ReSharper 2024.1 Help

Entity Framework

By default, ReSharper helps you identify Entity Framework or EF Core entities by marking them with special adornments:

ReSharper: Editor adornment for EF entity class

You can disable these adornments by right-clicking and choosing the corresponding option. Alternatively, you can use the corresponding checkbox on the Code Inspection | Entity Framework page of ReSharper options Alt+R, O.

Entity Relationship diagram

For an Entity Framework or EF Core project, you can create a graphic representation of the database model and the relationships between entities, including one-to-one and one-to-many relationships.

Build Entity Relationship diagram

  • Right-click the editor adornment next to any EF entity and choose Show Entity Relationship Diagram.

  • If the adornments are disabled, choose ReSharper | Architecture | Show Entity Relationship Diagram from the main menu.

ReSharper: Entity relationship diagram

Relationships between entities are displayed using Crow's foot notation. The diagram also highlights potential problems of specific fields:

Code inspections

ReSharper provides the following code inspections for code issues specific to Entity Framework projects:

If you do not find some or all of these inspections helpful, you can clear the Enable Entity Framework-specific inspections checkbox on the Code Inspection | Entity Framework page of ReSharper options Alt+R, O, or alternatively, you can disable only model-specific or only query-specific inspections on that page.

Last modified: 25 April 2024