ReSharper Platform SDK Help

Testing External Annotations

There are two approaches to testing External Annotations. The first is to use the CodeAnnotationsCache class to assert that annotations are applied to specific code elements in the compiled assemblies. The second is to assert the highlights and warnings that are affected by annotations. For example, an element marked with the [NotNull] attribute will cause ReSharper to highlight a null check as unnecessary.

Which method you choose is up to you. The first approach tests that the external annotations are correctly applied, while the second asserts the expected result of applying the annotations. ReSharper doesn't prescribe a specific approach; there are no base classes or helper methods specifically for testing external annotations. The first approach requires some helper methods, and an example base class is provided below, while the second approach is a normal highlighting test.

Loading the annotations

Before any tests can run, the annotations need to be loaded by the test environment. ReSharper doesn't do this by default, it only loads annotations that are installed with the product, or as extensions. Instead, they have to be loaded explicitly by the test assembly, by implementing IExternalAnnotationsFileProvider and marking the component with the [ShellComponent] attribute.

The following class will load all annotations stored in a specific folder, which, in this example will be test\data\annotations, but by replacing the implementation of RelativeTestDataPath you can change it to another location relative to test\data, even outside of the test\data folder structure. Or you can completely replace BaseTestDataPath to return any location you want.

This provider will load all XML files that are immediate children of the file location. These are expected to be named after the assembly, e.g. myAssembly.dll would need a myAssembly.xml file in the root location. It will also recursively look for any XML files in child directories. Either the directory should be named after the assembly, in which case all files in that directory apply to the assembly, or the file should be named after the assembly. This is the same folder structure and naming scheme used when annotations are distributed inside an extension package.

[ShellComponent] public class TestExternalAnnotationsProvider : IExternalAnnotationsFileProvider { private readonly OneToSetMap<string, FileSystemPath> annotations; private FileSystemPath cachedBaseTestDataPath; public TestExternalAnnotationsProvider() { var location = TestDataPath2; annotations = new OneToSetMap<string, FileSystemPath>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var file in location.GetChildFiles("*.xml")) annotations.Add(file.NameWithoutExtension, file); foreach (var directory in location.GetChildDirectories()) { foreach (var file in directory.GetChildFiles("*.xml", PathSearchFlags.RecurseIntoSubdirectories)) { annotations.Add(file.NameWithoutExtension, file); annotations.Add(file.Directory.Name, file); } } } public IEnumerable<FileSystemPath> GetAnnotationsFiles(AssemblyNameInfo assemblyName = null, FileSystemPath assemblyLocation = null) { if (assemblyName == null) return annotations.Values; return annotations[assemblyName.Name]; } private FileSystemPath BaseTestDataPath { get { if (cachedBaseTestDataPath == null) cachedBaseTestDataPath = TestUtil.GetTestDataPathBase(GetType().Assembly); return cachedBaseTestDataPath; } } private string RelativeTestDataPath { // This can be relative, e.g. @"..\..\ExternalAnnotations" get { return @"annotations"; } } private FileSystemPath TestDataPath2 { get { return BaseTestDataPath.Combine(RelativeTestDataPath); } } }

Targeting the assembly

External annotations don't target source files, but already existing, compiled assemblies. In order to test that annotations are correctly applied, the in-memory, temporary project created by the test environment needs to add references to the target assembly/assemblies.

This is easily done using the [TestReferences] attribute on the test class. The parameters to the attribute are the names of the assemblies to reference. The values can be a filename, or a relative or absolute file path. If the value is a filename or a relative file path, the actual path is resolved against the TestDataPath2 property (which resolves to test\data plus the value of RelativeTestDataPath). If the value is an absolute file path, it is used as-is.

[TestReferences("myAssembly.dll", "mySupport.dll")] public class MyAssemblyAnnotationsTest : ExternalAnntotionsTestBase2 { // ... }

The referenced assembly names can also contain environment variable names, which will be expanded before use. This can be very useful, as environment variables can be set programmatically by overriding the SetUp method. E.g.:

[TestReferences(@"%MY_ASSEMBLY_PATH%\myAssembly.dll")] public class MyAssemblyAnnotationsTest : ExternalAnnotationsTestBase2 { public override void SetUp() { base.SetUp(); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MY_ASSEMBLY_PATH", BaseTestDataPath.Combine("lib")); } }

If you need more control over the references you're adding, you can override the BaseTestWithSingleProject.GetReferencedAssemblies method.

Testing applied annotations

The following code snippet defines a class called ExternalAnnotationsTestBase2 which provides a helper method to convert an XML Doc ID to an IDeclaredElement. It then gets an instance of CodeAnnotationsCache and both are passed to the assert method, which can use the cache to ask for the annotations applied to the given code element.

The base class looks like this:

public abstract class ExternalAnnotationsTestBase2 : BaseTestWithSingleProject { protected override RelativeTestDataPath { get { return string.Empty; } } private void AssertHelper(string xmlDocId, Action<CodeAnnotationsCache, IDeclaredElement> assert) { // We're not checking source files, but referenced assemblies var sourceFiles = EmptyList<string>InstanceList; WithSingleProject(sourceFiles, (lifetime, solution, project) => { RunGuarded(() => { var psiModule = solution.PsiModules().GetPrimaryPsiModule(project); var psiServices = solution.GetPsiServices(); // Get the IDeclaredElement from the XML Doc ID var declaredElement = XMLDocUtil.ResolveId(psiServices, xmlDocId, psiModule, true, project.GetResolveContext(); Assert.NotNull(declaredElement, "Declared element cannot be resolved from XMLDocID {0}", xmlDocId); var annotationsCache = psiServices.GetAnnotationsCache(); assert(annotationsCache, declaredElement); }); }); } protected void AssertMeansImplicitUseAttribute(string xmlDocId) { AssertHelper(xmlDocId, (cache, element) => { var attributesOwner = element as IAttributesOwner; Assert.NotNull(attributesOwner, "Declared element is not an IAttributesOwner {0}", xmlDocId); var attributeInstances = attributesOwner.GetAttributeInstances(false); foreach (var attributeInstance in attributeInstances) { ImplicitUseKindFlags kindFlags; ImplicitUseTargetFlags targetFlags; if (cache.IsMeansImplicitUse(attributeInstance, out kindFlags, out targetFlags)) return; } Assert.Fail("Declared element is not marked as implicit use {0}", xmlDocId); }); } protected void AssertParameterAssertCondition(string xmlDocId, string parameterName, AssertConditionType? conditionType) { AssertHelper(xmlDocId, (cache, element) => { var parametersOwner = element as IParametersOwner; Assert.NotNull(parametersOwner, "Declared element is not an IParametersOwner {0}", xmlDocId); var parameter = parametersOwner.Parameters.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ShortName == parameterName); Assert.NotNull(parameter, "Parameter \"{0}\" is not found on {1}", parameterName, xmlDocId); var actual = cache.GetParameterAssertionCondition(parameter); Assert.AreEqual(conditionType, actual); }); } }

Other assert methods can be added similar to AssertParameterAssertCondition that also call into CodeAnnotationsCache in order to assert annotations are applied.

Testing warnings and highlights

Instead of testing that the annotations are applied to members, you can also test the highlights generated (or not) in response to the annotations, by deriving from HighlightingTestBase or one of its derived types, such as CSharpHighlightingTestBase.

This is a simple highlighting test, which analyses a source file and creates a temporary file that contains the text of the original file, plus a list of all highlights that are applied (if any). If the analysis is affected by external annotations, such as a [NotNull] annotation, extra highlights can be applied to the code that wouldn't be applied if the annotations weren't there. The temporary file, with the list of highlights, is compared to a previously stored 'gold' file. If it differs, the test fails.

The tests can be run with the DoOneTest method, where the name of the source file is passed in, or by using the DoNamedTest2 method, which takes the file name from the test method, minus any 'test' prefix.

[Test] public void Should_show_annotations() { // Looks for 'MyAnnotations.cs'. The '.cs' is added automatically DoOneTest("MyAnnotations"); } [Test] public void TestMyAnnotations() { DoNamedTest2(); // Looks for 'MyAnnotations.cs' }

You might prefer to use this method over checking the annotations are applied as it checks the outcome of the annotation, rather than just that the annotation is applied. While this approach initially seems easier, it should be noted that each test requires a new source file for each scenario. The first approach, while requiring extra initial set up for creating the base class and importing JetBrains.Annotations.dll, makes each test a simple call to a helper method to assert the annotation. This might be easier if you have many annotations you wish to test.

Last modified: 04 July 2023