JetBrains Rider 2017.2 Help

Errors in Solution window

View | Tool Windows | Errors in Solution

This window displays the list of solution-wide errors that were discovered during solution-wide analysis.

Reference Windows Errors in Solution

Toolbar Controls

ThemedIcon SolutionAnalysis Screen Gray Analyze Errors in Solution Toggles solution-wide analysis on/off. For more information, see Enabling Solution-Wide Analysis
ThemedIcon SolutionAnalysisPause Screen Gray Pause Analysis Puts the analysis process on hold until you click Continue Analysis ThemedIcon SolutionAnalysisContinue Screen Gray . For more information, see Configuring Solution-Wide Analysis.
ThemedIcon SolutionAnalysisContinue Screen Gray Continue Analysis Resumes analysis after it was put on hold by pressing Pause Analysis ThemedIcon SolutionAnalysisPause Screen Gray . For more information, see Configuring Solution-Wide Analysis.
ThemedIcon IgnoreErrors Screen Gray Ignore Errors Excludes selected errors (or all errors in a selected file) from the list of found errors (or strikes them through if Show Ignored Errors is switched on). For more information, see Ignoring Errors in solution.
ThemedIcon UnignoreErrors Screen Gray Stop Ignoring Errors Shows or previously ignored errors (or removes strikethrough if Show Ignored Errors is switched on). For more information, see Ignoring Errors in solution.
ThemedIcon ShowIgnoredErrors Screen Gray Show Ignored Errors Makes ignored errors visible but strikes them through.
ThemedIcon ReanalyzeFilesWithErrors Screen Gray Reanalyze Files with Errors Launches the process of reanalyzing files where errors were previously found.
ThemedIcon Export Screen Gray Export Click this button to export the data currently displayed in the window in text format.

Title bar context menu and buttons

You can right-click on the window title bar and use the context menu to configure its viewing mode, associate the window with a different tool window bar, or resize and hide the window.

You can also use the toolbar buttons:

icon viewMode Click this button to access a subset of the context menu commands that let you configure window's viewing mode.
icon hideSide Shift+Escape Use this command to hide the tool window. You can also use it in combination with the Alt key to hides all tool windows attached to the same tool window bar.
Last modified: 27 December 2017

See Also