JetBrains Rider 2017.2 Help


Debugger is an integral part of JetBrains Rider that allows you to examine the run-time behavior of your application, identify problematic code, and isolate the source of the problem step by step.

Typically, debugging consists of the following steps:

  1. Define a run/debug configuration for the application to be debugged.
  2. Set breakpoints in the source code where the potential problem may lie.
  3. Start a debugging session.
  4. Pause or resume the debugging session as required.
  5. During the debugger session, step through your code, evaluate expressions, and set watches.

The major part of debugging activities takes place in the Debug window, which becomes available once you start debugging. To open this window, press Alt+5 or select View | Tool Windows | Debug in the main menu.

You may be also interested in the following language- and framework-specific guidelines:

Last modified: 27 December 2017