ReSharper 2017.2 Help

Find Results window

ReSharper | Windows | Find Results

This window is used to display various search results (for example, usages of a symbol, usages of external symbols, exposing APIs of a symbol, and more) It displays results of the latest search as well as results of previous searches in different tabs. The results of each new search command are displayed in a separate tab except for the same search/navigation command.

Navigation and Search Finding Usages Find Usages

You can quickly open documents containing specific search results by double-clicking on these results. If you want the files to be opened in the Visual Studio's Preview tab, you can tick the corresponding check box on the Environment | Search & Navigation page of ReSharper options.

Window tabs

When search results open in the window, they are displayed in new tabs, which show up on the left. The previously open tabs move to the right if the width of the window allows, otherwise they unload themselves saving memory - but you can always restore them by clicking the arrow that appears to the right of the tabs and clicking the required tab:

Tool window tabs

To prevent a tab from unloading, click the pin icon ThemedIcon Pin Screen Gray next to the tab title.

Toolbar Controls

Depending on the type of search results, the set of toolbar controls may vary.

ThemedIcon Refresh Screen Gray Refresh Updates window content to reflect any changes made in the code or externally.
ThemedIcon ExpandAll Screen Gray ThemedIcon CollapseAll Screen Gray Expand All/ Collapse All Expands/collapses all nodes in the current tab.
ThemedIcon Up Screen Gray ThemedIcon Down Screen Gray Previous/ Next
Shift+F8 / F8
Navigate to the previous/next item and scrolls through the source code accordingly.
ThemedIcon PreviewToggle Screen Gray Show Preview Ctrl+P Hides or shows the pane with a preview of the selected item in the position specified using the drop-down list (at the bottom or in the right part of the window).
ThemedIcon Export Screen Gray Export Click this button to export the data currently displayed in the window in text format, or use the drop-down selector to export the data in XML or HTML format. The Export Data dialog that appears, will help you to save the data to a file or copy it to the clipboard.
ThemedIcon MergeOccurences Screen Gray Merge Occurrences on the Same Line If this button is selected, occurrences on the same line are shown as.
ThemedIcon UsageRead Screen Gray Show Only Read Usages When this button is selected, only references to read usages are displayed. Available for the usages of fields or local variables.
ThemedIcon UsageWrite Screen Gray Show Only Write Usages When this button is selected, only references to write usages are displayed. Available for usages of fields or local variables.
ThemedIcon Filter Screen Gray Filter Usages With this drop-down list, you can select specific kinds of usages to display - for example, declaration, invocation, parameter, method return, and so on. Click Show All Usages to enable all kinds of usages or Clear Filters to disable all kinds of usages thus hiding all usages in the current tab.
ThemedIcon TypeLayoutAlt Screen Gray Show on Diagram Click this button to display all the types shown in the window in the type dependencies diagram view.
ThemedIcon Kind Screen Gray Toggle grouping by kind Use this button to group search results by kind of usage - that is, how exactly the target item is used at different places - for example, declaration, invocation, parameter, method return, and so on. You can further refine grouping inside 'kind' groups using the Group by selector.
You can also use the Filter Usages ThemedIcon Filter Screen Gray selector to show/hide usages of specific kinds.
Group by Allows grouping items in the window by different categories.
Last modified: 14 December 2017

See Also