ReSharper 2017.2 Help

Context Actions for C++

ReSharper provides the following context actions for Cpp:

Add '= default' specifier to a function without definition Marks a function without definition as defaulted.
Add '= delete' specifier to a function without definition Marks a function without definition as deleted.
Add pure specifier to a virtual function without definition Marks a virtual function without definition with a pure specifier.
Add 'virtual' specifier to a virtual member function Adds 'virtual' specifier to a virtual member function.
Convert #include directive from angle-bracket to quoted form Convert #include directive from angle-bracket to quoted form.
Convert #include directive from quoted to angle-bracket form Convert #include directive quoted to angle-bracket form.
Convert '?:' to 'if' Converts expression involving ternary operator to equivalent if-statement.
Convert a typedef declaration into an alias declaration Replaces a typedef declaration with an equivalent alias declaration.
Convert an alias declaration into a typedef declaration Replaces an alias declaration with an equivalent typedef declaration.
Convert 'if' to '?:' Converts if-statement to equivalent using ternary operator.
Convert to nested namespace definition Replaces a series of nested namespaces with a single namespace using the nested namespace definition syntax.
Create derived class Creates a derived class.
Create derived interface Creates a derived interface.
Create derived struct Creates a derived struct.
Document entity Generate documentation for a function, macro definition, namespace, class, enum, typedef, alias declaration, global variable or a class member from a template.
Flip operator arguments Flips left and right operands for selected operator, e.g. '0 == i' to 'i == 0'.
Flip relational operator Flips operands of binary relational operators.
Format compound statement Formats the compound statement under the caret.
Generate case-stubs Generates missing case statements for the given switch statement.
Generate constructor Generate constructor.
Generate definitions by declarations Generate definitions by declarations.
Generate implementation by declaration Generate implementation by declaration.
Generate inline implementation Generate inline implementation.
Generate missing members Generate missing members.
Generate mock methods Generate mock methods.
Generate overriding members Generate overriding members.
Initialize field from constructor parameter Initializes field from constructor parameter.
Invert 'if' statement Inverts guard condition of an 'if' statement and swaps the branches' code accordingly.
Join declarations Joins several declarations into a declaration with multiple declarators.
Merge nested 'if' statements Merges two nested 'if' statements to a single 'if' statement that checks conjunction of the original conditions.
Move function implementation out of class scope Moves function implementation out of class scope.
Move function implementation to source file Moves function implementation to a source file.
Move function implementations Move function implementations.
Negate logical expression Negates logical expression.
Remove braces Removes unnecessary braces around one or more statements in the code.
Replace 'auto' with explicit type declaration Replaces 'auto' with explicit type declaration.
Replace decltype Replace decltype with the underlying type.
Split declaration with multiple declarators Splits declaration containing multiple declarators into multiple declarations.
Substitute macro call Substitute macro call.
Substitute macro call with all nested calls Substitute macro call with all nested calls.
Substitute template type alias Replace template type alias with the underlying type.
Substitute typedef Replace typedef with the underlying type.
Substitute typedef and all nested typedefs Replace typedef and all nested typedefs with the underlying type.
Last modified: 14 December 2017

See Also