JetBrains Rider 2017.3 Help

Run/Debug Configuration: XSLT

This run/debug configuration becomes available, when XPath View+XSLT Support plugin is enabled.

Getting access to the Run/Debug Configuration: XSLT dialog

Make sure the XPath View+XSLT Support plugin is enabled. The plugin is activated by default. If the plugin is disabled, enable it on the Plugins settings page as described in Enabling and Disabling Plugins.

Settings tab

Input Use the controls in this area to specify the XML file to process and the script to be executed.
  • XSLT Script File - in this text box, specify the path to the XSLT Style Sheet file. Type the path manually or click the Browse button browseButton.png and select the desired file in the Choose XSLT File dialog box, that opens.
  • Choose XML Input File - from this drop-down list, select the XML input file to be transformed. The list contains all the XML files that have been associated with the chosen Style Sheet via the File Associations functionality. To specify a file, which is not on the list, click the Browse button browseButton.png and select the desired file in the Choose XML File dialog box, that opens.
Output Use the controls in this area to configure handling of the script output.
  • Show in Default Console - select this option to have the output displayed in the normal run console, together with any warnings and error messages from the XSLT transformer, as well as messages generated by the script, e.g. by xsl:message.
  • Show in Extra Console Tab - select this option to have the produced output displayed in an extra, XSLT Output, tab.

    This option is selected by default.

  • Highlight Output As - from this drop-down list, select the file type to highlight the output as.
  • Save to File - select this option to have the output saved directly to a file. In the text box, specify the name of the target file. Type the path to the file manually or click the Browse button browseButton.png and select the desired file in the Choose Output File dialog box, that opens. If you type the name of a file that does not exist, JetBrains Rider will create a file and save the output to it.
    • Open File in Editor After Execution - select this checkbox to have the file with the output opened in the editor after the script is executed successfully.
    • Open File in Web Browser After Execution - select this checkbox to have the file with the output opened in the configured Web browser after the script is executed successfully.
Parameters Use the controls in this area to create and manage a list of parameters to be passed to the script.
  • Add (add.png) - click this button to create a new entry.
  • Remove (delete.png) - click this button to remove the selected entry from the list.
  • Name - in this text box, specify the name of the parameter.
  • Value - in this text box, specify the value of the parameter.

Advanced tab

In this tab, configure additional options that are not commonly required in run configurations.

Smart Error Handling
  • Clear this checkbox to have the console display full error messages including their complete stack traces, when an error occurs during execution.
  • Select this checkbox to suppress showing staktraces and have the console display only the relevant information about errors.
VM ArgumentsIn this text box, specify optional VM arguments to be passed to the VM where the XSLT script is executed. These can be heap size, garbage collection options, file encoding, etc. If the line of VM arguments is too long, click the editorIcon.gif button and and type the text in the VM Arguments dialog box, that opens.
Working DirectoryIn this text box, specify the working directory to use. Type the path manually or click the Browse button browseButton.png and select the desired folder in the Working Directory dialog box, that opens.

If no folder is specified in text box, the working directory will be the one where the XSLT script file is located.

Last modified: 19 April 2018