ReSharper 2017.3 Help

Enabling Solution-Wide Analysis

Solution-wide analysis is disabled by default and should be explicitly turned on for every new solution you open.

To toggle solution-wide analysis

  1. On the Code Inspection | Settings page of ReSharper options, make sure that the Enable code analysis check-box is selected, and click Enable solution-wide analysis. By default, warnings are also included in the solution-wide analysis, but you can clear the corresponding check-box to ignore warnings.
  2. The Solution-Wide Analysis pop-up warning displays, click OK to continue.
  3. Click Save to apply the modifications and let ReSharper choose where to save them, or save the modifications to a specific settings layer using the Save To drop-down list. For more information, see managing and sharing resharper settings.

Alternatively, you can right-click the circle indicator in the right corner of the status bar and choose Start Solution-Wide Analysis in the context menu. If the solution-wide analysis is off, just double-click the gray circle.

After you have switched on the solution-wide analysis, several changes are made:

  • The circle indicator in the right corner of the status bar displays the progress of solution-wide analysis. After it is complete, the indicator turns green (if no errors/warnings were found), orange (if warnings in the solution-wide analysis are enabled and if there are warnings in the solution), or red (if errors were discovered):
    Solution-wide analysis indicator
  • A small area to the left of the circle indicator is allocated to show the number of solution files that contain errors/warning, if any. You can click this area to go to next error/warning in the solution.
  • Solution-wide code inspections for non-private members become available both in the design-time code inspection and when you inspect code in a specific scope.
  • Names of the navigation commands in the ReSharper | Inspect menu are changed. Specifically, Next Error/Warning changes to Next Error/Warning in Solution and Previous Error/Warning becomes Previous Error/Warning in Solution.
Last modified: 16 April 2018

See Also