ReSharper 2021.1 Help


ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | TypeScript | Inspections

On this options page, you can adjust the way code inspection works in TypeScript.

TypeScript language levelThe specified language level will be used when analyzing TypeScript code.
Enable type guards narrowing coloringWhen ReSharper's Syntax Highlighting is enabled, this checkbox allows you to semantically color local variables, parameters, and their properties that are type-guarded.
Disable property (dotted) access syntax for types with string index signaturesThis option lets you disable dynamic validation for types with index signatures.
For example, if you have interface Foo { [x: string]: number }, you will get a warning if using it in function test(foo: Foo) { foo.something }, but no warning if using it in function test(foo: Foo) { foo["something"] }.
Search for references in JSDocs inside .d.ts filesThis option it disabled by default to optimize performance.
You may want to enable this option if you work with JSDocs inside d.ts files — it will enable navigation, refactorings, code completion and so on for code symbols inside JSDocs comments.
Search for web files that can affect performance and exclude them from indexing

To improve performance, ReSharper also automatically detects and starts ignoring large web files that have no references and were probably added to the solution by mistake.

If any of such files are detected, you will see a notification where you can stop ignoring any of those files if you need them for some reason. You can also find all automatically ignored files on the Code Editing | Third-Party Code page of ReSharper options(Alt+R, O).

Last modified: 13 July 2021