ReSharper 2018.1 Help

JavaScript Tests

ReSharper | Options | Tools | Unit Testing | JavaScript Tests

In this page of ReSharper options, you can adjust preferences for unit testing assistance in JavaScript and TypeScript.

Supported Frameworks
Enable QUnit support By default, ReSharper adds action indicators allowing you to execute QUnit tests right from the editor and automatically discovers QUnit tests in your solution. Clear this check box to disable this behavior.
Enable Jasmine support By default, ReSharper adds action indicators allowing you to execute Jasmine tests right from the editor and automatically discovers Jasmine tests in your solution. Clear this check box to disable this behavior.
Jasmine version Allows you to choose the version of Jasmine framework used by ReSharper test runner.
Run Tests With
Browser If this option is selected, you can specify the browser where ReSharper will run tests.
PhantomJS If this option is selected, ReSharper will run tests with PhantomJS. You will need to specify path to the PhantomJS.exe.
Custom HTML harness
Enable custom HTML harness Use this option to allow ReSharper's test runner run tests with custom HTML test harness, compatible with the Chutzpah test runner.
Test harness filename File name or path to the HTML harness file.
Test harness location This option allows you to specify how to treat the HTML harness filename value.
Copy default implementation to clipboard Copies to the clipboard a default HTML harness template with special Chutzpah placeholders.
Last modified: 20 August 2018

See Also