ReSharper 2017.3 Help

Code Style

ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | C# | Code Style

Preferences configurable on this page are taken into account when ReSharper produces new code with code completion and code generation features, applies code templates and performs refactorings. They can also be applied to the existing code by using code cleanup with the corresponding settings.

The preferences with the Notify with selector have corresponding code inspections that notify you if this aspect of the code style in the inspected scope differs from the the preferred style. Using the selectors, you can configure severity levels of the inspections.

'var' usage in declarations Preferences in this section define how the implicitly typed local variables (also known as var keyword) should be used. You can set different preferences of using 'var' or explicit type for different types:
  • For built-in types - applies to C# built-in types.
  • For simple types - applies to types without generic parameters.
  • Elsewhere - applies to generic types.
For each of these preferences you can opt for using 'var', explicit type, or 'var' when evident, which means that 'var' should be only used for variables initialized as creation of objects, arrays, and literals or explicit casts. For more information, see Code Syntax Style: Implicit/Explicit Typing.
Instance members qualification Preferences in this section define how to use 'this' qualifier. For more information, see Code Syntax Style: Optional Member Qualifiers.
Static members qualification Preferences in this section define how to qualify static members. For more information, see Code Syntax Style: Optional Member Qualifiers.
Built-in type naming The preference in this section defines how to reference C# built-in types: you can either use C# keywords or CLR type names. For more information, see Code Syntax Style: Built-In Type References.
Reference qualification Preferences in this section define the style of namespace imports:
  • Prefer fully qualified references - select this check box if you prefer use fully qualified names rather than namespace import directives for imported types.
  • Add 'using' directive to the deepest scope - if this check box is selected, namespace import directives are added inside the namespace where the imported types are used; otherwise the import directives are added in the top of the file.
  • Prefer fully qualified using name at nested scope - if this check box is selected, fully qualified names for imported types are preferred in nested types and namespaces.
  • Allow using alias directive - selecting this check box allows using aliases in namespace import directives, as opposed to fully qualified namespace names.
  • Allow the 'global::' prefix - if this check box is selected, the global:: prefix are not removed, as in global::System.String. For more information, see How to: Use the Global Namespace Alias.

A number of other options related to namespace imports can be configured on the Code Editing | C# | Namespace Imports page of ReSharper options.

Modifiers Preferences in this section define how to arrange modifiers of types and members. For more information, see Code Syntax Style: Modifiers.
Arguments Preferences in this section let you define how named or positional arguments should be enforced for specific types of parameters. For more information, see Code Syntax Style: Named/Positional Arguments.
Parentheses Preferences in this section let you define when optional parentheses should be removed or added if they help you clarify precedence of operations. For more information, see Code Syntax Style: Optional Parentheses.
Braces Preferences in this section let you define which statements require braces for single nested statements. For more information, see Code Syntax Style: Braces for Single Nested Statements.
Code body Preferences in this section let you define which kinds of members should be declared with the expression body and which with the block body. For more information, see Code Syntax Style: Bodies of Function Members.
Attributes Preference in this section defines how to arrange multiple attributes. For more information, see Code Syntax Style: Multiple Attributes.

Changing code styles from the editor

You can also change specific code style preferences right in the editor, by pressing Alt+Enter where style violations are highlighted. For example, you can change the preference of 'var' usage in declarations for simple types:

Changing code style preference for 'var' keyword

... as well as the severity level of the corresponding inspection:

Changing inspection severity level

Note that when you change preferences from the editor, your changes are saved using the smart save logic.

Last modified: 16 April 2018

See Also