ReSharper 2019.3 Help

ReSharper by Language: JavaScript

ReSharper fully supports JavaScript up to ECMAScript 2016, including experimental features such as async/await, exponentiation operator and rest/spread in object literals/destructuring. jQuery and JSX syntax are supported as well.

By default, code inspection and other ReSharper features analyze JavaScript code according to the ECMAScript 5 standard, which is supported universally. If you use more advanced JavaScript code in your project, you can change the target ECMAScript level on the Code Editing | JavaScript | Inspections page of ReSharper options.

Descriptions of ReSharper features for JavaScript are grouped in the following topics:

Making ReSharper ignore specific code

ReSharper allows you to ignore specific files, folders and file masks in different ways. You can configure ignored files on the following options pages:

  • Code Inspection | Settings to exclude files, folders, and masks from code inspection.

  • Code Inspection | Generated Code to partly disable code inspection for generated code.

  • Environment | Search & Navigation to specify files and folders that should be ignored by Search by Name commands.

  • Code Editing | Third-Party Code to add C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML and JSON files, folders and wildcards to be treated either as 'skipped' or 'library'. ReSharper will completely ignore 'skipped' files, and treat 'library' files as read-only — indexed for navigation, but no inspections, quick-fixes and refactorings.

Last modified: 16 April 2020