ReSharper 2020.2 Help

Context Actions for CSS

ReSharper provides the following context actions for CSS:

Convert hex color to hsl()Converts color value from hex literal to hsl()
Convert hex color to namedConverts color value from hex literal to named form
Convert hex color to rgb()Converts color value from hex literal to rgb()
Convert hsl() to hex literalConverts color value from hsl() to hex literal
Convert hsl() to named formConverts color value from hsl() to named form
Convert hsl() to rgb()Converts color value from hsl() to rgb()
Convert named color to hex formConverts color value from named form to hex literal
Convert named color to hsl()Converts color value from named form to hsl()
Convert named color to rgb()Converts color value from named form to rgb()
Convert rgb() to hex literalConverts color value from rgb() to hex literal
Convert rgb() to hsl()Converts color value from rgb() to hsl()
Convert rgb() to named formConverts color value from rgb() to named form
Replace var(…) with its fallback valueReplaces var(…) invocation with its fallback value if any
Last modified: 08 May 2020