ReSharper 2020.3 Help

C# - Line Breaks


Keep existing line breaks

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_user_linebreaks, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_linebreaks, [resharper_]keep_user_linebreaks, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_linebreaks

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
int var = condition ? SomeFunc1() : SomeFunc2();
int var = condition ? SomeFunc1() : SomeFunc2();
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
int var = condition ? SomeFunc1() : SomeFunc2();
int var = condition ? SomeFunc1() : SomeFunc2();

Hard wrap at

Property names:

max_line_length, [resharper_]csharp_max_line_length

This option (similarly to the Editorconfig's 'max_line_length') defines the desired maximum number of characters in each line. It is applied during code reformatting if 'Wrap long lines' is enabled. Line breaks are added, if possible, at the positions not exceeding the specified value, according to the language syntax and other line wrapping settings.

Possible values:

an integer

Prefer wrap before ","

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_comma, [resharper_]wrap_before_comma

Possible values:

true | false


CallMethod(arg1 , arg2 , arg3 , arg4 , arg5 , arg6 , arg7);
CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7);

Special "else if" treatment

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_special_else_if_treatment, [resharper_]special_else_if_treatment

Possible values:

true | false


if (condition) { foo(); } else if (condition) { }
if (condition) { foo(); } else if (condition) { }

Line feed at end of file

Property names:

insert_final_newline, [resharper_]csharp_insert_final_newline

Possible values:

true | false


class A { }
class A { }

Arrangement of attributes

Place attribute section list on separate line if it is longer than

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_max_attribute_length_for_same_line, [resharper_]max_attribute_length_for_same_line

Attribute sections longer than specified values would be placed on separate line

Possible values:

an integer

Keep existing arrangement of attributes

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_attribute_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_attribute_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
[Attribute] class C {} [Attribute] class C1 {}
[Attribute] class C { } [Attribute] class C1 { }
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
[Attribute] class C {} [Attribute] class C1 {}
[Attribute] class C { } [Attribute] class C1 { }

Place type attribute on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_type_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_type_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_attribute_on_same_line

Possible values:

  • false: Never

  • never: Never

  • if_owner_is_single_line: If owner is singleline

  • true: Always

  • always: Always


[Attribute] class C { } [Attribute] class C1 { // comment }
[Attribute] class C { } [Attribute] class C1 { // comment }
[Attribute] class C { } [Attribute] class C1 { // comment }
[Attribute] class C { } [Attribute] class C1 { // comment }
[Attribute] class C { } [Attribute] class C1 { // comment }

Place method attribute on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_method_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_method_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_attribute_on_same_line

Possible values:

  • false: Never

  • never: Never

  • if_owner_is_single_line: If owner is singleline

  • true: Always

  • always: Always


interface I { [Attribute] void foo(); } class C { [Attribute] void foo() { // comment } }
interface I { [Attribute] void foo(); } class C { [Attribute] void foo() { // comment } }
interface I { [Attribute] void foo(); } class C { [Attribute] void foo() { // comment } }
interface I { [Attribute] void foo(); } class C { [Attribute] void foo() { // comment } }
interface I { [Attribute] void foo(); } class C { [Attribute] void foo() { // comment } }

Place property/indexer/event attribute on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_accessorholder_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_accessorholder_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_attribute_on_same_line

Possible values:

  • false: Never

  • never: Never

  • if_owner_is_single_line: If owner is singleline

  • true: Always

  • always: Always


interface I { [Attribute] int Property { get; } } class C { [Attribute] int Property { get { // comment return x; } } }
interface I { [Attribute] int Property { get; } } class C { [Attribute] int Property { get { // comment return x; } } }
interface I { [Attribute] int Property { get; } } class C { [Attribute] int Property { get { // comment return x; } } }
interface I { [Attribute] int Property { get; } } class C { [Attribute] int Property { get { // comment return x; } } }
interface I { [Attribute] int Property { get; } } class C { [Attribute] int Property { get { // comment return x; } } }

Place accessor attribute on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_accessor_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_accessor_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_attribute_on_same_line

Possible values:

  • false: Never

  • never: Never

  • if_owner_is_single_line: If owner is singleline

  • true: Always

  • always: Always


interface I { int Property { [Attribute] get; } } class C { int Property { [Attribute] get { return x; } [Attribute] set { x = value; NotifySomething(); } } }
interface I { int Property { [Attribute] get; } } class C { int Property { [Attribute] get { return x; } [Attribute] set { x = value; NotifySomething(); } } }
interface I { int Property { [Attribute] get; } } class C { int Property { [Attribute] get { return x; } [Attribute] set { x = value; NotifySomething(); } } }
interface I { int Property { [Attribute] get; } } class C { int Property { [Attribute] get { return x; } [Attribute] set { x = value; NotifySomething(); } } }
interface I { int Property { [Attribute] get; } } class C { int Property { [Attribute] get { return x; } [Attribute] set { x = value; NotifySomething(); } } }

Place field attribute on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_field_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_field_attribute_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_attribute_on_same_line

Possible values:

  • false: Never

  • never: Never

  • if_owner_is_single_line: If owner is singleline

  • true: Always

  • always: Always


class C { [Attribute] int x; [Attribute] MyObj y = // comment new MyObj(); }
class C { [Attribute] int x; [Attribute] MyObj y = // comment new MyObj(); }
class C { [Attribute] int x; [Attribute] MyObj y = // comment new MyObj(); }
class C { [Attribute] int x; [Attribute] MyObj y = // comment new MyObj(); }
class C { [Attribute] int x; [Attribute] MyObj y = // comment new MyObj(); }

Arrangement of method signatures

Wrap formal parameters

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_parameters_style, [resharper_]wrap_parameters_style

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


interface IA { void M(int p1, int p2); void SomeMethod(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4); }
interface IA { void M(int p1, int p2); void SomeMethod(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4); }
interface IA { void M(int p1, int p2); void SomeMethod(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4); }

Max formal parameters on a single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_max_formal_parameters_on_line, [resharper_]max_formal_parameters_on_line

Possible values:

an integer


value: 0
interface IA { void M(int arg1); void M(int arg1, int arg2); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8, int arg9); }
value: 1
interface IA { void M(int arg1); void M(int arg1, int arg2); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8, int arg9); }
value: 2
interface IA { void M(int arg1); void M(int arg1, int arg2); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8); void M(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8, int arg9); }

Keep existing arrangement of parenthesis in declaration

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_declaration_parens_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_declaration_parens_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
void SomeMethod ( int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4 ) {}
void SomeMethod ( int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4 ) { }
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
void SomeMethod ( int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4 ) {}
void SomeMethod(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4) { }

Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_declaration_lpar, [resharper_]wrap_before_declaration_lpar

Possible values:

true | false


void SomeMethod (int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4) { }
void SomeMethod(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4) { }

Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_after_declaration_lpar, [resharper_]wrap_after_declaration_lpar

Possible values:

true | false


void SomeMethod( int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4) { }
void SomeMethod(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4) { }

Prefer wrap before ")" in declaration

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_declaration_rpar, [resharper_]wrap_before_declaration_rpar

Possible values:

true | false


void SomeMethod(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4 ) { }
void SomeMethod(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4) { }

Allow constructor initializer on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_constructor_initializer_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_constructor_initializer_on_same_line

Possible values:

true | false


class C { public C() : base() { } }
class C { public C() : base() { } }

Arrangement of expression bodied members

Keep existing arrangement of expression bodied members

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_expr_member_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_expr_member_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
class A { public int Foo() => 0; public int Foo1() => 1; public int Foo2() => 2; }
class A { public int Foo() => 0; public int Foo1() => 1; public int Foo2() => 2; }
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
class A { public int Foo() => 0; public int Foo1() => 1; public int Foo2() => 2; }
class A { public int Foo() => 0; public int Foo1() => 1; public int Foo2() => 2; }

Place method expression body on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_expr_method_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_expr_method_on_single_line

Possible values:

  • false: Never

  • never: Never

  • if_owner_is_single_line: If owner is singleline

  • true: Always

  • always: Always


class A { public int Foo() => 0; public int // comment Foo1() => 1; public int Foo2() => 1 + // comment 2; }
class A { public int Foo() => 0; public int // comment Foo1() => 1; public int Foo2() => 1 + // comment 2; }
class A { public int Foo() => 0; public int // comment Foo1() => 1; public int Foo2() => 1 + // comment 2; }
class A { public int Foo() => 0; public int // comment Foo1() => 1; public int Foo2() => 1 + // comment 2; }
class A { public int Foo() => 0; public int // comment Foo1() => 1; public int Foo2() => 1 + // comment 2; }

Place property expression body on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_expr_property_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_expr_property_on_single_line

Possible values:

  • false: Never

  • never: Never

  • if_owner_is_single_line: If owner is singleline

  • true: Always

  • always: Always


class A { public int Foo => 0; public int // comment Foo1 => 1; public int Foo2 => 1 + // comment 2; }
class A { public int Foo => 0; public int // comment Foo1 => 1; public int Foo2 => 1 + // comment 2; }
class A { public int Foo => 0; public int // comment Foo1 => 1; public int Foo2 => 1 + // comment 2; }
class A { public int Foo => 0; public int // comment Foo1 => 1; public int Foo2 => 1 + // comment 2; }
class A { public int Foo => 0; public int // comment Foo1 => 1; public int Foo2 => 1 + // comment 2; }

Place property accessor expression body on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_expr_accessor_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_expr_accessor_on_single_line

Possible values:

  • false: Never

  • never: Never

  • if_owner_is_single_line: If owner is singleline

  • true: Always

  • always: Always


class A { public int Foo { get => 0; } public int Foo1 { get => 1 + // comment 2; } }
class A { public int Foo { get => 0; } public int Foo1 { get => 1 + // comment 2; } }
class A { public int Foo { get => 0; } public int Foo1 { get => 1 + // comment 2; } }
class A { public int Foo { get => 0; } public int Foo1 { get => 1 + // comment 2; } }
class A { public int Foo { get => 0; } public int Foo1 { get => 1 + // comment 2; } }

Prefer wrap before "=>" followed by expressions

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_arrow_with_expressions, [resharper_]wrap_before_arrow_with_expressions

Possible values:

true | false


class A { public int Foo(int y) => Br(y * y + y << y + y); Func<int, int, int> Method2() { return (xxx, yyy) => Br(xxx * yyy); } }
class A { public int Foo(int y) => Br(y * y + y << y + y); Func<int, int, int> Method2() { return (xxx, yyy) => Br(xxx * yyy); } }

Arrangement of type parameters, constraints and base types

Allow type constraints on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_type_constraints_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_type_constraints_on_same_line

Possible values:

true | false


class C<T> where T : IEnumerable { }
class C<T> where T : IEnumerable { }

Prefer wrap before first constraint

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint, [resharper_]wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint

Possible values:

true | false


class C<T1, T2, T3> where T1 : I1 where T2 : new() where T3 : class
class C<T1, T2, T3> where T1 : I1 where T2 : new() where T3 : class

Wrap multiple type parameter constraints

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_multiple_type_parameter_constraints_style, [resharper_]wrap_multiple_type_parameter_constraints_style

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


class C<T1, T2, T3> where T1 : I1 where T2 : new() where T3 : class
class C<T1, T2, T3> where T1 : I1 where T2 : new() where T3 : class
class C<T1, T2, T3> where T1 : I1 where T2 : new() where T3 : class

Prefer wrap before type parameters opening angle

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_type_parameter_langle, [resharper_]wrap_before_type_parameter_langle

Possible values:

true | false


class C <Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4> { }
class C<Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4> { }

Prefer wrap before ":"

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_extends_colon, [resharper_]wrap_before_extends_colon

Possible values:

true | false


class Derived : BaseClass, I1, I2, I3, I4 { }
class Derived : BaseClass, I1, I2, I3, I4 { }

Wrap extends/implements list

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_extends_list_style, [resharper_]wrap_extends_list_style

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


class Derived : BaseClass, I1, I2, I3, I4 { }
class Derived : BaseClass, I1, I2, I3, I4 { }
class Derived : BaseClass, I1, I2, I3, I4 { }

Arrangement of declaration blocks

Keep existing arrangement of declaration blocks

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_declaration_block_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_declaration_block_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
interface I{ int Property { get; set; } } interface I{int Property{get;set;}}
interface I { int Property { get; set; } } interface I { int Property { get; set; } }
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
interface I{ int Property { get; set; } } interface I{int Property{get;set;}}
interface I { int Property { get; set; } } interface I { int Property { get; set; } }

Place abstract/auto property/indexer/event declaration on single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_abstract_accessorholder_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_abstract_accessorholder_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


interface I { int Property { get; set; } }
interface I { int Property { get; set; } }

Place simple property/indexer/event declaration on single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_accessorholder_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_accessorholder_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


class C { int Property { get { return x; } set { x = value; } } }
class C { int Property { get { return x; } set { x = value; } } }

Place it on single line even when it has attributes on accessors

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_accessor_with_attrs_holder_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_accessor_with_attrs_holder_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


class C { int Property { [Attr] get { return x; } [Attr] set { x = value; } } }
class C { int Property { [Attr] get { return x; } [Attr] set { x = value; } } }

Place simple accessor on single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_accessor_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_accessor_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


class C { int Property { get { return x; } set { if (value == null) throw new Exception(); } } }
class C { int Property { get { return x; } set { if (value == null) throw new Exception(); } } }

Place simple method on single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_method_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_method_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


class C { void Foo() { DoSomethingSimple(); } }
class C { void Foo() { DoSomethingSimple(); } }

Arrangement of enumerations

Keep existing arrangement of enumeration

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_enum_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_enum_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
public enum Enum1 { a, b, c } public enum Enum2 { a, b, c } public enum Enum3 { a, b, c, d }
public enum Enum1 { a, b, c } public enum Enum2 { a, b, c } public enum Enum3 { a, b, c, d }
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
public enum Enum1 { a, b, c } public enum Enum2 { a, b, c } public enum Enum3 { a, b, c, d }
public enum Enum1 { a, b, c } public enum Enum2 { a, b, c } public enum Enum3 { a, b, c, d }

Max enumeration members on a single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_max_enum_members_on_line, [resharper_]max_enum_members_on_line

Possible values:

an integer


value: 0
public enum Enum1 { val1 } public enum Enum2 { val1, val2 } public enum Enum3 { val1, val2, val3 } public enum Enum4 { val1, val2, val3, val4 } public enum Enum5 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5 } public enum Enum6 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6 } public enum Enum7 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7 } public enum Enum8 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8 } public enum Enum9 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8, val9 }
value: 1
public enum Enum1 { val1 } public enum Enum2 { val1, val2 } public enum Enum3 { val1, val2, val3 } public enum Enum4 { val1, val2, val3, val4 } public enum Enum5 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5 } public enum Enum6 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6 } public enum Enum7 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7 } public enum Enum8 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8 } public enum Enum9 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8, val9 }
value: 2
public enum Enum1 { val1 } public enum Enum2 { val1, val2 } public enum Enum3 { val1, val2, val3 } public enum Enum4 { val1, val2, val3, val4 } public enum Enum5 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5 } public enum Enum6 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6 } public enum Enum7 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7 } public enum Enum8 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8 } public enum Enum9 { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8, val9 }

Place simple enumeration on single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_enum_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_enum_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


public enum Enum1 { a, b, c }
public enum Enum1 { a, b, c }

Wrap enumeration declaration

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_enum_declaration, [resharper_]wrap_enum_declaration

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


public enum Enum1 { a, b, c } public enum Enum2 { aaaaa, bbbbb, ccccc, ddddd, eeeee, fffff }
public enum Enum1 { a, b, c } public enum Enum2 { aaaaa, bbbbb, ccccc, ddddd, eeeee, fffff }
public enum Enum1 { a, b, c } public enum Enum2 { aaaaa, bbbbb, ccccc, ddddd, eeeee, fffff }

Arrangement of statements


Property names:

csharp_new_line_before_else, [resharper_]new_line_before_else

Possible values:

true | false


if (condition) { foo(); } else { foo(); }
if (condition) { foo(); } else { foo(); }

Place "while" on new line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_new_line_before_while, [resharper_]new_line_before_while

Possible values:

true | false


do { foo(); } while (condition);
do { foo(); } while (condition);


Property names:

csharp_new_line_before_catch, [resharper_]new_line_before_catch

Possible values:

true | false


try { foo(); } catch (Exception e) { foo(); } finally { foo(); }
try { foo(); } catch (Exception e) { foo(); } finally { foo(); }


Property names:

csharp_new_line_before_finally, [resharper_]new_line_before_finally

Possible values:

true | false


try { foo(); } catch (Exception e) { foo(); } finally { foo(); }
try { foo(); } catch (Exception e) { foo(); } finally { foo(); }

Wrap "for" statement header

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_for_stmt_header_style, [resharper_]wrap_for_stmt_header_style

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


for (int i = initial; i < loopLimit; i++) { }
for (int i = initial; i < loopLimit; i++) { }
for (int i = initial; i < loopLimit; i++) { }

Wrap multiple declaration

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_multiple_declaration_style, [resharper_]wrap_multiple_declaration_style

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


class C { public int i = 0, j = 0, k = 2, l = 3, m = 4, n = 5; }
class C { public int i = 0, j = 0, k = 2, l = 3, m = 4, n = 5; }
class C { public int i = 0, j = 0, k = 2, l = 3, m = 4, n = 5; }

Arrangement of embedded statements

Keep existing arrangement of embedded statements

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_embedded_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_embedded_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
{ if (condition) DoSomething(); if (condition1) DoSomething1(); }
{ if (condition) DoSomething(); if (condition1) DoSomething1(); }
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
{ if (condition) DoSomething(); if (condition1) DoSomething1(); }
{ if (condition) DoSomething(); if (condition1) DoSomething1(); }

Place simple embedded statement on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_embedded_statement_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_simple_embedded_statement_on_same_line

Possible values:

  • false: Never

  • never: Never

  • if_owner_is_single_line: If owner is singleline

  • true: Always

  • always: Always


{ if (condition) DoSomething(); if (condition && // comment condition1) DoSomething(); }
{ if (condition) DoSomething(); if (condition && // comment condition1) DoSomething(); }
{ if (condition) DoSomething(); if (condition && // comment condition1) DoSomething(); }
{ if (condition) DoSomething(); if (condition && // comment condition1) DoSomething(); }
{ if (condition) DoSomething(); if (condition && // comment condition1) DoSomething(); }

Place simple "case" statement on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_case_statement_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_simple_case_statement_on_same_line

Possible values:

  • false: Never

  • never: Never

  • if_owner_is_single_line: If owner is singleline

  • true: Always

  • always: Always


switch (foo) { case 1: return a; case 2: case 3: return a; }
switch (foo) { case 1: return a; case 2: case 3: return a; }
switch (foo) { case 1: return a; case 2: case 3: return a; }
switch (foo) { case 1: return a; case 2: case 3: return a; }
switch (foo) { case 1: return a; case 2: case 3: return a; }

Arrangement of embedded blocks

Keep existing arrangement of embedded blocks

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_embedded_block_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_embedded_block_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
{ if (condition) { DoSomething(); } if (condition1) { DoSomething1(); } }
{ if (condition) { DoSomething(); } if (condition1) { DoSomething1(); } }
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
{ if (condition) { DoSomething(); } if (condition1) { DoSomething1(); } }
{ if (condition) { DoSomething(); } if (condition1) { DoSomething1(); } }

Place a block with a single simple statement on the same line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_embedded_block_on_same_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_embedded_block_on_same_line, [resharper_]place_simple_blocks_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


if (condition) { DoSomething(); }
if (condition) { DoSomething(); }

Place simple anonymous method on single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_anonymousmethod_on_single_line, [resharper_]csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_anonymousmethod_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_blocks_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


EventHandler e = delegate { return; };
EventHandler e = delegate { return; };

Arrangement of switch expressions

Keep existing arrangement of switch expressions

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_switch_expression_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_switch_expression_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
{ var result = x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 }; var result = x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 }; }
{ var result = x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 }; var result = x switch {T.A => 0, T.B => 1}; }
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
{ var result = x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 }; var result = x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 }; }
{ var result = x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 }; var result = x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 }; }

Place simple switch expression on single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_switch_expression_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_switch_expression_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


var result = x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 };
var result = x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 };

Wrap switch expression

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_switch_expression, [resharper_]wrap_switch_expression

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


(x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1, T.C => 2 }) + (x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 + 2, T.C => 2 })
(x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1, T.C => 2 }) + (x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 + 2, T.C => 2 })
(x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1, T.C => 2 }) + (x switch { T.A => 0, T.B => 1 + 2, T.C => 2 })

Arrangement of property patterns

Keep existing arrangement of property patterns

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_property_patterns_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_property_patterns_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
bool matches = sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2 } && sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2 };
bool matches = sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2 } && sourceObject is MyType {F1: 1, F2: 2};
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
bool matches = sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2 } && sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2 };
bool matches = sourceObject is MyType {F1: 1, F2: 2} && sourceObject is MyType {F1: 1, F2: 2};

Place simple property pattern on single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_property_pattern_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_property_pattern_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


bool matches = sourceObject is MyType {F1: 1, F2: 2};
bool matches = sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2 };

Wrap property pattern

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_property_pattern, [resharper_]wrap_property_pattern

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


bool matches = sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2 } && sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2, F3: 3, F4: 4, F5: 5, F6: 6, F7: 7, F8: 8 };
bool matches = sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2 } && sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2, F3: 3, F4: 4, F5: 5, F6: 6, F7: 7, F8: 8 };
bool matches = sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2 } && sourceObject is MyType { F1: 1, F2: 2, F3: 3, F4: 4, F5: 5, F6: 6, F7: 7, F8: 8 };

Arrangement of initializers

Keep existing arrangement of initializers

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_initializer_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_initializer_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
{ var result = new { A = 0 }; var result = new { A = 0 }; }
{ var result = new { A = 0 }; var result = new {A = 0}; }
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
{ var result = new { A = 0 }; var result = new { A = 0 }; }
{ var result = new {A = 0}; var result = new {A = 0}; }

Place simple array, object and collection on single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_simple_initializer_on_single_line, [resharper_]place_simple_initializer_on_single_line

Possible values:

true | false


var result = new {A = 0};
var result = new { A = 0 };

Max object and collection initializer elements on a single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_max_initializer_elements_on_line, [resharper_]max_initializer_elements_on_line

Possible values:

an integer


value: 0
{ x = new C() {Prop1 = 1}; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1, Prop7 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1, Prop7 = 1, Prop8 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1, Prop7 = 1, Prop8 = 1, Prop9 = 1 }; }
value: 1
{ x = new C() {Prop1 = 1}; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1, Prop7 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1, Prop7 = 1, Prop8 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1, Prop7 = 1, Prop8 = 1, Prop9 = 1 }; }
value: 2
{ x = new C() {Prop1 = 1}; x = new C() {Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1}; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1, Prop7 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1, Prop7 = 1, Prop8 = 1 }; x = new C() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 1, Prop3 = 1, Prop4 = 1, Prop5 = 1, Prop6 = 1, Prop7 = 1, Prop8 = 1, Prop9 = 1 }; }

Wrap object and collection initializer

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style, [resharper_]wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


new C() { PropertyX = 1, PropertyY = 2, PropertyZ = 3 }
new C() { PropertyX = 1, PropertyY = 2, PropertyZ = 3 }
new C() { PropertyX = 1, PropertyY = 2, PropertyZ = 3 }

Max array initializer elements on a single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_max_array_initializer_elements_on_line, [resharper_]max_array_initializer_elements_on_line

Possible values:

an integer


value: 0
{ x = new[] {val1}; x = new[] { val1, val2 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8, val9 }; }
value: 1
{ x = new[] {val1}; x = new[] { val1, val2 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8, val9 }; }
value: 2
{ x = new[] {val1}; x = new[] {val1, val2}; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8 }; x = new[] { val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8, val9 }; }

Wrap array initializer

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_array_initializer_style, [resharper_]wrap_array_initializer_style

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


new C[] { Element1, ElementX, ElementY, ElementZ, ElementZzz }
new C[] { Element1, ElementX, ElementY, ElementZ, ElementZzz }
new C[] { Element1, ElementX, ElementY, ElementZ, ElementZzz }

Arrangement of invocations

Wrap invocation arguments

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_arguments_style, [resharper_]wrap_arguments_style

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


{ CallMethod(arg1, arg2); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); }
{ CallMethod(arg1, arg2); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); }
{ CallMethod(arg1, arg2); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); }

Max invocation arguments on a single line

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_max_invocation_arguments_on_line, [resharper_]max_invocation_arguments_on_line

Possible values:

an integer


value: 0
{ CallMethod(arg1); CallMethod(arg1, arg2); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); }
value: 1
{ CallMethod(arg1); CallMethod(arg1, arg2); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); }
value: 2
{ CallMethod(arg1); CallMethod(arg1, arg2); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); }

Keep existing arrangement of parenthesis in invocation

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_invocation_parens_arrangement, [resharper_]csharp_keep_existing_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_invocation_parens_arrangement, [resharper_]keep_existing_arrangement

Possible values:

true | false


Before formattingAfter formatting, true
CallMethod ( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 );
CallMethod ( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 );
Before formattingAfter formatting, false
CallMethod ( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 );
CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_invocation_lpar, [resharper_]wrap_before_invocation_lpar

Possible values:

true | false


CallMethod (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_after_invocation_lpar, [resharper_]wrap_after_invocation_lpar

Possible values:

true | false


CallMethod( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

Prefer wrap before ")" in invocation

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_invocation_rpar, [resharper_]wrap_before_invocation_rpar

Possible values:

true | false


CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 );
CallMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

Arrangement of member access expressions

Prefer wrap after "."

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_after_dot_in_method_calls, [resharper_]wrap_after_dot_in_method_calls

Possible values:

true | false


obj.Method(). Method(). Method(). Method(). Method(). Method(). Method(). Method(). Method(). Method();
obj.Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method();

Wrap chained method calls

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_chained_method_calls, [resharper_]wrap_chained_method_calls

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


obj.Method().Method() + obj.Method().Method() .Method().Method() .Method().Method() .Method().Method() .Method().Method();
obj.Method().Method() + obj.Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method();
obj.Method() .Method() + obj.Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method() .Method();

Arrangement of binary expressions

Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_binary_opsign, [resharper_]wrap_before_binary_opsign

Possible values:

true | false


myField1 = expression1 + expression2 + expression3 + expression4 + expression5 + expression6 + expression7;
myField1 = expression1 + expression2 + expression3 + expression4 + expression5 + expression6 + expression7;

Wrap chained binary expressions

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_chained_binary_expressions, [resharper_]wrap_chained_binary_expressions

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline


b = a != b && c != d && e && f.IsSumOf(g, h) && i.Value == j && k == l && m == n && o == p;
b = a != b && c != d && e && f.IsSumOf(g, h) && i.Value == j && k == l && m == n && o == p;

Force chop compound condition in "if" statement

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_force_chop_compound_if_expression, [resharper_]force_chop_compound_if_expression

Possible values:

true | false


if (var1 == null || var2 == null) Foo();
if (var1 == null || var2 == null) Foo();

Force chop compound condition in "while" statement

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_force_chop_compound_while_expression, [resharper_]force_chop_compound_while_expression

Possible values:

true | false


while (var1 == null || var2 == null) Foo();
while (var1 == null || var2 == null) Foo();

Force chop compound condition in "do" statement

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_force_chop_compound_do_expression, [resharper_]force_chop_compound_do_expression

Possible values:

true | false


do { Foo(); } while (var1 == null || var2 == null);
do { Foo(); } while (var1 == null || var2 == null);

Arrangement of ternary expressions

Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns, [resharper_]wrap_before_ternary_opsigns

Possible values:

true | false


return hereGoesSomeBoolExpression ? returnThisIfTrue : returnThatIfFalse;
return hereGoesSomeBoolExpression ? returnThisIfTrue : returnThatIfFalse;

Wrap ternary expression

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_ternary_expr_style, [resharper_]wrap_ternary_expr_style

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


myField = someCondition ? true : false;
myField = someCondition ? true : false;
myField = someCondition ? true : false;

Nested ternary expression style

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_nested_ternary_style, [resharper_]nested_ternary_style

Possible values:

  • simple_wrap: Simple wrap/Do not change

  • autodetect: Chop in existing style

  • compact: Chop in compact style

  • expanded: Chop in expanded style


Before formattingAfter formatting, simple_wrap
{ a = i ? "am" : you ? "are" : "is"; b = error ? red : warning ? yellow : green; c = tiger ? dangerous : cat ? cute : boring; d = roses ? red : violets ? blue : so_are_you; }
{ a = i ? "am" : you ? "are" : "is"; b = error ? red : warning ? yellow : green; c = tiger ? dangerous : cat ? cute : boring; d = roses ? red : violets ? blue : so_are_you; }
Before formattingAfter formatting, autodetect
{ a = i ? "am" : you ? "are" : "is"; b = error ? red : warning ? yellow : green; c = tiger ? dangerous : cat ? cute : boring; d = roses ? red : violets ? blue : so_are_you; }
{ a = i ? "am" : you ? "are" : "is"; b = error ? red : warning ? yellow : green; c = tiger ? dangerous : cat ? cute : boring; d = roses ? red : violets ? blue : so_are_you; }
Before formattingAfter formatting, compact
{ a = i ? "am" : you ? "are" : "is"; b = error ? red : warning ? yellow : green; c = tiger ? dangerous : cat ? cute : boring; d = roses ? red : violets ? blue : so_are_you; }
{ a = i ? "am" : you ? "are" : "is"; b = error ? red : warning ? yellow : green; c = tiger ? dangerous : cat ? cute : boring; d = roses ? red : violets ? blue : so_are_you; }
Before formattingAfter formatting, expanded
{ a = i ? "am" : you ? "are" : "is"; b = error ? red : warning ? yellow : green; c = tiger ? dangerous : cat ? cute : boring; d = roses ? red : violets ? blue : so_are_you; }
{ a = i ? "am" : you ? "are" : "is"; b = error ? red : warning ? yellow : green; c = tiger ? dangerous : cat ? cute : boring; d = roses ? red : violets ? blue : so_are_you; }

Arrangement of LINQ expressions

Wrap LINQ expressions

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_linq_expressions, [resharper_]wrap_linq_expressions

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • chop_always: Chop always


var result = from x in list where cond(x) select x;
var result = from x in list where cond(x) select x;
var result = from x in list where cond(x) select x;

Prefer wrap before multiline LINQ expressions

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_before_linq_expression, [resharper_]wrap_before_linq_expression

Possible values:

true | false


var result = from x in list where cond(x) select x;
var result = from x in list where cond(x) select x;

Place "into" on new line in LINQ expressions

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_place_linq_into_on_new_line, [resharper_]place_linq_into_on_new_line

Possible values:

true | false


var q1 = from i in l select i into j where j != 0 select j;
var q1 = from i in l select i into j where j != 0 select j;

Arrangement of interpolated strings

Wrap verbatim interpolated strings

Property names:

[resharper_]csharp_wrap_verbatim_interpolated_strings, [resharper_]wrap_verbatim_interpolated_strings

Possible values:

  • wrap_if_long: Simple wrap

  • chop_if_long: Chop if long or multiline

  • no_wrap: Do not wrap even if long


var s = $@"id={id} src={src } dest={dest}"
var s = $@"id={ id } src={ src } dest={ dest }"
var s = $@"id={id} src={src} dest={dest}"
Last modified: 24 March 2021