JetBrains Rider 2017.3 Help

Unit Testing

JetBrains Rider helps discover and run or debug unit tests. The following unit testing frameworks are supported:

  • NUnit 2.5.8 - 3.0. JetBrains Rider installation includes 2 versions of NUnit test runners (2.6.4 and 3.0). You can choose one of them or specify a local installation of NUnit on the Tools | Unit Testing | NUnit page of JetBrains Rider options.
  • MSTest V1 (Windows only, requires Visual Studio installed), V2 (.NET Core, xplat)
  • XUnit

With JetBrains Rider, you can execute a single unit test, all tests in a test class, file, project or solution. You can also execute any number of tests combined in a test session.

In this section:

All JetBrains Rider unit testing actions are available from the Test menu or from the Unit Testing Quick List (Shift+Alt+U):

JetBrains Rider: Unit Testing Quick List

You can use the following shortcuts for for unit testing commands:

For the full list of Rider keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard Shortcuts Reference.

Last modified: 19 April 2018