ReSharper 2019.3 Help

Code Inspections in ASP.NET

In ASP.NET, ReSharper 2019.3 provides two kinds of code inspections: 6 inspections that detect errors such as broken syntax, unresolved symbols, compiler errors, and so on (you cannot configure or disable any of these inspections), and 35 proprietary code inspections, any of which you can disable or change its severity level.
These code inspections help you detect code issues in design time in all open files, and additionally they allow you to find code issues in specific scope.

Configurable ASP.NET inspections are listed below, grouped by their categories.

Common Practices and Code Improvements (1 inspection)

This category groups inspections that hunt for medium severity issues that mainly affect code readability.


ID EditorConfig property Default severity
Attribute with optional value problem Asp.TagAttributeWithOptionalValue resharper_asp_tag_attribute_with_optional_value_highlighting Warning

Potential Code Quality Issues (25 inspections)

This category includes inspections that detect critical issues (code smells), mostly with Error or Warning level. This category also includes inspections that ensure localization assistance.


ID EditorConfig property Default severity
ASP.NET Dead Code Asp.DeadCode resharper_asp_dead_code_highlighting Warning
ASP.NET Resolve Warning Asp.ResolveWarning resharper_asp_resolve_warning_highlighting Warning
ASP.NET Warning Asp.Warning resharper_asp_warning_highlighting Warning
Cannot resolve property PropertyNotResolved resharper_property_not_resolved_highlighting Error
Cannot resolve resource ResourceNotResolved resharper_resource_not_resolved_highlighting Error
Cannot resolve resource item ResourceItemNotResolved resharper_resource_item_not_resolved_highlighting Error
Invalid control type Asp.InvalidControlType resharper_asp_invalid_control_type_highlighting Error
MVC (mismatch Model Type) Mvc.InvalidModelType resharper_mvc_invalid_model_type_highlighting Error
MVC (unknown action) Mvc.ActionNotResolved resharper_mvc_action_not_resolved_highlighting Error
MVC (unknown area) Mvc.AreaNotResolved resharper_mvc_area_not_resolved_highlighting Error
MVC (unknown controller) Mvc.ControllerNotResolved resharper_mvc_controller_not_resolved_highlighting Error
MVC (unknown masterpage) Mvc.MasterpageNotResolved resharper_mvc_masterpage_not_resolved_highlighting Error
MVC (unknown partial view) Mvc.PartialViewNotResolved resharper_mvc_partial_view_not_resolved_highlighting Error
MVC (unknown template) Mvc.TemplateNotResolved resharper_mvc_template_not_resolved_highlighting Error
MVC (unknown view component view) Mvc.ViewComponentViewNotResolved resharper_mvc_view_component_view_not_resolved_highlighting Error
MVC (unknown view component) Mvc.ViewComponentNotResolved resharper_mvc_view_component_not_resolved_highlighting Error
MVC (unknown view) Mvc.ViewNotResolved resharper_mvc_view_not_resolved_highlighting Error
Non-accessed field (non-private accessibility) NotAccessedField.Global resharper_not_accessed_field_global_highlighting Suggestion
Object data source method resolve problem AspOdsMethodReferenceResolveError resharper_asp_ods_method_reference_resolve_error_highlighting Error
Unknown content placeholder Asp.ContentPlaceholderNotResolved resharper_asp_content_placeholder_not_resolved_highlighting Error
Unknown skin Asp.SkinNotResolved resharper_asp_skin_not_resolved_highlighting Error
Unknown symbol Asp.NotResolved resharper_asp_not_resolved_highlighting Error
Unknown theme Asp.ThemeNotResolved resharper_asp_theme_not_resolved_highlighting Error
Unsupported pageParserFilterType Asp.CustomPageParserFilterType resharper_asp_custom_page_parser_filter_type_highlighting Warning
Wrong image size Asp.Image resharper_asp_image_highlighting Warning

Redundancies in Code (3 inspections)

Code inspections in this category look for redundancies and dead code, which affect code readability and style, and could be safely removed. Some code redundancies cannot be fixed automatically, and quick-fixes for them are performed in the interactive mode, requiring the user input. But the majority of the redundancies can be fixed without user interaction, using either fix in scope or code cleanup.


ID EditorConfig property Default severity
Redundant using directive RedundantUsingDirective resharper_redundant_using_directive_highlighting Warning
Unused import clause UnusedImportClause resharper_unused_import_clause_highlighting Warning
Unused register directive AspUnusedRegisterDirectiveHighlighting resharper_asp_unused_register_directive_highlighting_highlighting Warning

Redundancies in Symbol Declarations (1 inspection)

This category includes code inspections, mostly with the warning severity level, which detect empty and unused symbol declarations.


ID EditorConfig property Default severity
Type member is never used (non-private accessibility) UnusedMember.Global resharper_unused_member_global_highlighting Suggestion

Spelling issues (5 inspections)

These inspections detect typos in various contexts.


ID EditorConfig property Default severity
Typo in comment CommentTypo resharper_comment_typo_highlighting Suggestion
Typo in identifier IdentifierTypo resharper_identifier_typo_highlighting Suggestion
Typo in markup attribute value MarkupAttributeTypo resharper_markup_attribute_typo_highlighting Suggestion
Typo in markup text MarkupTextTypo resharper_markup_text_typo_highlighting Suggestion
Typo in string literal StringLiteralTypo resharper_string_literal_typo_highlighting Suggestion
Last modified: 16 April 2020