ReSharper 2017.3 Help

Convert Anonymous to Named Type refactoring

ReSharper | Refactor | Convert | Anonymous to Named Type…

Anonymous types are very convenient when you need to process a result of a query locally. However, if you need to pass the result around your program or if there are several queries that return the similar name/value parts, you may probably need a named type.
In such cases, ReSharper can convert the existing usage (or usages) of an anonymous type into a named type and update the usages. If necessary, ReSharper will find and convert similar anonymous types in the whole solution. In the dialog that this refactoring provides, you can customize the created type — specify whether it should have auto-properties or properties with backing fields, or generate equality and formatting method overrides.

In the example below, two similar anonymous types are converted into the BookLIst class, though we only invoke the refactoring on one of them. All usages of the types found within the specified scope are modified accordingly:

Before refactoringAfter refactoring
class MyTest { private void Test(List<Book> books) { var bookList = from book in books select new {book.Author, book.Title}; } } class MyNewTest { private void Foo(List<Book> library) { var bookCatalog = from item in library select new {item.Author, item.Title}; } }
public class BookList { public string Author { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } } class MyTest { private void Test(List<Book> books) { var bookList = from book in books select new BookList {Author = book.Author, Title = book.Title}; } } class MyNewTest { private void Foo(List<Book> library) { var bookCatalog = from item in library select new BookList {Author = item.Author, Title = item.Title}; } }

Note that this refactoring cannot be applied if the anonymous type initializer has another anonymous initializers inside. For example:

var bookList = from book in books select new {book.Author, title = new {book.Title}};
Here you can apply this refactoring to new {book.Title} but not to new {book.Author, title = new {book.Title}}.

To convert anonymous type(s) to a named type

  1. Place the caret at either anonymous type initializer or at the new keyword.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press Ctrl+Shift+R and then choose Replace Anonymous Type with Named Class
    • Right-click and choose Refactor | Replace Anonymous Type with Named Class in the context menu.
    • Choose ReSharper | Refactor | Convert | Anonymous to Named Type… in the main menu.
    The Replace Anonymous Type with Named Class dialog will open.
  3. Specify a name for a new class, and configure the following options:
    • Scope: ReSharper can find anonymous types with compatible object initializers (similar name/value parts) in the whole solution, or you can apply the refactoring to the current method only.
    • Location: the new named type can be created as a nested class in the current type, or created aa an independent class in the current namespace.
    • How to generate properties: ReSharper can generate either read and write auto-properties, or read-only properties with backing fields in the new class.
    • How to generate methods: as an option, you can choose to create stubs for Equals(), GetHashCode(), and ToString() method overrides in the new class.
    • Show processed usages in 'Find Results': if this check box is selected, ReSharper shows all anonymous types that it finds and converts in the Find Results window. You may want to tick this check box if you are converting similar anonymous types in the whole solution.
  4. To apply the refactoring, click Next.
  5. If no conflicts are found, ReSharper performs the refactoring immediately. Otherwise, it prompts you to resolve conflicts.
Replace Anonymous Type with Named Class

If you have selected Show processed usages in 'Find Results', the new class and modified usages are shown in the Find Results window:

Results of converting anonymous types into a named class

This feature is supported in the following languages and technologies:

Language: C# Language: VB.NET Language: C++ Language: HTML Language: ASP.NET Language: Razor Language: JavaScript Language: TypeScript Language: CSS Language: XML Language: XAML Language: Resx Language: Build Scripts Language: Protobuf Language: JSON
Feature is available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available Feature is not available
Last modified: 16 April 2018

See Also