ReSharper 2022.1 Help

Predefined Surround Templates for ASP.NET(VB.NET)

ReSharper | Templates Explorer | Surround Templates | ASP.NET(VB.NET)

This topic lists all predefined surround templates for ASP.NET(VB.NET) in ReSharper 2022.1. For more information about surround templates, see Surround code fragments with templates




For Each block

Scope ASP.NET tags


<%For Each $VAR$ As $TYPE$ In $COL$ %> $SELECTION$ <%Next%>


  • COL - Suggests visible variable that can be enumerated (that is, used in foreach loop as collection) (enumerableVariable)

  • TYPE - Analyzes code and guesses type of element of a collection. (guessElementType)

  • VAR - When executed in variable declaration (where variable name should stand), suggests name for the variable. (suggestVariableName)

  • SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.

Before expansion

ReSharper: Live templates
After expansion
ReSharper: Live templates

Last modified: 21 July 2022