unary operators - Unary minus operator (-) (C#)
resharper_space_after_unary_plus_op After unary operators - Unary plus operator (+) (C#)
resharper_space_around_additive_op Around Binary Operators - Additive operators (+,-), available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_alias_eq Other - Around '=' in namespace alias directive, available for: C#, C++
resharper_space_around_arrow_op Around Binary Operators - Unsafe arrow operator (->) (C#)
resharper_space_around_assignment_op Around Binary Operators - Assignment operators (=,+=,...), available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_assignment_operator In expressions - Around assignment operator, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_around_attribute_match_operator Attribute selector - Around match operator (Css)
resharper_space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
resharper_space_around_bitwise_op Around Binary Operators - Bitwise operators (&,|,^) (C#)
resharper_space_around_deref_in_trailing_return_type In declarations - Around '->' in trailing return types (C++)
resharper_space_around_dot Other - Around dot, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_equality_op Around Binary Operators - Equality operators (==,!=) (C#)
resharper_space_around_for_colon In control statements - Around ':' in range-based for loop (C++)
resharper_space_around_lambda_arrow Other - Around lambda arrow (C#)
resharper_space_around_logical_op Around Binary Operators - Logical operators (&&,||) (C#)
resharper_space_around_member_access_operator Space around member access operators (., ->, ...) (generalized)
resharper_space_around_multiplicative_op Around Binary Operators - Multiplicative operators (*,/,%), available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_nullcoalescing_op Around Binary Operators - Null coalescing operator (??) (C#)
resharper_space_around_operator Expression - Around operator (Css)
resharper_space_around_pipe_or_amper_in_type_usage Union and Intersection Types - Around '|' or '&' in type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_space_around_relational_op Around Binary Operators - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=), available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_selector_operator Selector - Around operator (Css)
resharper_space_around_shift_op Around Binary Operators - Shift operators (<<,>>), available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_stmt_colon Other - Around statement ':' (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_array_access_brackets Before Parentheses - Array access brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_array_rank_brackets Other - Before array rank brackets (C#)
resharper_space_before_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Before array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_arrow Lambdas - Before '=>' (JavaScript)
resharper_space_before_attribute_colon Other - Before colon in attribute and named parameter (C#)
resharper_space_before_attribute_target_colon Attributes - Before attribute target colon (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_catch_parentheses Before Parentheses - "catch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_checked_parentheses Before Parentheses - "checked" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_colon_in_case Other - Before colon in "case" statement, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_colon_in_type_annotation Type annotations - Before ':' (TypeScript)
resharper_space_before_comma Space before comma (generalized)
resharper_space_before_comma_in_base_clause In declarations - Before comma in base clause (C++)
resharper_space_before_comma_in_declaration In declarations - Before comma in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
resharper_space_before_comma_in_enum In declarations - Before comma in enum (C++)
resharper_space_before_comma_in_method In declarations - Before comma in function parameters (C++)
resharper_space_before_comma_in_method_call In expressions - Before comma in function call and initialization (C++)
resharper_space_before_comma_in_template_args In declarations - Before comma in template arguments (C++)
resharper_space_before_comma_in_template_params In declarations - Before comma in template parameters (C++)
resharper_space_before_default_parentheses Before Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_empty_method_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_before_fixed_parentheses Before Parentheses - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_for_parentheses Before Parentheses - "for" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_foreach_parentheses Before Parentheses - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_function_comma Function - Before comma (Css)
resharper_space_before_if_parentheses Before Parentheses - "if" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_initializer_braces In expressions - Before uniform initialization braces (C++)
resharper_space_before_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_label_colon Other - Before ':' in label (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_lock_parentheses Before Parentheses - "lock" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_media_colon Media query - Before colon (Css)
resharper_space_before_media_comma Media query - Before comma (Css)
resharper_space_before_method_call_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method call parentheses, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_method_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_space_before_method_parentheses_anonymous In function declarations - Before parentheses of anonymous method (JavaScript)
resharper_space_before_nameof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_nullable_mark Other - Before nullable mark (C#)
resharper_space_before_open_square_brackets In expressions - Before array subscript brackets, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_pointer_asterik_declaration Other - Before unsafe pointer declaration (C#)
resharper_space_before_property_colon Property - Before colon, available for: Css, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_property_semicolon Property - Before semicolon (Css)
resharper_space_before_ptr_in_data_member In declarations - Before ptr/ref in declaration of variable (C++)
resharper_space_before_ptr_in_data_members In declarations - Before ptr/ref in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
resharper_space_before_ptr_in_method In declarations - Before ptr/ref in return type of function (C++)
resharper_space_before_selector_comma Selector - Before comma (Css)
resharper_space_before_semicolon Other - Before semicolon, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement In control statements - Before semicolon in for statement, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_separator Expression - Before separator (Css)
resharper_space_before_singleline_accessorholder Other - Before single line accessors block (C#)
resharper_space_before_sizeof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_switch_parentheses Before Parentheses - "switch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_template_args In declarations - Before angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
resharper_space_before_template_params In declarations - Before angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
resharper_space_before_ternary_colon Ternary Operator - Before ':', available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_ternary_quest Ternary Operator - Before '?', available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_trailing_comment Other - Before end of line comment (C#)
resharper_space_before_type_argument_angle Before Parentheses - Before type argument list angle (C#)
resharper_space_before_type_parameter_angle Before Parentheses - Before type parameter list angle (C#)
resharper_space_before_type_parameter_constraint_colon Other - Before type parameter constraint colon (C#)
resharper_space_before_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_type_parameters_brackets Type parameters and arguments - Before brackets (TypeScript)
resharper_space_before_typeof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_using_parentheses Before Parentheses - "using" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_while_parentheses Before Parentheses - "while" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_between_accessors_in_singleline_property Other - Between accessors in single line property/event (C#)
resharper_space_between_attribute_sections Other - Between attribute sections (C#)
resharper_space_between_closing_angle_brackets_in_template_args In declarations - Between closing angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
resharper_space_between_empty_square_brackets In array literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In expressions - Within empty parentheses in function call and initialization, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
resharper_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses In expressions - Within parentheses in function call and initialization, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In declarations - Within empty parentheses in function parameters, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis Space before method declaration parenthesis (generalized)
resharper_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses In declarations - Within parentheses in function parameters, available for: C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements Space within parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
resharper_space_between_square_brackets Space within brackets (generalized)
resharper_space_between_typecast_parentheses Within Parentheses - Type cast parentheses, available for: C#, C++
resharper_space_in_singleline_accessorholder Other - Within single line accessor (C#)
resharper_space_in_singleline_anonymous_method Other - Within single line anonymous method (C#)
resharper_space_in_singleline_method Other - Within single line method (C#)
resharper_space_near_postfix_and_prefix_op Other - Before/after ++ and -- (C#)
resharper_space_within_array_access_brackets Within Parentheses - Array access brackets, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_within_array_initialization_braces Arrays - Within array initialization braces (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_array_literal_brackets In array literals - Within brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_space_within_array_rank_brackets Other - Within array rank brackets (C#)
resharper_space_within_array_rank_empty_brackets Other - Within array rank empty brackets (C#)
resharper_space_within_array_rank_empty_parentheses Arrays - Within empty array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Within array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_attribute_angles Attributes - Within attribute angles (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_attribute_brackets Other - Within attribute brackets (C#)
resharper_space_within_attribute_match_brackets Attribute selector - Within brackets (Css)
resharper_space_within_catch_parentheses Within Parentheses - "catch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_checked_parentheses Within Parentheses - "checked" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_default_parentheses Within Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_empty_array_literal_brackets In array literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_space_within_empty_initializer_braces In expressions - Within empty uniform initialization braces (C++)
resharper_space_within_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_empty_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_empty_object_literal_braces In object expression - Within empty braces (JavaScript)
resharper_space_within_empty_template_params In declarations - Within empty angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
resharper_space_within_expression_parentheses Expression - Within parentheses, available for: Css, VB.NET
resharper_space_within_fixed_parentheses Within Parentheses - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_for_parentheses Within Parentheses - "for" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_foreach_parentheses Within Parentheses - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_function_parentheses Function - Within parentheses (Css)
resharper_space_within_if_parentheses Within Parentheses - "if" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_initializer_braces In expressions - Within uniform initialization braces (C++)
resharper_space_within_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_lock_parentheses Within Parentheses - "lock" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_media_block Media query - Within block (Css)
resharper_space_within_media_parentheses Media query - Within parentheses (Css)
resharper_space_within_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_nameof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_object_literal_braces In object expression - Within braces (JavaScript)
resharper_space_within_parentheses Within Parentheses - Parentheses, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_space_within_property_block Property - Within block (Css)
resharper_space_within_single_line_array_initializer_braces Other - Within single-line initializer braces (C#)
resharper_space_within_sizeof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_switch_parentheses Within Parentheses - "switch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_template_args In declarations - Within angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
resharper_space_within_template_argument Template literals - Within braces around template argument (JavaScript)
resharper_space_within_template_params In declarations - Within angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
resharper_space_within_type_argument_angles Within Parentheses - Type argument angles (C#)
resharper_space_within_type_parameter_angles Within Parentheses - Type parameter angles (C#)
resharper_space_within_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_type_parameters_brackets Type parameters and arguments - Within brackets (TypeScript)
resharper_space_within_typeof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_using_parentheses Within Parentheses - "using" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_while_parentheses Within Parentheses - "while" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_withing_empty_braces Other - Space between empty braces (C#)
resharper_special_else_if_treatment Other - Special "else if" treatment, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_stick_comment Indentation - Don't indent comments started at first column, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_toplevel_function_declaration_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after top-level function declaration return type (C++)
resharper_toplevel_function_definition_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after top-level function definition return type (C++)
resharper_type_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Type and namespace declaration, available for: C#, C++
resharper_types_braces Braces layout - Types and modules (TypeScript)
resharper_vb_align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Invocation arguments (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_align_multiline_array_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array initializer (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Expression (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_align_multiline_implements_list Align Multiline Constructs - Implements/handles list (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declaration list (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - After imports section (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_after_options Blank Lines - After file options section (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines - Around multiline field (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_global_attribute Blank Lines - After global attribute (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines - Around multiline method (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines - Around namespace (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_region Blank Lines - Around region (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines - Around single line field (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines - Around single line method (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines - Around type (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_inside_region Blank Lines - Inside region (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_indent_case_from_select Other - Indent "case" from "select" (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_keep_blank_lines_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in code (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in declarations (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_keep_user_linebreaks Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep existing line breaks (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_place_event_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place event attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_place_field_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place field attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_place_method_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place method attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_place_property_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place property attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_place_type_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place type attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_after_attribute_target_colon Attributes - After attribute target colon (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_after_comma Other - After ',' (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_additive_op Around operations - Additive operators (+,-) (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_assignment_op Around operations - Assignment operators (=,+=,...) (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
resharper_vb_space_around_dot Other - Around '.' (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_member_access_operator Other - Around '.' (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_multiplicative_op Around operations - Multiplicative operators (*,/,...) (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_relational_op Around operations - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=) (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_shift_op Around operations - Shift operators (<<,>>) (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_stmt_colon Other - Around statement ':' (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Before array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_attribute_target_colon Attributes - Before attribute target colon (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_comma Other - Before ',' (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_empty_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_label_colon Other - Before ':' in label (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_array_initialization_braces Arrays - Within array initialization braces (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_array_rank_empty_parentheses Arrays - Within empty array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Within array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_attribute_angles Attributes - Within attribute angles (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_empty_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_expression_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within expression parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_stick_comment Other - Don't indent comments started at first column (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_arguments_style Line Wrapping - Wrap invocation arguments (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_before_binary_opsign Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in method declaration (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_extends_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap extends/implements/handles list (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple declarations list (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_parameters_style Line Wrapping - Wrap formal parameters (VB.NET)
resharper_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_after_dot_in_method_calls Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "." (C#)
resharper_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_arguments_style Line Wrapping - Wrap invocation arguments, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_array_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap array initializer (C#)
resharper_wrap_array_literals Wrapping and chopping - Wrap array literals (JavaScript)
resharper_wrap_base_clause_style Line Wrapping - Wrap base classes list (C++)
resharper_wrap_before_arrow_with_expressions Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "=>" followed by expressions (C#)
resharper_wrap_before_binary_opsign Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_before_colon Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before ":" (C++)
resharper_wrap_before_comma Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before ",", available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_before_dot Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before "." (JavaScript)
resharper_wrap_before_extends_colon Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before ":" (C#)
resharper_wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before first constraint (C#)
resharper_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_before_type_parameter_langle Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before type parameters opening angle (C#)
resharper_wrap_braced_init_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap braced initializer list (C++)
resharper_wrap_chained_binary_expressions Line Wrapping - Wrap chained binary expressions, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_chained_method_calls Line Wrapping - Wrap chained method calls, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_ctor_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap constructor initializer (C++)
resharper_wrap_enum_style Line breaks - Enumerations (TypeScript)
resharper_wrap_enumeration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap enum definition (C++)
resharper_wrap_extends_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap extends/implements list, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_for_stmt_header_style Line Wrapping - Wrap "for" statement header, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_linq_expressions Line Wrapping - Wrap LINQ expressions (C#)
resharper_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple declaration, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_multiple_type_parameer_constraints_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple type parameter constraints (C#)
resharper_wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap object and collection initializer (C#)
resharper_wrap_object_literals Wrapping and chopping - Wrap object literals (JavaScript)
resharper_wrap_parameters_style Line Wrapping - Wrap formal parameters, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_ternary_expr_style Line Wrapping - Wrap ternary expression, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_union_type_usage Wrapping and chopping - Wrap union type usage (TypeScript)
selector_style Code layout - Selector (Css)
simple_block_style Braces Layout - Keep simple compound statements in one line (C++)
simple_case_statement_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in single "case" statement, available for: C#, C++
simple_embedded_block_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in a block with a single statement (C#)
simple_embedded_statement_style Preserve Existing Formatting - Break line in single embedded statement, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
single_statement_function_style Line breaks - Single-statement function (JavaScript)
space_after_ampersand_op After unary operators - Unsafe addressof operator (&) (C#)
space_after_arrow Lambdas - After '=>' in lambda expressions (JavaScript)
space_after_asterik_op After unary operators - Unsafe asterisk operator (*) (C#)
space_after_attribute_colon Other - After colon in attribute and named parameter (C#)
space_after_attribute_target_colon Attributes - After attribute target colon (VB.NET)
space_after_cast Other - After type cast parentheses, available for: C#, C++
space_after_colon_in_case In control statements - After colon in switch case or label statement (C++)
space_after_colon_in_inheritance_clause Other - After base types list colon, available for: C#, C++
space_after_colon_in_type_annotation Type annotations - After ':' (TypeScript)
space_after_comma Space after comma (generalized)
space_after_comma_in_base_clause In declarations - After comma in base clause (C++)
space_after_comma_in_declaration In declarations - After comma in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
space_after_comma_in_enum In declarations - After comma in enum (C++)
space_after_comma_in_method In declarations - After comma in function parameters (C++)
space_after_comma_in_method_call In expressions - After comma in function call and initialization (C++)
space_after_comma_in_template_args In declarations - After comma in template arguments (C++)
space_after_comma_in_template_params In declarations - After comma in template parameters (C++)
space_after_function_comma Function - After comma (Css)
space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements Space before parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
space_after_logical_not_op After unary operators - Logical not operator (!) (C#)
space_after_media_colon Media query - After colon (Css)
space_after_media_comma Media query - After comma (Css)
space_after_operator_keyword Other - After operator keyword (C#)
space_after_property_colon Property - After colon, available for: Css, JavaScript
space_after_property_semicolon Property - After semicolon (Css)
space_after_ptr_in_data_member In declarations - After ptr/ref in declaration of variable (C++)
space_after_ptr_in_data_members In declarations - After ptr/ref in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
space_after_ptr_in_method In declarations - After ptr/ref in return type of function (C++)
space_after_selector_comma Selector - After comma (Css)
space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement Other - After "for" semicolon, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_after_separator Expression - After separator (Css)
space_after_ternary_colon Ternary Operator - After ':', available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_after_ternary_quest Ternary Operator - After '?', available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_after_type_parameter_constraint_colon Other - After type parameter constraint colon (C#)
space_after_unary_minus_op After unary operators - Unary minus operator (-) (C#)
space_after_unary_plus_op After unary operators - Unary plus operator (+) (C#)
space_around_additive_op Around Binary Operators - Additive operators (+,-), available for: C#, VB.NET
space_around_alias_eq Other - Around '=' in namespace alias directive, available for: C#, C++
space_around_arrow_op Around Binary Operators - Unsafe arrow operator (->) (C#)
space_around_assignment_op Around Binary Operators - Assignment operators (=,+=,...), available for: C#, VB.NET
space_around_assignment_operator In expressions - Around assignment operator, available for: C++, JavaScript
space_around_attribute_match_operator Attribute selector - Around match operator (Css)
space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
space_around_bitwise_op Around Binary Operators - Bitwise operators (&,|,^) (C#)
space_around_deref_in_trailing_return_type In declarations - Around '->' in trailing return types (C++)
space_around_dot Other - Around dot, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
space_around_equality_op Around Binary Operators - Equality operators (==,!=) (C#)
space_around_for_colon In control statements - Around ':' in range-based for loop (C++)
space_around_lambda_arrow Other - Around lambda arrow (C#)
space_around_logical_op Around Binary Operators - Logical operators (&&,||) (C#)
space_around_member_access_operator Space around member access operators (., ->, ...) (generalized)
space_around_multiplicative_op Around Binary Operators - Multiplicative operators (*,/,%), available for: C#, VB.NET
space_around_nullcoalescing_op Around Binary Operators - Null coalescing operator (??) (C#)
space_around_operator Expression - Around operator (Css)
space_around_pipe_or_amper_in_type_usage Union and Intersection Types - Around '|' or '&' in type usage (TypeScript)
space_around_relational_op Around Binary Operators - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=), available for: C#, VB.NET
space_around_selector_operator Selector - Around operator (Css)
space_around_shift_op Around Binary Operators - Shift operators (<<,>>), available for: C#, VB.NET
space_around_stmt_colon Other - Around statement ':' (VB.NET)
space_before_array_access_brackets Before Parentheses - Array access brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_before_array_rank_brackets Other - Before array rank brackets (C#)
space_before_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Before array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
space_before_arrow Lambdas - Before '=>' (JavaScript)
space_before_attribute_colon Other - Before colon in attribute and named parameter (C#)
space_before_attribute_target_colon Attributes - Before attribute target colon (VB.NET)
space_before_catch_parentheses Before Parentheses - "catch" parentheses (C#)
space_before_checked_parentheses Before Parentheses - "checked" parentheses (C#)
space_before_colon_in_case Other - Before colon in "case" statement, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_before_colon_in_inheritance_clause Other - Before base types list colon, available for: C#, C++
space_before_colon_in_type_annotation Type annotations - Before ':' (TypeScript)
space_before_comma Space before comma (generalized)
space_before_comma_in_base_clause In declarations - Before comma in base clause (C++)
space_before_comma_in_declaration In declarations - Before comma in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
space_before_comma_in_enum In declarations - Before comma in enum (C++)
space_before_comma_in_method In declarations - Before comma in function parameters (C++)
space_before_comma_in_method_call In expressions - Before comma in function call and initialization (C++)
space_before_comma_in_template_args In declarations - Before comma in template arguments (C++)
space_before_comma_in_template_params In declarations - Before comma in template parameters (C++)
space_before_default_parentheses Before Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
space_before_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_before_empty_method_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses, available for: C#, VB.NET
space_before_fixed_parentheses Before Parentheses - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
space_before_for_parentheses Before Parentheses - "for" parentheses (C#)
space_before_foreach_parentheses Before Parentheses - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
space_before_function_comma Function - Before comma (Css)
space_before_if_parentheses Before Parentheses - "if" parentheses (C#)
space_before_initializer_braces In expressions - Before uniform initialization braces (C++)
space_before_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
space_before_label_colon Other - Before ':' in label (VB.NET)
space_before_lock_parentheses Before Parentheses - "lock" parentheses (C#)
space_before_media_colon Media query - Before colon (Css)
space_before_media_comma Media query - Before comma (Css)
space_before_method_call_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method call parentheses, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_before_method_parentheses Before Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
space_before_method_parentheses_anonymous In function declarations - Before parentheses of anonymous method (JavaScript)
space_before_nameof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
space_before_nullable_mark Other - Before nullable mark (C#)
space_before_open_square_brackets Space before brackets (generalized)
space_before_pointer_asterik_declaration Other - Before unsafe pointer declaration (C#)
space_before_property_colon Property - Before colon, available for: Css, JavaScript
space_before_property_semicolon Property - Before semicolon (Css)
space_before_ptr_in_data_member In declarations - Before ptr/ref in declaration of variable (C++)
space_before_ptr_in_data_members In declarations - Before ptr/ref in declaration of multiple variables (C++)
space_before_ptr_in_method In declarations - Before ptr/ref in return type of function (C++)
space_before_selector_comma Selector - Before comma (Css)
space_before_semicolon Other - Before semicolon, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement Other - Before "for" semicolon, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_before_separator Expression - Before separator (Css)
space_before_singleline_accessorholder Other - Before single line accessors block (C#)
space_before_sizeof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
space_before_switch_parentheses Before Parentheses - "switch" parentheses (C#)
space_before_template_args In declarations - Before angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
space_before_template_params In declarations - Before angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
space_before_ternary_colon Ternary Operator - Before ':', available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_before_ternary_quest Ternary Operator - Before '?', available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_before_trailing_comment Other - Before end of line comment (C#)
space_before_type_argument_angle Before Parentheses - Before type argument list angle (C#)
space_before_type_parameter_angle Before Parentheses - Before type parameter list angle (C#)
space_before_type_parameter_constraint_colon Other - Before type parameter constraint colon (C#)
space_before_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
space_before_type_parameters_brackets Type parameters and arguments - Before brackets (TypeScript)
space_before_typeof_parentheses Before Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
space_before_using_parentheses Before Parentheses - "using" parentheses (C#)
space_before_while_parentheses Before Parentheses - "while" parentheses (C#)
space_between_accessors_in_singleline_property Other - Between accessors in single line property/event (C#)
space_between_attribute_sections Other - Between attribute sections (C#)
space_between_closing_angle_brackets_in_template_args In declarations - Between closing angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
space_between_empty_square_brackets Other - Within array rank empty brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses Within Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses Within Parentheses - Method call parentheses, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses Within Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis Space before method declaration parenthesis (generalized)
space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses Within Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements Space within parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
space_between_square_brackets Space within brackets (generalized)
space_between_typecast_parentheses Within Parentheses - Type cast parentheses, available for: C#, C++
space_in_singleline_accessorholder Other - Within single line accessor (C#)
space_in_singleline_anonymous_method Other - Within single line anonymous method (C#)
space_in_singleline_method Other - Within single line method (C#)
space_near_postfix_and_prefix_op Other - Before/after ++ and -- (C#)
space_within_array_access_brackets Within Parentheses - Array access brackets, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_within_array_initialization_braces Arrays - Within array initialization braces (VB.NET)
space_within_array_literal_brackets In array literals - Within brackets (JavaScript)
space_within_array_rank_brackets Other - Within array rank brackets (C#)
space_within_array_rank_empty_brackets Other - Within array rank empty brackets (C#)
space_within_array_rank_empty_parentheses Arrays - Within empty array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Within array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_attribute_angles Attributes - Within attribute angles (VB.NET)
space_within_attribute_brackets Other - Within attribute brackets (C#)
space_within_attribute_match_brackets Attribute selector - Within brackets (Css)
space_within_catch_parentheses Within Parentheses - "catch" parentheses (C#)
space_within_checked_parentheses Within Parentheses - "checked" parentheses (C#)
space_within_default_parentheses Within Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
space_within_empty_array_literal_brackets In array literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
space_within_empty_initializer_braces In expressions - Within empty uniform initialization braces (C++)
space_within_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_empty_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_empty_object_literal_braces In object expression - Within empty braces (JavaScript)
space_within_empty_template_params In declarations - Within empty angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
space_within_expression_parentheses Expression - Within parentheses, available for: Css, VB.NET
space_within_fixed_parentheses Within Parentheses - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
space_within_for_parentheses Within Parentheses - "for" parentheses (C#)
space_within_foreach_parentheses Within Parentheses - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
space_within_function_parentheses Function - Within parentheses (Css)
space_within_if_parentheses Within Parentheses - "if" parentheses (C#)
space_within_initializer_braces In expressions - Within uniform initialization braces (C++)
space_within_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_lock_parentheses Within Parentheses - "lock" parentheses (C#)
space_within_media_block Media query - Within block (Css)
space_within_media_parentheses Media query - Within parentheses (Css)
space_within_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_nameof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
space_within_object_literal_braces In object expression - Within braces (JavaScript)
space_within_parentheses Within Parentheses - Parentheses, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
space_within_property_block Property - Within block (Css)
space_within_single_line_array_initializer_braces Other - Within single-line initializer braces (C#)
space_within_sizeof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
space_within_switch_parentheses Within Parentheses - "switch" parentheses (C#)
space_within_template_args In declarations - Within angle brackets in template arguments (C++)
space_within_template_argument Template literals - Within braces around template argument (JavaScript)
space_within_template_params In declarations - Within angle brackets in template parameters (C++)
space_within_type_argument_angles Within Parentheses - Type argument angles (C#)
space_within_type_parameter_angles Within Parentheses - Type parameter angles (C#)
space_within_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_type_parameters_brackets Type parameters and arguments - Within brackets (TypeScript)
space_within_typeof_parentheses Within Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
space_within_using_parentheses Within Parentheses - "using" parentheses (C#)
space_within_while_parentheses Within Parentheses - "while" parentheses (C#)
space_withing_empty_braces Other - Space between empty braces (C#)
special_else_if_treatment Other - Special "else if" treatment, available for: C#, JavaScript
stick_comment Indentation - Don't indent comments started at first column, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
toplevel_function_declaration_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after top-level function declaration return type (C++)
toplevel_function_definition_return_type_style Place on new Line - Break line after top-level function definition return type (C++)
type_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Type and namespace declaration, available for: C#, C++
types_braces Braces layout - Types and modules (TypeScript)
vb_align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Invocation arguments (VB.NET)
vb_align_multiline_array_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array initializer (VB.NET)
vb_align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Expression (VB.NET)
vb_align_multiline_implements_list Align Multiline Constructs - Implements/handles list (VB.NET)
vb_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (VB.NET)
vb_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declaration list (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - After imports section (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_after_options Blank Lines - After file options section (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines - Around multiline field (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_global_attribute Blank Lines - After global attribute (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines - Around multiline method (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines - Around namespace (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_region Blank Lines - Around region (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines - Around single line field (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines - Around single line method (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines - Around type (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_inside_region Blank Lines - Inside region (VB.NET)
vb_indent_case_from_select Other - Indent "case" from "select" (VB.NET)
vb_keep_blank_lines_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in code (VB.NET)
vb_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in declarations (VB.NET)
vb_keep_user_linebreaks Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep existing line breaks (VB.NET)
vb_max_line_length Line Wrapping - Right margin (columns) (VB.NET)
vb_place_event_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place event attribute on same line (VB.NET)
vb_place_field_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place field attribute on same line (VB.NET)
vb_place_method_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place method attribute on same line (VB.NET)
vb_place_property_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place property attribute on same line (VB.NET)
vb_place_type_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place type attribute on same line (VB.NET)
vb_space_after_attribute_target_colon Attributes - After attribute target colon (VB.NET)
vb_space_after_comma Other - After ',' (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_additive_op Around operations - Additive operators (+,-) (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_assignment_op Around operations - Assignment operators (=,+=,...) (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
vb_space_around_dot Other - Around '.' (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_member_access_operator Other - Around '.' (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_multiplicative_op Around operations - Multiplicative operators (*,/,...) (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_relational_op Around operations - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=) (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_shift_op Around operations - Shift operators (<<,>>) (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_stmt_colon Other - Around statement ':' (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Before array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_attribute_target_colon Attributes - Before attribute target colon (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_comma Other - Before ',' (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_empty_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_label_colon Other - Before ':' in label (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Before type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_array_initialization_braces Arrays - Within array initialization braces (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_array_rank_empty_parentheses Arrays - Within empty array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Within array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_attribute_angles Attributes - Within attribute angles (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_empty_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_expression_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within expression parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_invocation_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_method_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby parentheses - Within type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_stick_comment Other - Don't indent comments started at first column (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_arguments_style Line Wrapping - Wrap invocation arguments (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_before_binary_opsign Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in method declaration (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_extends_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap extends/implements/handles list (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple declarations list (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_parameters_style Line Wrapping - Wrap formal parameters (VB.NET)
wrap_after_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
wrap_after_dot_in_method_calls Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "." (C#)
wrap_after_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
wrap_arguments_style Line Wrapping - Wrap invocation arguments, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_array_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap array initializer (C#)
wrap_array_literals Wrapping and chopping - Wrap array literals (JavaScript)
wrap_base_clause_style Line Wrapping - Wrap base classes list (C++)
wrap_before_arrow_with_expressions Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "=>" followed by expressions (C#)
wrap_before_binary_opsign Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_before_colon Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before ":" (C++)
wrap_before_comma Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before ",", available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
wrap_before_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_before_dot Wrapping and chopping - Prefer wrap before "." (JavaScript)
wrap_before_extends_colon Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before ":" (C#)
wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before first constraint (C#)
wrap_before_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
wrap_before_type_parameter_langle Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before type parameters opening angle (C#)
wrap_braced_init_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap braced initializer list (C++)
wrap_chained_binary_expressions Line Wrapping - Wrap chained binary expressions, available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_chained_method_calls Line Wrapping - Wrap chained method calls, available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_ctor_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap constructor initializer (C++)
wrap_enum_style Line breaks - Enumerations (TypeScript)
wrap_enumeration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap enum definition (C++)
wrap_extends_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap extends/implements list, available for: C#, VB.NET
wrap_for_stmt_header_style Line Wrapping - Wrap "for" statement header, available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_linq_expressions Line Wrapping - Wrap LINQ expressions (C#)
wrap_multiple_declaration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple declaration, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_multiple_type_parameer_constraints_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple type parameter constraints (C#)
wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style Line Wrapping - Wrap object and collection initializer (C#)
wrap_object_literals Wrapping and chopping - Wrap object literals (JavaScript)
wrap_parameters_style Line Wrapping - Wrap formal parameters, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_ternary_expr_style Line Wrapping - Wrap ternary expression, available for: C#, C++, JavaScript
wrap_union_type_usage Wrapping and chopping - Wrap union type usage (TypeScript)
Last modified: 14 December 2017