ReSharper 2017.3 Help

Commenting and Uncommenting Code

ReSharper | Edit | Comment With Line/Block Comment
Ctrl+/ / Ctrl+Shift+/
ReSharper_LineComment / ReSharper_BlockComment

With ReSharper, a single keystroke is enough to comment or uncomment code.

Commenting and uncommenting with line comments

To comment or uncomment code with line comment, press Ctrl+/ or choose ReSharper | Edit | Comment with Line Comment in the main menu

// Commented line in C# ...

If there is no selection, ReSharper will comment the current line, or uncomment if the line is commented, and moves the caret to the next line.

If there is a selection, ReSharper will comment or uncomment all the lines that the selection spans. Even if a line is partly selected, the comment mark is inserted in the beginning of this line.

An alternative way to uncomment any line comment is to set the caret on this line, press Alt+Enter and choose Uncomment.

Commenting and uncommenting with block comments

To comment or uncomment code with block comment, press Ctrl+Shift+/ or choose ReSharper | Edit | Comment with Block Comment in the main menu

/* Commented code block in C# ... */

If there is no selection, ReSharper will create an empty block comment at the first whitespace that follows the current caret position.
If the caret is within a block comment, the block is uncommented.

If there is a selection, ReSharper will add block comment marks in the beginning and in the end of the selection. The caret is moved to the end of the block comment.

An alternative way to comment any block of code is to select it, press Alt+Enter and choose Comment selection. The same way works for uncommenting code inside a block comment - set the caret anywhere in the block comment, press Alt+Enter and choose Uncomment.

This feature is supported in the following languages and technologies:

Language: C# Language: VB.NET Language: C++ Language: HTML Language: ASP.NET Language: Razor Language: JavaScript Language: TypeScript Language: CSS Language: XML Language: XAML Language: Resx Language: Build Scripts Language: Protobuf Language: JSON
Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is available Feature is not available

The instructions and examples given here address the use of the feature in C#. For details specific to other languages, see corresponding topics in the ReSharper by Language section.

Last modified: 16 April 2018

See Also