JetBrains Rider 2017.2 Help

Configuring Solution-Wide Analysis

The main calculations of the solution-wide analysis are performed when you first enable this option. Depending on the size of your solution, these calculations may take from several seconds up to dozens of minutes. You will still be able to keep working, but some performance degradation is possible.

Once these global time-consuming calculations are finished, only necessary incremental analysis will be performed according to modifications.

Pausing/resuming solution-wide analysis

If you turn the solution-wide analysis off and then decide to turn it on again, JetBrains Rider will have to repeat some initial calculations, which may be time-consuming. To avoid this, you can pause and resume the solution-wide analysis instead.

To pause and resume solution-wide analysis

  • On the toolbar of the Errors in Solution window, click Pause Analysis ThemedIcon SolutionAnalysisPause Screen Gray or Continue Analysis ThemedIcon SolutionAnalysisContinue Screen Gray .
  • Click on the circle indicator in the right corner of the status bar and then choose Pause Analysis or Continue Analysis in the context menu.
Last modified: 27 December 2017

See Also