Rider Help

ASP.NET (Razor) Namespace Imports

File | Settings | Languages and Frameworks | ASP.NET (Razor) | Namespace Imports for Windows and Linux
Rider | Preferences | Languages and Frameworks | ASP.NET (Razor) | Namespace Imports for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S /help/img/rider/2017.1/settings.png

By selecting or clearing the check box on this page, you can choose whether Rider should use fully qualified names for Razor type import directives.

Depending on this option, Rider uses fully qualified names during the code cleanup and/or when the related refactorings are performed that entail adding or changing namespace import directives.

Use fully qualified names for @inherits and @model directives If this check box is selected, Rider uses fully qualified type names for @inherits and @model directives. For example:
@model MyMvcApplication.Models.LocalPasswordModel
If it is cleared, Rider uses non-qualified type names for these directive and adds the necessary @using directives for these types. For example:
@using MyMvcApplication.Models @model LocalPasswordModel
Last modified: 11 October 2017