ReSharper 2017.2 Help

Review dependencies between projects

With ReSharper, finding dependencies between different projects in a solution is easy. To find which code depends on a particular module, simply right-click the project or a referenced assembly in the Solution Explorer and choose Find Code Dependent on Module from the menu:

ReSharper helps find code dependent on a project or a referenced assembly

This will show you a tree containing projects, individual files, and lines within those files that reference the module.

cookbook dependencies1

You can also navigate in the opposite direction to find code referenced by a specific project or other item - choose Find Symbols External to Scope in the same context menu of the Solution Explorer. This will locate all the projects and assemblies you are referencing:

cookbook dependencies2

As you can see, this also lets you drill down into referenced code that you are using.

If there are a lot of projects in your solution, a visual project dependency diagram could be most helpful. To display it, choose Show Project Dependency Diagram in the Solution Explorer context menu:

Project Architecture View window
Last modified: 14 December 2017

See Also