ReSharper 2017.2 Help

What's New in ReSharper

ReSharper/ReSharper C++ 2017.2

ReSharper/ReSharper C++ 2017.1

ReSharper/ReSharper C++ 2016.3

  • Support of Visual Studio 2017 RC, including the new .csproj based .NET Core projects.
  • Massive improvements in language injections: JavaScript, CSS, and JSON are supported, ability to inject languages with a comment (/*language=javascript|html|regexp|jsregexp|json|css*/), ability to disable automatic language injections in specific cases.
  • A new Transform Parameters refactoring, which combines and replaces two other refactorings 'Transform Out Parameters' and 'Extract Class from Parameters'.
  • No more separate setting pages for context actions in specific languages as all of them can be now enabled or disabled on the Code Editing | Context Actions page of ReSharper options.
  • Redesigned inspections severity options page (Code Inspection | Inspection Severity).
  • New options page (Code Editing | Third-Party Code), which allows adding C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML and JSON files, folders and wildcards to be treated either as 'skipped' or 'library'. ReSharper will completely ignore 'skipped' files, and treat 'library' files as read-only – indexed for navigation, but no inspections, quick-fixes and refactorings.
  • The Usages of Symbol action lets you switch from the pop-up to the Find Results window before the usage search is over.
  • The Find Results window works asynchronously, meaning that you can work with the results tree while a search is in progress.
  • Recent Files and Recent Edits pop-ups now show the path of the file, Recent Edits can also show all edits in the same method as a single entry.
  • New formats of content files (.less, .hbs, .coffee, .scss, .dart, .as, .styl) supported in Go to Text.
  • A setting to remember the last search in Go to Everything/Type, Go To File, and Go to Text actions (this behavior is turned off by default).
  • Assembly Explorer window adds a new way to load assemblies – directly from or from any NuGet package source.
  • New code generation actions: relational members, relational comparer, dispose pattern, plus a new option to check parameters for null in generate constructor.
  • New quick-fixes and context actions: e.g. a new quick-fix to introduce fields and auto-properties for all unused parameters; a new context action on fields of type Lazy<T> will introduce a property to encapsulate fieldname.Value.
  • A new typing assist for interpolated strings: type $ and ReSharper will automatically complete the $"" and insert the text caret between the quotes.
  • Join Lines command that quickly appends the next line after the current one.
  • ReSharper build improvements: the results of a build are now displayed in their own Build Results window, plain text logging to the Output window and/or to a file, an option to automatically run build after the solution is loaded, and proprietary NuGet package restorer that works with all supported Visual Studio versions.
  • External stack traces can open automatically in the Stack Trace Explorer window.
  • Initial support for C# 7.0 and VB.NET 15 features: binary literals, digit separators, out variables, local functions, and more.
  • Dynamic completion of package names in project configuration files (project.json, package.json, and bower.json).
  • Unit testing assistance is now available for for NUnit and unit tests in ASP.NET Core and .NET Core projects.
  • Significant performance improvement tests.
  • Support of UWP RelativePanel control.
  • Formatter improvements: Indenting of nested for, foreach, while, lock statements without braces is now disabled by default, with options to restore the old behavior; new option for indenting type parameter constraints; fixes for bugs introduced in 2016.2 by the new indenting engine.
  • Reworked coloring of to-do items in the editor.
  • Improved TypeScript/JavaScript support including:
  • New features for ReSharper C++ 2016.3:

ReSharper/ReSharper C++ 2016.2

  • Support of ASP.NET Core 1.0 and .NET Core 1.0 projects.
  • Go to Text.
  • Structural Navigation.
  • Warnings in Solution-Wide Analysis.
  • New C# typing assistant features: dot/semicolon inside parentheses and auto-correction of prefix in verbatim string interpolation
  • Ability to mark references as used at runtime to exclude them from cleanup performed by the Optimize References and Remove Unused References features.
  • Rearrange code improvements. For example, it is now available in interpolated string inserts, and in expressions with 3 and more operands; greedy brace now works for opening brace, braces of types and namespace declarations.
  • Reworked surround templates: each non-file template can now be used for generating code, for surrounding code, or for both, which lets you reuse your custom surround templates as live templates and vice versa, reducing their total number.
  • Extract Members to Partial refactoring.
  • Move Type to Another File refactoring can be now applied to nested types.
  • Assembly dependency diagram.
  • Ability to suppress custom code inspections with comments: specify a 'suppression key' in the Edit Highlighting Pattern dialog, and then use comments like // ReSharper disable once [SuppressionKey].
  • Execution log in the Unit Test Sessions window that lets you separate problems related to test execution process from unit tests code.
  • HTML analysis inside string literals in .cs, .js, and .ts files, which is enabled with the context action or with a comment /*language=html*/ before the string literal.
  • Ability to enable regular expression assistance in string literals with a comment /*language=regexp*/ before the string literal.
  • JSON value helpers.
  • Support for the <inheritdoc/> tag in XML documentation comments.
  • C# formatter improvements: new options for indenting of parentheses and code inside them; for controlling spaces before and after ++ and -- operators as well as before and inside parenthesis of checked and default expressions.
  • IL Viewer improvements: when you set the caret on a code symbol or instruction, all usages of this item are highlighted; loops in your code can be distinguished by corresponding indents and comments.
  • Ability to explore assemblies from currently running processes.
  • Localization Inspections and quick-fixes as well as the Move to Resource refactoring now work for interpolated strings.
  • VB.NET: support for interpolated strings
  • CSS: support of custom properties and CSS variables.
  • Improved TypeScript/JavaScript support including:
    • Generative Completion in TypeScript (ctorf/ ctorp, overrides, lambdas).
    • Full support of TypeScript 2.0 features, including this for functions, control-flow aware type guards, path mappings, optional class members, the never type.
    • Generating implementations for abstract members declared in a parent class using the Generate action (Alt+Insert) or a quick-fix.
    • Go to Declaration and Find Usages work correctly when dealing with type aliases.
  • New features for ReSharper C++ 2016.2:
    • C++14 language features: variable templates and decltype(auto).
    • Warnings about usages of classes and functions marked with the [[deprecated]]/__declspec(deprecated) attribute.
    • Support of the [[noreturn]]/__declspec(noreturn) attribute in control flow analysis.
    • New code style preferences for include directives in generated code.
    • Inline Variable refactoring now works in C++.
    • Important optimization of code analysis. For example, this optimization makes indexing (first opening) of the Unreal engine project several times faster.
    • Automatic Completion in C++ now also suggests symbols that are not included in the current file.
    • New code inspections and quick-fixes: 'Missing include guards' in your header files with the 'Add #pragma once directive' fix; 'Non-explicit conversion operator'; inspection and a fix to add a missing default case to a switch statement.
    • The Document context action that allows you to quickly add documentation comments to types and symbols.
    • When your caret is on one of a function’s exits (return, throw, etc.) ReSharper will automatically highlight all other function exits including exits from loops and switch statements.
    • A code style preference for using 0|nullptr|NULL in default pointer initializers.
    • New formatter options: single-line functions and lambdas, Blank lines around single line function definitions, Break line before member initializer list, Space between closing angle brackets in template arguments (for conformance with pre-C++11 compilers)
    • __RESHARPER__ macro that allows you to detect when ReSharper is parsing your source code and, if necessary, disable ReSharper's preprocessor for some code.
    • Quick Documentation and Parameter Information pop-ups can display documentation from documentation comments optimized for Doxygen.

ReSharper/ReSharper C++ 2016.1

ReSharper/ReSharper C++ 10.0

ReSharper 9.2/ReSharper C++ 1.1

ReSharper 9.1

ReSharper 9.0

ReSharper 8.2

ReSharper 8.1

ReSharper 8.0

ReSharper 7.0

ReSharper 6.1

ReSharper 6.0

ReSharper 5.0

ReSharper 4.5

ReSharper 4.1

  • Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1.
  • ASP.NET enhancements.
  • Improved performance and usability.
  • Bug fixes.

ReSharper 4.0

  • Comprehensive support for Visual Studio 2008 and C# 3.0, including LINQ, implicitly typed locals and arrays, extension methods, automatic properties, lambda expressions, object & collection initializers, anonymous types, expression trees, and partial methods.
  • Errors, warnings and suggestions are complemented by hints, which are by far the most non-intrusive way to recommend coding improvements.
  • .NET Framework classes were annotated with custom attributes to make ReSharper analyze your code even better than before - for instance, to let it know where format strings should be passed or where null values can or can not be assigned. You can also use these custom attributes to annotate your own source code, as well as library symbols that you don't have source code for.
  • Code Cleanup - a powerful successor to Reformat Code. By simply running Code Cleanup, you can instantly apply a dozen of actions, including arranging 'this' qualifiers, removing code redundancies, migrating to auto-properties, optimizing using directives, and many more.
  • All ReSharper refactorings now support C# 3.0. New members of the refactoring family are available, including Convert Method to Indexer refactoring, Convert Indexer to Method refactoring, Convert Static to Extension Method refactoring, Convert Extension Method to Plain Static refactoring, Convert Property to Auto-Property refactoring, Convert Anonymous to Named Type refactoring, and Inline Method refactoring. All refactorings that are not C# 3.0-specific are now available for Visual Basic 8.
  • Complete Statement - a new feature that inserts necessary syntax elements (braces, semicolons etc.) and gets you to the position to start the next statement.
  • CamelHumps in Code Completion. All three completion features - Basic Completion, Smart Completion, and Import Symbol Completion - let you complete any symbol by entering only its uppercase characters.
  • Templates Explorer and Template Editor - a redesigned set of tools to view, manage, and edit the three types of templates that ReSharper provides. From now on, you can manage and classify your templates in a special-purpose window, and edit them right in a Visual Studio code pane.
  • Recent Edits - a drop-down list similar to existing Go To features that shows files and symbols that you recently modified.
  • Go to Type / Symbol / File features allow you to display destination types/symbols/files in the Find Results window.
  • To-do items are now discoverable in identifiers and strings.
  • File Structure,Go to File Member, and Go to Next/Previous Member all support XML and XAML.
  • Vast improvements in Quick Documentation, including hyperlinks to related items, back/forward navigation, "read more" links and navigating to source.
  • Smoother interaction with Visual Studio ecosystem. The quality of interaction with frameworks, add-ins, version control clients and other members of the Visual Studio ecosystem (.NET Compact Framework, BizTalk, and Silverlight included) is brought to a new level.
  • ASP.NET Speedup. ReSharper 4.0 significantly speeds up analysis and, consequently, editing of ASP.NET pages, to enable more web developers benefit from the great toolset that ReSharper provides.

ReSharper 3.1

ReSharper 3.0

  • Comprehensive support for VB.NET: versatile code assistance, code completion, many important code refactorings, code generation, live templates, and more.
  • Full-fledged C# code analysis with code suggestions that go beyond just bringing your attention to errors and propose optimized code usage.
  • Cross-language functionality: for mixed C# and VB.NET projects, ReSharper helps you keep all parts of code working together smoothly and navigate around your code with ease.
  • Three editions of ReSharper (C#, VB.NET and Full) for different target audiences.
  • To-do list: create to-do items by certain patterns and navigate between them.
  • Type members preview: you can now preview existing members of a selected type, either all or polymorphic only.
  • Auto member reordering: define the order of members in the Options dialog.
  • Ability to find code dependent on specific module and find usages of symbols external to scope.
  • Go To Symbol for robust solution-wide search by name for any file member.
  • Disabling warnings at a specific position: configure the "Disable warning" context action and apply it where necessary.
  • Unit Test Explorer window: unparalleled flexibility in running and debugging unit tests.
  • XML and XAML support.
Last modified: 14 December 2017