VB.NET Parameter Name Hints

Use this settings page to configure inlay hints for parameter names at function calls.
Visibility | Use the selector to choose how parameter name hints should be displayed in the editor: choose Default to apply the general visibility preference from the page of ReSharper options , choose Show Always or Never Show to always show or hide hints, or choose Push-to-Hint to hide the hints by default but show them when you press and hold Ctrl. |
Hide for non-literals | Hides parameter name hints for arguments that are variables, resources, expressions, or invocations allowing you to configure exceptions for specific kinds of non-literal arguments. |
Hide for builder-like methods | Hide parameter name hints for methods similar to methods of System.Text.StringBuilder, which return a modified object of their containing class. Names of such methods normally make the purpose of their parameters clear. |
Hide if method parameters only differ by numbered suffix | Hides parameter name hints when calling methods with signatures similar to void DoSomething(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
Hide if intention of first parameter is clear from method name | Hides parameter name hint on the first argument when calling methods with signatures similar to void SetExtension(string extension, object next) {/*..
.*/} |
Hide if intention of argument is clear from usage | For methods with signatures similar to void DoSomething(int value, object context) {/*...*/} hides the DoSomething(myValue, context: null); |
Hide parameter name hints for parameter arrays | |
Hide parameter name hints if method is annotated as 'StringFormatMethod' | This option hides parameter name hints for |
You can configure a list of method patterns for which the parameter name hints will be always hidden, independently of other preferences. | Patterns are matched against fully qualified method name, parameter count, and parameter names. For example: