ReSharper 2020.2 Help

Navigate Current Context

ReSharper | Windows | File Structure

With ReSharper, you can navigate the structure of the current document using the File Structure window, which greatly simplifies navigation in large files. The window is synchronized with the editor: as you switch to another editor tab, the window displays the structure of the corresponding file. To navigate through the file easily, preprocessor directives are hidden by default.

  1. Press Control+F11 or choose ReSharper | Windows | File Structure from the main menu . Alternatively, you can press Control+Shift+A, start typing the command name in the popup, and then choose it there.

Right from the File Structure window, you can access even more actions. To check the available commands, you can right-click any symbol.

ReSharper | Navigate | Containing Declaration

With a single shortcut, you can jump in the editor to the declaration of a type or a function from any position within its body.

  1. Press Control+OemOpenBrackets or choose ReSharper | Navigate | Containing Declaration from the main menu . Alternatively, you can press Control+Shift+A, start typing the command name in the popup, and then choose it there.

With the Next/Previous Member commands, you can quickly navigate between members and nested types in code files or between tags in markup files.

Locate current document in Solution/Assembly Explorer

ReSharper | Tools | Locate in Solution/Assembly Explorer

This handy navigation feature lets you expand the tree in the Solution Explorer, auto-scroll and highlight the item corresponding to the current document. It is especially useful when you have a massive solution, or a limited screen area that forces you to shrink the Solution Explorer window to the limit.

This command also works with decompiled code allowing you to locate decompiled symbols in the Assembly Explorer window. In this case, the command is sensitive to the caret position: If the cursor is on a specific symbol, the item corresponding to this symbol is highlighted in the Assembly Explorer; if the cursor is elsewhere in the document, the root type of the document is highlighted.

  1. In the editor, switch to a document that you want to locate in the Solution Explorer.

  2. Press Alt+Shift+L or choose ReSharper | Tools | Locate in Solution/Assembly Explorer in the main menu,

  3. ReSharper will bring up the Solution Explorer window or the Assembly Explorer window (depending on whether your caret is in source or in decompiled code) to focus and show you the item there.

ReSharper | Navigate | Go to File Nearby

ReSharper: 'Go to File Nearby' - navigating project structure around the current file

ReSharper | Navigate | Related Files…

  1. Press Control+Alt+Shift+G or choose ReSharper | Navigate | Related Files… from the main menu . Alternatively, you can press Control+Shift+A, start typing the command name in the popup, and then choose it there.

Last modified: 07 August 2020