ReSharper 2018.1 Help


ReSharper | Options | Environment | General

This page of ReSharper options summarizes general settings of the ReSharper environment.

User Interface
Loop selection around ends of a list If this check box is selected, any time you scroll a pop-up list selection with keyboard arrow keys, ReSharper loops the scrolling. This option applies for the set of Navigation and Search and Code Completion (IntelliSense) features where pop-up lists are used.
Show managed memory usage in status bar If this check box is selected, the amount of managed memory used by the whole process is shown in the rightmost position of the status bar. This value indicates not only the amount of managed memory used by ReSharper but also the amount of managed memory used by other third-party plug-ins and Visual Studio itself.
Show 'Report error' dialog... If ReSharper encounters an internal exception, by default it shows a notification in the status bar but does not interrupt your work (if it is still possible). You can click the notification icon later to review exception details and submit them to JetBrains in a modal dialog.
If you select this option, the modal dialog will be displayed automatically each time an exception occurs.
Application icons theme These radio buttons help switching between different sets of ReSharper UI icons. You can leave the default option of automatic selection or choose an icon set that will be most comfortable for you for the selected Visual Studio theme.
Source code symbol icons theme These radio buttons help switching between different sets of code symbol icons. You can leave the default option of automatic selection or choose an icon set that will be most comfortable for you for the selected Visual Studio theme. You can feel the difference between different sets by using Go to features or Exploring Type Hierarchy. See Symbol Icons for a comprehensive list of symbol icons.
Store solution caches in ReSharper caches a lot of its temporary data. For example, results of code analysis. If you do not share the solution, you can choose solution folder. If you share your solution using a VCS, it is better to choose the system temp folder so that ReSharper gets them out of the solution folder and therefore out of the way of your VCS. It is not recommended to choose 'User local settings folder' (%LOCALAPPDATA%) The problem with this folder is that Visual Studio's directory watcher is triggered each time ReSharper writes to this folder, which happens very often.
You need to reopen your solution for changing caches location to take effect.
Clear Caches Clears the cache of the current solution.
Normally, you do not need to clear solution cache, but some events (e.g. sudden power off or an upgrade that skips several versions) may corrupt the cache, and that's when you need to use this button. Signals of corrupted cache may be a lot of unresolved code or absence of ReSharper inspections in some files.
After clearing the cache you need to reopen your solution and wait a little while ReSharper rebuilds the cache.
MSBuild access
Use MSBuild to obtain project references and generated file This selector allows you to define whether to call MSBuild to analyze project references in web projects or projects that have NuGet references. Results of this analysis are used by code inspection and other features. If you choose the Do not call MSBuild, then these features may not work correctly. If you choose one of the two remaining options, then some performance degradation is possible.
Last modified: 20 August 2018

See Also