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Lexer Utility Methods

The LexerUtil class provides a number of utility and extension functions for lexing and parsing. Of particular interest are the LookaheadToken methods, GetTokenLength and GetCurrTokenText:

public static class LexerUtil { // Look ahead to the k'th token and return it, the roll back to the current position static public TokenNodeType LookaheadToken(this ILexer lexer, int k); static public TokenNodeType LookaheadToken<T>(this ILexer<T> lexer, int k); // Look ahead, but skip the given node type static public TokenNodeType LookaheadTokenSkipping(this ILexer lexer, int k, TokenNodeType nodeTypeToSkip); // Get the length of the text of the current token public static int GetTokenLength(this ILexer lexer); // Get the text of the current token, with or without quotes public static string GetCurrTokenText(this ILexer lexer); public static string GetQuotedTokenText(this ILexer lexer, char quote); public static string GetQuotedTokenText(this ILexer lexer, char openQuote, char closeQuote); // Compare the current token text against the given string. Functionally equivalent public static bool CompareTokenText(ILexer lexer, string str, bool caseSensitive = true); public static bool CompareBufferText(ILexer lexer, string str, bool caseSensitive = true); // Return a lazy enumerable of TokenNodeType by calling lexer.Advance public static IEnumerable<TokenNodeType> Tokens(this ILexer lexer); // Advance lexer while the current token is the same as the skip token(s) public static int AdvanceWhile<TLexer>(this TLexer lexer, TokenNodeType skipToken); public static int AdvanceWhile<TLexer>(this TLexer lexer, NodeTypeSet skipTokens); }
Last modified: 04 July 2023