JetBrains Rider 2018.1 Help

Index of EditorConfig properties

This page lists custom JetBrains Rider EditorConfig properties that you can use for configuring code formatting rules, code inspection severity levels, and code syntax style rules. Note that some properties apply to one language while others apply to several languages at once. However, for each multi-language property there is a property that can override it for a specific language, for example, align_multiline_parameter and csharp_align_multiline_parameter..

Property nameDescription
accessor_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Accessor declaration (C#)
accessor_owner_body Code Body - Properties, indexers and events (C#)
accessor_owner_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Property declaration (C#)
add_imports_to_deepest_scope Reference Qualification - Add 'using' directive to deepest scope (C#)
align_first_arg_by_paren Align Multiline Constructs - First call arguments by '(', available for: C#
align_linq_query Align Multiline Constructs - LINQ query (C#)
align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Call arguments, available for: C#, VB.NET
align_multiline_array_and_object_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array, object and collection initializer (C#)
align_multiline_array_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array initializer (VB.NET)
align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained binary expressions, available for: C#
align_multiline_calls_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained method calls, available for: C#
align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Other expressions, available for: C#, VB.NET
align_multiline_extends_list Align Multiline Constructs - List of base classes and interfaces, available for: C#
align_multiline_for_stmt Align Multiline Constructs - "for" statement header (C#)
align_multiline_implements_list Align Multiline Constructs - Implements/handles list (VB.NET)
align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
align_multline_type_parameter_constrains Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameter constraints (C#)
align_multline_type_parameter_list Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameters list (C#)
align_ternary Align Multiline Construct - ?: operator, available for:, JavaScript
align_tuple_components Align Multiline Constructs - Tuple components (C#)
align_union_type_usage Align Multiline Constructs - Union type usage (TypeScript)
alignment_tab_fill_style Align Multiline Constructs - How to align when tabs are used for indents, available for: C#, Css, HTML, JavaScript, Protobuf, VB.NET, XML, XMLDOC
allow_alias Reference Qualification - Use using alias directive to resolve conflicts (C#)
allow_comment_after_lbrace Braces Layout - Allow comment after '{' (C#)
anonymous_method_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Anonymous method declaration, available for: C#
arguments_anonymous_function Arguments - Anonymous methods (delegates and lambdas) (C#)
arguments_literal Arguments - Literal values (C#)
arguments_named Arguments - Named expressions (variables, properties, methods, etc.) (C#)
arguments_other Arguments - Other (C#)
arguments_string_literal Arguments - String literal values (C#)
attribute_indent Inside of Tag Header - Attributes indenting, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
attribute_style Inside of Tag Header - Attributes format, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
blank_line_after_pi Processing Instructions - Blank line after processing instructions, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
blank_lines_after_block_statements Blank Lines in Code - After statements with child blocks (C#)
blank_lines_after_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines in Code - After statements with control transfer (C#)
blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - After imports section (VB.NET)
blank_lines_after_multiline_statements Blank Lines in Code - After multiline statements (C#)
blank_lines_after_options Blank Lines - After file options section (VB.NET)
blank_lines_after_start_comment Blank Lines in Declarations - After file header comment (C#)
blank_lines_after_using_list Blank Lines in Declarations - After "using" list (C#)
blank_lines_around_auto_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around auto/abstract property/event (C#)
blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines in Declarations - Around field, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_global_attribute Blank Lines - After global attribute (VB.NET)
blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines in Declarations - Around method, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_local_method Blank Lines in Code - Around local function (C#)
blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines in Declarations - Around namespace, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around property/event (C#)
blank_lines_around_razor_functions Blank lines around Razor @functions block (Razor CSharp)
blank_lines_around_razor_helpers Blank lines around Razor helpers (Razor CSharp)
blank_lines_around_razor_sections Blank lines around Razor sections (Razor CSharp)
blank_lines_around_region General - Around region, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_single_line_auto_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line auto/abstract property/event (C#)
blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line field, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line method, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_around_single_line_local_method Blank Lines in Code - Around single line local function (C#)
blank_lines_around_single_line_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line property/event (C#)
blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines in Declarations - Around type, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_before_block_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before statements with child blocks (C#)
blank_lines_before_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before statements with control transfer (C#)
blank_lines_before_multiline_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before multiline statements (C#)
blank_lines_before_single_line_comment General - Before single-line comment (C#)
blank_lines_between_using_groups Blank Lines in Declarations - Between different "using" groups (C#)
blank_lines_inside_namespace Blank Lines in Declarations - Inside namespace (C#)
blank_lines_inside_region General - Inside region, available for: C#, VB.NET
blank_lines_inside_type Blank Lines in Declarations - Inside type (C#)
brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
braces_for_dowhile Braces - In "do-while" statement (C#)
braces_for_fixed Braces - In "fixed" statement (C#)
braces_for_for Braces - In "for" statement (C#)
braces_for_foreach Braces - In "foreach" statement (C#)
braces_for_ifelse Braces - In "if" statement (C#)
braces_for_lock Braces - In "lock" statement (C#)
braces_for_using Braces - In "using" statement (C#)
braces_for_while Braces - In "while" statement (C#)
braces_redundant Braces - Remove redundant (C#)
builtin_type_reference_style Built-in Type Naming - When referencing built-in type, prefer using (C#)
can_use_global_alias Reference Qualification - Allow 'global::' prefix use (C#)
case_block_braces Braces Layout - Block under "case" label, available for: C#
constructor_or_destructor_body Code Body - Constructors and destructors (C#)
continuous_indent_multiplier General - Continuous line indent multiplier (C#)
control_statements_braces Braces Layout - Control statements (JavaScript)
cpp_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
cpp_space_after_comma Space after comma (generalized)
cpp_space_before_comma Space before comma (generalized)
cpp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
csharp_accessor_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Accessor declaration (C#)
csharp_accessor_owner_body Code Body - Properties, indexers and events (C#)
csharp_accessor_owner_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Property declaration (C#)
csharp_add_imports_to_deepest_scope Reference Qualification - Add 'using' directive to deepest scope (C#)
csharp_align_first_arg_by_paren Align Multiline Constructs - First call arguments by '(' (C#)
csharp_align_linq_query Align Multiline Constructs - LINQ query (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Call arguments (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_array_and_object_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array, object and collection initializer (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained binary expressions (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_calls_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained method calls (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Other expressions (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_extends_list Align Multiline Constructs - List of base classes and interfaces (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_for_stmt Align Multiline Constructs - "for" statement header (C#)
csharp_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (C#)
csharp_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations (C#)
csharp_align_multline_type_parameter_constrains Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameter constraints (C#)
csharp_align_multline_type_parameter_list Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameters list (C#)
csharp_align_tuple_components Align Multiline Constructs - Tuple components (C#)
csharp_alignment_tab_fill_style Align Multiline Constructs - How to align when tabs are used for indents (C#)
csharp_allow_alias Reference Qualification - Use using alias directive to resolve conflicts (C#)
csharp_allow_comment_after_lbrace Braces Layout - Allow comment after '{' (C#)
csharp_anonymous_method_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Anonymous method declaration (C#)
csharp_arguments_anonymous_function Arguments - Anonymous methods (delegates and lambdas) (C#)
csharp_arguments_literal Arguments - Literal values (C#)
csharp_arguments_named Arguments - Named expressions (variables, properties, methods, etc.) (C#)
csharp_arguments_other Arguments - Other (C#)
csharp_arguments_string_literal Arguments - String literal values (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_after_block_statements Blank Lines in Code - After statements with child blocks (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_after_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines in Code - After statements with control transfer (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_after_multiline_statements Blank Lines in Code - After multiline statements (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_after_start_comment Blank Lines in Declarations - After file header comment (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_after_using_list Blank Lines in Declarations - After "using" list (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_auto_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around auto/abstract property/event (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines in Declarations - Around field (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines in Declarations - Around method (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_local_method Blank Lines in Code - Around local function (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines in Declarations - Around namespace (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around property/event (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_region General - Around region (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_auto_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line auto/abstract property/event (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line field (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line method (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_local_method Blank Lines in Code - Around single line local function (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line property/event (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines in Declarations - Around type (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_before_block_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before statements with child blocks (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_before_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before statements with control transfer (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_before_multiline_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before multiline statements (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_before_single_line_comment General - Before single-line comment (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_between_using_groups Blank Lines in Declarations - Between different "using" groups (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_inside_namespace Blank Lines in Declarations - Inside namespace (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_inside_region General - Inside region (C#)
csharp_blank_lines_inside_type Blank Lines in Declarations - Inside type (C#)
csharp_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
csharp_braces_for_dowhile Braces - In "do-while" statement (C#)
csharp_braces_for_fixed Braces - In "fixed" statement (C#)
csharp_braces_for_for Braces - In "for" statement (C#)
csharp_braces_for_foreach Braces - In "foreach" statement (C#)
csharp_braces_for_ifelse Braces - In "if" statement (C#)
csharp_braces_for_lock Braces - In "lock" statement (C#)
csharp_braces_for_using Braces - In "using" statement (C#)
csharp_braces_for_while Braces - In "while" statement (C#)
csharp_braces_redundant Braces - Remove redundant (C#)
csharp_builtin_type_reference_style Built-in Type Naming - When referencing built-in type, prefer using (C#)
csharp_can_use_global_alias Reference Qualification - Allow 'global::' prefix use (C#)
csharp_case_block_braces Braces Layout - Block under "case" label (C#)
csharp_constructor_or_destructor_body Code Body - Constructors and destructors (C#)
csharp_continuous_indent_multiplier General - Continuous line indent multiplier (C#)
csharp_default_internal_modifier Modifiers - Prefer explicit/implicit internal modifier for types (C#)
csharp_default_private_modifier Modifiers - Prefer explicit/implicit private modifier for type members (C#)
csharp_empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting (C#)
csharp_extra_spaces Preserve Existing Formatting - Extra spaces inside (C#)
csharp_for_built_in_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - For built-in types (C#)
csharp_for_other_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - Elsewhere (C#)
csharp_for_simple_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - For simple types (C#)
csharp_force_attribute_style Attributes - Join or separate attributes in section (C#)
csharp_force_chop_compound_do_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "do" statement (C#)
csharp_force_chop_compound_if_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "if" statement (C#)
csharp_force_chop_compound_while_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "while" statement (C#)
csharp_indent_anonymous_method_block Align Multiline Constructs - Anonymous method body (C#)
csharp_indent_invocation_pars Parenthesis - Indent method calls' parenthesis (C#)
csharp_indent_method_decl_pars Parenthesis - Indent method declarations' parenthesis (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_fixed_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "fixed" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_for_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "for" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_foreach_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "foreach" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_lock_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "lock" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_usings_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "using" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_nested_while_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "while" statements (C#)
csharp_indent_pars Parenthesis - Indent other parenthesis and brackets (C#)
csharp_indent_preprocessor_if Preprocessor Directives - Indent #if, #else, #elif, #endif (C#)
csharp_indent_preprocessor_other Preprocessor Directives - Indent other preprocessor directives (C#)
csharp_indent_preprocessor_region Preprocessor Directives - Indent #region, #endregion (C#)
csharp_indent_size General - Indent size (C#)
csharp_indent_statement_pars Parenthesis - Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parenthesis (C#)
csharp_indent_style General - Indent style (C#)
csharp_indent_switch_labels Other Indents - Indent "case" from "switch" (C#)
csharp_indent_type_constraints Other Indents - Indent type constraints (C#)
csharp_indent_typearg_angles Parenthesis - Indent type argument's angles (C#)
csharp_indent_typeparam_angles Parenthesis - Indent type parameter's angles (C#)
csharp_initializer_braces Braces Layout - Array and object initializer (C#)
csharp_insert_final_newline General - Line feed at end of file (C#)
csharp_instance_members_qualify_declared_in Instance Members Qualification - Qualify members declared in (C#)
csharp_instance_members_qualify_members Instance Members Qualification - Use "this." qualifier for (C#)
csharp_int_align Align similar code in columns (generalized)
csharp_int_align_assignments Align Similar Code in Columns - Other assignments and initializers (C#)
csharp_int_align_binary_expressions Align Similar Code in Columns - Binary expressions (C#)
csharp_int_align_comments Align Similar Code in Columns - End comments (C#)
csharp_int_align_fields Align Similar Code in Columns - Fields and constants (C#)
csharp_int_align_invocations Align Similar Code in Columns - Invocations of the same method (C#)
csharp_int_align_methods Align Similar Code in Columns - Simple methods, operators, delegates (C#)
csharp_int_align_nested_ternary Align Similar Code in Columns - Nested ternary operators (C#)
csharp_int_align_parameters Align Similar Code in Columns - Multiline method signature (C#)
csharp_int_align_properties Align Similar Code in Columns - Properties and events (C#)
csharp_int_align_switch_sections Align Similar Code in Columns - Simple switch sections (C#)
csharp_int_align_variables Align Similar Code in Columns - Variables and local constants (C#)
csharp_invocable_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Method declaration (C#)
csharp_keep_blank_lines_in_code Blank Lines in Code - Keep max blank lines in code (C#)
csharp_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Blank Lines in Declarations - Keep max blank lines in declarations (C#)
csharp_keep_existing_arrangement Keep existing code arrangements (single line/multi line) (generalized)
csharp_keep_existing_attribute_arrangement Arrangement of Attributes - Keep existing arrangement of attributes (C#)
csharp_keep_existing_declaration_block_arrangement Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Keep existing arrangement of declaration blocks (C#)
csharp_keep_existing_declaration_parens_arrangement Arrangement of Method Signatures - Keep existing arrangement of parenthesis in declaration (C#)
csharp_keep_existing_embedded_arrangement Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Keep existing arrangement of embedded statements (C#)
csharp_keep_existing_embedded_block_arrangement Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Keep existing arrangement of embedded blocks (C#)
csharp_keep_existing_expr_member_arrangement Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Keep existing arrangement of expression bodied members (C#)
csharp_keep_existing_initializer_arrangement Arrangement of Initializers - Keep existing arrangement of initializers (C#)
csharp_keep_existing_invocation_parens_arrangement Arrangement of Invocations - Keep existing arrangement of parenthesis in invocation (C#)
csharp_keep_existing_linebreaks General - Keep existing line breaks (C#)
csharp_keep_user_linebreaks General - Keep existing line breaks (C#)
csharp_local_function_body Code Body - Local functions (C#)
csharp_max_attribute_length_for_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place attribute section list on separate line if it is longer than (C#)
csharp_max_line_length General - Right margin (columns) (C#)
csharp_method_or_operator_body Code Body - Methods and operators (C#)
csharp_modifiers_order Modifiers - Modifiers order (C#)
csharp_nested_ternary_style Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Nested ternary expression style (C#)
csharp_new_line_before_catch Arrangement of Statements - Place "catch" on new line (C#)
csharp_new_line_before_else Arrangement of Statements - Place "else" on new line (C#)
csharp_new_line_before_finally Arrangement of Statements - Place "finally" on new line (C#)
csharp_new_line_before_while Arrangement of Statements - Place "while" on new line (C#)
csharp_old_engine Other - Revert to old formatting engine (C#)
csharp_other_braces Braces Layout - Other (C#)
csharp_outdent_binary_ops Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent binary operators (C#)
csharp_outdent_commas Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent commas (C#)
csharp_outdent_dots Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent dots in chained method calls (C#)
csharp_parentheses_non_obvious_operations Parentheses - Add parentheses to avoid non-obvious precedence. Select which operations has non-obvious precedence (C#)
csharp_parentheses_redundancy_style Parentheses - Remove redundant parentheses (C#)
csharp_place_abstract_accessorholder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place abstract/auto property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
csharp_place_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place accessor attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_accessor_with_attrs_holder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place it on single line even when it has attributes on accessors (C#)
csharp_place_accessorholder_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place property/indexer/event attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_attribute_on_same_line Place simple attribute on same line with owner (generalized)
csharp_place_constructor_initializer_on_same_line Arrangement of Method Signatures - Allow constructor initializer on same line (C#)
csharp_place_expr_accessor_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place property accessor expression body on same line (C#)
csharp_place_expr_method_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place method expression body on same line (C#)
csharp_place_expr_property_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place property expression body on same line (C#)
csharp_place_field_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place field attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_linq_into_on_new_line Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Place "into" on new line in LINQ expressions (C#)
csharp_place_method_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place method attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_accessor_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple accessor on single line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_accessorholder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_anonymousmethod_on_single_line Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Place simple anonymous method on single line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line Place simple blocks on single line (generalized)
csharp_place_simple_case_statement_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Place simple "case" statement on same line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line Place blocks from simple type members on single line (generalized)
csharp_place_simple_embedded_block_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Place a block with a single simple statement on same line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_embedded_statement_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Place simple embedded statement on same line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_initializer_on_single_line Arrangement of Initializers - Place simple array, object and collection on single line (C#)
csharp_place_simple_method_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple method on single line (C#)
csharp_place_type_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place type attribute on same line (C#)
csharp_place_type_constraints_on_same_line Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Allow type constraints on same line (C#)
csharp_prefer_explicit_discard_declaration Use 'var' keyword for discards (C#)
csharp_prefer_qualified_reference Reference Qualification - Prefer fully qualified references (C#)
csharp_prefer_separate_deconstructed_variables_declaration Prefer separate declarations for deconstructed variables (C#)
csharp_qualified_using_at_nested_scope Reference Qualification - Prefer fully qualified using name at nested scope (C#)
csharp_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_code Blank Lines in Code - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in code (C#)
csharp_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_declarations Blank Lines in Declarations - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in declarations (C#)
csharp_space_after_ampersand_op After Unary Operators - Unsafe addressof operator (&) (C#)
csharp_space_after_asterik_op After Unary Operators - Unsafe asterisk operator (*) (C#)
csharp_space_after_attribute_colon Around Colon - After other colons (C#)
csharp_space_after_attributes Attributes - After attributes (C#)
csharp_space_after_cast Other - After type cast parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_after_colon Around Colon - After other colons (C#)
csharp_space_after_colon_in_case Around Colon - After colon in "case" statement (C#)
csharp_space_after_colon_in_inheritance_clause Around Colon - After base types list colon (C#)
csharp_space_after_comma Around Comma and Semicolon - After comma (C#)
csharp_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements Space before parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
csharp_space_after_logical_not_op After Unary Operators - Logical not operator (!) (C#)
csharp_space_after_operator_keyword Other - After operator keyword (C#)
csharp_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement Around Comma and Semicolon - After "for" semicolon (C#)
csharp_space_after_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator - After ':' (C#)
csharp_space_after_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator - After '?' (C#)
csharp_space_after_type_parameter_constraint_colon Around Colon - After type parameter constraint colon (C#)
csharp_space_after_unary_minus_op After Unary Operators - Unary minus operator (-) (C#)
csharp_space_after_unary_operator (generalized)
csharp_space_after_unary_plus_op After Unary Operators - Unary plus operator (+) (C#)
csharp_space_around_additive_op Around Binary Operators - Additive operators (+,-) (C#)
csharp_space_around_alias_eq Other - Around '=' in namespace alias directive (C#)
csharp_space_around_arrow_op Around Binary Operators - Unsafe arrow operator (->) (C#)
csharp_space_around_assignment_op Around Binary Operators - Assignment operators (=,+=,...) (C#)
csharp_space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
csharp_space_around_bitwise_op Around Binary Operators - Bitwise operators (&,|,^) (C#)
csharp_space_around_dot Other - Around dot (C#)
csharp_space_around_equality_op Around Binary Operators - Equality operators (==,!=) (C#)
csharp_space_around_lambda_arrow Other - Around lambda arrow (C#)
csharp_space_around_logical_op Around Binary Operators - Logical operators (&&,||) (C#)
csharp_space_around_member_access_operator Space around member access operators (., ->, ...) (generalized)
csharp_space_around_multiplicative_op Around Binary Operators - Multiplicative operators (*,/,%) (C#)
csharp_space_around_nullcoalescing_op Around Binary Operators - Null coalescing operator (??) (C#)
csharp_space_around_relational_op Around Binary Operators - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=) (C#)
csharp_space_around_shift_op Around Binary Operators - Shift operators (<<,>>) (C#)
csharp_space_around_ternary_operator (generalized)
csharp_space_before_array_access_brackets Around Array Brackets - Array access brackets (C#)
csharp_space_before_array_rank_brackets Around Array Brackets - Before array rank brackets (C#)
csharp_space_before_attribute_colon Around Colon - Before other colons (C#)
csharp_space_before_catch_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "catch" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_checked_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "checked" and "unchecked" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_colon Around Colon - Before other colons (C#)
csharp_space_before_colon_in_case Around Colon - Before colon in "case" statement (C#)
csharp_space_before_colon_in_inheritance_clause Around Colon - Before base types list colon (C#)
csharp_space_before_comma Around Comma and Semicolon - Before comma (C#)
csharp_space_before_default_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_empty_method_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_fixed_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_for_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "for" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_foreach_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_if_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "if" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_lock_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "lock" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_method_call_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method call parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_method_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_nameof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_nullable_mark Other - Before nullable mark (C#)
csharp_space_before_open_square_brackets Space before brackets (generalized)
csharp_space_before_pointer_asterik_declaration Other - Before unsafe pointer declaration (C#)
csharp_space_before_semicolon Around Comma and Semicolon - Before semicolon (C#)
csharp_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement Around Comma and Semicolon - Before "for" semicolon (C#)
csharp_space_before_singleline_accessorholder Around Braces - Before single line accessors block (C#)
csharp_space_before_sizeof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_switch_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "switch" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator - Before ':' (C#)
csharp_space_before_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator - Before '?' (C#)
csharp_space_before_trailing_comment Other - Before end of line comment (C#)
csharp_space_before_type_argument_angle Around Angle Brackets - Before type argument list angle (C#)
csharp_space_before_type_parameter_angle Around Angle Brackets - Before type parameter list angle (C#)
csharp_space_before_type_parameter_constraint_colon Around Colon - Before type parameter constraint colon (C#)
csharp_space_before_typeof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_using_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "using" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_before_while_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "while" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_between_accessors_in_singleline_property Around Braces - Between accessors in single line property/event (C#)
csharp_space_between_attribute_sections Attributes - Between attribute sections (C#)
csharp_space_between_empty_square_brackets Around Array Brackets - Within array rank empty brackets (C#)
csharp_space_between_keyword_and_expression Before Other Parentheses - Between keyword and expression (C#)
csharp_space_between_keyword_and_type Before Other Parentheses - Between keyword and type (C#)
csharp_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
csharp_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Method call parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis Space before method declaration parenthesis (generalized)
csharp_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements Space within parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
csharp_space_between_square_brackets Space within brackets (generalized)
csharp_space_between_typecast_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Type cast parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_in_singleline_accessorholder Around Braces - Within single line accessor (C#)
csharp_space_in_singleline_anonymous_method Around Braces - Within single line anonymous method (C#)
csharp_space_in_singleline_method Around Braces - Within single line method (C#)
csharp_space_near_postfix_and_prefix_op After Unary Operators - Before/after ++ and -- (C#)
csharp_space_within_array_access_brackets Around Array Brackets - Array access brackets (C#)
csharp_space_within_array_rank_brackets Around Array Brackets - Within array rank brackets (C#)
csharp_space_within_array_rank_empty_brackets Around Array Brackets - Within array rank empty brackets (C#)
csharp_space_within_attribute_brackets Attributes - Within attribute brackets (C#)
csharp_space_within_catch_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "catch" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_checked_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "checked" and "unchecked" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_default_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_empty_braces Around Braces - Space between empty braces (C#)
csharp_space_within_fixed_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_for_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "for" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_foreach_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_if_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "if" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_lock_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "lock" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_nameof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_single_line_array_initializer_braces Around Braces - Within single-line initializer braces (C#)
csharp_space_within_sizeof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_switch_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "switch" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_type_argument_angles Around Angle Brackets - Type argument angles (C#)
csharp_space_within_type_parameter_angles Around Angle Brackets - Type parameter angles (C#)
csharp_space_within_typeof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_using_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "using" parentheses (C#)
csharp_space_within_while_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "while" parentheses (C#)
csharp_special_else_if_treatment General - Special "else if" treatment (C#)
csharp_static_members_qualify_members Static Members Qualification - Members to qualify (C#)
csharp_static_members_qualify_with Static Members Qualification - Qualify with the name of (C#)
csharp_stick_comment Other Indents - Don't indent comments started at first column (C#)
csharp_tab_width General - Tab width (C#)
csharp_type_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Type and namespace declaration (C#)
csharp_use_continuous_indent_inside_parens Parenthesis - Use continuous line indent inside parenthesis (C#)
csharp_use_heuristics_for_body_style Code Body - Apply style heuristics (C#)
csharp_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration (C#)
csharp_wrap_after_dot_in_method_calls Arrangement of Member Access Expressions - Prefer wrap after "." (C#)
csharp_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation (C#)
csharp_wrap_arguments_style Arrangement of Invocations - Wrap invocation arguments (C#)
csharp_wrap_array_initializer_style Arrangement of Initializers - Wrap array initializer (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_arrow_with_expressions Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Prefer wrap before "=>" followed by expressions (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_binary_opsign Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_comma General - Prefer wrap before "," (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_declaration_rpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap before ")" in declaration (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_extends_colon Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before ":" (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before first constraint (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_invocation_rpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap before ")" in invocation (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_linq_expression Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Prefer wrap before multiline LINQ expressions (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions (C#)
csharp_wrap_before_type_parameter_langle Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before type parameters opening angle (C#)
csharp_wrap_chained_binary_expressions Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Wrap chained binary expressions (C#)
csharp_wrap_chained_method_calls Arrangement of Member Access Expressions - Wrap chained method calls (C#)
csharp_wrap_extends_list_style Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Wrap extends/implements list (C#)
csharp_wrap_for_stmt_header_style Arrangement of Statements - Wrap "for" statement header (C#)
csharp_wrap_linq_expressions Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Wrap LINQ expressions (C#)
csharp_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Arrangement of Statements - Wrap multiple declaration (C#)
csharp_wrap_multiple_type_parameter_constraints_style Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Wrap multiple type parameter constraints (C#)
csharp_wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style Arrangement of Initializers - Wrap object and collection initializer (C#)
csharp_wrap_parameters_style Arrangement of Method Signatures - Wrap formal parameters (C#)
csharp_wrap_ternary_expr_style Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Wrap ternary expression (C#)
css_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (Css)
css_brace_style Code Layout - Braces (Css)
css_declarations_style Code Layout - Declarations (Css)
css_indent_size Tabs and Indents - Indent size (Css)
css_indent_style Tabs and Indents - Indent style (Css)
css_insert_final_newline Other - Line feed at end of file (Css)
css_keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank Lines - Max blank lines between declarations (Css)
css_keep_user_linebreaks Blank Lines - Keep existing line breaks (Css)
css_media_query_style Code Layout - Media query (Css)
css_min_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank Lines - Min blank lines between declarations (Css)
css_properties_style Code Layout - Properties (Css)
css_selector_style Code Layout - Selector (Css)
css_space_after_comma Expression - After comma (Css)
css_space_after_function_comma Function - After comma (Css)
css_space_after_media_colon Media Query - After colon (Css)
css_space_after_media_comma Media Query - After comma (Css)
css_space_after_property_colon Property - After colon (Css)
css_space_after_property_semicolon Property - After semicolon (Css)
css_space_after_selector_comma Selector - After comma (Css)
css_space_after_separator Expression - After separator (Css)
css_space_around_attribute_match_operator Attribute Selector - Around match operator (Css)
css_space_around_operator Expression - Around operator (Css)
css_space_around_selector_operator Selector - Around operator (Css)
css_space_before_comma Expression - Before comma (Css)
css_space_before_function_comma Function - Before comma (Css)
css_space_before_media_colon Media Query - Before colon (Css)
css_space_before_media_comma Media Query - Before comma (Css)
css_space_before_property_colon Property - Before colon (Css)
css_space_before_property_semicolon Property - Before semicolon (Css)
css_space_before_selector_comma Selector - Before comma (Css)
css_space_before_separator Expression - Before separator (Css)
css_space_within_attribute_match_brackets Attribute Selector - Within brackets (Css)
css_space_within_expression_parentheses Expression - Within parentheses (Css)
css_space_within_function_parentheses Function - Within parentheses (Css)
css_space_within_media_block Media Query - Within block (Css)
css_space_within_media_parentheses Media Query - Within parentheses (Css)
css_space_within_property_block Property - Within block (Css)
css_tab_width Tabs and Indents - Tab width (Css)
declarations_style Code Layout - Declarations (Css)
default_internal_modifier Modifiers - Prefer explicit/implicit internal modifier for types (C#)
default_private_modifier Modifiers - Prefer explicit/implicit private modifier for type members (C#)
delete_quotes_from_solid_values Quotes - Remove attribute quotes where values do not contain spaces (HTML)
empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting, available for: C#, JavaScript, Protobuf
extra_spaces Preserve Existing Formatting - Extra spaces inside, available for: C#, HTML, JavaScript
for_built_in_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - For built-in types (C#)
for_other_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - Elsewhere (C#)
for_simple_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - For simple types (C#)
force_attribute_style Attributes - Join or separate attributes in section (C#)
force_chop_compound_do_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "do" statement (C#)
force_chop_compound_if_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "if" statement (C#)
force_chop_compound_while_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "while" statement (C#)
force_control_statements_braces Force Braces - Braces in statements (JavaScript)
function_braces Braces Layout - Function (JavaScript)
function_in_invocation_braces Braces Layout - Functions passed as parameters to other function calls (JavaScript)
html_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (HTML)
html_attribute_indent Inside of Tag Header - Attributes indenting (HTML)
html_attribute_style Inside of Tag Header - Attributes format (HTML)
html_blank_line_after_pi Processing Instructions - Blank line after processing instructions (HTML)
html_blank_lines_around_razor_functions Blank lines around Razor @functions block (Razor CSharp)
html_blank_lines_around_razor_helpers Blank lines around Razor helpers (Razor CSharp)
html_blank_lines_around_razor_sections Blank lines around Razor sections (Razor CSharp)
html_delete_quotes_from_solid_values Quotes - Remove attribute quotes where values do not contain spaces (HTML)
html_extra_spaces Other - Extra spaces inside (HTML)
html_indent_size Tabs and Indents - Indent size (HTML)
html_indent_style Tabs and Indents - Indent style (HTML)
html_insert_final_newline Other - Line feed at end of file (HTML)
html_linebreak_before_all_elements Around Tags - Place all elements on new line (HTML)
html_linebreak_before_elements Around Tags - Place these elements on new line (HTML)
html_linebreak_before_multiline_elements Around Tags - Place multiline elements on new line (HTML)
html_linebreaks_around_razor_statements Line breaks around Razor statements (Razor CSharp)
html_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_with_child_elements Around Tags - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in elements that contain other elements and no text (HTML)
html_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_multiline_elements Around Tags - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in multiline elements (HTML)
html_max_blank_lines_between_tags Around Tags - Maximum blank lines between tags (HTML)
html_no_indent_inside_elements Around Tags - Do not indent children of (HTML)
html_no_indent_inside_if_element_longer_than Around Tags - Do not indent children if element has more lines than (HTML)
html_normalize_tag_names Other - Normalize tag names (HTML)
html_pi_attribute_style Processing Instructions - Attributes format (HTML)
html_pi_attributes_indent Processing Instructions - Attributes indenting (HTML)
html_preserve_spaces_inside_tags Around Tags - Keep white spaces inside (HTML)
html_quote_style Quotes - Quote style (HTML)
html_sort_attributes Inside of Tag Header - Sort attributes (HTML)
html_sort_class_selectors Inside of Tag Header - Sort class selectors (HTML)
html_space_after_last_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Space after last attribute (HTML)
html_space_after_last_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Space after last attribute (HTML)
html_space_before_self_closing Inside of Tag Header - Space before '/>' (HTML)
html_spaces_around_eq_in_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Spaces around '=' in attribute (HTML)
html_spaces_around_eq_in_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Spaces around '=' in attribute (HTML)
html_tab_width Tabs and Indents - Tab width (HTML)
indent_anonymous_method_block Align Multiline Constructs - Anonymous method body (C#)
indent_case_from_select Other - Indent "case" from "select" (VB.NET)
indent_child_elements Tag Content - Indent inside element that doesn't contain text, available for: XML, XMLDOC
indent_invocation_pars Parenthesis - Indent method calls' parenthesis, available for: C#
indent_method_decl_pars Parenthesis - Indent method declarations' parenthesis, available for: C#
indent_nested_fixed_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "fixed" statements (C#)
indent_nested_for_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "for" statements (C#)
indent_nested_foreach_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "foreach" statements (C#)
indent_nested_lock_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "lock" statements (C#)
indent_nested_usings_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "using" statements (C#)
indent_nested_while_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "while" statements (C#)
indent_pars Parenthesis - Indent other parenthesis and brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
indent_preprocessor_if Preprocessor Directives - Indent #if, #else, #elif, #endif (C#)
indent_preprocessor_other Preprocessor Directives - Indent other preprocessor directives (C#)
indent_preprocessor_region Preprocessor Directives - Indent #region, #endregion (C#)
indent_size General - Indent size, available for: C#, Css, HTML, JavaScript, Protobuf, VB.NET, XML, XMLDOC
indent_statement_pars Parenthesis - Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parenthesis, available for: C#
indent_style General - Indent style, available for: C#, Css, HTML, JavaScript, Protobuf, VB.NET, XML, XMLDOC
indent_switch_labels Other Indents - Indent "case" from "switch", available for: C#, JavaScript
indent_text Tag Content - Indent inside element that contain text, available for: XML, XMLDOC
indent_type_constraints Other Indents - Indent type constraints (C#)
indent_typearg_angles Parenthesis - Indent type argument's angles (C#)
indent_typeparam_angles Parenthesis - Indent type parameter's angles (C#)
initializer_braces Braces Layout - Array and object initializer (C#)
insert_final_newline General - Line feed at end of file, available for: C#, Css, HTML, JavaScript, XML
instance_members_qualify_declared_in Instance Members Qualification - Qualify members declared in (C#)
instance_members_qualify_members Instance Members Qualification - Use "this." qualifier for (C#)
int_align Align similar code in columns (generalized)
int_align_assignments Align Similar Code in Columns - Other assignments and initializers (C#)
int_align_binary_expressions Align Similar Code in Columns - Binary expressions (C#)
int_align_comments Align Similar Code in Columns - End comments, available for: C#
int_align_fields Align Similar Code in Columns - Fields and constants (C#)
int_align_invocations Align Similar Code in Columns - Invocations of the same method (C#)
int_align_methods Align Similar Code in Columns - Simple methods, operators, delegates (C#)
int_align_nested_ternary Align Similar Code in Columns - Nested ternary operators (C#)
int_align_parameters Align Similar Code in Columns - Multiline method signature (C#)
int_align_properties Align Similar Code in Columns - Properties and events (C#)
int_align_switch_sections Align Similar Code in Columns - Simple switch sections (C#)
int_align_variables Align Similar Code in Columns - Variables and local constants (C#)
invocable_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Method declaration, available for: C#
js_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (JavaScript)
js_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations (JavaScript)
js_align_ternary Align Multiline Constructs - Align ?: operator (JavaScript)
js_align_union_type_usage Align Multiline Constructs - Union type usage (TypeScript)
js_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (JavaScript)
js_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
js_control_statements_braces Braces Layout - Control statements (JavaScript)
js_empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting (JavaScript)
js_extra_spaces Preserve Existing Formatting - Extra spaces inside (JavaScript)
js_force_control_statements_braces Force Braces - Braces in statements (JavaScript)
js_function_braces Braces Layout - Function (JavaScript)
js_function_in_invocation_braces Braces Layout - Functions passed as parameters to other function calls (JavaScript)
js_indent_pars Braces Layout - Indent parenthesis, brackets and expression braces (JavaScript)
js_indent_size Tabs and Indents - Indent size (JavaScript)
js_indent_style Tabs and Indents - Indent style (JavaScript)
js_indent_switch_labels Case Statement - Indent "case" from "switch" (JavaScript)
js_insert_final_newline Other - Line feed at end of file (JavaScript)
js_keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank Lines - Max blank lines between declarations (JavaScript)
js_keep_blank_lines_in_code Blank Lines - Max blank lines in code (JavaScript)
js_max_line_length Wrapping and Chopping - Right margin (columns) (JavaScript)
js_min_blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - Min blank lines after imports (JavaScript)
js_min_blank_lines_around_fields Blank Lines - Min blank lines around fields and signature declarations (TypeScript)
js_min_blank_lines_around_functions Blank Lines - Min blank lines around functions (JavaScript)
js_min_blank_lines_around_types Blank Lines - Min blank lines around types and modules (TypeScript)
js_new_line_before_catch Place on a New Line - Place "catch" on a new line (JavaScript)
js_new_line_before_else Place on a New Line - Place "else" on a new line (JavaScript)
js_new_line_before_finally Place on a New Line - Place "finally" on a new line (JavaScript)
js_new_line_before_while Place on a New Line - Place "while" on a new line (JavaScript)
js_place_class_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Class decorators on the same line with class (TypeScript)
js_place_each_decorator_on_new_line Place on a New Line - Place each decorator on a new line (TypeScript)
js_place_field_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Field decorators on the same line with field (TypeScript)
js_place_method_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Method decorators on the same line with signature (TypeScript)
js_place_property_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Property decorators on the same line with property (TypeScript)
js_place_template_args_on_new_line Place on a New Line - Place template literal arguments on a new line (JavaScript)
js_quote_style Quotes - Quote style (JavaScript)
js_simple_embedded_statement_style Line Breaks - Simple embedded statement (JavaScript)
js_single_statement_function_style Line Breaks - Single-statement function (JavaScript)
js_space_after_arrow Lambdas - After '=>' in lambda expressions (JavaScript)
js_space_after_colon_in_type_annotation Type Annotations - After ':' (TypeScript)
js_space_after_comma Comma - After comma (JavaScript)
js_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements In Control Statements - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_after_property_colon In Object Expression - After ':' (JavaScript)
js_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement Semicolon - After semicolon in for statement (JavaScript)
js_space_after_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator '? :' - After ':' (JavaScript)
js_space_after_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator '? :' - After '?' (JavaScript)
js_space_around_assignment_operator In Expressions - Around assignment operator (JavaScript)
js_space_around_binary_operator In Expressions - Around binary operator (JavaScript)
js_space_around_dot In Expressions - Around dot (JavaScript)
js_space_around_member_access_operator In Expressions - Around dot (JavaScript)
js_space_around_pipe_or_amper_in_type_usage Union and Intersection Types - Around '|' or '&' in type usage (TypeScript)
js_space_before_array_access_brackets In Index Expressions - Before brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_before_arrow Lambdas - Before '=>' (JavaScript)
js_space_before_colon_in_case Case Statement - Before colon (JavaScript)
js_space_before_colon_in_type_annotation Type Annotations - Before ':' (TypeScript)
js_space_before_comma Comma - Before comma (JavaScript)
js_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses In Function Invocations - Before empty parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_before_method_call_parentheses In Function Invocations - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_before_method_parentheses In Function Declarations - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_before_method_parentheses_anonymous In Function Declarations - Before parentheses of anonymous method (JavaScript)
js_space_before_open_square_brackets In Index Expressions - Before brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_before_property_colon In Object Expression - Before ':' (JavaScript)
js_space_before_semicolon Semicolon - Before semicolon (JavaScript)
js_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement Semicolon - Before semicolon in for statement (JavaScript)
js_space_before_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator '? :' - Before ':' (JavaScript)
js_space_before_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator '? :' - In ternary operator '? :' (JavaScript)
js_space_before_type_parameters_brackets Type Parameters and Arguments - Before brackets (TypeScript)
js_space_between_empty_square_brackets In Array Literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In Function Invocations - Within empty parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
js_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses In Function Invocations - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In Function Declarations - Within empty parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis Space before method declaration parenthesis (generalized)
js_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses In Function Declarations - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements In Control Statements - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_between_square_brackets Space within brackets (generalized)
js_space_within_array_access_brackets In Index Expressions - Within brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_within_array_literal_brackets In Array Literals - Within brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_within_empty_array_literal_brackets In Array Literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
js_space_within_empty_object_literal_braces In Object Expression - Within empty braces (JavaScript)
js_space_within_object_literal_braces In Object Expression - Within braces (JavaScript)
js_space_within_parentheses In Expressions - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
js_space_within_template_argument Template Literals - Within braces around template argument (JavaScript)
js_space_within_type_parameters_brackets Type Parameters and Arguments - Within brackets (TypeScript)
js_special_else_if_treatment Line Breaks - Special "else if" treatment (JavaScript)
js_stick_comment Other - Don't indent comments started at first column (JavaScript)
js_tab_width Tabs and Indents - Tab width (JavaScript)
js_termination_style Statements - Defines how statements are terminated (JavaScript)
js_types_braces Braces Layout - Types and modules (TypeScript)
js_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration (JavaScript)
js_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation (JavaScript)
js_wrap_arguments_style Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap invocation arguments (JavaScript)
js_wrap_array_literals Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap array literals (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_binary_opsign Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_comma Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before comma (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_dot Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before "." (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (JavaScript)
js_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions (JavaScript)
js_wrap_chained_binary_expressions Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap chained binary expressions (JavaScript)
js_wrap_chained_method_calls Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap chained method calls (JavaScript)
js_wrap_enum_style Line Breaks - Enumerations (TypeScript)
js_wrap_for_stmt_header_style Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap "for" statement header (JavaScript)
js_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap multiple declaration (JavaScript)
js_wrap_object_literals Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap object literals (JavaScript)
js_wrap_parameters_style Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap formal parameters (JavaScript)
js_wrap_ternary_expr_style Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap ternary expression (JavaScript)
js_wrap_union_type_usage Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap union type usage (TypeScript)
keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank Lines - Max blank lines between declarations, available for: Css, JavaScript
keep_blank_lines_in_code Blank Lines in Code - Keep max blank lines in code, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Blank Lines in Declarations - Keep max blank lines in declarations, available for: C#, VB.NET
keep_existing_arrangement Keep existing code arrangements (single line/multi line) (generalized)
keep_existing_attribute_arrangement Arrangement of Attributes - Keep existing arrangement of attributes (C#)
keep_existing_declaration_block_arrangement Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Keep existing arrangement of declaration blocks (C#)
keep_existing_declaration_parens_arrangement Arrangement of Method Signatures - Keep existing arrangement of parenthesis in declaration (C#)
keep_existing_embedded_arrangement Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Keep existing arrangement of embedded statements (C#)
keep_existing_embedded_block_arrangement Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Keep existing arrangement of embedded blocks (C#)
keep_existing_expr_member_arrangement Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Keep existing arrangement of expression bodied members (C#)
keep_existing_initializer_arrangement Arrangement of Initializers - Keep existing arrangement of initializers (C#)
keep_existing_invocation_parens_arrangement Arrangement of Invocations - Keep existing arrangement of parenthesis in invocation (C#)
keep_existing_linebreaks General - Keep existing line breaks (C#)
keep_user_linebreaks General - Keep existing line breaks, available for: C#, Css, VB.NET, XML, XMLDOC
linebreak_before_all_elements Around Tags - Place all elements on new line (HTML)
linebreak_before_elements Around Tags - Place these elements on new line, available for: HTML, XMLDOC
linebreak_before_multiline_elements Around Tags - Place multiline elements on new line, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
linebreak_before_singleline_elements Around Tags - Place singleline elements on new line, available for: XML, XMLDOC
linebreaks_around_razor_statements Line breaks around Razor statements (Razor CSharp)
linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_longer_than Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag when element is longer than, available for: XML, XMLDOC
linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_with_child_elements Around Tags - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in elements that contain other elements and no text, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
linebreaks_inside_tags_for_multiline_elements Around Tags - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in multiline elements, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
local_function_body Code Body - Local functions (C#)
max_attribute_length_for_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place attribute section list on separate line if it is longer than (C#)
max_blank_lines_between_tags Around Tags - Maximum blank lines between tags, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
max_line_length General - Right margin (columns), available for: C#, JavaScript, Protobuf, VB.NET, XML, XMLDOC
media_query_style Code Layout - Media query (Css)
method_or_operator_body Code Body - Methods and operators (C#)
min_blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - Min blank lines after imports (JavaScript)
min_blank_lines_around_fields Blank Lines - Min blank lines around fields and signature declarations (TypeScript)
min_blank_lines_around_functions Blank Lines - Min blank lines around functions (JavaScript)
min_blank_lines_around_types Blank Lines - Min blank lines around types and modules (TypeScript)
min_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank Lines - Min blank lines between declarations (Css)
modifiers_order Modifiers - Modifiers order (C#)
nested_ternary_style Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Nested ternary expression style (C#)
new_line_before_catch Arrangement of Statements - Place "catch" on new line, available for: C#, JavaScript
new_line_before_else Arrangement of Statements - Place "else" on new line, available for: C#, JavaScript
new_line_before_finally Arrangement of Statements - Place "finally" on new line, available for: C#, JavaScript
new_line_before_while Arrangement of Statements - Place "while" on new line, available for: C#, JavaScript
no_indent_inside_elements Around Tags - Do not indent children of (HTML)
no_indent_inside_if_element_longer_than Around Tags - Do not indent children if element has more lines than (HTML)
normalize_tag_names Other - Normalize tag names (HTML)
not_options_braces Indenting Options - Curly braces not in options (Protobuf)
old_engine Other - Revert to old formatting engine (C#)
options_braces Indenting Options - Curly/pointy braces in aggregate values in options (Protobuf)
options_braces_pointy Other - Use pointy braces in aggregate options (Protobuf)
other_braces Braces Layout - Other, available for: C#
outdent_binary_ops Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent binary operators (C#)
outdent_commas Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent commas, available for: C#
outdent_dots Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent dots in chained method calls, available for: C#
parentheses_non_obvious_operations Parentheses - Add parentheses to avoid non-obvious precedence. Select which operations has non-obvious precedence (C#)
parentheses_redundancy_style Parentheses - Remove redundant parentheses (C#)
pi_attribute_style Processing Instructions - Attributes format, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
pi_attributes_indent Processing Instructions - Attributes indenting, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
place_abstract_accessorholder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place abstract/auto property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
place_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place accessor attribute on same line (C#)
place_accessor_with_attrs_holder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place it on single line even when it has attributes on accessors (C#)
place_accessorholder_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place property/indexer/event attribute on same line (C#)
place_attribute_on_same_line Place simple attribute on same line with owner (generalized)
place_class_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Class decorators on the same line with class (TypeScript)
place_constructor_initializer_on_same_line Arrangement of Method Signatures - Allow constructor initializer on same line (C#)
place_each_decorator_on_new_line Place on a New Line - Place each decorator on a new line (TypeScript)
place_event_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place event attribute on same line (VB.NET)
place_expr_accessor_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place property accessor expression body on same line (C#)
place_expr_method_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place method expression body on same line (C#)
place_expr_property_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place property expression body on same line (C#)
place_field_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place field attribute on same line (C#)
place_field_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Field decorators on the same line with field (TypeScript)
place_linq_into_on_new_line Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Place "into" on new line in LINQ expressions (C#)
place_method_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place method attribute on same line (C#)
place_method_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Method decorators on the same line with signature (TypeScript)
place_property_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place property attribute on same line (VB.NET)
place_property_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Property decorators on the same line with property (TypeScript)
place_simple_accessor_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple accessor on single line (C#)
place_simple_accessorholder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
place_simple_anonymousmethod_on_single_line Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Place simple anonymous method on single line (C#)
place_simple_blocks_on_single_line Place simple blocks on single line (generalized)
place_simple_case_statement_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Place simple "case" statement on same line (C#)
place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line Place blocks from simple type members on single line (generalized)
place_simple_embedded_block_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Place a block with a single simple statement on same line (C#)
place_simple_embedded_statement_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Place simple embedded statement on same line (C#)
place_simple_initializer_on_single_line Arrangement of Initializers - Place simple array, object and collection on single line (C#)
place_simple_method_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple method on single line (C#)
place_template_args_on_new_line Place on a New Line - Place template literal arguments on a new line (JavaScript)
place_type_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place type attribute on same line (C#)
place_type_constraints_on_same_line Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Allow type constraints on same line (C#)
prefer_explicit_discard_declaration Use 'var' keyword for discards (C#)
prefer_qualified_reference Reference Qualification - Prefer fully qualified references (C#)
prefer_separate_deconstructed_variables_declaration Prefer separate declarations for deconstructed variables (C#)
preserve_spaces_inside_tags Around Tags - Keep white spaces inside (HTML)
properties_style Code Layout - Properties (Css)
protobuf_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (Protobuf)
protobuf_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
protobuf_empty_block_style Indenting Options - Empty block style (Protobuf)
protobuf_indent_size Tabs and Indents - Indent size (Protobuf)
protobuf_indent_style Tabs and Indents - Indent style (Protobuf)
protobuf_max_line_length Wrapping and Chopping - Right margin (columns) (Protobuf)
protobuf_not_options_braces Indenting Options - Curly braces not in options (Protobuf)
protobuf_options_braces Indenting Options - Curly/pointy braces in aggregate values in options (Protobuf)
protobuf_options_braces_pointy Other - Use pointy braces in aggregate options (Protobuf)
protobuf_space_colon_after Spaces - After: in aggregate options (Protobuf)
protobuf_space_colon_before Spaces - Before: in aggregate options (Protobuf)
protobuf_space_comma Spaces - After comma in options (Protobuf)
protobuf_space_equals Spaces - Around = in fields and options (Protobuf)
protobuf_tab_width Tabs and Indents - Tab width (Protobuf)
qualified_using_at_nested_scope Reference Qualification - Prefer fully qualified using name at nested scope (C#)
quote_style Quotes - Quote style, available for: HTML, JavaScript
remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_code Blank Lines in Code - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in code (C#)
remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_declarations Blank Lines in Declarations - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in declarations (C#)
resharper_abstract_class_constructor_can_be_made_protected_highlighting Code Inspection: Constructor of an abstract class can be made protected
resharper_access_rights_in_text_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot access symbol in text argument
resharper_access_to_disposed_closure_highlighting Code Inspection: Access to disposed closure
resharper_access_to_for_each_variable_in_closure_highlighting Code Inspection: Access to foreach variable in closure
resharper_access_to_modified_closure_highlighting Code Inspection: Access to modified closure
resharper_access_to_static_member_via_derived_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Access to a static member of a type via a derived type
resharper_accessor_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Accessor declaration (C#)
resharper_accessor_owner_body Code Body - Properties, indexers and events (C#)
resharper_accessor_owner_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Property declaration (C#)
resharper_add_imports_to_deepest_scope Reference Qualification - Add 'using' directive to deepest scope (C#)
resharper_address_of_marshal_by_ref_object_highlighting Code Inspection: Captured field reference of a marshal-by-reference class may cause a runtime exception
resharper_align_first_arg_by_paren Align Multiline Constructs - First call arguments by '(', available for: C#
resharper_align_linq_query Align Multiline Constructs - LINQ query (C#)
resharper_align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Call arguments, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_align_multiline_array_and_object_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array, object and collection initializer (C#)
resharper_align_multiline_array_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array initializer (VB.NET)
resharper_align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained binary expressions, available for: C#
resharper_align_multiline_calls_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained method calls, available for: C#
resharper_align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Other expressions, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_align_multiline_extends_list Align Multiline Constructs - List of base classes and interfaces, available for: C#
resharper_align_multiline_for_stmt Align Multiline Constructs - "for" statement header (C#)
resharper_align_multiline_implements_list Align Multiline Constructs - Implements/handles list (VB.NET)
resharper_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_align_multline_type_parameter_constrains Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameter constraints (C#)
resharper_align_multline_type_parameter_list Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameters list (C#)
resharper_align_ternary Align Multiline Construct - ?: operator, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_align_tuple_components Align Multiline Constructs - Tuple components (C#)
resharper_align_union_type_usage Align Multiline Constructs - Union type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_alignment_tab_fill_style Align Multiline Constructs - How to align when tabs are used for indents, available for: C#, Css, HTML, JavaScript, Protobuf, VB.NET, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_allow_alias Reference Qualification - Use using alias directive to resolve conflicts (C#)
resharper_allow_comment_after_lbrace Braces Layout - Allow comment after '{' (C#)
resharper_amd_dependency_path_problem_highlighting Code Inspection: Check 'amd-dependency' the same way as require() argument
resharper_amd_external_module_highlighting Code Inspection: AMD module may be converted to external module
resharper_angular_html_banana_highlighting Code Inspection: 'Banana in a box' [()] violation in Angular 2 binding
resharper_annotate_can_be_null_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Declaration nullability inferred (parameter is inferred to be nullable)
resharper_annotate_can_be_null_type_member_highlighting Code Inspection: Declaration nullability inferred (type member is inferred to be nullable)
resharper_annotate_not_null_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Declaration nullability inferred (parameter is inferred to be not null)
resharper_annotate_not_null_type_member_highlighting Code Inspection: Declaration nullability inferred (type member is inferred to be not null)
resharper_annotation_conflict_in_hierarchy_highlighting Code Inspection: Annotation conflict in hierarchy
resharper_annotation_redundancy_at_value_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Nullability attribute usage with declaration of void or value type
resharper_annotation_redundancy_in_hierarchy_highlighting Code Inspection: Annotation duplicate in hierarchy
resharper_anonymous_method_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Anonymous method declaration, available for: C#
resharper_arguments_anonymous_function Arguments - Anonymous methods (delegates and lambdas) (C#)
resharper_arguments_literal Arguments - Literal values (C#)
resharper_arguments_named Arguments - Named expressions (variables, properties, methods, etc.) (C#)
resharper_arguments_other Arguments - Other (C#)
resharper_arguments_string_literal Arguments - String literal values (C#)
resharper_arguments_style_anonymous_function_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred argument style for anonymous functions
resharper_arguments_style_literal_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred argument style for literal values
resharper_arguments_style_named_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred argument style for named expressions
resharper_arguments_style_other_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred argument style
resharper_arguments_style_string_literal_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred argument style for string literal values
resharper_arrange_accessor_owner_body_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred body style (convert to property, indexer or event with preferred body style)
resharper_arrange_attributes_highlighting Code Inspection: Join or separate attributes is section
resharper_arrange_constructor_or_destructor_body_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred body style (convert to constructor or destructor with preferred body style)
resharper_arrange_local_function_body_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred body style (convert to local function with preferred body style)
resharper_arrange_method_or_operator_body_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred body style (convert to method or operator with preferred body style)
resharper_arrange_missing_parentheses_highlighting Code Inspection: Add parentheses to avoid non-obvious precedence
resharper_arrange_modifiers_order_highlighting Code Inspection: Adjust modifiers declaration order
resharper_arrange_redundant_parentheses_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove redundant parentheses
resharper_arrange_static_member_qualifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Add/remove qualifier for static members
resharper_arrange_this_qualifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Add/remove 'this.' qualifier
resharper_arrange_type_member_modifiers_highlighting Code Inspection: Use explicit or implicit modifier definition for type members
resharper_arrange_type_modifiers_highlighting Code Inspection: Use explicit or implicit modifier definition for types
resharper_arrange_var_keywords_in_decontructing_declaration_highlighting Code Inspection: Join or separate 'var' in deconstruction declarations
resharper_asp_content_placeholder_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown content placeholder
resharper_asp_custom_page_parser_filter_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Unsupported pageParserFilterType
resharper_asp_dead_code_highlighting Code Inspection: ASP.NET Dead Code
resharper_asp_entity_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown html entity
resharper_asp_image_highlighting Code Inspection: Wrong image size
resharper_asp_invalid_control_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Invalid control type
resharper_asp_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown symbol
resharper_asp_ods_method_reference_resolve_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Object data source method resolve problem
resharper_asp_resolve_warning_highlighting Code Inspection: ASP.NET Resolve Warning
resharper_asp_skin_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown skin
resharper_asp_tag_attribute_with_optional_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Attribute with optional value problem
resharper_asp_theme_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown theme
resharper_asp_unused_register_directive_highlighting_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused register directive
resharper_asp_warning_highlighting Code Inspection: ASP.NET Warning
resharper_assign_null_to_not_null_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible 'null' assignment to entity with '[NotNull]' attribute
resharper_assign_to_constant_highlighting Code Inspection: Assignment to constant
resharper_assign_to_implicit_global_in_function_scope_highlighting Code Inspection: Assignment to an implicitly declared global variable
resharper_assigned_value_is_never_used_highlighting Code Inspection: Assigned value is never used
resharper_assigned_value_wont_be_assigned_to_corresponding_field_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter-property value assigned inside constructor won't be assigned to class property
resharper_assignment_in_condition_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Assignment to a variable inside a conditional statement
resharper_assignment_in_conditional_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Assignment in conditional expression
resharper_assignment_is_fully_discarded_highlighting Code Inspection: Assignment results are fully discarded
resharper_asxx_path_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Path error
resharper_attribute_indent Inside of Tag Header - Attributes indenting, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_attribute_style Inside of Tag Header - Attributes format, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_auto_property_can_be_made_get_only_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Auto-property can be made get-only (non-private accessibility)
resharper_auto_property_can_be_made_get_only_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Auto-property can be made get-only (private accessibility)
resharper_bad_attribute_brackets_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (around attributes)
resharper_bad_braces_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (around braces)
resharper_bad_child_statement_indent_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (around child statement)
resharper_bad_colon_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (around colon)
resharper_bad_comma_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (around comma)
resharper_bad_control_braces_indent_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (around statement braces)
resharper_bad_control_braces_line_breaks_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (around statement braces)
resharper_bad_declaration_braces_indent_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (around declaration braces)
resharper_bad_declaration_braces_line_breaks_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (around declaration braces)
resharper_bad_empty_braces_line_breaks_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (around empty braces)
resharper_bad_expression_braces_indent_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (around expression braces)
resharper_bad_expression_braces_line_breaks_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (around expression braces)
resharper_bad_generic_brackets_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (around generic brackets)
resharper_bad_indent_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (line indent should not be changed relative to the previous line elsewhere)
resharper_bad_linq_line_breaks_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (around LINQ queries)
resharper_bad_list_line_breaks_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (around comma in lists)
resharper_bad_member_access_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (around member access symbols)
resharper_bad_namespace_braces_indent_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (around namespace braces)
resharper_bad_parens_line_breaks_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (around parenthesis)
resharper_bad_parens_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (around parenthesis)
resharper_bad_preprocessor_indent_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (around preprocessor directive)
resharper_bad_semicolon_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (around semicolon)
resharper_bad_spaces_after_keyword_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (between keyword and parenthesis)
resharper_bad_square_brackets_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (around square brackets within a statement)
resharper_bad_switch_braces_indent_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (around switch statement)
resharper_bad_symbol_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (around operator symbols)
resharper_base_member_has_params_highlighting Code Inspection: Base member has 'params' parameter, but overrider hasn't
resharper_base_method_call_with_default_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Call to base member with implicit default parameters
resharper_base_object_equals_is_object_equals_highlighting Code Inspection: Call to 'base.Equals(...)' is reference equality
resharper_base_object_get_hash_code_call_in_get_hash_code_highlighting Code Inspection: Overridden GetHashCode calls base 'Object.GetHashCode()'
resharper_bitwise_operator_on_enum_without_flags_highlighting Code Inspection: Bitwise operation on enum which is not marked by [Flags] attribute
resharper_blank_line_after_pi Processing Instructions - Blank line after processing instructions, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_blank_lines_after_block_statements Blank Lines in Code - After statements with child blocks (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_after_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines in Code - After statements with control transfer (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - After imports section (VB.NET)
resharper_blank_lines_after_multiline_statements Blank Lines in Code - After multiline statements (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_after_options Blank Lines - After file options section (VB.NET)
resharper_blank_lines_after_start_comment Blank Lines in Declarations - After file header comment (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_after_using_list Blank Lines in Declarations - After "using" list (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_auto_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around auto/abstract property/event (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines in Declarations - Around field, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_global_attribute Blank Lines - After global attribute (VB.NET)
resharper_blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines in Declarations - Around method, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_local_method Blank Lines in Code - Around local function (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines in Declarations - Around namespace, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around property/event (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_razor_functions Blank lines around Razor @functions block (Razor CSharp)
resharper_blank_lines_around_razor_helpers Blank lines around Razor helpers (Razor CSharp)
resharper_blank_lines_around_razor_sections Blank lines around Razor sections (Razor CSharp)
resharper_blank_lines_around_region General - Around region, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_auto_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line auto/abstract property/event (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line field, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line method, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_local_method Blank Lines in Code - Around single line local function (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line property/event (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines in Declarations - Around type, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_before_block_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before statements with child blocks (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_before_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before statements with control transfer (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_before_multiline_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before multiline statements (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_before_single_line_comment General - Before single-line comment (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_between_using_groups Blank Lines in Declarations - Between different "using" groups (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_inside_namespace Blank Lines in Declarations - Inside namespace (C#)
resharper_blank_lines_inside_region General - Inside region, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_blank_lines_inside_type Blank Lines in Declarations - Inside type (C#)
resharper_block_scope_redeclaration_highlighting Code Inspection: Redeclaration of let/const
resharper_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
resharper_braces_for_dowhile Braces - In "do-while" statement (C#)
resharper_braces_for_fixed Braces - In "fixed" statement (C#)
resharper_braces_for_for Braces - In "for" statement (C#)
resharper_braces_for_foreach Braces - In "foreach" statement (C#)
resharper_braces_for_ifelse Braces - In "if" statement (C#)
resharper_braces_for_lock Braces - In "lock" statement (C#)
resharper_braces_for_using Braces - In "using" statement (C#)
resharper_braces_for_while Braces - In "while" statement (C#)
resharper_braces_redundant Braces - Remove redundant (C#)
resharper_built_in_type_reference_style_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace built-in type reference with a CLR type name or a keyword
resharper_builtin_type_reference_style Built-in Type Naming - When referencing built-in type, prefer using (C#)
resharper_by_ref_argument_is_volatile_field_highlighting Code Inspection: Captured reference to 'volatile' field will not be treated as 'volatile'
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0078_highlighting Code Inspection: The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1'
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0108_cs0114_highlighting Code Inspection: Keyword 'new' is required
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0109_highlighting Code Inspection: Keyword 'new' is redundant
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0162_highlighting Code Inspection: Code is unreachable
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0183_highlighting Code Inspection: Given expression is always of the provided type
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0184_highlighting Code Inspection: Given expression is never of the provided type
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0197_highlighting Code Inspection: Taking address of marshal-by-reference class field
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0252_cs0253_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible unintended reference comparison
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0420_highlighting Code Inspection: Reference to a volatile field will not be treated as volatile
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0465_highlighting Code Inspection: Introducing a 'Finalize' method can interfere with destructor invocation
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0469_highlighting Code Inspection: 'goto case' value is not implicitly convertible to required type
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0612_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of obsolete symbol (without message)
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0618_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of obsolete symbol
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0628_highlighting Code Inspection: Declaring new protected member in sealed class is the same as declaring it as private
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0642_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible mistaken empty statement
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0657_highlighting Code Inspection: 'attribute modifier' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. All attributes in this block will be ignored
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0658_highlighting Code Inspection: 'attribute modifier' is not a recognized attribute location. All attributes in this block will be ignored
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0659_highlighting Code Inspection: Class overrides Object.Equals(object o) but not Object.GetHashCode()
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0660_cs0661_highlighting Code Inspection: Operator '==' or operator '!=' with 'Object.Equals(object o)' and 'Object.GetHashCode()' not overridden
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0665_highlighting Code Inspection: Assignment in conditional expression
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0672_highlighting Code Inspection: Member overrides obsolete member
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs0693_highlighting Code Inspection: Type parameter has the same name as a type parameter from the outer type
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1030_highlighting Code Inspection: '#warning' directive
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1058_highlighting Code Inspection: A previous catch clause already catches all exceptions
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1066_highlighting Code Inspection: Default value specified for parameter will have no effect because it applies to a member that is used in contexts that do not allow optional arguments
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1522_highlighting Code Inspection: Empty switch block
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1570_highlighting Code Inspection: Invalid XML in XML comment
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1571_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate param tag in XML comment
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1573_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter has no matching param tag in the XML comment
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1574_highlighting Code Inspection: Ambiguous reference in XML comment
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1580_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect signature in XML comment
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1584_cs1711_cs1572_cs1581_cs1580_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve reference in XML comment
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1584_highlighting Code Inspection: Syntax error in XML comment
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1587_highlighting Code Inspection: XML comment is not placed on a valid language element
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1589_highlighting Code Inspection: Unable to include XML fragment
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1590_highlighting Code Inspection: Invalid XML include element
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1591_highlighting Code Inspection: Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1592_highlighting Code Inspection: Badly formed XML in included comments file
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1710_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate typeparam tag in XML comment
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1712_highlighting Code Inspection: Type parameter has no matching typeparam tag in the XML comment
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1717_highlighting Code Inspection: Assignment made to same variable
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1723_highlighting Code Inspection: XML comment has cref attribute that refers to a type parameter
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1911_highlighting Code Inspection: Access to a member through 'base' keyword from anonymous method, lambda expression, query expression or iterator results in unverifiable code
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1957_highlighting Code Inspection: Multiple override candidates at run-time
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1981_highlighting Code Inspection: Using 'is' to test compatibility with 'dynamic' is essentially identical to testing compatibility with 'Object' and will succeed for all non-null values
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs1998_highlighting Code Inspection: Async function without await expression
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs4014_highlighting Code Inspection: Async method invocation without await expression
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs7095_highlighting Code Inspection: Filter expression is a constant, consider removing the filter
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs8094_highlighting Code Inspection: Alignment value 'value' has a magnitude greater than 'magnitude limit' and may result in a large formatted string.
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs8123_highlighting Code Inspection: The tuple element name is ignored because a different name or no name is specified by the target type.
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_cs9002_highlighting Code Inspection: Did you mean to use the 'default:' switch label?
resharper_c_sharp_warnings_wme006_highlighting Code Inspection: Namespace should be default namespace of this project
resharper_caller_callee_using_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Using of 'arguments.caller' and 'arguments.callee' in 'strict mode'
resharper_caller_callee_using_highlighting Code Inspection: Using of 'arguments.caller' and 'arguments.callee'
resharper_can_use_global_alias Reference Qualification - Allow 'global::' prefix use (C#)
resharper_cannot_apply_equality_operator_to_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Compare with '==' types marked by 'CannotApplyEqualityOperatorAttribute'
resharper_case_block_braces Braces Layout - Block under "case" label, available for: C#
resharper_center_tag_is_obsolete_highlighting Code Inspection: Obsolete tags and attributes (<center> is obsolete)
resharper_check_for_reference_equality_instead_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Check for reference equality instead
resharper_check_for_reference_equality_instead_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Check for reference equality instead
resharper_check_for_reference_equality_instead_3_highlighting Code Inspection: Check for reference equality instead
resharper_check_for_reference_equality_instead_4_highlighting Code Inspection: Check for reference equality instead
resharper_check_namespace_highlighting Code Inspection: Namespace does not correspond to file location
resharper_class_can_be_sealed_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Class can be made sealed(non-inheritable) (non-private accessibility)
resharper_class_can_be_sealed_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Class can be made sealed(non-inheritable) (private accessibility)
resharper_class_cannot_be_instantiated_highlighting Code Inspection: Class cannot be instantiated
resharper_class_highlighting Code Inspection: Class emulation may be converted to class
resharper_class_never_instantiated_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Class is never instantiated (non-private accessibility)
resharper_class_never_instantiated_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Class is never instantiated (private accessibility)
resharper_class_with_virtual_members_never_inherited_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Class with virtual(overridable) members never inherited (non-private accessibility)
resharper_class_with_virtual_members_never_inherited_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Class with virtual(overridable) members never inherited (private accessibility)
resharper_clear_attribute_is_obsolete_all_highlighting Code Inspection: Obsolete tags and attributes (attribute 'clear' is obsolete)
resharper_clear_attribute_is_obsolete_highlighting Code Inspection: Obsolete tags and attributes (attribute 'clear' is obsolete)
resharper_closure_on_modified_variable_highlighting Code Inspection: Closure on a variable modified in loop of outer scope
resharper_co_variant_array_conversion_highlighting Code Inspection: Co-variant array conversion
resharper_coerced_equals_using_highlighting Code Inspection: Using of coerced equality (using of coerced equality operator)
resharper_coerced_equals_using_with_null_undefined_highlighting Code Inspection: Using of coerced equality (using of coerced equality operator with 'null' or 'undefined')
resharper_collection_never_queried_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Collection's content is never queried (non-private accessibility)
resharper_collection_never_queried_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Collection's content is never queried (private accessibility)
resharper_collection_never_updated_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Collection is never updated (non-private accessibility)
resharper_collection_never_updated_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Collection is never updated (private accessibility)
resharper_comma_not_valid_here_highlighting Code Inspection: Comma is not valid here
resharper_common_js_external_module_highlighting Code Inspection: CommonJs module may be converted to external module
resharper_compare_non_constrained_generic_with_null_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible compare of value type with 'null'
resharper_compare_of_floats_by_equality_operator_highlighting Code Inspection: Equality comparison of floating point numbers
resharper_condition_is_always_const_highlighting Code Inspection: Condition is always constant
resharper_condition_is_always_true_or_false_highlighting Code Inspection: Expression is always 'true' or always 'false'
resharper_conditional_ternary_equal_branch_highlighting Code Inspection: '?:' expression has identical true and false branches
resharper_constant_conditional_access_qualifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Conditional access qualifier expression is known to be null or not null
resharper_constant_null_coalescing_condition_highlighting Code Inspection: '??' condition is known to be null or not null
resharper_constructor_call_not_used_highlighting Code Inspection: Constructor call is not used or possibly used for side-effects
resharper_constructor_initializer_loop_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible cyclic constructor call
resharper_constructor_or_destructor_body Code Body - Constructors and destructors (C#)
resharper_container_annotation_redundancy_highlighting Code Inspection: Container nullability attribute usage with declaration of non-container type
resharper_continuous_indent_multiplier General - Continuous line indent multiplier (C#)
resharper_contract_annotation_not_parsed_highlighting Code Inspection: Problem in contract annotation definition
resharper_control_statements_braces Braces Layout - Control statements (JavaScript)
resharper_convert_closure_to_method_group_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert lambda expression to method group
resharper_convert_if_do_to_while_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert 'if do while' to 'while
resharper_convert_if_statement_to_conditional_ternary_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: 'if' statement can be re-written as '?:' expression
resharper_convert_if_statement_to_null_coalescing_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: 'if' statement can be re-written as '??' expression
resharper_convert_if_statement_to_return_statement_highlighting Code Inspection: 'if-return' statement can be re-written as 'return' statement
resharper_convert_if_statement_to_switch_statement_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert 'if' statement to 'switch' statement
resharper_convert_if_to_or_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert 'if' to '||'
resharper_convert_nullable_to_short_form_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert 'Nullable<T>' to 'T?'
resharper_convert_to_auto_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert property to auto-property
resharper_convert_to_auto_property_when_possible_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert property to auto-property (when possible)
resharper_convert_to_auto_property_with_private_setter_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert property to auto-property with private setter
resharper_convert_to_constant_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert local variable or field to constant (non-private accessibility)
resharper_convert_to_constant_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert local variable or field to constant (private accessibility)
resharper_convert_to_lambda_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert to lambda expression
resharper_convert_to_lambda_expression_when_possible_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert to lambda expression (when possible)
resharper_convert_to_local_function_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert delegate variable to local function
resharper_convert_to_static_class_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert to static class
resharper_convert_to_vb_auto_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert property to auto-property
resharper_convert_to_vb_auto_property_when_possible_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert property to auto-property when possible
resharper_convert_to_vb_auto_property_with_private_setter_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert property to auto-property with private setter
resharper_cpp_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
resharper_cpp_space_after_comma Space after comma (generalized)
resharper_cpp_space_before_comma Space before comma (generalized)
resharper_cpp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
resharper_create_specialized_overload_highlighting Code Inspection: String literal usage allows to create specialized overload
resharper_csharp_accessor_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Accessor declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_accessor_owner_body Code Body - Properties, indexers and events (C#)
resharper_csharp_accessor_owner_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Property declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_add_imports_to_deepest_scope Reference Qualification - Add 'using' directive to deepest scope (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_first_arg_by_paren Align Multiline Constructs - First call arguments by '(' (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_linq_query Align Multiline Constructs - LINQ query (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Call arguments (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_array_and_object_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array, object and collection initializer (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained binary expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_calls_chain Align Multiline Constructs - Chained method calls (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Other expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_extends_list Align Multiline Constructs - List of base classes and interfaces (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_for_stmt Align Multiline Constructs - "for" statement header (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multline_type_parameter_constrains Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameter constraints (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_multline_type_parameter_list Align Multiline Constructs - Type parameters list (C#)
resharper_csharp_align_tuple_components Align Multiline Constructs - Tuple components (C#)
resharper_csharp_alignment_tab_fill_style Align Multiline Constructs - How to align when tabs are used for indents (C#)
resharper_csharp_allow_alias Reference Qualification - Use using alias directive to resolve conflicts (C#)
resharper_csharp_allow_comment_after_lbrace Braces Layout - Allow comment after '{' (C#)
resharper_csharp_anonymous_method_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Anonymous method declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_arguments_anonymous_function Arguments - Anonymous methods (delegates and lambdas) (C#)
resharper_csharp_arguments_literal Arguments - Literal values (C#)
resharper_csharp_arguments_named Arguments - Named expressions (variables, properties, methods, etc.) (C#)
resharper_csharp_arguments_other Arguments - Other (C#)
resharper_csharp_arguments_string_literal Arguments - String literal values (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_after_block_statements Blank Lines in Code - After statements with child blocks (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_after_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines in Code - After statements with control transfer (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_after_multiline_statements Blank Lines in Code - After multiline statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_after_start_comment Blank Lines in Declarations - After file header comment (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_after_using_list Blank Lines in Declarations - After "using" list (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_auto_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around auto/abstract property/event (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines in Declarations - Around field (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines in Declarations - Around method (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_local_method Blank Lines in Code - Around local function (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines in Declarations - Around namespace (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around property/event (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_region General - Around region (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_auto_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line auto/abstract property/event (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line field (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line method (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_local_method Blank Lines in Code - Around single line local function (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_property Blank Lines in Declarations - Around single line property/event (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines in Declarations - Around type (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_before_block_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before statements with child blocks (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_before_control_transfer_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before statements with control transfer (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_before_multiline_statements Blank Lines in Code - Before multiline statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_before_single_line_comment General - Before single-line comment (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_between_using_groups Blank Lines in Declarations - Between different "using" groups (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_inside_namespace Blank Lines in Declarations - Inside namespace (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_inside_region General - Inside region (C#)
resharper_csharp_blank_lines_inside_type Blank Lines in Declarations - Inside type (C#)
resharper_csharp_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
resharper_csharp_braces_for_dowhile Braces - In "do-while" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_braces_for_fixed Braces - In "fixed" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_braces_for_for Braces - In "for" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_braces_for_foreach Braces - In "foreach" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_braces_for_ifelse Braces - In "if" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_braces_for_lock Braces - In "lock" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_braces_for_using Braces - In "using" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_braces_for_while Braces - In "while" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_braces_redundant Braces - Remove redundant (C#)
resharper_csharp_builtin_type_reference_style Built-in Type Naming - When referencing built-in type, prefer using (C#)
resharper_csharp_can_use_global_alias Reference Qualification - Allow 'global::' prefix use (C#)
resharper_csharp_case_block_braces Braces Layout - Block under "case" label (C#)
resharper_csharp_constructor_or_destructor_body Code Body - Constructors and destructors (C#)
resharper_csharp_continuous_indent_multiplier General - Continuous line indent multiplier (C#)
resharper_csharp_default_internal_modifier Modifiers - Prefer explicit/implicit internal modifier for types (C#)
resharper_csharp_default_private_modifier Modifiers - Prefer explicit/implicit private modifier for type members (C#)
resharper_csharp_empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting (C#)
resharper_csharp_extra_spaces Preserve Existing Formatting - Extra spaces inside (C#)
resharper_csharp_for_built_in_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - For built-in types (C#)
resharper_csharp_for_other_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - Elsewhere (C#)
resharper_csharp_for_simple_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - For simple types (C#)
resharper_csharp_force_attribute_style Attributes - Join or separate attributes in section (C#)
resharper_csharp_force_chop_compound_do_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "do" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_force_chop_compound_if_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "if" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_force_chop_compound_while_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "while" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_anonymous_method_block Align Multiline Constructs - Anonymous method body (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_invocation_pars Parenthesis - Indent method calls' parenthesis (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_method_decl_pars Parenthesis - Indent method declarations' parenthesis (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_fixed_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "fixed" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_for_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "for" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_foreach_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "foreach" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_lock_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "lock" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_usings_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "using" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_nested_while_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "while" statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_pars Parenthesis - Indent other parenthesis and brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_preprocessor_if Preprocessor Directives - Indent #if, #else, #elif, #endif (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_preprocessor_other Preprocessor Directives - Indent other preprocessor directives (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_preprocessor_region Preprocessor Directives - Indent #region, #endregion (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_statement_pars Parenthesis - Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parenthesis (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_type_constraints Other Indents - Indent type constraints (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_typearg_angles Parenthesis - Indent type argument's angles (C#)
resharper_csharp_indent_typeparam_angles Parenthesis - Indent type parameter's angles (C#)
resharper_csharp_initializer_braces Braces Layout - Array and object initializer (C#)
resharper_csharp_instance_members_qualify_declared_in Instance Members Qualification - Qualify members declared in (C#)
resharper_csharp_instance_members_qualify_members Instance Members Qualification - Use "this." qualifier for (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align Align similar code in columns (generalized)
resharper_csharp_int_align_assignments Align Similar Code in Columns - Other assignments and initializers (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align_binary_expressions Align Similar Code in Columns - Binary expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align_comments Align Similar Code in Columns - End comments (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align_fields Align Similar Code in Columns - Fields and constants (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align_invocations Align Similar Code in Columns - Invocations of the same method (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align_methods Align Similar Code in Columns - Simple methods, operators, delegates (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align_nested_ternary Align Similar Code in Columns - Nested ternary operators (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align_parameters Align Similar Code in Columns - Multiline method signature (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align_properties Align Similar Code in Columns - Properties and events (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align_switch_sections Align Similar Code in Columns - Simple switch sections (C#)
resharper_csharp_int_align_variables Align Similar Code in Columns - Variables and local constants (C#)
resharper_csharp_invocable_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Method declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_blank_lines_in_code Blank Lines in Code - Keep max blank lines in code (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Blank Lines in Declarations - Keep max blank lines in declarations (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_existing_arrangement Keep existing code arrangements (single line/multi line) (generalized)
resharper_csharp_keep_existing_attribute_arrangement Arrangement of Attributes - Keep existing arrangement of attributes (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_existing_declaration_block_arrangement Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Keep existing arrangement of declaration blocks (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_existing_declaration_parens_arrangement Arrangement of Method Signatures - Keep existing arrangement of parenthesis in declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_existing_embedded_arrangement Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Keep existing arrangement of embedded statements (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_existing_embedded_block_arrangement Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Keep existing arrangement of embedded blocks (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_existing_expr_member_arrangement Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Keep existing arrangement of expression bodied members (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_existing_initializer_arrangement Arrangement of Initializers - Keep existing arrangement of initializers (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_existing_invocation_parens_arrangement Arrangement of Invocations - Keep existing arrangement of parenthesis in invocation (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_existing_linebreaks General - Keep existing line breaks (C#)
resharper_csharp_keep_user_linebreaks General - Keep existing line breaks (C#)
resharper_csharp_local_function_body Code Body - Local functions (C#)
resharper_csharp_max_attribute_length_for_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place attribute section list on separate line if it is longer than (C#)
resharper_csharp_method_or_operator_body Code Body - Methods and operators (C#)
resharper_csharp_modifiers_order Modifiers - Modifiers order (C#)
resharper_csharp_nested_ternary_style Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Nested ternary expression style (C#)
resharper_csharp_new_line_before_while Arrangement of Statements - Place "while" on new line (C#)
resharper_csharp_old_engine Other - Revert to old formatting engine (C#)
resharper_csharp_other_braces Braces Layout - Other (C#)
resharper_csharp_outdent_binary_ops Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent binary operators (C#)
resharper_csharp_outdent_commas Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent commas (C#)
resharper_csharp_outdent_dots Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent dots in chained method calls (C#)
resharper_csharp_parentheses_non_obvious_operations Parentheses - Add parentheses to avoid non-obvious precedence. Select which operations has non-obvious precedence (C#)
resharper_csharp_parentheses_redundancy_style Parentheses - Remove redundant parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_abstract_accessorholder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place abstract/auto property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place accessor attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_accessor_with_attrs_holder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place it on single line even when it has attributes on accessors (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_accessorholder_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place property/indexer/event attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_attribute_on_same_line Place simple attribute on same line with owner (generalized)
resharper_csharp_place_constructor_initializer_on_same_line Arrangement of Method Signatures - Allow constructor initializer on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_expr_accessor_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place property accessor expression body on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_expr_method_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place method expression body on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_expr_property_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place property expression body on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_field_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place field attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_linq_into_on_new_line Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Place "into" on new line in LINQ expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_method_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place method attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_accessor_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple accessor on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_accessorholder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_anonymousmethod_on_single_line Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Place simple anonymous method on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line Place simple blocks on single line (generalized)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_case_statement_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Place simple "case" statement on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line Place blocks from simple type members on single line (generalized)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_embedded_block_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Place a block with a single simple statement on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_embedded_statement_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Place simple embedded statement on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_initializer_on_single_line Arrangement of Initializers - Place simple array, object and collection on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_simple_method_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple method on single line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_type_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place type attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_place_type_constraints_on_same_line Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Allow type constraints on same line (C#)
resharper_csharp_prefer_explicit_discard_declaration Use 'var' keyword for discards (C#)
resharper_csharp_prefer_qualified_reference Reference Qualification - Prefer fully qualified references (C#)
resharper_csharp_prefer_separate_deconstructed_variables_declaration Prefer separate declarations for deconstructed variables (C#)
resharper_csharp_qualified_using_at_nested_scope Reference Qualification - Prefer fully qualified using name at nested scope (C#)
resharper_csharp_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_code Blank Lines in Code - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in code (C#)
resharper_csharp_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_declarations Blank Lines in Declarations - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in declarations (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_ampersand_op After Unary Operators - Unsafe addressof operator (&) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_asterik_op After Unary Operators - Unsafe asterisk operator (*) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_attribute_colon Around Colon - After other colons (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_attributes Attributes - After attributes (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_colon Around Colon - After other colons (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_colon_in_case Around Colon - After colon in "case" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_logical_not_op After Unary Operators - Logical not operator (!) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_operator_keyword Other - After operator keyword (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator - After ':' (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator - After '?' (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_type_parameter_constraint_colon Around Colon - After type parameter constraint colon (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_unary_minus_op After Unary Operators - Unary minus operator (-) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_after_unary_operator (generalized)
resharper_csharp_space_after_unary_plus_op After Unary Operators - Unary plus operator (+) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_additive_op Around Binary Operators - Additive operators (+,-) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_alias_eq Other - Around '=' in namespace alias directive (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_arrow_op Around Binary Operators - Unsafe arrow operator (->) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_assignment_op Around Binary Operators - Assignment operators (=,+=,...) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
resharper_csharp_space_around_bitwise_op Around Binary Operators - Bitwise operators (&,|,^) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_dot Other - Around dot (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_equality_op Around Binary Operators - Equality operators (==,!=) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_lambda_arrow Other - Around lambda arrow (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_logical_op Around Binary Operators - Logical operators (&&,||) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_member_access_operator Space around member access operators (., ->, ...) (generalized)
resharper_csharp_space_around_multiplicative_op Around Binary Operators - Multiplicative operators (*,/,%) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_nullcoalescing_op Around Binary Operators - Null coalescing operator (??) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_relational_op Around Binary Operators - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_shift_op Around Binary Operators - Shift operators (<<,>>) (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_around_ternary_operator (generalized)
resharper_csharp_space_before_array_access_brackets Around Array Brackets - Array access brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_array_rank_brackets Around Array Brackets - Before array rank brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_attribute_colon Around Colon - Before other colons (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_catch_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "catch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_checked_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "checked" and "unchecked" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_colon Around Colon - Before other colons (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_colon_in_case Around Colon - Before colon in "case" statement (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_default_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_empty_method_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_fixed_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_for_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "for" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_foreach_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_if_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "if" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_lock_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "lock" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_method_call_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method call parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_method_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_nameof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_nullable_mark Other - Before nullable mark (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_pointer_asterik_declaration Other - Before unsafe pointer declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_semicolon Around Comma and Semicolon - Before semicolon (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_singleline_accessorholder Around Braces - Before single line accessors block (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_sizeof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_switch_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "switch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator - Before ':' (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator - Before '?' (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_trailing_comment Other - Before end of line comment (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_type_argument_angle Around Angle Brackets - Before type argument list angle (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_type_parameter_angle Around Angle Brackets - Before type parameter list angle (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_type_parameter_constraint_colon Around Colon - Before type parameter constraint colon (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_typeof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_using_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "using" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_before_while_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "while" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_between_accessors_in_singleline_property Around Braces - Between accessors in single line property/event (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_between_attribute_sections Attributes - Between attribute sections (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_between_keyword_and_expression Before Other Parentheses - Between keyword and expression (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_between_keyword_and_type Before Other Parentheses - Between keyword and type (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements Space within parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
resharper_csharp_space_between_typecast_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Type cast parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_in_singleline_accessorholder Around Braces - Within single line accessor (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_in_singleline_anonymous_method Around Braces - Within single line anonymous method (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_in_singleline_method Around Braces - Within single line method (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_near_postfix_and_prefix_op After Unary Operators - Before/after ++ and -- (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_array_access_brackets Around Array Brackets - Array access brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_array_rank_brackets Around Array Brackets - Within array rank brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_array_rank_empty_brackets Around Array Brackets - Within array rank empty brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_attribute_brackets Attributes - Within attribute brackets (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_catch_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "catch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_checked_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "checked" and "unchecked" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_default_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_empty_braces Around Braces - Space between empty braces (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_fixed_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_for_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "for" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_foreach_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_if_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "if" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_lock_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "lock" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_nameof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_single_line_array_initializer_braces Around Braces - Within single-line initializer braces (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_sizeof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_switch_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "switch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_type_argument_angles Around Angle Brackets - Type argument angles (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_type_parameter_angles Around Angle Brackets - Type parameter angles (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_typeof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_using_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "using" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_space_within_while_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "while" parentheses (C#)
resharper_csharp_special_else_if_treatment General - Special "else if" treatment (C#)
resharper_csharp_static_members_qualify_members Static Members Qualification - Members to qualify (C#)
resharper_csharp_static_members_qualify_with Static Members Qualification - Qualify with the name of (C#)
resharper_csharp_stick_comment Other Indents - Don't indent comments started at first column (C#)
resharper_csharp_type_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Type and namespace declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_use_continuous_indent_inside_parens Parenthesis - Use continuous line indent inside parenthesis (C#)
resharper_csharp_use_heuristics_for_body_style Code Body - Apply style heuristics (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_after_dot_in_method_calls Arrangement of Member Access Expressions - Prefer wrap after "." (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_arguments_style Arrangement of Invocations - Wrap invocation arguments (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_array_initializer_style Arrangement of Initializers - Wrap array initializer (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_arrow_with_expressions Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Prefer wrap before "=>" followed by expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_binary_opsign Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_comma General - Prefer wrap before "," (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_declaration_rpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap before ")" in declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_extends_colon Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before ":" (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before first constraint (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_invocation_rpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap before ")" in invocation (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_linq_expression Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Prefer wrap before multiline LINQ expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_before_type_parameter_langle Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before type parameters opening angle (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_chained_binary_expressions Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Wrap chained binary expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_chained_method_calls Arrangement of Member Access Expressions - Wrap chained method calls (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_extends_list_style Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Wrap extends/implements list (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_for_stmt_header_style Arrangement of Statements - Wrap "for" statement header (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_linq_expressions Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Wrap LINQ expressions (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Arrangement of Statements - Wrap multiple declaration (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_multiple_type_parameter_constraints_style Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Wrap multiple type parameter constraints (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style Arrangement of Initializers - Wrap object and collection initializer (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_parameters_style Arrangement of Method Signatures - Wrap formal parameters (C#)
resharper_csharp_wrap_ternary_expr_style Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Wrap ternary expression (C#)
resharper_css_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (Css)
resharper_css_brace_style Code Layout - Braces (Css)
resharper_css_browser_compatibility_highlighting Code Inspection: CSS symbol / syntax is not compatible with a specific browser
resharper_css_caniuse_feature_requires_prefix_highlighting Code Inspection: CSS feature requires vendor prefix for a specific browser
resharper_css_caniuse_unsupported_feature_highlighting Code Inspection: CSS feature is not supported by a specific browser
resharper_css_declarations_style Code Layout - Declarations (Css)
resharper_css_keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank Lines - Max blank lines between declarations (Css)
resharper_css_keep_user_linebreaks Blank Lines - Keep existing line breaks (Css)
resharper_css_media_query_style Code Layout - Media query (Css)
resharper_css_min_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank Lines - Min blank lines between declarations (Css)
resharper_css_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown CSS symbol
resharper_css_obsolete_highlighting Code Inspection: CSS symbol is obsolete
resharper_css_properties_style Code Layout - Properties (Css)
resharper_css_property_does_not_override_vendor_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Property does not override vendor-prefixed property
resharper_css_selector_style Code Layout - Selector (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_comma Expression - After comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_function_comma Function - After comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_media_colon Media Query - After colon (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_media_comma Media Query - After comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_property_colon Property - After colon (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_property_semicolon Property - After semicolon (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_selector_comma Selector - After comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_after_separator Expression - After separator (Css)
resharper_css_space_around_attribute_match_operator Attribute Selector - Around match operator (Css)
resharper_css_space_around_operator Expression - Around operator (Css)
resharper_css_space_around_selector_operator Selector - Around operator (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_comma Expression - Before comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_function_comma Function - Before comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_media_colon Media Query - Before colon (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_media_comma Media Query - Before comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_property_colon Property - Before colon (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_property_semicolon Property - Before semicolon (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_selector_comma Selector - Before comma (Css)
resharper_css_space_before_separator Expression - Before separator (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_attribute_match_brackets Attribute Selector - Within brackets (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_expression_parentheses Expression - Within parentheses (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_function_parentheses Function - Within parentheses (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_media_block Media Query - Within block (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_media_parentheses Media Query - Within parentheses (Css)
resharper_css_space_within_property_block Property - Within block (Css)
resharper_cyclic_reference_comment_highlighting Code Inspection: Reference comment creates cyclic dependency
resharper_declaration_hides_highlighting Code Inspection: Declaration hides another declaration from an outer scope
resharper_declaration_is_empty_highlighting Code Inspection: Declaration is empty
resharper_declaration_visibility_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Exported entity uses a private entity
resharper_declarations_style Code Layout - Declarations (Css)
resharper_default_internal_modifier Modifiers - Prefer explicit/implicit internal modifier for types (C#)
resharper_default_private_modifier Modifiers - Prefer explicit/implicit private modifier for type members (C#)
resharper_default_value_attribute_for_optional_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Possibly misleading 'DefaultValueAttribute' usage to define optional parameter value
resharper_delegate_subtraction_highlighting Code Inspection: Delegate subtractions
resharper_delete_quotes_from_solid_values Quotes - Remove attribute quotes where values do not contain spaces (HTML)
resharper_deleting_non_qualified_reference_highlighting Code Inspection: Calling 'delete' on non-qualified identifier in 'strict mode'
resharper_dl_tag_contains_non_dt_or_dd_elements_highlighting Code Inspection: Elements not allowed in context (<dl> contains elements other than <dt> or <dd> or they are unclosed)
resharper_double_colons_expected_highlighting Code Inspection: Two colons expected
resharper_double_colons_preferred_highlighting Code Inspection: Two colons preferred
resharper_double_negation_of_boolean_highlighting Code Inspection: Double negation of boolean is redundant
resharper_double_negation_operator_highlighting Code Inspection: Double negation operator
resharper_duplicate_identifier_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate identifier
resharper_duplicate_reference_comment_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate reference comment is redundant
resharper_duplicate_resource_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate resource name
resharper_duplicating_local_declaration_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate local declaration
resharper_duplicating_parameter_declaration_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate parameter declaration in 'strict mode'
resharper_duplicating_property_declaration_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate property declaration in 'strict mode'
resharper_duplicating_property_declaration_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate property declaration
resharper_duplicating_switch_label_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate switch label
resharper_dynamic_shift_right_op_is_not_int_highlighting Code Inspection: Right operand of dynamic shift operation should be convertible to 'int'
resharper_elided_trailing_element_highlighting Code Inspection: A trailing element of an array is elided
resharper_empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting, available for: C#, JavaScript, Protobuf
resharper_empty_constructor_highlighting Code Inspection: Empty constructor
resharper_empty_destructor_highlighting Code Inspection: Empty destructor
resharper_empty_embedded_statement_highlighting Code Inspection: Empty control statement body
resharper_empty_for_statement_highlighting Code Inspection: Empty 'for' loop is redundant
resharper_empty_general_catch_clause_highlighting Code Inspection: Empty general catch clause
resharper_empty_namespace_highlighting Code Inspection: Empty namespace declaration
resharper_empty_object_property_declaration_highlighting Code Inspection: Object property declaration is expected
resharper_empty_return_value_for_type_annotated_function_highlighting Code Inspection: Empty return value for type-annotated function
resharper_empty_statement_highlighting Code Inspection: Empty statement is redundant
resharper_empty_title_tag_highlighting Code Inspection: Important tags or attributes missing (empty <title>)
resharper_enforce_do_while_statement_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred braces style (enforce braces in 'do-while' statement)
resharper_enforce_fixed_statement_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred braces style (enforce braces in 'fixed' statement)
resharper_enforce_for_statement_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred braces style (enforce braces in 'for' statement)
resharper_enforce_foreach_statement_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred braces style (enforce braces in 'foreach' statement)
resharper_enforce_if_statement_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred braces style (enforce braces in 'if' statement)
resharper_enforce_lock_statement_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred braces style (enforce braces in 'lock' statement)
resharper_enforce_using_statement_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred braces style (enforce braces in 'using' statement)
resharper_enforce_while_statement_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred braces style (enforce braces in 'while' statement)
resharper_enum_underlying_type_is_int_highlighting Code Inspection: Underlying type of enum is 'int'
resharper_enumerable_sum_in_explicit_unchecked_context_highlighting Code Inspection: 'Enumerable.Sum' invocation in explicit unchecked context
resharper_equal_expression_comparison_highlighting Code Inspection: Similar expressions comparison
resharper_error_in_xml_doc_reference_highlighting Code Inspection: Error in Xml doc comment reference
resharper_es6_feature_highlighting Code Inspection: ECMAScript 2015 feature usage when in ES 5 or lower
resharper_es7_feature_highlighting Code Inspection: ECMAScript 2016 feature usage when in ES 2015 or lower
resharper_eval_arguments_name_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Using of 'eval'/'arguments' name in 'strict mode'
resharper_event_never_invoked_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Abstract or virtual(overridable) event is never invoked
resharper_event_never_invoked_highlighting Code Inspection: Event never invoked
resharper_event_never_subscribed_to_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Event is never subscribed to (non-private accessibility)
resharper_event_never_subscribed_to_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Event is never subscribed to (private accessibility)
resharper_event_unsubscription_via_anonymous_delegate_highlighting Code Inspection: Event unsubscription via anonymous delegate
resharper_experimental_feature_highlighting Code Inspection: Experimental feature usage when language level set to stable
resharper_explicit_caller_info_argument_highlighting Code Inspection: Explicit argument passed to parameter with caller info attribute
resharper_expression_is_always_const_highlighting Code Inspection: Expression is always constant
resharper_expression_is_always_null_highlighting Code Inspection: Expression is always 'null'
resharper_extra_spaces Preserve Existing Formatting - Extra spaces inside, available for: C#, HTML, JavaScript
resharper_field_can_be_made_read_only_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Field can be made readonly (non-private accessibility)
resharper_field_can_be_made_read_only_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Field can be made readonly (private accessibility)
resharper_for_built_in_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - For built-in types (C#)
resharper_for_can_be_converted_to_foreach_highlighting Code Inspection: For-loop can be converted into foreach-loop
resharper_for_other_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - Elsewhere (C#)
resharper_for_simple_types 'var' Usage in Declarations - For simple types (C#)
resharper_for_statement_condition_is_true_highlighting Code Inspection: 'true' is redundant as 'for'-statement condition
resharper_force_attribute_style Attributes - Join or separate attributes in section (C#)
resharper_force_chop_compound_do_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "do" statement (C#)
resharper_force_chop_compound_if_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "if" statement (C#)
resharper_force_chop_compound_while_expression Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Force chop compound condition in "while" statement (C#)
resharper_force_control_statements_braces Force Braces - Braces in statements (JavaScript)
resharper_format_string_placeholders_mismatch_highlighting Code Inspection: Format string placeholders mismatch
resharper_format_string_problem_highlighting Code Inspection: String formatting method problems
resharper_function_braces Braces Layout - Function (JavaScript)
resharper_function_complexity_overflow_highlighting Code Inspection: Function body is too complex to analyze
resharper_function_in_invocation_braces Braces Layout - Functions passed as parameters to other function calls (JavaScript)
resharper_function_never_returns_highlighting Code Inspection: Function never returns
resharper_function_parameter_named_arguments_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter name 'arguments' clashes with pre-defined JS function-scope variable
resharper_function_recursive_on_all_paths_highlighting Code Inspection: Function is recursive on all execution paths
resharper_function_used_out_of_scope_highlighting Code Inspection: Function is used outside of scope which it is declared
resharper_functions_used_before_declared_highlighting Code Inspection: Function is used before it is declared
resharper_gc_suppress_finalize_for_type_without_destructor_highlighting Code Inspection: 'GC.SuppressFinalize' is invoked for type without destructor
resharper_generic_enumerator_not_disposed_highlighting Code Inspection: Instance of IEnumerator is never disposed
resharper_heuristic_unreachable_code_highlighting Code Inspection: Heuristically unreachable code
resharper_heuristically_unreachable_code_highlighting Code Inspection: Heuristically unreachable code
resharper_hex_color_value_with_alpha_highlighting Code Inspection: Invalid hexadecimal value of color
resharper_html_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (HTML)
resharper_html_attribute_indent Inside of Tag Header - Attributes indenting (HTML)
resharper_html_attribute_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown attribute
resharper_html_attribute_style Inside of Tag Header - Attributes format (HTML)
resharper_html_attribute_value_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown attribute value
resharper_html_attributes_quotes_highlighting Code Inspection: Wrong attribute quotes
resharper_html_blank_line_after_pi Processing Instructions - Blank line after processing instructions (HTML)
resharper_html_blank_lines_around_razor_functions Blank lines around Razor @functions block (Razor CSharp)
resharper_html_blank_lines_around_razor_helpers Blank lines around Razor helpers (Razor CSharp)
resharper_html_blank_lines_around_razor_sections Blank lines around Razor sections (Razor CSharp)
resharper_html_dead_code_highlighting Code Inspection: Html Dead Code
resharper_html_delete_quotes_from_solid_values Quotes - Remove attribute quotes where values do not contain spaces (HTML)
resharper_html_event_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown event
resharper_html_extra_spaces Other - Extra spaces inside (HTML)
resharper_html_id_duplication_highlighting Code Inspection: Ids duplication
resharper_html_id_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown ID
resharper_html_linebreak_before_all_elements Around Tags - Place all elements on new line (HTML)
resharper_html_linebreak_before_elements Around Tags - Place these elements on new line (HTML)
resharper_html_linebreak_before_multiline_elements Around Tags - Place multiline elements on new line (HTML)
resharper_html_linebreaks_around_razor_statements Line breaks around Razor statements (Razor CSharp)
resharper_html_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_with_child_elements Around Tags - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in elements that contain other elements and no text (HTML)
resharper_html_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_multiline_elements Around Tags - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in multiline elements (HTML)
resharper_html_max_blank_lines_between_tags Around Tags - Maximum blank lines between tags (HTML)
resharper_html_no_indent_inside_elements Around Tags - Do not indent children of (HTML)
resharper_html_no_indent_inside_if_element_longer_than Around Tags - Do not indent children if element has more lines than (HTML)
resharper_html_normalize_tag_names Other - Normalize tag names (HTML)
resharper_html_obsolete_highlighting Code Inspection: Obsolete or nonstandard element
resharper_html_path_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Path error
resharper_html_pi_attribute_style Processing Instructions - Attributes format (HTML)
resharper_html_pi_attributes_indent Processing Instructions - Attributes indenting (HTML)
resharper_html_preserve_spaces_inside_tags Around Tags - Keep white spaces inside (HTML)
resharper_html_quote_style Quotes - Quote style (HTML)
resharper_html_sort_attributes Inside of Tag Header - Sort attributes (HTML)
resharper_html_sort_class_selectors Inside of Tag Header - Sort class selectors (HTML)
resharper_html_space_after_last_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Space after last attribute (HTML)
resharper_html_space_after_last_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Space after last attribute (HTML)
resharper_html_space_before_self_closing Inside of Tag Header - Space before '/>' (HTML)
resharper_html_spaces_around_eq_in_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Spaces around '=' in attribute (HTML)
resharper_html_spaces_around_eq_in_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Spaces around '=' in attribute (HTML)
resharper_html_tag_not_closed_highlighting Code Inspection: Not closed tag
resharper_html_tag_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown tag
resharper_html_tag_should_be_self_closed_highlighting Code Inspection: Wrong closed tag
resharper_html_tag_should_not_be_self_closed_highlighting Code Inspection: Wrong self-closed tag
resharper_html_warning_highlighting Code Inspection: Html Warning
resharper_implicit_any_error_highlighting Code Inspection: 'Implicit any' inspection when NoImplicitAny is set
resharper_implicit_any_type_warning_highlighting Code Inspection: Element has implicit 'any' type
resharper_implicitly_captured_closure_highlighting Code Inspection: Implicitly captured closure
resharper_import_keyword_not_with_invocation_highlighting Code Inspection: 'import' keyword is not allowed here.
resharper_impure_method_call_on_readonly_value_field_highlighting Code Inspection: Impure method is called for readonly field of value type
resharper_inactive_preprocessor_branch_highlighting Code Inspection: Inactive preprocessor branch
resharper_inconsistent_function_returns_highlighting Code Inspection: Inconsistent function returns
resharper_inconsistent_naming_highlighting Code Inspection: Inconsistent Naming
resharper_inconsistently_synchronized_field_highlighting Code Inspection: Inconsistent synchronization on field
resharper_incorrect_blank_lines_near_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect blank lines (incorrect number of blank lines near braces)
resharper_incorrect_operand_in_type_of_comparison_highlighting Code Inspection: Comparison of 'typeof' expression with incorrect value
resharper_incorrect_triple_slash_location_highlighting Code Inspection: Triple-slash directives are only valid at the top of the file
resharper_indent_anonymous_method_block Align Multiline Constructs - Anonymous method body (C#)
resharper_indent_case_from_select Other - Indent "case" from "select" (VB.NET)
resharper_indent_child_elements Tag Content - Indent inside element that doesn't contain text, available for: XML, XMLDOC
resharper_indent_invocation_pars Parenthesis - Indent method calls' parenthesis, available for: C#
resharper_indent_method_decl_pars Parenthesis - Indent method declarations' parenthesis, available for: C#
resharper_indent_nested_fixed_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "fixed" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_nested_for_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "for" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_nested_foreach_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "foreach" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_nested_lock_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "lock" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_nested_usings_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "using" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_nested_while_stmt Nested Statements - Indent nested "while" statements (C#)
resharper_indent_pars Parenthesis - Indent other parenthesis and brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_indent_preprocessor_if Preprocessor Directives - Indent #if, #else, #elif, #endif (C#)
resharper_indent_preprocessor_other Preprocessor Directives - Indent other preprocessor directives (C#)
resharper_indent_preprocessor_region Preprocessor Directives - Indent #region, #endregion (C#)
resharper_indent_statement_pars Parenthesis - Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parenthesis, available for: C#
resharper_indent_switch_labels Indentation - Indent "case" from "switch", available for:, JavaScript
resharper_indent_text Tag Content - Indent inside element that contain text, available for: XML, XMLDOC
resharper_indent_type_constraints Other Indents - Indent type constraints (C#)
resharper_indent_typearg_angles Parenthesis - Indent type argument's angles (C#)
resharper_indent_typeparam_angles Parenthesis - Indent type parameter's angles (C#)
resharper_inheritdoc_consider_usage_highlighting Code Inspection: Use <inheritdoc /> on root level to inherit documentation from base candidate.
resharper_inheritdoc_invalid_usage_highlighting Code Inspection: Usage of <inheritdoc /> is invalid.
resharper_initializer_braces Braces Layout - Array and object initializer (C#)
resharper_inline_out_variable_declaration_highlighting Code Inspection: Inline 'out' variable declaration
resharper_instance_members_qualify_declared_in Instance Members Qualification - Qualify members declared in (C#)
resharper_instance_members_qualify_members Instance Members Qualification - Use "this." qualifier for (C#)
resharper_int_align Align similar code in columns (generalized)
resharper_int_align_assignments Align Similar Code in Columns - Other assignments and initializers (C#)
resharper_int_align_binary_expressions Align Similar Code in Columns - Binary expressions (C#)
resharper_int_align_comments Align Similar Code in Columns - End comments, available for: C#
resharper_int_align_fields Align Similar Code in Columns - Fields and constants (C#)
resharper_int_align_invocations Align Similar Code in Columns - Invocations of the same method (C#)
resharper_int_align_methods Align Similar Code in Columns - Simple methods, operators, delegates (C#)
resharper_int_align_nested_ternary Align Similar Code in Columns - Nested ternary operators (C#)
resharper_int_align_parameters Align Similar Code in Columns - Multiline method signature (C#)
resharper_int_align_properties Align Similar Code in Columns - Properties and events (C#)
resharper_int_align_switch_sections Align Similar Code in Columns - Simple switch sections (C#)
resharper_int_align_variables Align Similar Code in Columns - Variables and local constants (C#)
resharper_internal_module_highlighting Code Inspection: Immediately-invoked function expression may be converted to internal module
resharper_interpolated_string_expression_is_not_i_formattable_highlighting Code Inspection: Formatting is specified, but interpolated string expression is not IFormattable
resharper_introduce_optional_parameters_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Introduce optional parameters (non-private accessibility)
resharper_introduce_optional_parameters_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Introduce optional parameters (private accessibility)
resharper_introduce_variable_to_apply_guard_highlighting Code Inspection: Introducing variable will allow to apply type guard
resharper_invalid_attribute_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Invalid attribute value
resharper_invalid_json_syntax_highlighting Code Inspection: Invalid JSON syntax
resharper_invalid_task_element_highlighting Code Inspection: Invalid task element
resharper_invalid_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Invalid value
resharper_invalid_value_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Resource value type is invalid
resharper_invert_condition_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Invert condition
resharper_invert_if_highlighting Code Inspection: Invert 'if' statement to reduce nesting
resharper_invocable_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Method declaration, available for: C#
resharper_invocation_is_skipped_highlighting Code Inspection: Method invocation is skipped
resharper_invocation_of_non_function_highlighting Code Inspection: Invocation of non-function expression
resharper_invoke_as_extension_method_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert static method invocation to extension method call
resharper_invoked_expression_maybe_non_function_highlighting Code Inspection: Invoked expression is not a function value
resharper_is_expression_always_false_highlighting Code Inspection: The given expression of 'is' operator is never of the provided type
resharper_is_expression_always_true_highlighting Code Inspection: The given expression of 'is' operator is always of the provided type
resharper_iterator_method_result_is_ignored_highlighting Code Inspection: Return value of iterator is not used
resharper_iterator_never_returns_highlighting Code Inspection: Iterator never returns
resharper_join_declaration_and_initializer_highlighting Code Inspection: Join local variable declaration and assignment
resharper_join_declaration_and_initializer_js_highlighting Code Inspection: Join local variable declaration and assignment
resharper_join_null_check_with_usage_highlighting Code Inspection: Join null check with assignment
resharper_join_null_check_with_usage_when_possible_highlighting Code Inspection: Join null check with assignment (when possible)
resharper_js_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (JavaScript)
resharper_js_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declarations (JavaScript)
resharper_js_align_ternary Align Multiline Constructs - Align ?: operator (JavaScript)
resharper_js_align_union_type_usage Align Multiline Constructs - Union type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_js_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (JavaScript)
resharper_js_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
resharper_js_control_statements_braces Braces Layout - Control statements (JavaScript)
resharper_js_empty_block_style Braces Layout - Empty braces formatting (JavaScript)
resharper_js_extra_spaces Preserve Existing Formatting - Extra spaces inside (JavaScript)
resharper_js_force_control_statements_braces Force Braces - Braces in statements (JavaScript)
resharper_js_function_braces Braces Layout - Function (JavaScript)
resharper_js_function_in_invocation_braces Braces Layout - Functions passed as parameters to other function calls (JavaScript)
resharper_js_indent_pars Braces Layout - Indent parenthesis, brackets and expression braces (JavaScript)
resharper_js_indent_switch_labels Case Statement - Indent "case" from "switch" (JavaScript)
resharper_js_keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank Lines - Max blank lines between declarations (JavaScript)
resharper_js_keep_blank_lines_in_code Blank Lines - Max blank lines in code (JavaScript)
resharper_js_min_blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - Min blank lines after imports (JavaScript)
resharper_js_min_blank_lines_around_fields Blank Lines - Min blank lines around fields and signature declarations (TypeScript)
resharper_js_min_blank_lines_around_functions Blank Lines - Min blank lines around functions (JavaScript)
resharper_js_min_blank_lines_around_types Blank Lines - Min blank lines around types and modules (TypeScript)
resharper_js_new_line_before_catch Place on a New Line - Place "catch" on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_js_new_line_before_else Place on a New Line - Place "else" on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_js_new_line_before_finally Place on a New Line - Place "finally" on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_js_new_line_before_while Place on a New Line - Place "while" on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_js_path_not_found_highlighting Code Inspection: Path for reference comment not found
resharper_js_place_class_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Class decorators on the same line with class (TypeScript)
resharper_js_place_each_decorator_on_new_line Place on a New Line - Place each decorator on a new line (TypeScript)
resharper_js_place_field_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Field decorators on the same line with field (TypeScript)
resharper_js_place_method_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Method decorators on the same line with signature (TypeScript)
resharper_js_place_property_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Property decorators on the same line with property (TypeScript)
resharper_js_place_template_args_on_new_line Place on a New Line - Place template literal arguments on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_js_quote_style Quotes - Quote style (JavaScript)
resharper_js_simple_embedded_statement_style Line Breaks - Simple embedded statement (JavaScript)
resharper_js_single_statement_function_style Line Breaks - Single-statement function (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_arrow Lambdas - After '=>' in lambda expressions (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_colon_in_type_annotation Type Annotations - After ':' (TypeScript)
resharper_js_space_after_comma Comma - After comma (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements In Control Statements - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_property_colon In Object Expression - After ':' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement Semicolon - After semicolon in for statement (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator '? :' - After ':' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_after_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator '? :' - After '?' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_around_assignment_operator In Expressions - Around assignment operator (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_around_binary_operator In Expressions - Around binary operator (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_around_dot In Expressions - Around dot (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_around_member_access_operator In Expressions - Around dot (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_around_pipe_or_amper_in_type_usage Union and Intersection Types - Around '|' or '&' in type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_js_space_before_array_access_brackets In Index Expressions - Before brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_arrow Lambdas - Before '=>' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_colon_in_case Case Statement - Before colon (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_colon_in_type_annotation Type Annotations - Before ':' (TypeScript)
resharper_js_space_before_comma Comma - Before comma (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses In Function Invocations - Before empty parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_method_call_parentheses In Function Invocations - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_method_parentheses In Function Declarations - Before parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_method_parentheses_anonymous In Function Declarations - Before parentheses of anonymous method (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_open_square_brackets In Index Expressions - Before brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_property_colon In Object Expression - Before ':' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_semicolon Semicolon - Before semicolon (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement Semicolon - Before semicolon in for statement (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator '? :' - Before ':' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator '? :' - In ternary operator '? :' (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_before_type_parameters_brackets Type Parameters and Arguments - Before brackets (TypeScript)
resharper_js_space_between_empty_square_brackets In Array Literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In Function Invocations - Within empty parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
resharper_js_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses In Function Invocations - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In Function Declarations - Within empty parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis Space before method declaration parenthesis (generalized)
resharper_js_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses In Function Declarations - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements In Control Statements - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_between_square_brackets Space within brackets (generalized)
resharper_js_space_within_array_access_brackets In Index Expressions - Within brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_array_literal_brackets In Array Literals - Within brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_empty_array_literal_brackets In Array Literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_empty_object_literal_braces In Object Expression - Within empty braces (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_object_literal_braces In Object Expression - Within braces (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_parentheses In Expressions - Within parentheses (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_template_argument Template Literals - Within braces around template argument (JavaScript)
resharper_js_space_within_type_parameters_brackets Type Parameters and Arguments - Within brackets (TypeScript)
resharper_js_special_else_if_treatment Line Breaks - Special "else if" treatment (JavaScript)
resharper_js_stick_comment Other - Don't indent comments started at first column (JavaScript)
resharper_js_termination_style Statements - Defines how statements are terminated (JavaScript)
resharper_js_types_braces Braces Layout - Types and modules (TypeScript)
resharper_js_unreachable_code_highlighting Code Inspection: Unreachable code
resharper_js_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_arguments_style Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap invocation arguments (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_array_literals Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap array literals (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_binary_opsign Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_comma Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before comma (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_dot Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before "." (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_chained_binary_expressions Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap chained binary expressions (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_chained_method_calls Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap chained method calls (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_enum_style Line Breaks - Enumerations (TypeScript)
resharper_js_wrap_for_stmt_header_style Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap "for" statement header (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap multiple declaration (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_object_literals Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap object literals (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_parameters_style Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap formal parameters (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_ternary_expr_style Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap ternary expression (JavaScript)
resharper_js_wrap_union_type_usage Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap union type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_json_validation_failed_highlighting Code Inspection: JSON validation failed
resharper_jump_must_be_in_loop_highlighting Code Inspection: Use 'break' or 'continue' outside of loop body
resharper_keep_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank Lines - Max blank lines between declarations, available for: Css, JavaScript
resharper_keep_blank_lines_in_code Blank Lines in Code - Keep max blank lines in code, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Blank Lines in Declarations - Keep max blank lines in declarations, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_keep_existing_arrangement Keep existing code arrangements (single line/multi line) (generalized)
resharper_keep_existing_attribute_arrangement Arrangement of Attributes - Keep existing arrangement of attributes (C#)
resharper_keep_existing_declaration_block_arrangement Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Keep existing arrangement of declaration blocks (C#)
resharper_keep_existing_declaration_parens_arrangement Arrangement of Method Signatures - Keep existing arrangement of parenthesis in declaration (C#)
resharper_keep_existing_embedded_arrangement Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Keep existing arrangement of embedded statements (C#)
resharper_keep_existing_embedded_block_arrangement Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Keep existing arrangement of embedded blocks (C#)
resharper_keep_existing_expr_member_arrangement Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Keep existing arrangement of expression bodied members (C#)
resharper_keep_existing_initializer_arrangement Arrangement of Initializers - Keep existing arrangement of initializers (C#)
resharper_keep_existing_invocation_parens_arrangement Arrangement of Invocations - Keep existing arrangement of parenthesis in invocation (C#)
resharper_keep_existing_linebreaks General - Keep existing line breaks (C#)
resharper_keep_user_linebreaks General - Keep existing line breaks, available for: C#, Css, VB.NET, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_l_value_is_expected_highlighting Code Inspection: L-value expected error
resharper_label_or_semicolon_expected_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of expression after break or continue
resharper_lambda_highlighting Code Inspection: Function expression may be converted to lambda expression
resharper_less_specific_overload_than_main_signature_highlighting Code Inspection: Overload is less specific than the main signature
resharper_lexical_declaration_needs_block_highlighting Code Inspection: Lexical declaration can only be declared inside a block.
resharper_linebreak_before_all_elements Around Tags - Place all elements on new line (HTML)
resharper_linebreak_before_elements Around Tags - Place these elements on new line, available for: HTML, XMLDOC
resharper_linebreak_before_multiline_elements Around Tags - Place multiline elements on new line, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_linebreak_before_singleline_elements Around Tags - Place singleline elements on new line, available for: XML, XMLDOC
resharper_linebreaks_around_razor_statements Line breaks around Razor statements (Razor CSharp)
resharper_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_longer_than Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag when element is longer than, available for: XML, XMLDOC
resharper_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_with_child_elements Around Tags - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in elements that contain other elements and no text, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_multiline_elements Around Tags - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in multiline elements, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_local_function_body Code Body - Local functions (C#)
resharper_local_function_redefined_later_highlighting Code Inspection: Local function is redefined later
resharper_local_name_captured_only_highlighting Code Inspection: Local entity is only used to capture its name
resharper_local_variable_hides_member_highlighting Code Inspection: Local variable hides member
resharper_localizable_element_highlighting Code Inspection: Element is localizable
resharper_long_literal_ending_lower_l_highlighting Code Inspection: The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1'
resharper_loop_can_be_converted_to_query_highlighting Code Inspection: Loop can be converted into LINQ-expression
resharper_loop_can_be_partly_converted_to_query_highlighting Code Inspection: Part of loop's body can be converted into LINQ-expression
resharper_loop_variable_is_never_changed_inside_loop_highlighting Code Inspection: Loop control variable is never changed inside loop
resharper_max_attribute_length_for_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place attribute section list on separate line if it is longer than (C#)
resharper_max_blank_lines_between_tags Around Tags - Maximum blank lines between tags, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_meaningless_default_parameter_value_highlighting Code Inspection: 'DefaultParameterValueAttribute' should be used in conjunction with 'OptionalAttribute'
resharper_media_query_style Code Layout - Media query (Css)
resharper_member_can_be_internal_highlighting Code Inspection: Member or type can be made internal(friend)
resharper_member_can_be_made_static_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Member can be made static(shared) (non-private accessibility)
resharper_member_can_be_made_static_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Member can be made static(shared) (private accessibility)
resharper_member_can_be_private_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Member can be made private (non-private accessibility)
resharper_member_can_be_private_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Member can be made private (private accessibility)
resharper_member_can_be_protected_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Member can be made protected (non-private accessibility)
resharper_member_can_be_protected_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Member can be made protected (private accessibility)
resharper_member_hides_static_from_outer_class_highlighting Code Inspection: Member hides static member from outer class
resharper_member_initializer_value_ignored_highlighting Code Inspection: Member initialized value ignored
resharper_merge_cast_with_type_check_highlighting Code Inspection: Type check and casts can be merged
resharper_merge_conditional_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Merge conditional ?: expression into conditional access
resharper_merge_conditional_expression_when_possible_highlighting Code Inspection: Merge conditional ?: expression into conditional access (when possible)
resharper_merge_sequential_checks_highlighting Code Inspection: Merge sequential checks in && or || expressions
resharper_merge_sequential_checks_when_possible_highlighting Code Inspection: Merge sequential checks in && or || expressions (when possible)
resharper_method_or_operator_body Code Body - Methods and operators (C#)
resharper_method_overload_with_optional_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Method with optional or 'params' parameter is hidden by overload
resharper_method_safe_this_highlighting Code Inspection: Member assigned by a function may be converted to function member
resharper_method_supports_cancellation_highlighting Code Inspection: Method supports cancellation
resharper_min_blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - Min blank lines after imports (JavaScript)
resharper_min_blank_lines_around_fields Blank Lines - Min blank lines around fields and signature declarations (TypeScript)
resharper_min_blank_lines_around_functions Blank Lines - Min blank lines around functions (JavaScript)
resharper_min_blank_lines_around_types Blank Lines - Min blank lines around types and modules (TypeScript)
resharper_min_blank_lines_between_declarations Blank Lines - Min blank lines between declarations (Css)
resharper_missing_alt_attribute_in_img_tag_highlighting Code Inspection: Important tags or attributes missing (<img> should specify alternative text)
resharper_missing_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: Missing required attribute
resharper_missing_blank_lines_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect blank lines (blank lines are missing elsewhere)
resharper_missing_body_tag_highlighting Code Inspection: Important tags or attributes missing (missing <body>)
resharper_missing_has_own_property_in_foreach_highlighting Code Inspection: There is no .hasOwnProperty() check in a body of 'for in' loop. This will cause an enumeration of prototype properties
resharper_missing_head_and_body_tags_highlighting Code Inspection: Important tags or attributes missing (missing <head> and <body>)
resharper_missing_head_tag_highlighting Code Inspection: Important tags or attributes missing (missing <head>)
resharper_missing_indent_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (line should be indented or outdented elsewhere)
resharper_missing_linebreak_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (line break is missing elsewhere)
resharper_missing_space_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (space is missing elsewhere)
resharper_missing_title_tag_highlighting Code Inspection: Important tags or attributes missing (missing <title>)
resharper_misuse_of_owner_function_this_highlighting Code Inspection: Misuse of 'this' qualifier in inner function
resharper_modifiers_order Modifiers - Modifiers order (C#)
resharper_more_specific_foreach_variable_type_available_highlighting Code Inspection: Iteration variable can be declared with a more specific type
resharper_more_specific_signature_after_less_specific_highlighting Code Inspection: More specific signature follows less specific
resharper_multiple_declarations_in_foreach_highlighting Code Inspection: Multiple declarations in 'for in' error
resharper_multiple_nullable_attributes_usage_highlighting Code Inspection: Multiple nullable attributes usage
resharper_multiple_order_by_highlighting Code Inspection: Multiple sequential 'OrderBy' invocation
resharper_multiple_output_tags_highlighting Code Inspection: Multiple output tags defined
resharper_multiple_resolve_candidates_in_text_highlighting Code Inspection: Ambiguous symbols in text argument
resharper_multiple_spaces_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (multiple spaces are prohibited)
resharper_multiple_statements_on_one_line_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (multiple statements on one line)
resharper_multiple_type_members_on_one_line_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (multiple type members on one line)
resharper_must_use_return_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Return value of [MustUseReturnValue] annotated method is not used
resharper_mvc_action_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: MVC (unknown action)
resharper_mvc_area_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: MVC (unknown area)
resharper_mvc_controller_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: MVC (unknown controller)
resharper_mvc_invalid_model_type_highlighting Code Inspection: MVC (mismatch Model Type)
resharper_mvc_masterpage_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: MVC (unknown masterpage)
resharper_mvc_partial_view_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: MVC (unknown partial view)
resharper_mvc_template_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: MVC (unknown template)
resharper_mvc_view_component_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: MVC (unknown view component)
resharper_mvc_view_component_view_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: MVC (unknown view component view)
resharper_mvc_view_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: MVC (unknown view)
resharper_n_unit_method_with_parameters_and_test_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove parameters from test method (nUnit Test methods should not have parameters)
resharper_n_unit_non_public_method_with_test_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: Make test method method public (nUnit Test methods should have public visibility)
resharper_n_unit_non_void_method_and_test_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove return value from test method (nUnit Test methods should not return any value)
resharper_native_type_prototype_extending_highlighting Code Inspection: Extending prototype of native object
resharper_native_type_prototype_overwriting_highlighting Code Inspection: Overwriting prototype of native object
resharper_negative_equality_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify negative equality expression
resharper_nested_string_interpolation_highlighting Code Inspection: Nested string interpolation can be inlined
resharper_nested_ternary_style Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Nested ternary expression style (C#)
resharper_new_line_before_catch Place on New Line - Place "catch" on new line after compound statement, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_new_line_before_else Place on New Line - Place "else" on new line after compound statement, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_new_line_before_finally Place on a New Line - Place "finally" on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_new_line_before_while Arrangement of Statements - Place "while" on new line, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_no_indent_inside_elements Around Tags - Do not indent children of (HTML)
resharper_no_indent_inside_if_element_longer_than Around Tags - Do not indent children if element has more lines than (HTML)
resharper_non_assigned_constant_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-assigned constant
resharper_non_readonly_member_in_get_hash_code_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-readonly type member referenced in 'GetHashCode()'
resharper_normalize_tag_names Other - Normalize tag names (HTML)
resharper_not_accessed_field_compiler_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-accessed field
resharper_not_accessed_field_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-accessed field (non-private accessibility)
resharper_not_accessed_field_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-accessed field (private accessibility)
resharper_not_accessed_variable_compiler_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-accessed local variable
resharper_not_accessed_variable_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-accessed local variable
resharper_not_all_paths_return_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Not all code paths return a value
resharper_not_assigned_out_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: 'out' parameter is not assigned upon exit
resharper_not_declared_in_parent_culture_highlighting Code Inspection: Resource is not declared in base culture
resharper_not_null_member_is_not_initialized_highlighting Code Inspection: Member with '[NotNull]' attribute is not initialized at constructor exit
resharper_not_options_braces Indenting Options - Curly braces not in options (Protobuf)
resharper_not_overridden_in_specific_culture_highlighting Code Inspection: Resource is not overridden in specific culture
resharper_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve symbol
resharper_not_resolved_in_text_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve symbol in text argument
resharper_object_creation_as_statement_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible unassigned object created by 'new' expression
resharper_object_destructuring_without_parentheses_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-parenthesized object destructuring assignment cannot be used in an expression statement
resharper_object_literals_are_not_comma_free_highlighting Code Inspection: Comma is expected in object literal
resharper_obsolete_element_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of obsolete type or type member (error)
resharper_obsolete_element_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of obsolete type or type member
resharper_octal_literals_not_allowed_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Octal literals and escape sequences using in 'strict mode'
resharper_ol_tag_contains_non_li_elements_highlighting Code Inspection: Elements not allowed in context (<ol> contains elements other than <li> or <li> is unclosed)
resharper_old_engine Other - Revert to old formatting engine (C#)
resharper_one_way_operation_contract_with_return_type_highlighting Code Inspection: One way operations couldn't return values
resharper_operation_contract_without_service_contract_highlighting Code Inspection: Method is marked as OperationContract but containing type isn't marked as ServiceContract
resharper_operator_is_can_be_used_highlighting Code Inspection: Operator 'is'/'Type Of ... Is ...' can be used
resharper_optional_parameter_hierarchy_mismatch_highlighting Code Inspection: Mismatch optional parameter value in overridden method
resharper_optional_parameter_ref_out_highlighting Code Inspection: 'ref' or 'out' parameter with [Optional] attribute
resharper_options_braces Indenting Options - Curly/pointy braces in aggregate values in options (Protobuf)
resharper_options_braces_pointy Other - Use pointy braces in aggregate options (Protobuf)
resharper_other_braces Braces Layout - Other, available for: C#
resharper_other_tags_inside_script1_highlighting Code Inspection: Script tag errors (other tags inside <script> - possibly unclosed <script>)
resharper_other_tags_inside_script2_highlighting Code Inspection: Script tag errors (other tags inside <script> - possibly unclosed <script>)
resharper_other_tags_inside_unclosed_script_highlighting Code Inspection: Script tag errors (unclosed <script> with other tags inside)
resharper_outdent_binary_ops Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent binary operators (C#)
resharper_outdent_commas Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent commas, available for: C#
resharper_outdent_dots Align Multiline Constructs - Outdent dots in chained method calls, available for: C#
resharper_outdent_is_off_prev_level_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (line indent should be restored to the previous level elsewhere)
resharper_output_tag_required_highlighting Code Inspection: Output tag required
resharper_overload_signature_inferring_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible overloads may be inferred by function body
resharper_overridden_with_empty_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Resource overrides base resource with empty value
resharper_overridden_with_same_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Resource is overridden with identical value
resharper_parameter_doesnt_make_any_sense_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter doesn't participate in the main signature
resharper_parameter_hides_member_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter hides member
resharper_parameter_only_used_for_precondition_check_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter is only used for precondition check (non-private accessibility)
resharper_parameter_only_used_for_precondition_check_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter is only used for precondition check (private accessibility)
resharper_parameter_type_can_be_enumerable_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter type can be IEnumerable<T> (non-private accessibility)
resharper_parameter_type_can_be_enumerable_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter type can be IEnumerable<T> (private accessibility)
resharper_parameter_value_is_not_used_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter value is not used
resharper_parentheses_non_obvious_operations Parentheses - Add parentheses to avoid non-obvious precedence. Select which operations has non-obvious precedence (C#)
resharper_parentheses_redundancy_style Parentheses - Remove redundant parentheses (C#)
resharper_partial_method_parameter_name_mismatch_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter name differs in partial method declaration
resharper_partial_method_with_single_part_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'partial' modifier on method declaration
resharper_partial_type_with_single_part_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'partial' modifier on type declaration
resharper_path_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve file system path
resharper_pattern_always_matches_highlighting Code Inspection: The source expression always matches the provided pattern
resharper_pattern_always_of_type_highlighting Code Inspection: The source expression is always of pattern's type
resharper_pattern_never_matches_highlighting Code Inspection: The source expression never matches the provided pattern
resharper_pi_attribute_style Processing Instructions - Attributes format, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_pi_attributes_indent Processing Instructions - Attributes indenting, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_place_abstract_accessorholder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place abstract/auto property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
resharper_place_accessor_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place accessor attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_place_accessor_with_attrs_holder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place it on single line even when it has attributes on accessors (C#)
resharper_place_accessorholder_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place property/indexer/event attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_place_attribute_on_same_line Place simple attribute on same line with owner (generalized)
resharper_place_class_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Class decorators on the same line with class (TypeScript)
resharper_place_constructor_initializer_on_same_line Arrangement of Method Signatures - Allow constructor initializer on same line (C#)
resharper_place_each_decorator_on_new_line Place on a New Line - Place each decorator on a new line (TypeScript)
resharper_place_event_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place event attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_place_expr_accessor_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place property accessor expression body on same line (C#)
resharper_place_expr_method_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place method expression body on same line (C#)
resharper_place_expr_property_on_single_line Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Place property expression body on same line (C#)
resharper_place_field_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place field attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_place_field_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Field decorators on the same line with field (TypeScript)
resharper_place_linq_into_on_new_line Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Place "into" on new line in LINQ expressions (C#)
resharper_place_method_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place method attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_place_method_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Method decorators on the same line with signature (TypeScript)
resharper_place_property_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place property attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_place_property_decorator_on_the_same_line Place on a New Line - Property decorators on the same line with property (TypeScript)
resharper_place_simple_accessor_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple accessor on single line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_accessorholder_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple property/indexer/event declaration on single line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_anonymousmethod_on_single_line Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Place simple anonymous method on single line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_blocks_on_single_line Place simple blocks on single line (generalized)
resharper_place_simple_case_statement_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Place simple "case" statement on same line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_declaration_blocks_on_single_line Place blocks from simple type members on single line (generalized)
resharper_place_simple_embedded_block_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Blocks - Place a block with a single simple statement on same line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_embedded_statement_on_same_line Arrangement of Embedded Statements - Place simple embedded statement on same line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_initializer_on_single_line Arrangement of Initializers - Place simple array, object and collection on single line (C#)
resharper_place_simple_method_on_single_line Arrangement of Declaration Blocks - Place simple method on single line (C#)
resharper_place_template_args_on_new_line Place on a New Line - Place template literal arguments on a new line (JavaScript)
resharper_place_type_attribute_on_same_line Arrangement of Attributes - Place type attribute on same line (C#)
resharper_place_type_constraints_on_same_line Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Allow type constraints on same line (C#)
resharper_polymorphic_field_like_event_invocation_highlighting Code Inspection: Invocation of polymorphic field-like event
resharper_possible_infinite_inheritance_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible infinite inheritance
resharper_possible_intended_rethrow_highlighting Code Inspection: Exception rethrow possibly intended
resharper_possible_interface_member_ambiguity_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible ambiguity while accessing member by interface
resharper_possible_invalid_cast_exception_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible 'System.InvalidCastException'
resharper_possible_invalid_cast_exception_in_foreach_loop_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible 'System.InvalidCastException' in foreach loop
resharper_possible_invalid_operation_exception_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible 'System.InvalidOperationException'
resharper_possible_loss_of_fraction_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible loss of fraction
resharper_possible_mistaken_argument_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible mistaken argument
resharper_possible_mistaken_call_to_get_type_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible mistaken call to GetType()
resharper_possible_mistaken_call_to_get_type_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible mistaken call to GetType()
resharper_possible_multiple_enumeration_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable
resharper_possible_multiple_write_access_in_double_check_locking_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible incorrect implementation of Double-Check Locking pattern. Possible multiple write access to checked field
resharper_possible_null_reference_exception_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible 'System.NullReferenceException'
resharper_possible_struct_member_modification_of_non_variable_struct_highlighting Code Inspection: Assignment to a property of a readonly field can be useless
resharper_possible_unintended_linear_search_in_set_highlighting Code Inspection: Possibly unintended linear search in set
resharper_possible_unintended_queryable_as_enumerable_highlighting Code Inspection: IQueryable is possibly unintentionally used as IEnumerable
resharper_possible_unintended_reference_comparison_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible unintended reference comparison
resharper_possible_write_to_me_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible write to 'Me'
resharper_possibly_incorrectly_broken_statement_highlighting Code Inspection: Statement is possibly incorrectly broken by a newline
resharper_possibly_missing_indexer_initializer_comma_highlighting Code Inspection: Possibly missing comma before indexer initializer
resharper_possibly_mistaken_use_of_params_method_highlighting Code Inspection: Method with 'params' is invoked while more specific method is available
resharper_possibly_unassigned_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of possibly unassigned property or global variable
resharper_prefer_explicit_discard_declaration Use 'var' keyword for discards (C#)
resharper_prefer_qualified_reference Reference Qualification - Prefer fully qualified references (C#)
resharper_prefer_separate_deconstructed_variables_declaration Prefer separate declarations for deconstructed variables (C#)
resharper_preserve_spaces_inside_tags Around Tags - Keep white spaces inside (HTML)
resharper_private_field_can_be_converted_to_local_variable_highlighting Code Inspection: Private field can be converted to local variable
resharper_private_variable_can_be_made_readonly_highlighting Code Inspection: Private class field can be made readonly
resharper_properties_style Code Layout - Properties (Css)
resharper_property_getter_cannot_have_parameters_highlighting Code Inspection: Property getter cannot have parameters
resharper_property_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve property
resharper_property_setter_must_have_single_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Property setter must have a single parameter
resharper_protobuf_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (Protobuf)
resharper_protobuf_brace_style Braces layout style (generalized)
resharper_protobuf_empty_block_style Indenting Options - Empty block style (Protobuf)
resharper_protobuf_not_options_braces Indenting Options - Curly braces not in options (Protobuf)
resharper_protobuf_options_braces Indenting Options - Curly/pointy braces in aggregate values in options (Protobuf)
resharper_protobuf_options_braces_pointy Other - Use pointy braces in aggregate options (Protobuf)
resharper_protobuf_space_colon_after Spaces - After: in aggregate options (Protobuf)
resharper_protobuf_space_colon_before Spaces - Before: in aggregate options (Protobuf)
resharper_protobuf_space_comma Spaces - After comma in options (Protobuf)
resharper_protobuf_space_equals Spaces - Around = in fields and options (Protobuf)
resharper_public_constructor_in_abstract_class_highlighting Code Inspection: Make constructor in abstract class protected
resharper_pure_attribute_on_void_method_highlighting Code Inspection: 'void' method is annotated by [Pure] attribute
resharper_qualified_expression_is_null_highlighting Code Inspection: Qualifier is 'null' or 'undefined'
resharper_qualified_expression_maybe_null_highlighting Code Inspection: Qualifier can be 'null' or 'undefined'
resharper_qualified_using_at_nested_scope Reference Qualification - Prefer fully qualified using name at nested scope (C#)
resharper_quantifier_after_achor_highlighting Code Inspection: Meaningless quantifier after an anchor
resharper_quote_style Quotes - Quote style, available for: HTML, JavaScript
resharper_razor_layout_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown Razor layout
resharper_razor_section_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown Razor section
resharper_read_access_in_double_check_locking_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible incorrect implementation of Double-Check Locking pattern. Read access to checked field
resharper_redundant_anonymous_type_property_name_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant anonymous type property explicit name
resharper_redundant_argument_default_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant argument with default value
resharper_redundant_array_creation_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Array creation can be replaced with array initializer
resharper_redundant_array_lower_bound_specification_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant array lower bound specification
resharper_redundant_assignment_highlighting Code Inspection: Assignment is not used
resharper_redundant_attribute_parentheses_highlighting Code Inspection: Parentheses are redundant if attribute has no arguments
resharper_redundant_attribute_usage_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant [AttributeUsage] attribute property assignment
resharper_redundant_base_constructor_call_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant base constructor call
resharper_redundant_base_qualifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'base.' qualifier
resharper_redundant_blank_lines_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect blank lines (blank lines are redundant elsewhere)
resharper_redundant_block_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant block
resharper_redundant_bool_compare_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant boolean comparison
resharper_redundant_case_label_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'case' label
resharper_redundant_cast_0_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant cast to 'object'
resharper_redundant_cast_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant cast
resharper_redundant_catch_clause_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant catch clause
resharper_redundant_check_before_assignment_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant condition check before assignments
resharper_redundant_collection_initializer_element_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant braces in collection initializer
resharper_redundant_comma_in_attribute_list_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant comma in attribute list
resharper_redundant_comma_in_enum_declaration_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant comma in enum declaration
resharper_redundant_comma_in_initializer_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant comma in array/object/collection/anonymous type initializer
resharper_redundant_comparison_with_boolean_highlighting Code Inspection: Comparison of boolean with boolean value is equivalent to value or negated value
resharper_redundant_css_hack_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant CSS hack
resharper_redundant_declaration_semicolon_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant semicolon after type or namespace declaration
resharper_redundant_default_member_initializer_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant member initializer
resharper_redundant_delegate_creation_highlighting Code Inspection: Explicit delegate creation expression is redundant
resharper_redundant_else_block_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'else' block
resharper_redundant_empty_case_else_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant empty 'Case Else' statement
resharper_redundant_empty_constructor_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant empty constructor without parameters
resharper_redundant_empty_finally_block_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant empty finally block
resharper_redundant_empty_object_creation_argument_list_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant empty argument list on object creation expression
resharper_redundant_empty_object_or_collection_initializer_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant empty object or collection initializer
resharper_redundant_empty_switch_section_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant empty switch section
resharper_redundant_enumerable_cast_call_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'IEnumerable.Cast<T>' or 'IEnumerable.OfType<T>' call
resharper_redundant_explicit_array_creation_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant explicit type in array creation
resharper_redundant_explicit_array_size_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant explicit size specification in array creation
resharper_redundant_explicit_nullable_creation_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant explicit nullable type creation
resharper_redundant_explicit_params_array_creation_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant explicit array creation in argument of 'params' parameter
resharper_redundant_explicit_tuple_component_name_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant explicit tuple component name
resharper_redundant_extends_list_entry_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant class or interface specification in base types list
resharper_redundant_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant code
resharper_redundant_if_else_block_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'else' keyword
resharper_redundant_if_statement_then_keyword_highlighting Code Inspection: Keyword 'Then' is redundant in multiline 'If' statement
resharper_redundant_immediate_delegate_invocation_highlighting Code Inspection: Immediate delegate invocation
resharper_redundant_intermediate_variable_highlighting Code Inspection: Intermediate local variable is redundant and may be safely inlined
resharper_redundant_iterator_keyword_highlighting Code Inspection: Iterator function without 'Yield' statements
resharper_redundant_jump_statement_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant control flow jump statement
resharper_redundant_lambda_parameter_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant lambda expression parameter type specification
resharper_redundant_lambda_signature_parentheses_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant lambda signature parentheses
resharper_redundant_linebreak_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect line breaks (line break is redundant elsewhere)
resharper_redundant_local_class_name_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant local class name
resharper_redundant_local_function_name_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant local function name
resharper_redundant_logical_conditional_expression_operand_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant operand in logical conditional expression
resharper_redundant_me_qualifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'Me.' qualifier
resharper_redundant_my_base_qualifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'MyBase.' qualifier
resharper_redundant_my_class_qualifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'MyClass.' qualifier
resharper_redundant_name_qualifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant name qualifier
resharper_redundant_nullable_type_mark_highlighting Code Inspection: Type check for nullable type is equal to underlying type check
resharper_redundant_overflow_checking_context_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant arithmetic overflow checking context
resharper_redundant_overload_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant method overload (non-private accessibility)
resharper_redundant_overload_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant method overload (private accessibility)
resharper_redundant_overridden_member_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant member override
resharper_redundant_params_highlighting Code Inspection: 'params' modifier is always ignored on overrides
resharper_redundant_parent_type_declaration_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant parent type specification in extends/implements
resharper_redundant_parentheses_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove redundant parentheses
resharper_redundant_property_parentheses_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameterless property parentheses are redundant
resharper_redundant_qualifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant qualifier
resharper_redundant_query_order_by_ascending_keyword_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'orderby' clause 'ascending' keyword
resharper_redundant_setter_value_parameter_declaration_highlighting Code Inspection: Explicit 'value' parameter declaration is redundant
resharper_redundant_space_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (space is redundant elsewhere)
resharper_redundant_string_format_call_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'string.Format()' call
resharper_redundant_string_interpolation_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant string interpolation
resharper_redundant_string_to_char_array_call_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'string.ToCharArray()' call
resharper_redundant_string_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant string type
resharper_redundant_ternary_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant conditional ternary expression usage
resharper_redundant_to_string_call_for_value_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'object.ToString()' call for value types
resharper_redundant_to_string_call_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'object.ToString()' call
resharper_redundant_type_arguments_of_method_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant type arguments of method
resharper_redundant_type_cast_highlighting Code Inspection: Type cast is redundant: expression is always of provided type
resharper_redundant_type_cast_structural_highlighting Code Inspection: Type cast is redundant: expression is of a structurally compatible type
resharper_redundant_type_specification_in_default_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant type specification in default expression
resharper_redundant_units_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant measure unit
resharper_redundant_unsafe_context_highlighting Code Inspection: Unsafe context declaration is redundant
resharper_redundant_using_directive_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant using directive
resharper_redundant_variable_type_specification_highlighting Code Inspection: Type specification is redundant, because variable type is contextually determined from the type of assigned value
resharper_redundant_verbatim_prefix_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant verbatim prefix
resharper_redundant_verbatim_string_prefix_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant verbatim string prefix
resharper_reference_equals_with_value_type_highlighting Code Inspection: 'Object.ReferenceEquals' is always false because it is called with value type
resharper_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_code Blank Lines in Code - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in code (C#)
resharper_remove_blank_lines_near_braces_in_declarations Blank Lines in Declarations - Remove blank lines after "{" and before "}" in declarations (C#)
resharper_remove_constructor_invocation_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove constructor invocation
resharper_remove_redundant_braces_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred braces style (remove redundant braces)
resharper_remove_redundant_or_statement_false_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove redundant statement
resharper_remove_redundant_or_statement_true_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove redundant statement
resharper_remove_to_list_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove ToList()
resharper_remove_to_list_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove ToList()
resharper_replace_indicing_with_array_destructuring_highlighting Code Inspection: Subsequent indexers may be replaced by a destructuring declaration or assignment
resharper_replace_indicing_with_short_hand_properties_after_destructuring_highlighting Code Inspection: Subsequent indexers in object literal fields may be simplified using a destructuring
resharper_replace_undefined_checking_series_with_object_destructuring_highlighting Code Inspection: A serie of undefined-checks for properties may be replaced by a destructuring
resharper_replace_with_destructuring_swap_highlighting Code Inspection: Intermediate local variable is redundant because it may be replaced with a destructuring swap expression
resharper_replace_with_first_or_default_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with FirstOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_first_or_default_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with FirstOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_first_or_default_3_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with FirstOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_first_or_default_4_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with FirstOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_last_or_default_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with LastOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_last_or_default_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with LastOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_last_or_default_3_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with LastOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_last_or_default_4_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with LastOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_of_type_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_3_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_any_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Any()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_any_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Any() (replace with OfType<T>().Any(..))
resharper_replace_with_of_type_count_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Count()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_count_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Count() (replace with OfType<T>().Count(..))
resharper_replace_with_of_type_first_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().First()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_first_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().First() (replace with OfType<T>().First(..))
resharper_replace_with_of_type_first_or_default_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().FirstOrDefault()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_first_or_default_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().FirstOrDefault() (replace with OfType<T>().FirstOrDefault(..))
resharper_replace_with_of_type_last_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Last()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_last_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Last() (replace with OfType<T>().Last(..))
resharper_replace_with_of_type_last_or_default_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().LastOrDefault()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_last_or_default_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().LastOrDefault() (replace with OfType<T>().LastOrDefault(..))
resharper_replace_with_of_type_long_count_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().LongCount()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_single_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Single()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_single_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Single() (replace with OfType<T>().Single(..))
resharper_replace_with_of_type_single_or_default_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().SingleOrDefault()
resharper_replace_with_of_type_single_or_default_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().SingleOrDefault() (replace with OfType<T>().SingleOrDefault(..))
resharper_replace_with_of_type_where_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Where() (replace with OfType<T>().Where(..))
resharper_replace_with_simple_assignment_false_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with simple assignment
resharper_replace_with_simple_assignment_true_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with simple assignment
resharper_replace_with_single_assignment_false_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single assignment
resharper_replace_with_single_assignment_true_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single assignment
resharper_replace_with_single_call_to_any_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to Any(..)
resharper_replace_with_single_call_to_count_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to Count(..)
resharper_replace_with_single_call_to_first_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to First(..)
resharper_replace_with_single_call_to_first_or_default_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to FirstOrDefault(..)
resharper_replace_with_single_call_to_last_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to Last(..)
resharper_replace_with_single_call_to_last_or_default_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to LastOrDefault(..)
resharper_replace_with_single_call_to_single_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to Single(..)
resharper_replace_with_single_call_to_single_or_default_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to SingleOrDefault(..)
resharper_replace_with_single_or_default_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with SingleOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_single_or_default_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with SingleOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_single_or_default_3_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with SingleOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_single_or_default_4_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with SingleOrDefault($args$)
resharper_replace_with_string_is_null_or_empty_highlighting Code Inspection: Use 'String.IsNullOrEmpty'
resharper_required_base_types_conflict_highlighting Code Inspection: Required base type conflicting another type
resharper_required_base_types_direct_conflict_highlighting Code Inspection: Type specified in '[BaseTypeRequired]' attribute conflicts another type
resharper_required_base_types_is_not_inherited_highlighting Code Inspection: Base type is required
resharper_requires_fallback_color_highlighting Code Inspection: Requires fallback color
resharper_resource_item_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve resource item
resharper_resource_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve resource
resharper_resx_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve symbol
resharper_return_from_global_scopet_with_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Return statement with a value in the global scope
resharper_return_type_can_be_enumerable_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Return type can be IEnumerable<T> (non-private accessibility)
resharper_return_type_can_be_enumerable_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Return type can be IEnumerable<T> (private accessibility)
resharper_return_value_of_pure_method_is_not_used_highlighting Code Inspection: Return value of pure method is not used
resharper_same_imports_with_different_name_highlighting Code Inspection: Same item is imported twice with different names
resharper_same_variable_assignment_highlighting Code Inspection: Assignment of a local variable to itself is redundant
resharper_script_tag_has_both_src_and_content_attributes_highlighting Code Inspection: Script tag errors (<script> with both src and content)
resharper_script_tag_with_content_before_includes_highlighting Code Inspection: Script tag errors (<script> with content before included <script>)
resharper_sealed_member_in_sealed_class_highlighting Code Inspection: Sealed member in sealed class
resharper_selector_style Code Layout - Selector (Css)
resharper_separate_control_transfer_statement_highlighting Code Inspection: Separate control transfer statement with blank line
resharper_sevice_contract_without_operations_highlighting Code Inspection: Interfaces marked as ServiceContract should declare at least one OperationContract
resharper_similar_anonymous_type_nearby_highlighting Code Inspection: Similar anonymous type detected nearby
resharper_similar_expressions_comparison_highlighting Code Inspection: Similar expressions comparison
resharper_simple_embedded_statement_style Place on New Line - Break line in single embedded statement, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_simplify_conditional_operator_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify conditional operator
resharper_simplify_conditional_ternary_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify conditional ternary expression
resharper_simplify_i_if_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify 'IIf'
resharper_simplify_linq_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify LINQ expression
resharper_single_statement_function_style Line Breaks - Single-statement function (JavaScript)
resharper_sort_attributes Inside of Tag Header - Sort attributes (HTML)
resharper_sort_class_selectors Inside of Tag Header - Sort class selectors (HTML)
resharper_space_after_ampersand_op After Unary Operators - Unsafe addressof operator (&) (C#)
resharper_space_after_arrow Lambdas - After '=>' in lambda expressions (JavaScript)
resharper_space_after_asterik_op After Unary Operators - Unsafe asterisk operator (*) (C#)
resharper_space_after_attribute_colon Around Colon - After other colons (C#)
resharper_space_after_attribute_target_colon Attributes - After attribute target colon (VB.NET)
resharper_space_after_attributes Attributes - After attributes (C#)
resharper_space_after_colon Around Colon - After other colons (C#)
resharper_space_after_colon_in_case Around Colon - After colon in "case" statement, available for: C#
resharper_space_after_colon_in_type_annotation Type Annotations - After ':' (TypeScript)
resharper_space_after_comma Space after comma (generalized)
resharper_space_after_function_comma Function - After comma (Css)
resharper_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements In Control Statements - Before parentheses, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_space_after_last_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Space after last attribute, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_space_after_last_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Space after last attribute, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_space_after_logical_not_op After Unary Operators - Logical not operator (!) (C#)
resharper_space_after_media_colon Media Query - After colon (Css)
resharper_space_after_media_comma Media Query - After comma (Css)
resharper_space_after_operator_keyword Other - After operator keyword (C#)
resharper_space_after_property_colon Property - After colon, available for: Css, JavaScript
resharper_space_after_property_semicolon Property - After semicolon (Css)
resharper_space_after_selector_comma Selector - After comma (Css)
resharper_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement In Control Statements - After semicolon in for statement, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_space_after_separator Expression - After separator (Css)
resharper_space_after_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator - After ':', available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_after_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator - After '?', available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_after_type_parameter_constraint_colon Around Colon - After type parameter constraint colon (C#)
resharper_space_after_unary_minus_op After Unary Operators - Unary minus operator (-) (C#)
resharper_space_after_unary_operator (generalized)
resharper_space_after_unary_plus_op After Unary Operators - Unary plus operator (+) (C#)
resharper_space_around_additive_op Around Binary Operators - Additive operators (+,-), available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_alias_eq Other - Around '=' in namespace alias directive, available for: C#
resharper_space_around_arrow_op Around Binary Operators - Unsafe arrow operator (->) (C#)
resharper_space_around_assignment_op Around Binary Operators - Assignment operators (=,+=,...), available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_assignment_operator In Expressions - Around assignment operator, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_space_around_attribute_match_operator Attribute Selector - Around match operator (Css)
resharper_space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
resharper_space_around_bitwise_op Around Binary Operators - Bitwise operators (&,|,^) (C#)
resharper_space_around_dot Other - Around dot, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_equality_op Around Binary Operators - Equality operators (==,!=) (C#)
resharper_space_around_lambda_arrow Other - Around lambda arrow (C#)
resharper_space_around_logical_op Around Binary Operators - Logical operators (&&,||) (C#)
resharper_space_around_member_access_operator Space around member access operators (., ->, ...) (generalized)
resharper_space_around_multiplicative_op Around Binary Operators - Multiplicative operators (*,/,%), available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_nullcoalescing_op Around Binary Operators - Null coalescing operator (??) (C#)
resharper_space_around_operator Expression - Around operator (Css)
resharper_space_around_pipe_or_amper_in_type_usage Union and Intersection Types - Around '|' or '&' in type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_space_around_relational_op Around Binary Operators - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=), available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_selector_operator Selector - Around operator (Css)
resharper_space_around_shift_op Around Binary Operators - Shift operators (<<,>>), available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_around_stmt_colon Other - Around statement ':' (VB.NET)
resharper_space_around_ternary_operator (generalized)
resharper_space_before_array_access_brackets Around Array Brackets - Array access brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_array_rank_brackets Around Array Brackets - Before array rank brackets (C#)
resharper_space_before_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Before array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_arrow Lambdas - Before '=>' (JavaScript)
resharper_space_before_attribute_colon Around Colon - Before other colons (C#)
resharper_space_before_attribute_target_colon Attributes - Before attribute target colon (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_catch_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "catch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_checked_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "checked" and "unchecked" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_colon Around Colon - Before other colons (C#)
resharper_space_before_colon_in_case Around Colon - Before colon in "case" statement, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_colon_in_type_annotation Type Annotations - Before ':' (TypeScript)
resharper_space_before_comma Space before comma (generalized)
resharper_space_before_default_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_empty_method_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_space_before_fixed_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_for_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "for" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_foreach_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_function_comma Function - Before comma (Css)
resharper_space_before_if_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "if" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_label_colon Other - Before ':' in label (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_lock_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "lock" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_media_colon Media Query - Before colon (Css)
resharper_space_before_media_comma Media Query - Before comma (Css)
resharper_space_before_method_call_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method call parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_method_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_space_before_method_parentheses_anonymous In Function Declarations - Before parentheses of anonymous method (JavaScript)
resharper_space_before_nameof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_nullable_mark Other - Before nullable mark (C#)
resharper_space_before_open_square_brackets In Expressions - Before array subscript brackets, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_pointer_asterik_declaration Other - Before unsafe pointer declaration (C#)
resharper_space_before_property_colon Property - Before colon, available for: Css, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_property_semicolon Property - Before semicolon (Css)
resharper_space_before_selector_comma Selector - Before comma (Css)
resharper_space_before_self_closing Inside of Tag Header - Space before '/>', available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_space_before_semicolon Around Comma and Semicolon - Before semicolon, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement In Control Statements - Before semicolon in for statement, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_separator Expression - Before separator (Css)
resharper_space_before_singleline_accessorholder Around Braces - Before single line accessors block (C#)
resharper_space_before_sizeof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_switch_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "switch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator - Before ':', available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator - Before '?', available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_before_trailing_comment Other - Before end of line comment, available for: C#
resharper_space_before_type_argument_angle Around Angle Brackets - Before type argument list angle (C#)
resharper_space_before_type_parameter_angle Around Angle Brackets - Before type parameter list angle (C#)
resharper_space_before_type_parameter_constraint_colon Around Colon - Before type parameter constraint colon (C#)
resharper_space_before_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_before_type_parameters_brackets Type Parameters and Arguments - Before brackets (TypeScript)
resharper_space_before_typeof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_using_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "using" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_before_while_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "while" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_between_accessors_in_singleline_property Around Braces - Between accessors in single line property/event (C#)
resharper_space_between_attribute_sections Attributes - Between attribute sections (C#)
resharper_space_between_empty_square_brackets In Array Literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_space_between_keyword_and_expression Before Other Parentheses - Between keyword and expression (C#)
resharper_space_between_keyword_and_type Before Other Parentheses - Between keyword and type (C#)
resharper_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In Expressions - Within empty parentheses in function call and initialization, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
resharper_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses In Expressions - Within parentheses in function call and initialization, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses In Declarations - Within empty parentheses in function parameters, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis Space before method declaration parenthesis (generalized)
resharper_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses In Declarations - Within parentheses in function parameters, available for:, JavaScript
resharper_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements Space within parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
resharper_space_between_square_brackets Space within brackets (generalized)
resharper_space_between_typecast_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Type cast parentheses, available for: C#
resharper_space_colon_after Spaces - After: in aggregate options (Protobuf)
resharper_space_colon_before Spaces - Before: in aggregate options (Protobuf)
resharper_space_comma Spaces - After comma in options (Protobuf)
resharper_space_equals Spaces - Around = in fields and options (Protobuf)
resharper_space_in_singleline_accessorholder Around Braces - Within single line accessor (C#)
resharper_space_in_singleline_anonymous_method Around Braces - Within single line anonymous method (C#)
resharper_space_in_singleline_method Around Braces - Within single line method (C#)
resharper_space_near_postfix_and_prefix_op After Unary Operators - Before/after ++ and -- (C#)
resharper_space_within_array_access_brackets Around Array Brackets - Array access brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_within_array_initialization_braces Arrays - Within array initialization braces (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_array_literal_brackets In Array Literals - Within brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_space_within_array_rank_brackets Around Array Brackets - Within array rank brackets (C#)
resharper_space_within_array_rank_empty_brackets Around Array Brackets - Within array rank empty brackets (C#)
resharper_space_within_array_rank_empty_parentheses Arrays - Within empty array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Within array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_attribute_angles Attributes - Within attribute angles (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_attribute_brackets Attributes - Within attribute brackets (C#)
resharper_space_within_attribute_match_brackets Attribute Selector - Within brackets (Css)
resharper_space_within_catch_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "catch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_checked_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "checked" and "unchecked" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_default_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_empty_array_literal_brackets In Array Literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
resharper_space_within_empty_braces Around Braces - Space between empty braces (C#)
resharper_space_within_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_empty_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_empty_object_literal_braces In Object Expression - Within empty braces (JavaScript)
resharper_space_within_expression_parentheses Expression - Within parentheses, available for: Css, VB.NET
resharper_space_within_fixed_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_for_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "for" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_foreach_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_function_parentheses Function - Within parentheses (Css)
resharper_space_within_if_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "if" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_lock_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "lock" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_media_block Media Query - Within block (Css)
resharper_space_within_media_parentheses Media Query - Within parentheses (Css)
resharper_space_within_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_nameof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_object_literal_braces In Object Expression - Within braces (JavaScript)
resharper_space_within_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_space_within_property_block Property - Within block (Css)
resharper_space_within_single_line_array_initializer_braces Around Braces - Within single-line initializer braces (C#)
resharper_space_within_sizeof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_switch_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "switch" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_template_argument Template Literals - Within braces around template argument (JavaScript)
resharper_space_within_tuple_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within tuple parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_type_argument_angles Around Angle Brackets - Type argument angles (C#)
resharper_space_within_type_parameter_angles Around Angle Brackets - Type parameter angles (C#)
resharper_space_within_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_space_within_type_parameters_brackets Type Parameters and Arguments - Within brackets (TypeScript)
resharper_space_within_typeof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_using_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "using" parentheses (C#)
resharper_space_within_while_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "while" parentheses (C#)
resharper_spaces_around_eq_in_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Spaces around '=' in attribute, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_spaces_around_eq_in_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Spaces around '=' in attribute, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
resharper_spaces_inside_tags Tag Content - Spaces after start-tag and before end-tag otherwise, available for: XML, XMLDOC
resharper_special_else_if_treatment General - Special "else if" treatment, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_specify_a_culture_in_string_conversion_explicitly_highlighting Code Inspection: Specify string culture explicitly
resharper_specify_string_comparison_highlighting Code Inspection: Specify string comparison explicitly
resharper_specify_variable_type_explicitly_highlighting Code Inspection: Type of variable may be specified explicitly
resharper_statement_termination_highlighting Code Inspection: Statement termination doesn't match code style
resharper_static_member_in_generic_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Static field or auto-property in generic type
resharper_static_member_initializer_referes_to_member_below_highlighting Code Inspection: Static member initializer refers to static member below or in other part
resharper_static_members_qualify_members Static Members Qualification - Members to qualify (C#)
resharper_static_members_qualify_with Static Members Qualification - Qualify with the name of (C#)
resharper_static_problem_in_text_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot access static symbol in text argument
resharper_stick_comment Other Indents - Don't indent comments started at first column, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_string_compare_is_culture_specific_1_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, string) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_compare_is_culture_specific_2_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, string, bool) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_compare_is_culture_specific_3_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, string, bool) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_compare_is_culture_specific_4_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, int, string, int) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_compare_is_culture_specific_5_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, int, string, int, bool) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_compare_is_culture_specific_6_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, int, string, int, bool) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_compare_to_is_culture_specific_highlighting Code Inspection: String.CompareTo is culture-specific
resharper_string_concatenation_to_template_string_highlighting Code Inspection: String concatenation may be converted to template string
resharper_string_ends_with_is_culture_specific_highlighting Code Inspection: String.EndsWith is culture-specific (string.EndsWith(string) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_index_of_is_culture_specific_1_highlighting Code Inspection: String.IndexOf is culture-specific (string.IndexOf(string) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_index_of_is_culture_specific_2_highlighting Code Inspection: String.IndexOf is culture-specific (string.IndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_index_of_is_culture_specific_3_highlighting Code Inspection: String.IndexOf is culture-specific (string.IndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_last_index_of_is_culture_specific_1_highlighting Code Inspection: String.LastIndexOf is culture-specific (string.LastIndexOf(string) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_last_index_of_is_culture_specific_2_highlighting Code Inspection: String.LastIndexOf is culture-specific (string.LastIndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_last_index_of_is_culture_specific_3_highlighting Code Inspection: String.LastIndexOf is culture-specific (string.LastIndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific)
resharper_string_literal_as_interpolation_argument_highlighting Code Inspection: String literal can be inlined
resharper_string_literal_wrong_quotes_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-compliant quotes around string literal
resharper_string_starts_with_is_culture_specific_highlighting Code Inspection: String.StartsWith is culture-specific (string.StartsWith(string) is culture-specific)
resharper_suggest_base_type_for_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Parameter can be declared with base type
resharper_suggest_discard_declaration_var_style_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred style for discard declaration
resharper_suggest_var_or_type_built_in_types_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred 'var' style (for built-in types)
resharper_suggest_var_or_type_deconstruction_declarations_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred 'var' style (in deconstruction declarations)
resharper_suggest_var_or_type_elsewhere_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred 'var' style (elsewhere)
resharper_suggest_var_or_type_simple_types_highlighting Code Inspection: Use preferred 'var' style (when type is simple)
resharper_super_call_highlighting Code Inspection: Invocation of parent class may be converted to super call
resharper_super_call_prohibits_this_highlighting Code Inspection: 'super' must be called before accessing 'this' in the constructor of a derived class.
resharper_suspicious_instanceof_check_highlighting Code Inspection: Suspicious 'instanceof' check
resharper_suspicious_lambda_block_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible mistake: ambiguous lambda block and object literal
resharper_suspicious_this_usage_highlighting Code Inspection: Suspicious 'this' usage in context of local function inside class member
resharper_suspicious_type_conversion_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Suspicious type conversion or check
resharper_suspicious_typeof_check_highlighting Code Inspection: Suspicious 'typeof' check
resharper_switch_statement_missing_some_cases_highlighting Code Inspection: Some values of the enum are not processed inside switch statement
resharper_syntax_is_not_allowed_highlighting Code Inspection: Syntax is not allowed in specified CSS version
resharper_tabs_and_spaces_mismatch_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (tabs/spaces mismatch)
resharper_tabs_are_disallowed_highlighting Code Inspection: Usage of tabulation character for indentation is prohibited
resharper_tabs_outside_indent_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect spacing (tabs are prohibited here)
resharper_tail_recursive_call_highlighting Code Inspection: Tail recursive call may be replaced with loop
resharper_tasks_not_loaded_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown tasks assembly
resharper_termination_style Statements - Defines how statements are terminated (JavaScript)
resharper_ternary_can_be_replaced_by_its_condition_highlighting Code Inspection: Ternary operator may be replaced by it's condition
resharper_this_in_global_context_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of 'this' in global context
resharper_thread_static_at_instance_field_highlighting Code Inspection: [ThreadStatic] doesn't work with instance fields
resharper_thread_static_field_has_initializer_highlighting Code Inspection: Thread static field has initializer
resharper_throw_must_be_followed_by_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Expression is expected after 'throw' statement
resharper_too_wide_local_variable_scope_highlighting Code Inspection: Local variable has too wide declaration scope
resharper_try_cast_always_succeeds_highlighting Code Inspection: Safe cast expression always succeeds
resharper_try_cast_and_check_for_null_0_highlighting Code Inspection: Try cast and check for null may be replaced with type check
resharper_try_cast_and_check_for_null_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Try cast and check for null may be replaced with type check
resharper_try_statements_can_be_merged_highlighting Code Inspection: try-catch and try-finally statements can be merged
resharper_ts_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of undeclared variable
resharper_ts_resolved_from_inaccessible_module_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve, probably symbol is located in inaccessible module
resharper_type_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Type and namespace declaration, available for: C#
resharper_type_guard_doesnt_affect_anything_highlighting Code Inspection: Type guard doesn't affect variable's type in any way
resharper_type_guard_produces_never_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Type guard definitely produces 'never' type for the variable
resharper_type_parameter_can_be_variant_highlighting Code Inspection: Type parameter could be declared as covariant or contravariant
resharper_type_parameter_hides_type_param_from_outer_scope_highlighting Code Inspection: Type parameter hides type parameter declared in outer scope
resharper_types_braces Braces Layout - Types and modules (TypeScript)
resharper_ul_tag_contains_non_li_elements_highlighting Code Inspection: Elements not allowed in context (<ul> contains elements other than <li> or <li> is unclosed)
resharper_unassigned_field_compiler_highlighting Code Inspection: Unassigned field
resharper_unassigned_field_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Unassigned field (non-private accessibility)
resharper_unassigned_field_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Unassigned field (private accessibility)
resharper_unassigned_get_only_auto_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Get-only auto-property is never assigned
resharper_unassigned_readonly_field_compiler_highlighting Code Inspection: Unassigned readonly field
resharper_unassigned_readonly_field_highlighting Code Inspection: Unassigned readonly field
resharper_unclosed_script_highlighting Code Inspection: Script tag errors (unclosed <script>)
resharper_undeclared_global_variable_using_highlighting Code Inspection: Using of undeclared global variable
resharper_unexpected_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Value is unexpected
resharper_unknown_css_class_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown CSS class
resharper_unknown_css_variable_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown custom property
resharper_unknown_css_vendor_extension_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown vendor-specific extension
resharper_unknown_item_group_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown item group
resharper_unknown_metadata_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown metadata
resharper_unknown_output_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown output parameter
resharper_unknown_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown property
resharper_unknown_target_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown target
resharper_unknown_task_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown task attribute
resharper_unknown_task_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown task
resharper_unnecessary_whitespace_highlighting Code Inspection: Unnecessary whitespace at the end of line
resharper_unreachable_code_highlighting Code Inspection: Unreachable code detected
resharper_unsafe_comma_in_object_properties_list_highlighting Code Inspection: Trailing redundant comma in object properties list may be error
resharper_unsupported_required_base_type_highlighting Code Inspection: BaseTypeRequired attribute supports only classes and interfaces
resharper_unused_anonymous_method_signature_highlighting Code Inspection: Anonymous method signature is not necessary
resharper_unused_auto_property_accessor_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Auto-property accessor is never used (non-private accessibility)
resharper_unused_auto_property_accessor_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Auto-property accessor is never used (private accessibility)
resharper_unused_field_compiler_highlighting Code Inspection: Field is never used
resharper_unused_import_clause_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused import clause
resharper_unused_inherited_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused parameter of inherited member
resharper_unused_label_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused label
resharper_unused_local_function_compiler_highlighting Code Inspection: Local function is never used
resharper_unused_local_function_highlighting Code Inspection: Local function is never used
resharper_unused_local_function_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused parameter of local function
resharper_unused_local_function_return_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Local function return value is never used
resharper_unused_local_import_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused local import
resharper_unused_locals_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused local variable / function / class
resharper_unused_member_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Type or member is never used (non-private accessibility)
resharper_unused_member_hierarchy_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Type member is only used in overrides (non-private accessibility)
resharper_unused_member_hierarchy_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Type member is only used in overrides (private accessibility)
resharper_unused_member_in_super_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Type member is never accessed via base type (non-private accessibility)
resharper_unused_member_in_super_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Type member is never accessed via base type (private accessibility)
resharper_unused_member_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Type or member is never used (private accessibility)
resharper_unused_method_return_value_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Method return value is never used (non-private accessibility)
resharper_unused_method_return_value_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Method return value is never used (private accessibility)
resharper_unused_parameter_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused parameter (non-private accessibility)
resharper_unused_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused parameter
resharper_unused_parameter_in_partial_method_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused parameter in partial method
resharper_unused_parameter_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused parameter (private accessibility)
resharper_unused_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused property or function
resharper_unused_tuple_component_in_return_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Component of the tuple is never used
resharper_unused_type_parameter_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused type parameter
resharper_unused_variable_compiler_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused local variable
resharper_unused_variable_highlighting Code Inspection: Unused local variable
resharper_usage_of_definitely_unassigned_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Usage of unassigned local variable
resharper_usage_of_possibly_unassigned_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Usage of possibly unassigned local variable
resharper_use_array_creation_expression_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Use array creation expression
resharper_use_array_creation_expression_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Use array creation expression
resharper_use_as_instead_of_type_cast_highlighting Code Inspection: Use 'as' operator instead of type assertion
resharper_use_collection_count_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Use collection's count property
resharper_use_continuous_indent_inside_parens Parenthesis - Use continuous line indent inside parenthesis (C#)
resharper_use_format_specifier_in_format_string_highlighting Code Inspection: Use format specifier in format strings
resharper_use_format_specifier_in_interpolation_highlighting Code Inspection: Use format specifier in interpolated strings
resharper_use_heuristics_for_body_style Code Body - Apply style heuristics (C#)
resharper_use_implicit_by_val_modifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Use implicit 'ByVal' modifier
resharper_use_implicitly_typed_variable_evident_highlighting Code Inspection: Use implicitly typed variable declaration (evident)
resharper_use_implicitly_typed_variable_highlighting Code Inspection: Use implicitly typed variable declaration
resharper_use_indexed_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Use indexed property
resharper_use_is_operator_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Use 'is' operator
resharper_use_is_operator_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Use 'is' operator
resharper_use_method_any_0_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method Any()
resharper_use_method_any_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method Any()
resharper_use_method_any_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method Any()
resharper_use_method_any_3_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method Any()
resharper_use_method_any_4_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method Any()
resharper_use_method_is_instance_of_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method IsInstanceOfType(..)
resharper_use_nameof_expression_highlighting Code Inspection: Use 'nameof' expression to reference name
resharper_use_negated_pattern_matching_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert 'as' expression type check and the following null check into negated pattern matching
resharper_use_null_propagation_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace if statement with null-propagating code
resharper_use_null_propagation_when_possible_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace if statement with null-propagating code (when possible)
resharper_use_object_or_collection_initializer_highlighting Code Inspection: Use object or collection initializer when possible
resharper_use_of_implicit_global_in_function_scope_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of implicitly declared global variable
resharper_use_of_possibly_unassigned_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of possibly unassigned property in a static initializer
resharper_use_pattern_matching_highlighting Code Inspection: Convert 'as' expression type check and the following null check into pattern matching
resharper_use_string_interpolation_highlighting Code Inspection: Use string interpolation expression
resharper_use_verbatim_string_highlighting Code Inspection: Literal's length can be reduced by using verbatim string
resharper_using_of_reserved_word_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Using of future reserved keywords in 'strict mode'
resharper_using_of_reserved_word_highlighting Code Inspection: Use of future reserved word
resharper_value_parameter_not_used_highlighting Code Inspection: 'value' parameter is not used
resharper_value_should_have_units_highlighting Code Inspection: Value should have units
resharper_variable_can_be_made_const_highlighting Code Inspection: Variable can be made constant
resharper_variable_can_be_made_let_highlighting Code Inspection: 'var' variable can be made 'let' variable
resharper_variable_can_be_moved_to_inner_block_highlighting Code Inspection: Local variable can be safely moved to inner block
resharper_variable_used_before_declared_highlighting Code Inspection: Variable is used before it is declared
resharper_variable_used_in_inner_scope_before_declared_highlighting Code Inspection: Variable is used in inner scope before it is declared
resharper_variable_used_out_of_scope_highlighting Code Inspection: Variable is used outside of scope which it is declared
resharper_vb_align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Invocation arguments (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_align_multiline_array_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array initializer (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Expression (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_align_multiline_implements_list Align Multiline Constructs - Implements/handles list (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declaration list (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - After imports section (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_after_options Blank Lines - After file options section (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines - Around multiline field (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_global_attribute Blank Lines - After global attribute (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines - Around multiline method (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines - Around namespace (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_region Blank Lines - Around region (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines - Around single line field (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines - Around single line method (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines - Around type (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_blank_lines_inside_region Blank Lines - Inside region (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_check_for_reference_equality_instead_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Check for reference equality instead
resharper_vb_check_for_reference_equality_instead_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Check for reference equality instead
resharper_vb_indent_case_from_select Other - Indent "case" from "select" (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_keep_blank_lines_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in code (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in declarations (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_keep_user_linebreaks Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep existing line breaks (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_place_event_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place event attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_place_field_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place field attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_place_method_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place method attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_place_property_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place property attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_place_type_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place type attribute on same line (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_possible_mistaken_argument_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible mistaken argument
resharper_vb_possible_mistaken_call_to_get_type_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible mistaken call to GetType()
resharper_vb_possible_mistaken_call_to_get_type_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Possible mistaken call to GetType()
resharper_vb_remove_to_list_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove ToList()
resharper_vb_remove_to_list_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove ToList()
resharper_vb_replace_with_first_or_default_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with FirstOrDefault($args$)
resharper_vb_replace_with_last_or_default_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with LastOrDefault($args$)
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>() (replace with OfType(Of ..)())
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>() (replace with OfType(Of ..)())
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_any_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Any() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Any())
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_any_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Any() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Any(..))
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_count_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Count() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Count())
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_count_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Count() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Count(..))
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_first_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().First() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().First())
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_first_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().First() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().First(..))
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_first_or_default_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().FirstOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().FirstOrDefault())
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_first_or_default_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().FirstOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().FirstOrDefault(..))
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_last_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Last() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Last())
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_last_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Last() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Last(..))
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_last_or_default_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().LastOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().LastOrDefault())
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_last_or_default_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().LastOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().LastOrDefault(..))
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_single_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Single() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Single())
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_single_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Single() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Single(..))
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_single_or_default_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().SingleOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().SingleOrDefault())
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_single_or_default_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().SingleOrDefault() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().SingleOrDefault(..))
resharper_vb_replace_with_of_type_where_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with OfType<T>().Where() (replace with OfType(Of ..)().Where(..))
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_assignment_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single assignment
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_assignment_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single assignment
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_call_to_any_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to Any(..)
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_call_to_count_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to Count(..)
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_call_to_first_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to First(..)
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_call_to_first_or_default_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to FirstOrDefault(..)
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_call_to_last_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to Last(..)
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_call_to_last_or_default_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to LastOrDefault(..)
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_call_to_single_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to Single(..)
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_call_to_single_or_default_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with single call to SingleOrDefault(..)
resharper_vb_replace_with_single_or_default_highlighting Code Inspection: Replace with SingleOrDefault($args$)
resharper_vb_simplify_linq_expression_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify expression
resharper_vb_simplify_linq_expression_10_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify expression
resharper_vb_simplify_linq_expression_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify expression
resharper_vb_simplify_linq_expression_3_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify expression
resharper_vb_simplify_linq_expression_4_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify expression
resharper_vb_simplify_linq_expression_5_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify expression
resharper_vb_simplify_linq_expression_6_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify expression
resharper_vb_simplify_linq_expression_7_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify expression
resharper_vb_simplify_linq_expression_8_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify expression
resharper_vb_simplify_linq_expression_9_highlighting Code Inspection: Simplify expression
resharper_vb_space_after_attribute_target_colon Attributes - After attribute target colon (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_after_comma Other - After ',' (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_additive_op Around Operations - Additive operators (+,-) (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_assignment_op Around Operations - Assignment operators (=,+=,...) (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
resharper_vb_space_around_dot Other - Around '.' (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_member_access_operator Other - Around '.' (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_multiplicative_op Around Operations - Multiplicative operators (*,/,...) (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_relational_op Around Operations - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=) (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_shift_op Around Operations - Shift operators (<<,>>) (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_around_stmt_colon Other - Around statement ':' (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Before array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_attribute_target_colon Attributes - Before attribute target colon (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_comma Other - Before ',' (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_empty_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_label_colon Other - Before ':' in label (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_before_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_array_initialization_braces Arrays - Within array initialization braces (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_array_rank_empty_parentheses Arrays - Within empty array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Within array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_attribute_angles Attributes - Within attribute angles (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_empty_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_expression_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within expression parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_tuple_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within tuple parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_space_within_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_stick_comment Other - Don't indent comments started at first column (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_string_compare_is_culture_specific_1_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, string) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_compare_is_culture_specific_2_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, string, bool) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_compare_is_culture_specific_3_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, string, bool) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_compare_is_culture_specific_4_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, int, string, int) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_compare_is_culture_specific_5_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, int, string, int, bool) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_compare_is_culture_specific_6_highlighting Code Inspection: String.Compare is culture-specific (string.Compare(string, int, string, int, bool) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_compare_to_is_culture_specific_highlighting Code Inspection: String.CompareTo is culture-specific
resharper_vb_string_ends_with_is_culture_specific_highlighting Code Inspection: String.EndsWith is culture-specific (string.EndsWith(string) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_index_of_is_culture_specific_1_highlighting Code Inspection: String.IndexOf is culture-specific (string.IndexOf(string) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_index_of_is_culture_specific_2_highlighting Code Inspection: String.IndexOf is culture-specific (string.IndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_index_of_is_culture_specific_3_highlighting Code Inspection: String.IndexOf is culture-specific (string.IndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_last_index_of_is_culture_specific_1_highlighting Code Inspection: String.LastIndexOf is culture-specific (string.LastIndexOf(string) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_last_index_of_is_culture_specific_2_highlighting Code Inspection: String.LastIndexOf is culture-specific (string.LastIndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_last_index_of_is_culture_specific_3_highlighting Code Inspection: String.LastIndexOf is culture-specific (string.LastIndexOf(string, int) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_string_starts_with_is_culture_specific_highlighting Code Inspection: String.StartsWith is culture-specific (string.StartsWith(string) is culture-specific)
resharper_vb_unreachable_code_highlighting Code Inspection: Unreachable code
resharper_vb_use_array_creation_expression_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Use array creation expression
resharper_vb_use_array_creation_expression_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Use array creation expression
resharper_vb_use_first_instead_highlighting Code Inspection: Use First() instead
resharper_vb_use_method_any_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method Any()
resharper_vb_use_method_any_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method Any()
resharper_vb_use_method_any_3_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method Any()
resharper_vb_use_method_any_4_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method Any()
resharper_vb_use_method_any_5_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method Any()
resharper_vb_use_method_is_instance_of_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Use method IsInstanceOfType(..)
resharper_vb_use_type_of_is_operator_1_highlighting Code Inspection: Use 'TypeOf .. Is ..' operator
resharper_vb_use_type_of_is_operator_2_highlighting Code Inspection: Use 'TypeOf .. Is ..' operator
resharper_vb_warnings_bc40000_highlighting Code Inspection: Use obsolete member
resharper_vb_warnings_bc400005_highlighting Code Inspection: Member shadows an overriable member
resharper_vb_warnings_bc40008_highlighting Code Inspection: Use obsolete member (without message)
resharper_vb_warnings_bc40056_highlighting Code Inspection: Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'name' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42016_highlighting Code Inspection: Runtime errors might occur when converting X to Y
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42025_highlighting Code Inspection: Access of shared member through an instance
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42104_highlighting Code Inspection: Variable is used before it has been assigned a value
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42105_bc42106_bc42107_highlighting Code Inspection: Function doesn't return a value on all code paths
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42304_highlighting Code Inspection: Syntax error in XML comment
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42309_highlighting Code Inspection: XML comment has a tag with a 'cref' attribute that could not be resolved
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42322_highlighting Code Inspection: Runtime errors might occur when converting X to Y
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42349_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant DirectCast to the equals value type
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42353_bc42354_bc42355_highlighting Code Inspection: Function doesn't return a value on all code paths
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42356_highlighting Code Inspection: Async method lacks 'Await' operators
resharper_vb_warnings_bc42358_highlighting Code Inspection: Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed. Consider applying the 'Await' operator to the result of the call.
resharper_vb_warnings_wme006_highlighting Code Inspection: Namespace should be default namespace of this project
resharper_vb_wrap_arguments_style Line Wrapping - Wrap invocation arguments (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_before_binary_opsign Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in method declaration (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_extends_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap extends/implements/handles list (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple declarations list (VB.NET)
resharper_vb_wrap_parameters_style Line Wrapping - Wrap formal parameters (VB.NET)
resharper_virtual_member_call_in_constructor_highlighting Code Inspection: Virtual member call in constructor
resharper_virtual_member_never_overridden_global_highlighting Code Inspection: Virtual(overridable) member is never overridden (non-private accessibility)
resharper_virtual_member_never_overridden_local_highlighting Code Inspection: Virtual(overridable) member is never overridden (private accessibility)
resharper_void_method_with_must_use_return_value_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: 'void' method is annotated by [MustUseReturnValue] attribute
resharper_web_config_module_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve module
resharper_web_config_module_qualification_resolve_highlighting Code Inspection: Module qualification required
resharper_web_config_redundant_add_namespace_tag_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant add namespace element
resharper_web_config_redundant_location_tag_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant location element
resharper_web_config_tag_prefix_redundand_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant tagPrefix declaration
resharper_web_config_type_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Cannot resolve symbol
resharper_web_config_unused_add_tag_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant add element
resharper_web_config_unused_element_due_to_config_source_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant element or attribute because of 'configSource' attribute
resharper_web_config_unused_remove_or_clear_tag_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant remove or clear element
resharper_web_config_web_config_path_warning_highlighting Code Inspection: Referenced path cannot be found in the website
resharper_web_config_wrong_module_highlighting Code Inspection: Wrong module
resharper_web_ignored_path_highlighting Code Inspection: Ignored path
resharper_web_mapped_path_highlighting Code Inspection: Mapped path
resharper_with_statement_using_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Using of 'with' statements in 'strict mode'
resharper_wrap_after_declaration_lpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_after_dot_in_method_calls Arrangement of Member Access Expressions - Prefer wrap after "." (C#)
resharper_wrap_after_invocation_lpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_arguments_style Arrangement of Invocations - Wrap invocation arguments, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_around_elements Tag Content - Wrap before and after elements, available for: XML, XMLDOC
resharper_wrap_array_initializer_style Arrangement of Initializers - Wrap array initializer (C#)
resharper_wrap_array_literals Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap array literals (JavaScript)
resharper_wrap_before_arrow_with_expressions Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Prefer wrap before "=>" followed by expressions (C#)
resharper_wrap_before_binary_opsign Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_before_comma General - Prefer wrap before ",", available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_before_declaration_rpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap before ")" in declaration (C#)
resharper_wrap_before_dot Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before "." (JavaScript)
resharper_wrap_before_extends_colon Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before ":" (C#)
resharper_wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before first constraint (C#)
resharper_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_before_invocation_rpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap before ")" in invocation (C#)
resharper_wrap_before_linq_expression Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Prefer wrap before multiline LINQ expressions (C#)
resharper_wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_before_type_parameter_langle Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before type parameters opening angle (C#)
resharper_wrap_chained_binary_expressions Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Wrap chained binary expressions, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_chained_method_calls Arrangement of Member Access Expressions - Wrap chained method calls, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_enum_style Line Breaks - Enumerations (TypeScript)
resharper_wrap_extends_list_style Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Wrap extends/implements list, available for: C#, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_for_stmt_header_style Arrangement of Statements - Wrap "for" statement header, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_linq_expressions Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Wrap LINQ expressions (C#)
resharper_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Arrangement of Statements - Wrap multiple declaration, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_multiple_type_parameter_constraints_style Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Wrap multiple type parameter constraints (C#)
resharper_wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style Arrangement of Initializers - Wrap object and collection initializer (C#)
resharper_wrap_object_literals Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap object literals (JavaScript)
resharper_wrap_parameters_style Arrangement of Method Signatures - Wrap formal parameters, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
resharper_wrap_tags_and_pi Line Wrapping - Wrap tags and processing instructions, available for: XML, XMLDOC
resharper_wrap_ternary_expr_style Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Wrap ternary expression, available for: C#, JavaScript
resharper_wrap_text Tag Content - Wrap inside text, available for: XML, XMLDOC
resharper_wrap_union_type_usage Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap union type usage (TypeScript)
resharper_wrong_expression_statement_highlighting Code Inspection: Suspicious expression statement
resharper_wrong_indent_size_highlighting Code Inspection: Incorrect indent (incorrect indent size)
resharper_wrong_metadata_use_highlighting Code Inspection: Wrong metadata use
resharper_wrong_public_modifier_specification_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-compliant 'public' modifier or its absense
resharper_wrong_require_relative_path_highlighting Code Inspection: Non-compliant path style inside 'require'
resharper_xaml_binding_with_context_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unresolved binding path when DataContext is known
resharper_xaml_binding_without_context_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Unresolved binding path when DataContext is unknown
resharper_xaml_constructor_warning_highlighting Code Inspection: Constructor not resolved
resharper_xaml_dependency_property_resolve_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Dependency property descriptor field missing
resharper_xaml_duplicate_style_setter_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate style property/event setter
resharper_xaml_dynamic_resource_error_highlighting Code Inspection: {DynamicResource} can only be used with dependency property
resharper_xaml_element_name_reference_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Element name reference not resolved
resharper_xaml_ignored_path_highlighting_highlighting Code Inspection: Ignored path
resharper_xaml_index_out_of_grid_definition_highlighting Code Inspection: Grid element column/row index is out of grid definition range
resharper_xaml_invalid_member_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Member of invalid type
resharper_xaml_invalid_resource_target_type_highlighting Code Inspection: XAML style of invalid target type
resharper_xaml_invalid_resource_type_highlighting Code Inspection: XAML resource of invalid type
resharper_xaml_invalid_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Object/markup extension of invalid type
resharper_xaml_language_level_highlighting Code Inspection: XAML language level error
resharper_xaml_mapped_path_highlighting_highlighting Code Inspection: Mapped path
resharper_xaml_missing_grid_index_highlighting Code Inspection: Missing grid column/row setter for non-first child
resharper_xaml_path_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Path error
resharper_xaml_redundant_attached_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Remove redundant attached property setter
resharper_xaml_redundant_collection_property_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant empty collection property setter
resharper_xaml_redundant_freeze_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant 'Freeze' attribute
resharper_xaml_redundant_grid_definitions_highlighting Code Inspection: Single grid row/column definition is redundant
resharper_xaml_redundant_grid_span_highlighting Code Inspection: Single-cell grid column/row span is redundant
resharper_xaml_redundant_modifiers_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant modifiers attribute
resharper_xaml_redundant_name_attribute_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant name attribute
resharper_xaml_redundant_namespace_alias_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant namespace alias
resharper_xaml_redundant_property_type_qualifier_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant property type qualifier
resharper_xaml_redundant_resource_highlighting Code Inspection: Redundant resource
resharper_xaml_redundant_styled_value_highlighting Code Inspection: Property value is equal to style-provided
resharper_xaml_routed_event_resolve_error_highlighting Code Inspection: Routed event descriptor field missing
resharper_xaml_static_resource_not_resolved_highlighting Code Inspection: Static resource not resolved
resharper_xaml_style_invalid_target_type_highlighting Code Inspection: Style target type is not convertible to base type
resharper_xaml_x_key_attribute_disallowed_highlighting Code Inspection: x:Key is allowed for resources and dictionary elements only
resharper_xaml_xaml_duplicate_device_family_type_view_highlighting_highlighting Code Inspection: Duplicate device family view
resharper_xaml_xaml_mismatched_device_family_view_clr_name_highlighting_highlighting Code Inspection: DeveiceFamily-specific view type name does not match generic type name
resharper_xaml_xaml_relative_source_default_mode_warning_highlighting_highlighting Code Inspection: RelativeSourceMode is not set explicitly
resharper_xaml_xaml_unknown_device_family_type_highlighting_highlighting Code Inspection: Unknown DeviceFamily
resharper_xml_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (XML)
resharper_xml_attribute_indent Inside of Tag Header - Attributes indenting (XML)
resharper_xml_attribute_style Inside of Tag Header - Attributes format (XML)
resharper_xml_blank_line_after_pi Processing Instructions - Blank line after processing instructions (XML)
resharper_xml_doc_comment_syntax_problem_highlighting Code Inspection: Illegal syntax in XML code comment
resharper_xml_indent_child_elements Tag Content - Indent inside element that doesn't contain text (XML)
resharper_xml_indent_text Tag Content - Indent inside element that contain text (XML)
resharper_xml_keep_user_linebreaks Tag Content - Keep existing line breaks (XML)
resharper_xml_linebreak_before_multiline_elements Around Tags - Place multiline elements on new line (XML)
resharper_xml_linebreak_before_singleline_elements Around Tags - Place singleline elements on new line (XML)
resharper_xml_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_longer_than Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag when element is longer than (XML)
resharper_xml_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_with_child_elements Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in elements that contain other elements and no text (XML)
resharper_xml_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_multiline_elements Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in multiline elements (XML)
resharper_xml_max_blank_lines_between_tags Around Tags - Maximum blank lines between tags (XML)
resharper_xml_pi_attribute_style Processing Instructions - Attributes format (XML)
resharper_xml_pi_attributes_indent Processing Instructions - Attributes indenting (XML)
resharper_xml_space_after_last_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Space after last attribute (XML)
resharper_xml_space_after_last_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Space after last attribute (XML)
resharper_xml_space_before_self_closing Inside of Tag Header - Space before '/>' (XML)
resharper_xml_spaces_around_eq_in_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Spaces around '=' in attribute (XML)
resharper_xml_spaces_around_eq_in_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Spaces around '=' in attribute (XML)
resharper_xml_spaces_inside_tags Tag Content - Spaces after start-tag and before end-tag otherwise (XML)
resharper_xml_wrap_around_elements Tag Content - Wrap before and after elements (XML)
resharper_xml_wrap_tags_and_pi Line Wrapping - Wrap tags and processing instructions (XML)
resharper_xml_wrap_text Tag Content - Wrap inside text (XML)
resharper_xmldoc_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_attribute_indent Inside of Tag Header - Attributes indenting (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_attribute_style Inside of Tag Header - Attributes format (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_blank_line_after_pi Processing Instructions - Blank line after processing instructions (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_indent_child_elements Tag Content - Indent inside element that doesn't contain text (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_indent_text Tag Content - Indent inside element that contain text (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_keep_user_linebreaks Tag Content - Keep existing line breaks (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_linebreak_before_elements Around Tags - Place these elements on new line regardless (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_linebreak_before_multiline_elements Around Tags - Place multiline elements on new line (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_linebreak_before_singleline_elements Around Tags - Place singleline elements on new line (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_longer_than Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag when element is longer than (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_with_child_elements Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in elements that contain other elements and no text (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_multiline_elements Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in multiline elements (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_max_blank_lines_between_tags Around Tags - Maximum blank lines between tags (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_pi_attribute_style Processing Instructions - Attributes format (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_pi_attributes_indent Processing Instructions - Attributes indenting (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_space_after_last_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Space after last attribute (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_space_after_last_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Space after last attribute (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_space_before_self_closing Inside of Tag Header - Space before '/>' (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_spaces_around_eq_in_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Spaces around '=' in attribute (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_spaces_around_eq_in_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Spaces around '=' in attribute (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_spaces_inside_tags Tag Content - Spaces after start-tag and before end-tag otherwise (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_wrap_around_elements Tag Content - Wrap before and after elements (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_wrap_tags_and_pi Line Wrapping - Wrap tags and processing instructions (XMLDOC)
resharper_xmldoc_wrap_text Tag Content - Wrap inside text (XMLDOC)
selector_style Code Layout - Selector (Css)
simple_embedded_statement_style Place on New Line - Break line in single embedded statement, available for:, JavaScript
single_statement_function_style Line Breaks - Single-statement function (JavaScript)
sort_attributes Inside of Tag Header - Sort attributes (HTML)
sort_class_selectors Inside of Tag Header - Sort class selectors (HTML)
space_after_ampersand_op After Unary Operators - Unsafe addressof operator (&) (C#)
space_after_arrow Lambdas - After '=>' in lambda expressions (JavaScript)
space_after_asterik_op After Unary Operators - Unsafe asterisk operator (*) (C#)
space_after_attribute_colon Around Colon - After other colons (C#)
space_after_attribute_target_colon Attributes - After attribute target colon (VB.NET)
space_after_attributes Attributes - After attributes (C#)
space_after_cast Other - After type cast parentheses, available for: C#
space_after_colon Around Colon - After other colons (C#)
space_after_colon_in_case Around Colon - After colon in "case" statement, available for: C#
space_after_colon_in_inheritance_clause Around Colon - After base types list colon, available for: C#
space_after_colon_in_type_annotation Type Annotations - After ':' (TypeScript)
space_after_comma Space after comma (generalized)
space_after_function_comma Function - After comma (Css)
space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements Space before parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
space_after_last_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Space after last attribute, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
space_after_last_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Space after last attribute, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
space_after_logical_not_op After Unary Operators - Logical not operator (!) (C#)
space_after_media_colon Media Query - After colon (Css)
space_after_media_comma Media Query - After comma (Css)
space_after_operator_keyword Other - After operator keyword (C#)
space_after_property_colon Property - After colon, available for: Css, JavaScript
space_after_property_semicolon Property - After semicolon (Css)
space_after_selector_comma Selector - After comma (Css)
space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement Around Comma and Semicolon - After "for" semicolon, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_after_separator Expression - After separator (Css)
space_after_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator - After ':', available for: C#, JavaScript
space_after_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator - After '?', available for: C#, JavaScript
space_after_type_parameter_constraint_colon Around Colon - After type parameter constraint colon (C#)
space_after_unary_minus_op After Unary Operators - Unary minus operator (-) (C#)
space_after_unary_operator (generalized)
space_after_unary_plus_op After Unary Operators - Unary plus operator (+) (C#)
space_around_additive_op Around Binary Operators - Additive operators (+,-), available for: C#, VB.NET
space_around_alias_eq Other - Around '=' in namespace alias directive, available for: C#
space_around_arrow_op Around Binary Operators - Unsafe arrow operator (->) (C#)
space_around_assignment_op Around Binary Operators - Assignment operators (=,+=,...), available for: C#, VB.NET
space_around_assignment_operator In Expressions - Around assignment operator, available for:, JavaScript
space_around_attribute_match_operator Attribute Selector - Around match operator (Css)
space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
space_around_bitwise_op Around Binary Operators - Bitwise operators (&,|,^) (C#)
space_around_dot Other - Around dot, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
space_around_equality_op Around Binary Operators - Equality operators (==,!=) (C#)
space_around_lambda_arrow Other - Around lambda arrow (C#)
space_around_logical_op Around Binary Operators - Logical operators (&&,||) (C#)
space_around_member_access_operator Space around member access operators (., ->, ...) (generalized)
space_around_multiplicative_op Around Binary Operators - Multiplicative operators (*,/,%), available for: C#, VB.NET
space_around_nullcoalescing_op Around Binary Operators - Null coalescing operator (??) (C#)
space_around_operator Expression - Around operator (Css)
space_around_pipe_or_amper_in_type_usage Union and Intersection Types - Around '|' or '&' in type usage (TypeScript)
space_around_relational_op Around Binary Operators - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=), available for: C#, VB.NET
space_around_selector_operator Selector - Around operator (Css)
space_around_shift_op Around Binary Operators - Shift operators (<<,>>), available for: C#, VB.NET
space_around_stmt_colon Other - Around statement ':' (VB.NET)
space_around_ternary_operator (generalized)
space_before_array_access_brackets Around Array Brackets - Array access brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_before_array_rank_brackets Around Array Brackets - Before array rank brackets (C#)
space_before_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Before array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
space_before_arrow Lambdas - Before '=>' (JavaScript)
space_before_attribute_colon Around Colon - Before other colons (C#)
space_before_attribute_target_colon Attributes - Before attribute target colon (VB.NET)
space_before_catch_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "catch" parentheses (C#)
space_before_checked_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "checked" and "unchecked" parentheses (C#)
space_before_colon Around Colon - Before other colons (C#)
space_before_colon_in_case Around Colon - Before colon in "case" statement, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_before_colon_in_inheritance_clause Around Colon - Before base types list colon, available for: C#
space_before_colon_in_type_annotation Type Annotations - Before ':' (TypeScript)
space_before_comma Space before comma (generalized)
space_before_default_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
space_before_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_before_empty_method_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses, available for: C#, VB.NET
space_before_fixed_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
space_before_for_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "for" parentheses (C#)
space_before_foreach_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
space_before_function_comma Function - Before comma (Css)
space_before_if_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "if" parentheses (C#)
space_before_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
space_before_label_colon Other - Before ':' in label (VB.NET)
space_before_lock_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "lock" parentheses (C#)
space_before_media_colon Media Query - Before colon (Css)
space_before_media_comma Media Query - Before comma (Css)
space_before_method_call_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method call parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_before_method_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
space_before_method_parentheses_anonymous In Function Declarations - Before parentheses of anonymous method (JavaScript)
space_before_nameof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
space_before_nullable_mark Other - Before nullable mark (C#)
space_before_open_square_brackets Space before brackets (generalized)
space_before_pointer_asterik_declaration Other - Before unsafe pointer declaration (C#)
space_before_property_colon Property - Before colon, available for: Css, JavaScript
space_before_property_semicolon Property - Before semicolon (Css)
space_before_selector_comma Selector - Before comma (Css)
space_before_self_closing Inside of Tag Header - Space before '/>', available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
space_before_semicolon Around Comma and Semicolon - Before semicolon, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement Around Comma and Semicolon - Before "for" semicolon, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_before_separator Expression - Before separator (Css)
space_before_singleline_accessorholder Around Braces - Before single line accessors block (C#)
space_before_sizeof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
space_before_switch_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "switch" parentheses (C#)
space_before_ternary_colon In Ternary Operator - Before ':', available for: C#, JavaScript
space_before_ternary_quest In Ternary Operator - Before '?', available for: C#, JavaScript
space_before_trailing_comment Other - Before end of line comment, available for: C#
space_before_type_argument_angle Around Angle Brackets - Before type argument list angle (C#)
space_before_type_parameter_angle Around Angle Brackets - Before type parameter list angle (C#)
space_before_type_parameter_constraint_colon Around Colon - Before type parameter constraint colon (C#)
space_before_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
space_before_type_parameters_brackets Type Parameters and Arguments - Before brackets (TypeScript)
space_before_typeof_parentheses Before Other Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
space_before_using_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "using" parentheses (C#)
space_before_while_parentheses Before Parentheses in Statements - "while" parentheses (C#)
space_between_accessors_in_singleline_property Around Braces - Between accessors in single line property/event (C#)
space_between_attribute_sections Attributes - Between attribute sections (C#)
space_between_empty_square_brackets Around Array Brackets - Within array rank empty brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_between_keyword_and_expression Before Other Parentheses - Between keyword and expression (C#)
space_between_keyword_and_type Before Other Parentheses - Between keyword and type (C#)
space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Method call empty parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis Space before method call parenthesis (generalized)
space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Method call parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Method declaration empty parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis Space before method declaration parenthesis (generalized)
space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Method declaration parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements Space within parenthesis of control flow statements (generalized)
space_between_square_brackets Space within brackets (generalized)
space_between_typecast_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Type cast parentheses, available for: C#
space_colon_after Spaces - After: in aggregate options (Protobuf)
space_colon_before Spaces - Before: in aggregate options (Protobuf)
space_comma Spaces - After comma in options (Protobuf)
space_equals Spaces - Around = in fields and options (Protobuf)
space_in_singleline_accessorholder Around Braces - Within single line accessor (C#)
space_in_singleline_anonymous_method Around Braces - Within single line anonymous method (C#)
space_in_singleline_method Around Braces - Within single line method (C#)
space_near_postfix_and_prefix_op After Unary Operators - Before/after ++ and -- (C#)
space_within_array_access_brackets Around Array Brackets - Array access brackets, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_within_array_initialization_braces Arrays - Within array initialization braces (VB.NET)
space_within_array_literal_brackets In Array Literals - Within brackets (JavaScript)
space_within_array_rank_brackets Around Array Brackets - Within array rank brackets (C#)
space_within_array_rank_empty_brackets Around Array Brackets - Within array rank empty brackets (C#)
space_within_array_rank_empty_parentheses Arrays - Within empty array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Within array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_attribute_angles Attributes - Within attribute angles (VB.NET)
space_within_attribute_brackets Attributes - Within attribute brackets (C#)
space_within_attribute_match_brackets Attribute Selector - Within brackets (Css)
space_within_catch_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "catch" parentheses (C#)
space_within_checked_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "checked" and "unchecked" parentheses (C#)
space_within_default_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "default" parentheses (C#)
space_within_empty_array_literal_brackets In Array Literals - Within empty brackets (JavaScript)
space_within_empty_braces Around Braces - Space between empty braces (C#)
space_within_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_empty_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_empty_object_literal_braces In Object Expression - Within empty braces (JavaScript)
space_within_expression_parentheses Expression - Within parentheses, available for: Css, VB.NET
space_within_fixed_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "fixed" parentheses (C#)
space_within_for_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "for" parentheses (C#)
space_within_foreach_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "foreach" parentheses (C#)
space_within_function_parentheses Function - Within parentheses (Css)
space_within_if_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "if" parentheses (C#)
space_within_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_lock_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "lock" parentheses (C#)
space_within_media_block Media Query - Within block (Css)
space_within_media_parentheses Media Query - Within parentheses (Css)
space_within_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_nameof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "nameof" parentheses (C#)
space_within_object_literal_braces In Object Expression - Within braces (JavaScript)
space_within_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - Parentheses, available for: C#, JavaScript
space_within_property_block Property - Within block (Css)
space_within_single_line_array_initializer_braces Around Braces - Within single-line initializer braces (C#)
space_within_sizeof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "sizeof" parentheses (C#)
space_within_switch_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "switch" parentheses (C#)
space_within_template_argument Template Literals - Within braces around template argument (JavaScript)
space_within_tuple_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within tuple parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_type_argument_angles Around Angle Brackets - Type argument angles (C#)
space_within_type_parameter_angles Around Angle Brackets - Type parameter angles (C#)
space_within_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
space_within_type_parameters_brackets Type Parameters and Arguments - Within brackets (TypeScript)
space_within_typeof_parentheses Within Other Parentheses - "typeof" parentheses (C#)
space_within_using_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "using" parentheses (C#)
space_within_while_parentheses Within Parentheses in Statements - "while" parentheses (C#)
spaces_around_eq_in_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Spaces around '=' in attribute, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
spaces_around_eq_in_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Spaces around '=' in attribute, available for: HTML, XML, XMLDOC
spaces_inside_tags Tag Content - Spaces after start-tag and before end-tag otherwise, available for: XML, XMLDOC
special_else_if_treatment General - Special "else if" treatment, available for: C#, JavaScript
static_members_qualify_members Static Members Qualification - Members to qualify (C#)
static_members_qualify_with Static Members Qualification - Qualify with the name of (C#)
stick_comment Other Indents - Don't indent comments started at first column, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
tab_width General - Tab width, available for: C#, Css, HTML, JavaScript, Protobuf, VB.NET, XML, XMLDOC
termination_style Statements - Defines how statements are terminated (JavaScript)
type_declaration_braces Braces Layout - Type and namespace declaration, available for: C#
types_braces Braces Layout - Types and modules (TypeScript)
use_continuous_indent_inside_parens Parenthesis - Use continuous line indent inside parenthesis (C#)
use_heuristics_for_body_style Code Body - Apply style heuristics (C#)
vb_align_multiline_argument Align Multiline Constructs - Invocation arguments (VB.NET)
vb_align_multiline_array_initializer Align Multiline Constructs - Array initializer (VB.NET)
vb_align_multiline_expression Align Multiline Constructs - Expression (VB.NET)
vb_align_multiline_implements_list Align Multiline Constructs - Implements/handles list (VB.NET)
vb_align_multiline_parameter Align Multiline Constructs - Method parameters (VB.NET)
vb_align_multiple_declaration Align Multiline Constructs - Multiple declaration list (VB.NET)
vb_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_after_imports Blank Lines - After imports section (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_after_options Blank Lines - After file options section (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_field Blank Lines - Around multiline field (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_global_attribute Blank Lines - After global attribute (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_invocable Blank Lines - Around multiline method (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_namespace Blank Lines - Around namespace (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_region Blank Lines - Around region (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_single_line_field Blank Lines - Around single line field (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable Blank Lines - Around single line method (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_around_type Blank Lines - Around type (VB.NET)
vb_blank_lines_inside_region Blank Lines - Inside region (VB.NET)
vb_indent_case_from_select Other - Indent "case" from "select" (VB.NET)
vb_indent_size Tabs and Indents - Indent size (VB.NET)
vb_indent_style Tabs and Indents - Indent style (VB.NET)
vb_keep_blank_lines_in_code Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in code (VB.NET)
vb_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep max blank lines in declarations (VB.NET)
vb_keep_user_linebreaks Preserve Existing Formatting - Keep existing line breaks (VB.NET)
vb_max_line_length Line Wrapping - Right margin (columns) (VB.NET)
vb_place_event_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place event attribute on same line (VB.NET)
vb_place_field_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place field attribute on same line (VB.NET)
vb_place_method_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place method attribute on same line (VB.NET)
vb_place_property_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place property attribute on same line (VB.NET)
vb_place_type_attribute_on_same_line Attributes - Place type attribute on same line (VB.NET)
vb_space_after_attribute_target_colon Attributes - After attribute target colon (VB.NET)
vb_space_after_comma Other - After ',' (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_additive_op Around Operations - Additive operators (+,-) (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_assignment_op Around Operations - Assignment operators (=,+=,...) (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_binary_operator Space around binary operators (+, ||, =, ...) (generalized)
vb_space_around_dot Other - Around '.' (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_member_access_operator Other - Around '.' (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_multiplicative_op Around Operations - Multiplicative operators (*,/,...) (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_relational_op Around Operations - Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=) (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_shift_op Around Operations - Shift operators (<<,>>) (VB.NET)
vb_space_around_stmt_colon Other - Around statement ':' (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Before array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_attribute_target_colon Attributes - Before attribute target colon (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_comma Other - Before ',' (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_empty_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_label_colon Other - Before ':' in label (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_before_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Before type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_array_initialization_braces Arrays - Within array initialization braces (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_array_rank_empty_parentheses Arrays - Within empty array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_array_rank_parentheses Arrays - Within array rank parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_attribute_angles Attributes - Within attribute angles (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_empty_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within empty invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_empty_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within empty method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_expression_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within expression parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_invocation_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within invocation parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_method_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within method declaration parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_tuple_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within tuple parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_space_within_type_parameter_parentheses Nearby Parentheses - Within type parameter parentheses (VB.NET)
vb_stick_comment Other - Don't indent comments started at first column (VB.NET)
vb_tab_width Tabs and Indents - Tab width (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_arguments_style Line Wrapping - Wrap invocation arguments (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_before_binary_opsign Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_before_declaration_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in method declaration (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_before_invocation_lpar Line Wrapping - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_extends_list_style Line Wrapping - Wrap extends/implements/handles list (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_multiple_declaration_style Line Wrapping - Wrap multiple declarations list (VB.NET)
vb_wrap_parameters_style Line Wrapping - Wrap formal parameters (VB.NET)
wrap_after_declaration_lpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap after "(" in declaration, available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_after_dot_in_method_calls Arrangement of Member Access Expressions - Prefer wrap after "." (C#)
wrap_after_invocation_lpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap after "(" in invocation, available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_arguments_style Arrangement of Invocations - Wrap invocation arguments, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_around_elements Tag Content - Wrap before and after elements, available for: XML, XMLDOC
wrap_array_initializer_style Arrangement of Initializers - Wrap array initializer (C#)
wrap_array_literals Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap array literals (JavaScript)
wrap_before_arrow_with_expressions Arrangement of Expression Bodied Members - Prefer wrap before "=>" followed by expressions (C#)
wrap_before_binary_opsign Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_before_comma General - Prefer wrap before ",", available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_before_declaration_lpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap before "(" in declaration, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_before_declaration_rpar Arrangement of Method Signatures - Prefer wrap before ")" in declaration (C#)
wrap_before_dot Wrapping and Chopping - Prefer wrap before "." (JavaScript)
wrap_before_extends_colon Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before ":" (C#)
wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before first constraint (C#)
wrap_before_invocation_lpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap before "(" in invocation, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_before_invocation_rpar Arrangement of Invocations - Prefer wrap before ")" in invocation (C#)
wrap_before_linq_expression Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Prefer wrap before multiline LINQ expressions (C#)
wrap_before_ternary_opsigns Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Prefer wrap before "?" and ":" in ternary expressions, available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_before_type_parameter_langle Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Prefer wrap before type parameters opening angle (C#)
wrap_chained_binary_expressions Arrangement of Binary Expressions - Wrap chained binary expressions, available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_chained_method_calls Arrangement of Member Access Expressions - Wrap chained method calls, available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_enum_style Line Breaks - Enumerations (TypeScript)
wrap_extends_list_style Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Wrap extends/implements list, available for: C#, VB.NET
wrap_for_stmt_header_style Arrangement of Statements - Wrap "for" statement header, available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_linq_expressions Arrangement of LINQ Expressions - Wrap LINQ expressions (C#)
wrap_multiple_declaration_style Arrangement of Statements - Wrap multiple declaration, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_multiple_type_parameter_constraints_style Arrangement of Type Parameters, Constraints and Base Types - Wrap multiple type parameter constraints (C#)
wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style Arrangement of Initializers - Wrap object and collection initializer (C#)
wrap_object_literals Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap object literals (JavaScript)
wrap_parameters_style Arrangement of Method Signatures - Wrap formal parameters, available for: C#, JavaScript, VB.NET
wrap_tags_and_pi Line Wrapping - Wrap tags and processing instructions, available for: XML, XMLDOC
wrap_ternary_expr_style Arrangement of Ternary Expressions - Wrap ternary expression, available for: C#, JavaScript
wrap_text Tag Content - Wrap inside text, available for: XML, XMLDOC
wrap_union_type_usage Wrapping and Chopping - Wrap union type usage (TypeScript)
xml_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (XML)
xml_attribute_indent Inside of Tag Header - Attributes indenting (XML)
xml_attribute_style Inside of Tag Header - Attributes format (XML)
xml_blank_line_after_pi Processing Instructions - Blank line after processing instructions (XML)
xml_indent_child_elements Tag Content - Indent inside element that doesn't contain text (XML)
xml_indent_size Tabs and Indents - Indent size (XML)
xml_indent_style Tabs and Indents - Indent style (XML)
xml_indent_text Tag Content - Indent inside element that contain text (XML)
xml_insert_final_newline Other - Line feed at end of file (XML)
xml_keep_user_linebreaks Tag Content - Keep existing line breaks (XML)
xml_linebreak_before_multiline_elements Around Tags - Place multiline elements on new line (XML)
xml_linebreak_before_singleline_elements Around Tags - Place singleline elements on new line (XML)
xml_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_longer_than Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag when element is longer than (XML)
xml_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_with_child_elements Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in elements that contain other elements and no text (XML)
xml_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_multiline_elements Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in multiline elements (XML)
xml_max_blank_lines_between_tags Around Tags - Maximum blank lines between tags (XML)
xml_max_line_length Line Wrapping - Right margin (columns) (XML)
xml_pi_attribute_style Processing Instructions - Attributes format (XML)
xml_pi_attributes_indent Processing Instructions - Attributes indenting (XML)
xml_space_after_last_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Space after last attribute (XML)
xml_space_after_last_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Space after last attribute (XML)
xml_space_before_self_closing Inside of Tag Header - Space before '/>' (XML)
xml_spaces_around_eq_in_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Spaces around '=' in attribute (XML)
xml_spaces_around_eq_in_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Spaces around '=' in attribute (XML)
xml_spaces_inside_tags Tag Content - Spaces after start-tag and before end-tag otherwise (XML)
xml_tab_width Tabs and Indents - Tab width (XML)
xml_wrap_around_elements Tag Content - Wrap before and after elements (XML)
xml_wrap_tags_and_pi Line Wrapping - Wrap tags and processing instructions (XML)
xml_wrap_text Tag Content - Wrap inside text (XML)
xmldoc_alignment_tab_fill_style Tabs and Indents - How to align when tabs are used for indents (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_attribute_indent Inside of Tag Header - Attributes indenting (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_attribute_style Inside of Tag Header - Attributes format (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_blank_line_after_pi Processing Instructions - Blank line after processing instructions (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_indent_child_elements Tag Content - Indent inside element that doesn't contain text (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_indent_size Tabs and Indents - Indent size (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_indent_style Tabs and Indents - Indent style (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_indent_text Tag Content - Indent inside element that contain text (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_keep_user_linebreaks Tag Content - Keep existing line breaks (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_linebreak_before_elements Around Tags - Place these elements on new line regardless (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_linebreak_before_multiline_elements Around Tags - Place multiline elements on new line (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_linebreak_before_singleline_elements Around Tags - Place singleline elements on new line (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_longer_than Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag when element is longer than (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_with_child_elements Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in elements that contain other elements and no text (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_multiline_elements Tag Content - Line breaks after start-tag and before end-tag in multiline elements (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_max_blank_lines_between_tags Around Tags - Maximum blank lines between tags (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_max_line_length Line Wrapping - Right margin (columns) (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_pi_attribute_style Processing Instructions - Attributes format (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_pi_attributes_indent Processing Instructions - Attributes indenting (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_space_after_last_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Space after last attribute (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_space_after_last_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Space after last attribute (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_space_before_self_closing Inside of Tag Header - Space before '/>' (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_spaces_around_eq_in_attribute Inside of Tag Header - Spaces around '=' in attribute (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_spaces_around_eq_in_pi_attribute Processing Instructions - Spaces around '=' in attribute (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_spaces_inside_tags Tag Content - Spaces after start-tag and before end-tag otherwise (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_tab_width Tabs and Indents - Tab width (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_wrap_around_elements Tag Content - Wrap before and after elements (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_wrap_tags_and_pi Line Wrapping - Wrap tags and processing instructions (XMLDOC)
xmldoc_wrap_text Tag Content - Wrap inside text (XMLDOC)
Last modified: 20 August 2018