ReSharper 2018.1 Help

Find Usages

ReSharper | Find | Find Usages

If you need to browse through all usages of a resource or resource file in the solution, you can use the Finding Usages feature.

To find resource usages

  1. Set the caret at the resource usage in a code file:
    Resources Refactorings Move Resource 01
    or at the resource name in a .resx file:
    Resources Refactorings Move Resource 03
  2. In the main menu, choose ReSharper | Find | Find Usages or press Alt+F7.
    • If only one usage is found, ReSharper opens the corresponding code file in the editor and navigates to the usage.
    • It several usages are found, they are displayed in the Find Results window.

To find usages of a resource file

  1. Select a .resx file in the Solution Explorer.
  2. In the main menu, choose ReSharper | Find | Find Usages or press Alt+F7.
    • If only one usage is found, ReSharper opens the corresponding code file in the editor and navigates to the usage.
    • It several usages are found, they are displayed in the Find Results window.
Last modified: 20 August 2018

See Also