ReSharper 2017.2 Help

Navigate To To-do Explorer

ReSharper | Navigate | Navigate To | To-do Explorer
Ctrl+Shift+G | To-do Explorer

This command navigates from a To-do item in the editor to its corresponding entry in the To-do Explorer window. The command becomes available when you invoke Navigate To on any To-do item in the editor:

Navigation and Search Navigate from Here todoexplorer

This feature is supported in the following languages and technologies:

Language: C# Language: VB.NET Language: C++ Language: HTML Language: ASP.NET Language: Razor Language: JavaScript Language: TypeScript Language: CSS Language: XML Language: XAML Language: Resx Language: Build Scripts Language: Protobuf Language: JSON
Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is not available

The instructions and examples given here address the use of the feature in C#. For details specific to other languages, see corresponding topics in the ReSharper by Language section.

Last modified: 14 December 2017

See Also