JetBrains Rider 2017.2 Help

Configuring Synchronization with a Web Server

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Before you start

Synchronization with servers, uploading, downloading, and managing files on them are provided via the Remote Hosts Access bundled plugin, which is by default enabled. If the plugin is disabled, activate it in the Plugins page of the Settings dialog box. For details, see Enabling and Disabling Plugins.


JetBrains Rider distinguishes among in-place, local, and remote servers, however the meaning of these terms in the context of JetBrains Rider slightly differs from their common meaning:

  • An in-place server is a server whose document root is the parent of the project root, either immediate or not. In other words, the Web server is running on your computer, your project is under its document root, and you do your development directly on the server.
  • A local server is a server that is running in a local or a mounted folder and whose document root is NOT the parent of the project root.
  • A remote server is a server on another computer (remote host).

For more information about possible configuration of the production and development environment and working with servers from JetBrains Rider, see Working with Web Servers: Copying Files.

Server access configuration

JetBrains Rider controls interaction with Web servers through server access configurations. Anytime you are going to use a server, you need to define a server access configurations, no matter whether your server is on a remote host or on your machine.

A server access configuration defines:

  • The server type (in-place, local, or remote).
  • The computer (host) where the server is running. For in-place and local servers, JetBrains Rider presupposes that it is the current computer where your project is.
  • The server access configuration root: the highest folder in the server hierarchy that can be accessed through the server configuration.
  • The URL address to access the server configuration root. Both the HTTP and the HTTPS protocols are supported.

    To access a server through HTTPS, you need to acquire a certificate file <certificate_name>.cert signed by a recognized authority and import this certificate in the truststore/keystore of the Oracle JRE (Java Runtime Environment) on which JetBrains Rider runs. Note that self-signed certificates are rejected as unsafe.

    To import a certificate in Oracle JRE:

    1. Open the embedded Terminal and type the following command:
      <jre_home>/bin/keytool.exe -importcert -keystore <path to jre truststore/keystore> -file <full_path_to_<cert_name>.cert>
      If you are using the Oracle JRE bundled with JetBrains Rider, the default path to the truststore/keystore is <%product_installation_folder>/jre/jre/lib/security/jssecacerts or <%product_installation_folder>/jre/jre/lib/security/cacerts.

      Otherwise it is <jre_home>/jre/lib/security/jssecacerts or <jre_home>/jre/lib/security/cacerts.

    2. When asked to enter a password for the truststore/keystore, specify the default one changeit.
    3. Open the JetBrains Rider.exe.vmoptions file in the <JetBrains Rider_installation_folder>/bin and add the following line to it:<path to keystore>
    4. Restart JetBrains Rider.

    Learn more at Java6 and Java7.

  • The protocol to transfer the data through.
  • Correspondence between local (project) folders, destination folders on the server, and URL addresses to access the data on the server. This correspondence is called mapping.

You can define as many configurations as necessary, thus enabling flexible switching between upload/download setups.

Last modified: 27 December 2017